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Experiment What age group of foids do you think has the best or most attractive personality?

What age group of foids has the best/most attractive personality?

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Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
I know that most people here find teen girls the most physically attractive

what age group of foids do you think has the best or most attractive personality?

I’m NOT foid worshipping I’m saying that yes all foids have a shitty personality regardless of age but which age group of foid, if you had a girlfriend, do you think you’d connect to the most
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none, foids are a hivemind

if one hates you then all of them do
Their 'personalities' are shit at every age tbh
They are just cartboard copies of each other
they're all the same mentally until about 50
Yes they al suck regardless of age but which would you say is the most desirable if you had to pick the age of your girlfriend
Not a pedo but puberty destroys foids' personalities and turns them into hypergamous cunts who think they are better than everyone else while at the same time being desperate for validation from their subhuman beta orbiters.

Female children are more likely to leave a smile on my face after I interact with them than grown foids.
Teens have the worst personalities hands down. They need to get disciplined by my D.

Grandmas have the best personalities because they know no one wants to put their dicks on them, so they kinda have to be nice to overcompensate and get the attention they need as females.
AWALT. All of their "personalities" are shit
Grandmas have the best personalities because they know no one wants to put their dicks on them, so they kinda have to be nice to overcompensate and get the attention they need as females.
They start shaming men with 'Real men date their own age' etc though, annoys the shit out of me
Dunno tbh. They all have their advantages and disadvantages, like a 14 year old girl would be more inexperienced and willing to try new things, but would be immature and annoying. Older than 25 and she's probably lost all of her "energy" and excitement. "Been there, done that" and also probably has baggage of one kind or another, though I guess she'd actually be an adult for the right reasons and as such could probably look after herself.

It'd probably be a better idea to base it off of generation, but idk

I wish I could gaymaxx.
Sometimes i also wish i could be gay , but i cant do it , cause im not a mentally ill degenerate .

Grandmas have the best personalities because they know no one wants to put their dicks on them, so they kinda have to be nice to overcompensate and get the attention they need as females.

i noticed that old women are either nice little old ladies or extremely repulsive old hags who spout the blackpill right in your face , cause they have nothing to lose anymore and dont need to pretend to be nice .
I prefer the old hags tbh , cause they tell the truth .
Grandmas have the best personalities because they know no one wants to put their dicks on them, so they kinda have to be nice to overcompensate and get the attention they need as females.
But also
AWALT. All of their "personalities" are shit
Exactly, all of them are garbage human beings and extremist lookists, some are just more tolerable than others, honestly.
They start shaming men with 'Real men date their own age' etc though, annoys the shit out of me
I see that behavior more in middle aged foids. When they're like 70 they don't care about any of that shit anymore.
I see that behavior more in middle aged foids. When they're like 70 they don't care about any of that shit anymore.
Most of the people whining about age gaps on Twitter are foids ages 20-24
14-15 year old girls have the best personality.
Option not on the poll
Not a pedo but puberty destroys foids' personalities and turns them into hypergamous cunts who think they are better than everyone else while at the same time being desperate for validation from their subhuman beta orbiters.

Female children are more likely to leave a smile on my face after I interact with them than grown foids.

jerryboyo said it best.
Girls under 25 are just whores, women older that that tend to be a little kinder but just because they're looking for betacucks
Holes of all ages have shit personalities and are mentally retarded.
Imo women that are about 40 or 50 are more mellowed out, less bitchy, and more understanding than their younger counterparts, but i still hate all women though.
Is it weird I don't want a girl with any personality at all so she's less of a slut and way easier to talk to?
In terms of personality, teens and grandmas are two sides of the same coin —- both are ages when they’re at their nicest. The former due to naïveté, and the latter because they know that niceness is all they have to offer.

FYI foids between 18-40 are at their utmost bitchiest, after 40 gradually getting nicer as they hag more and more
Well my old crush was 19 and had a great personality. I loved it, but she blocked me and changed her number so I guess it's not such a good personality after all.
Foids aren’t so annoying anymore when they’re elderly even if they are unattractive when elderly. Foids under 30 can be annoying
Roasties dont have personality
20-45 is the nadir of female personality. I'd say generally, their personalities are best when they're either very old or very young, since neither one has a horde of horny sycophant men bombarding her smartphone with sweet nothings, so they don't develop narcissism.
none, foids are a hivemind

if one hates you then all of them do
Fellow blackpilled Kroenencel
Also women's personality attractiveness wears off generally once they reach puberty. Their innocence goes away and the whore comes out
I would say 60~70. Yup, grannies. Grannies are the best.
Usually grandmothers and very young girls are the most respectful, there are plenty of bitches in these age ranges as well though
Good job pointing out the fakecel non-AWALT cuckold people here with this thread, OP!

Now, if you look to the left, you see all the people genuinely picking choices about which have the best personality, when infact, they're all decomposing chunks of baby shit!

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