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At what age do you think a foid "hits the wall?"

At what age do you think a woman "hits the wall?"

  • 20 (kill yourself)

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • 25

    Votes: 17 22.4%
  • 30

    Votes: 14 18.4%
  • 35

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • 40

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • 45

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • 50+

    Votes: 11 14.5%

  • Total voters


The tiny evil demon on your left shoulder
Apr 22, 2024
P.S.: I think "the wall" is a resentful cope. Even most beckies you guys consider "walled" still pull dick with little to no effort. They'll never have it as bad as we do. And even if they do after a certain age, they already had their fair share of guys that desired them and gave them gratification in every way possible. We never had that basic necessity, and most of us will never do.
P.S.: I think "the wall" is a resentful cope. Even most beckies you guys consider "walled" still pull dick with little to no effort. They'll never have it as bad as we do. And even if they do after a certain age, they already had their fair share of guys that desired them and gave them gratification in every way possible. We never had that basic necessity, and most of us will never do.
I agree that the wall in the sense that women somehow lose their sexual value doesn't exist, but after age 30, women need to start making serious choices in order to keep their lives just as good as when they were young.
The "Wall" Is just red pilled cope.
'Beating the wall', this term is not a reliable practice, it is a projection of a'sort' of revenge, when in fact, it's just resentful projection. I also believed in a "consequence" for the opposite, but no, it doesn't exist. It's always mgtows who use this as a confrontation.
'Beating the wall', this term is not a reliable practice, it is a projection of a'sort' of revenge, when in fact, it's just resentful projection. I also believed in a "consequence" for the opposite, but no, it doesn't exist. It's always mgtows who use this as a confrontation.
'Beating the wall', this term is not a reliable practice, it is a projection of a'sort' of revenge, when in fact, it's just resentful projection. I also believed in a "consequence" for the opposite, but no, it doesn't exist. It's always mgtows who use this as a confrontation.
MILFs is literally one of the most popular categories in porn.
80% of foids who were hot at 18 are not hot at 30. If that's not a wall, I don't know what is? I know this directly from my life because I'm 36 and I've seen foids on social media that I knew in high school - and keep in mind that the ones that got truly fat/ugly usually leave social media so it's already a biased sample.

The people picking 40, 45 and even 50 have no clue what they're talking about and are just imagining mid-hot cougars and think they're common.
80% of foids who were hot at 18 are not hot at 30. If that's not a wall, I don't know what is? I know this directly from my life because I'm 36 and I've seen foids on social media that I knew in high school - and keep in mind that the ones that got truly fat/ugly usually leave social media so it's already a biased sample.

The people picking 40, 45 and even 50 have no clue what they're talking about and are just imagining mid-hot cougars and think they're common.
If a woman is hot at 18, I don't see how she wouldn't be at 30 unless she gets fat or starts using ungodly amounts of makeup/bogging herself.
Foids become rotten hags at 20
Vast majority of them become much uglier around age of 25 and since they are partying it will happen even earlier (around 20-23)

That's roughly the age where I saw women on dating apps start getting big and less attractive.

"The Wall" is a silly construct, however. Women never really lose their value until their 50s, past the point they want nothing to do with men anyway.
There was a attraction journal I read which talked about how women in their 50's start seeing a decline
in potential suitors. The wall effectively starts around that age. This is when their 'primary' criteria starts
to become looser, as less men go for them.

Essentially an incel may have a better chance in their 50s due to appearance discrimination.
Why would you kill yourself if you voted 20?
Gigastacy 45
Stacy 35
Htb 24
Ltb 21
Of course with 25.
Essentially an incel may have a better chance in their 50s due to appearance discrimination.
Yes, but many women when they hit their 40s, they give up. So, the pool grows to more men than women once again.
The wall is a cope
the poll option he added SJW cuck rage to ("kill yourself") ends up winning

comedic, but not unexpected
80% of foids who were hot at 18 are not hot at 30. If that's not a wall, I don't know what is? I know this directly from my life because I'm 36 and I've seen foids on social media that I knew in high school - and keep in mind that the ones that got truly fat/ugly usually leave social media so it's already a biased sample.

The people picking 40, 45 and even 50 have no clue what they're talking about and are just imagining mid-hot cougars and think they're common.
no shit, some even got uglier by college because their faces changed in a weird way with bone growth that made them less feminine, if they were already lacking in femininity it was a serious blow. who ever got to fuck them in highschool was the lucky one, not the later ones and especially not the cuck husband who cleaned up everyone else's trash at the end.
I think that the wall is slowly disappearing. They're no longer shamed for being single for long and for hypergamy, so they're not trying to settle down
most women have high bodycounts by the age of 20yo, consume processed junkFood,
drink excessively, glued to their phones and barely workout (except for training their A$$ muscles in the gym).
Well most seem to let themselves get fat by their mid-20s. If a Becky stays slim she could have objectively high SMV into her 30s but these cases aren't commonplace. Slim Stacies may have objectively high SMV into their 40s.
If a woman is hot at 18, I don't see how she wouldn't be at 30 unless she gets fat or starts using ungodly amounts of makeup/bogging herself.
bluepilled :bluepill: GrAY
If a woman is hot at 18, I don't see how she wouldn't be at 30 unless she gets fat or starts using ungodly amounts of makeup/bogging herself.
Yes, 99% of them gained weight. Most of them didn't gain enough to "get fat" as you say - but enough to change their face - especially near eyes, jaw, neck). This is normal as metabolism goes down and life stress goes up. Add to that new wrinkles, worse skin, looser skin under the eyes, and jowls start to form on the corner of their mouth.

Then on top of that, there are some that actually gain enough weight to become overweight (remember about 15% of highschoolers are overweight vs. 35% of adults), indulge in bad habits (smoking, junk foid, alcohol, drugs) and that adds to it significantly.

Ask any 30-something women to show you her high-school photos and 99% of the time she was significantly hotter. It's not even a question.
Yes, 99% of them gained weight. Most of them didn't gain enough to "get fat" as you say - but enough to change their face - especially near eyes, jaw, neck). This is normal as metabolism goes down and life stress goes up. Add to that new wrinkles, worse skin, looser skin under the eyes, and jowls start to form on the corner of their mouth.

Then on top of that, there are some that actually gain enough weight to become overweight (remember about 15% of highschoolers are overweight vs. 35% of adults), indulge in bad habits (smoking, junk foid, alcohol, drugs) and that adds to it significantly.

Ask any 30-something women to show you her high-school photos and 99% of the time she was significantly hotter. It's not even a question.
I see. I guess it boils down to a matter of taste. I personally don't mind some wrinkles and poor skin as you describe.
no shit, some even got uglier by college because their faces changed in a weird way with bone growth that made them less feminine, if they were already lacking in femininity it was a serious blow. who ever got to fuck them in highschool was the lucky one, not the later ones and especially not the cuck husband who cleaned up everyone else's trash at the end.
Yeah this too. The overall craniofacial skeleton has a tendency to enlarge after childhood while simultaneously specific parts of the bone resorb - that why for example, much few people over 25 have high cheekbones vs. under 25. Also part of the reason for crows feet as bone near the eye is resorbed and jowels as bone near the jaw is resorbed.

It's not that you just put wrinkles on an 18 year-old to make her look 30s - the face is different internally. Hollywood costume and makeup artists probably understand this on a deep level.
Maybe like 65+

There are guys out there who are willing to date a old woman.

Now she may not get all the chads ofc but she can still get boyfriends tho
80% of foids who were hot at 18 are not hot at 30. If that's not a wall, I don't know what is? I know this directly from my life because I'm 36 and I've seen foids on social media that I knew in high school - and keep in mind that the ones that got truly fat/ugly usually leave social media so it's already a biased sample.

The people picking 40, 45 and even 50 have no clue what they're talking about and are just imagining mid-hot cougars and think they're common.
The problem you're seeing here are the Retards who want to argue that there is no wall, that foids still get what they want because they're comparing their situation to ours.

The reality is that foids do experience a wall, and their youth most certainly has an expiration date when it comes to locking down the men they find mildly attractive.
it depends on genetics and how much she took care of herself. My former coworker was 27 but looked like 19-20 but ive seen women my age (23) look like well over 30.
The problem you're seeing here are the Retards who want to argue that there is no wall, that foids still get what they want because they're comparing their situation to ours.

The reality is that foids do experience a wall, and their youth most certainly has an expiration date when it comes to locking down the men they find mildly attractive.
Yeah, I think people just have different definitions of the wall.

The wall isn't "when an incel won't fuck her anymore". Like you said, it's when she's no longer attractive to the men she wants/has a hard time getting the men she wants.

There's a reason why there are specific r/datingoverthirty and r/datingoverforty subs on reddit. The former is slight majority women while the latter is like 90% women.
Yeah, I think people just have different definitions of the wall.

The wall isn't "when an incel won't fuck her anymore". Like you said, it's when she's no longer attractive to the men she wants/has a hard time getting the men she wants.

There's a reason why there are specific r/datingoverthirty and r/datingoverforty subs on reddit. The former is slight majority women while the latter is like 90% women.
Yes, it's more that women's value gradually decreases over time.

But as an older man myself, I find nothing hotter than a woman my age who stays in shape. I'd honestly take them over your average annoying college cunt. Those women are rare, though. Most women my age are fat hideous blobs.
Yes, it's more that women's value gradually decreases over time.

But as an older man myself, I find nothing hotter than a woman my age who stays in shape. I'd honestly take them over your average annoying college cunt. Those women are rare, though. Most women my age are fat hideous blobs.
Ironically, the older foids who stay in shape have the most retarded list of standards you can put together.

It's simply easier for a 35+ yr old established man to go after a naive 20 yr old foid that can easily be impressed instead of dealing with that sort of mental nutcase that squandered her youth trying to tie down chad/tyrone
varies, but in general id say 35
not allowed to sexualize muh minors so i wont comment on this
Yeah, I think people just have different definitions of the wall.

The wall isn't "when an incel won't fuck her anymore". Like you said, it's when she's no longer attractive to the men she wants/has a hard time getting the men she wants.

There's a reason why there are specific r/datingoverthirty and r/datingoverforty subs on reddit. The former is slight majority women while the latter is like 90% women.
Stories from your head verbally expressed by a schizophrenic like you.

Nobody here is conceptualizing the word "beating the wall" as an expression of, "the incels no longer want to deal with you," this is inconsistent in itself, because the issue does not involve incelism, it involves a confrontation of the opposite being projected. I mean, the incelism in denial here is you...

While the loss and fall of genetics, it's obvious that this happens to everybody, but, that doesn't change the factor of what is composed in the practice of reality, women still get a lot... this does not change anything, they're just placed on a post below their first, with a few fewer functions, but always ahead of the beta, so this doesn't involve the "I don't want more" beta, it involves your projection in trying to put them on a lower shelf yet, when that's not true.

And society is made of stereotypes being implemented for every phase of the collective that such a "human being" is, that's undeniable, because everything is a hierarchy, absolutely everything. Women are always accepted by the collective, because the collectives are them, they define "masculinity", because in essence the "man" does not exist, and since they have a great power in this space, most of the ideologies that are followed in society are superficial thoughts that come from some woman, the definition of work to "arrange a girlfriend and bank him", all they do is appeal to the bodily instinct of men, and that assimilate this manipulation to "maleness".

The economy itself is a market, it sustains, but above all it exploits, always....it is men competing with others, and all this for the one in front to have the highest status, to coordinate certain types of behaviour so that it can be accepted in a "superior" way and not be attacked by the strategy itself.

Stories from your head verbally expressed by a schizophrenic like you.

Nobody here is conceptualizing the word "beating the wall" as an expression of, "the incels no longer want to deal with you," this is inconsistent in itself, because the issue does not involve incelism, it involves a confrontation of the opposite being projected. I mean, the incelism in denial here is you...

While the loss and fall of genetics, it's obvious that this happens to everybody, but, that doesn't change the factor of what is composed in the practice of reality, women still get a lot... this does not change anything, they're just placed on a post below their first, with a few fewer functions, but always ahead of the beta, so this doesn't involve the "I don't want more" beta, it involves your projection in trying to put them on a lower shelf yet, when that's not true.

And society is made of stereotypes being implemented for every phase of the collective that such a "human being" is, that's undeniable, because everything is a hierarchy, absolutely everything. Women are always accepted by the collective, because the collectives are them, they define "masculinity", because in essence the "man" does not exist, and since they have a great power in this space, most of the ideologies that are followed in society are superficial thoughts that come from some woman, the definition of work to "arrange a girlfriend and bank him", all they do is appeal to the bodily instinct of men, and that assimilate this manipulation to "maleness".

The economy itself is a market, it sustains, but above all it exploits, always....it is men competing with others, and all this for the one in front to have the highest status, to coordinate certain types of behaviour so that it can be accepted in a "superior" way and not be attacked by the strategy itself.

:feelskek: TFW when an averagecel tries to sound "smart" :feelswhere:

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