Stories from your head verbally expressed by a schizophrenic like you.
Nobody here is conceptualizing the word "beating the wall" as an expression of, "the incels no longer want to deal with you," this is inconsistent in itself, because the issue does not involve incelism, it involves a confrontation of the opposite being projected. I mean, the incelism in denial here is you...
While the loss and fall of genetics, it's obvious that this happens to everybody, but, that doesn't change the factor of what is composed in the practice of reality, women still get a lot... this does not change anything, they're just placed on a post below their first, with a few fewer functions, but always ahead of the beta, so this doesn't involve the "I don't want more" beta, it involves your projection in trying to put them on a lower shelf yet, when that's not true.
And society is made of stereotypes being implemented for every phase of the collective that such a "human being" is, that's undeniable, because everything is a hierarchy, absolutely everything. Women are always accepted by the collective, because the collectives are them, they define "masculinity", because in essence the "man" does not exist, and since they have a great power in this space, most of the ideologies that are followed in society are superficial thoughts that come from some woman, the definition of work to "arrange a girlfriend and bank him", all they do is appeal to the bodily instinct of men, and that assimilate this manipulation to "maleness".
The economy itself is a market, it sustains, but above all it exploits, is men competing with others, and all this for the one in front to have the highest status, to coordinate certain types of behaviour so that it can be accepted in a "superior" way and not be attacked by the strategy itself.
"You're not a real woman!" Said no one ever. Why? Why does that only work on men? The answer is two-fold 1. women have inherent value, you can't loose your woman card because being a woman is synonymous with having female flesh. 2. masculinity as its propagated by women and society largely...