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JFL Went to reddit for 2 minutes

  • Thread starter WolfOfLoneStreet
  • Start date


Sep 22, 2019
13043248 953078858074349 8997716744920678698 n

never again

EDIT : this post is mostly highlighting how the commenter is a narcistic-fag loser himself while accusing incels of the same thing because "they think they are ??ugly". Rest of the comment is vanilla NPC BS we went over many times.
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What they keep ignoring is the fact that chads (good looking people in general) can be terrible human beings, yet slay massively, sometimes even more so because of their "toxic" personality.
They throw the term "narcissit" a lot. HOW IS ADMITTING YOU ARE SUB HUMAN OR NOT ABLE TO GET RELATIONSHIPS BEING A "narcissist". They just look on normie sub reddits where this word is used and spit it back out again. I am a bad person for being rejected all my life by normies, bullied, denied basic human stuff that comes naturally to others. K
le personality meme

Just had to tell everyone I'm 6'2 teehee
Narcissists who think of themselves as ugly fuckups and genetic garbage. That's the so called redd*t "wisdom" for you. Also, JFL at this tallfag boasting about his hair and height and calling anyone a narcissist.
two minutes too many
tfw i'm a terrible human being
Its over

it's so over for me bros...
How do they know that we are not ugly?
Jfl, if you want to find out whether massive fucking narcissists have problems getting laid go see the 'raised-by-narcissists' subleddit and if you want to know if being an actually terrible human being will prevent you from getting laid see 'domestic-violence'.
But no, venting online is actually worse than actual violence and abuse.
only ugly people can be narciccist , chad had just high confidence lol
What they keep ignoring is the fact that chads (good looking people in general) can be terrible human beings, yet slay massively, sometimes even more so because of their "toxic" personality.

Men scoring higher in psychopathic traits tended to receive higher ratings from women
Brazil, KJ. Forth AE. 2019. Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire: Formulating and Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp 1-18. [Abstract]

Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
Vicary AM, Fraley, RC. 2010. Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1): 81-86. [Abstract] [FullText]

Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
It was found that a greater likelihood of being the perpetrator of bullying behavior was correlated with a greater sexual partner count. However, due to the nature of the study it was impossible to tell if the mediating factor in this relationship was the bullying itself, or the HEXACO personality traits that are associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in this behavior, specifically the trait 'Honesty-Humility', that was found to being generally lower among bullies. This personality trait has also generally been found to be related to the 'dark triad' traits.

  • Volk AA, Dane AV, Zopito AM, Vaillancourt T. 2015. Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology. [FullText]
  • Provenzano DA, Dane AV, Farrell AH, Marini Z, Volk AA. 2017. Do Bullies Have More Sex? The Role of Personality. Evolutionary Psychological Science. [FullText]
Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners

  • Palmer CT, Tilley CF. 1995. Sexual Access to Females as a Motivation For Joining Gangs: An Evolutionary Approach. The Journal of Sex Research, 32(3):213-217. [Abstract] [FullText]
  • Mocan N, Tekin E. 2006. Ugly Criminals. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 12019. [FullText]
Male serial killers, terrorists, and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women in prison

  • Fimrite P, Taylor M. 2005. No shortage of women who dream of snaring a husband on Death Row / Experts ponder why deadliest criminals get so many proposals. SF Gate. [News]
  • Gurian EA. 2013. Explanations of mixed-sex partnered homicide: A review of sociological and psychological theory. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 18(5): 520-526. [Abstract]
Criminal and anti-social men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
Ellis L, Walsh A. 2000. Criminology: A Global Perspective, 1st Edition. pp 227: Table 8.11. [References]

Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
Guitiérrez et al. (2013) conducted a study in order to determine if the various personality disorder clusters—Type A (Schizoid, Odd), Type B (Narcissistic, Anti-social) and Type C (Avoidant, OCD)—were solely detrimental in terms of life outcomes for the individuals with these personality disorders (PDs), or if they instead presented their sufferers with various potentially adaptive benefits, such as greater sexual and social opportunities.
Namely, those individuals high in type-B personality cluster traits (Narcissism, Anti-Social, Borderline, Histrionic) of both sexes has 3.5x as many mates as low B subjects, with five times as many short-term mates and twice as many long term mates. It was also found that those higher in cluster B had 39% more offspring then those lower in cluster B traits.

Gutiérrez F, Gárriz M, Peri JM, Ferraz L, Sol D, Navarro JB, Barbadilla A, Valdés M. 2013. Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. Evolution and Human Behavior. 34(1): 41-48.

39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Gacono C, Meloy JR, Sheppard K, Speth E, Roske A. 1995. A Clinical Investigation of Malingering and Psychopathy in Hospitalized Insanity Acquittees. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 23(3): 387-397. [FullText]

Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
Researchers sought to evaluate niceness by defining it as: "a characteristic that may signal to potential partners that one understands, values and supports important aspects of their self-concept and is willing to invest resources in the relationship." In other words, niceness is the degree to which a person understands, values, and supports his partner's identity and values and is willing to put commitment and effort into the relationship. This is also known in psychology as "responsiveness."
The researchers found that men who perceived possible female partners as responsive found them to be "more feminine and more attractive." They also found that when men found women to be responsive, it led to a heightened sexual arousal from the men and greater desire for a relationship.
On the other hand, when women perceived their male partner to be more responsive, they were less attracted to the man.

  • Birnbaum GE, Ein-Dor T, Reis HT, Segal N. 2014. Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(10): 1341-1353. [Abstract]
  • Mejia P. 2014. Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around. Newsweek. [News]
  • Judge TA, Livingston BA, and Hurst C. 2012. Do nice guys—and gals—really finish last? The joint effects of sex and agreeableness on income. [Abstract]
Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
It was found that high degrees of female narcissism predicted a decline in marital quality and satisfaction over time. However, male narcissism did not negatively affect marital quality or satisfaction.
This would seem to imply men are greatly bothered by narcissistic wives, but women are not so typically bothered by narcissistic husbands. This conclusion is in keeping with evidence reviewed that women find narcissistic men more attractive and actively seek them as husbands.

Lavner JA, Lamkin J, Miller JD, Campbell WK, Karney BR. 2016. Narcissism and newlywed marriage: Partner characteristics and marital trajectories. Personal Disord. 7(2): 169-79. [Abstract]

Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
Haslam C, Montrose T. 2015. Should have known better: The impact of mating experience and the desire for marriage upon attraction to the narcissistic personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 82: 188-192. [Abstract]
If they admitted that at least 1% of incels were actually ugly as fuck and needed surgery or the rope... They would have to admit that for that 1%, it's not their "toxic personality"... it's their face... Even admitting that one incel is correct is forbidden to the Just World Cucks of reddit.
Narcissists who think of themselves as ugly fuckups and genetic garbage. That's the so called redd*t "wisdom" for you. Also, JFL at this tallfag boasting about his hair and height and calling anyone a narcissist.

Classic projection.
Who's ugly then? Are there no ugly people in the world?
I want to see his pics
Who's ugly then? Are there no ugly people in the world?
Classic bluepill logic, everyone is average OR good looking. Everyone is average intelligence OR smart. They're willing to believe that the right side of the bell curve exists, and that an average exists, but the left side of the bell curve doesn't exist SOMEHOW

noooooo, those women who had sex with chad cashiers who hit on them don't exist *sips soylent* :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:
How do they know that we are not ugly?

You are not ugly.
You don't shower.
You are bad evil person.
And I don't even know you.

Because there has to be a reason unrelated to your looks why you can't date a woman. TeeHee
Why is that normies always fall in hypocrisy when throwing an argument? This fella brags about his hair and height and yet calls us narcissists. What's worse is he automatically assumes that we're all normie tier without seeing a single pic of a dude in this forum. Which raises the question, if we're all normie tier, where's the actual ugly people on the internet?? Did he implicitly state that looks do matter?? Jfl at this braindead NPC.
View attachment 184373

never again

EDIT : this post is mostly highlighting how the commenter is a narcistic-fag loser himself while accusing incels of the same thing because "they think they are ??ugly". Rest of the comment is vanilla NPC BS we went over many times.

Yeah man being incel is a social construct.

Just think you are not ugly and slay all the pussy. How could I not have thought of that?
literally 0 self-awareness
Let's assume he's legit, tall people like him have no self-awareness.
They think they're good looking or in his case he has a great personality.
In reality, his height is everything. If he were shorter, he'd be here.
If there’s anything normies are good at, it’s projecting.
If you don't suck up to women these days you are considered a terrible human being. LOL. IT sees the world as black and white. In their world view, if something bad happens to you, it is because you are a horrible person. Do people gossip behind your back? tough luck, it's your fault for being a terrible human being.
Let's assume he's legit, tall people like him have no self-awareness.
They think they're good looking or in his case he has a great personality.
In reality, his height is everything. If he were shorter, he'd be here.

Just now have I noticed that it's a man who wrote that. His writing style comes across as womanish.
They're idiocy and lack of self-awareness knows no limits.
When he's talking about "narcissists who refuse to accept the fact they're terrible people" Perhaps he's talking about the failed normies who use reddit
Projection at its finest
He's projecting. Notice in the tag after his name he mentions how good his physical attributes are. They are not trying to fight us or put us down, what they are fighting is certain uncomfortable truths about themselves that they don't want to acknowledge.
I may be a terrible human being, but I have a clean police record and I pay my taxes.

I don't mind not being loved. I want the right to pay for female companionship.
The actions of the individual are irrelevant, the face is what determines the response. Condemnation or excuses for bad behaviour & adulation or indifference for good, praise for the mundane & barely an acknowledgement for above & beyond; the face persuades, the observer decides.


Fabulous hair

in the flair

Says we are the narcissist.

The irony is too palpable.
Most of reddit is absolutely shit,but there are some blackpilled subreddits like r/NEET and some high IQ posts on places like MGTOW,I sometimes go to r/femaledatingstrategy too to get some laughs and my dose of blackpill + rage.

Keep in mind that reddit actually rewards dramatic/sad/exaggerated shit with good normie points (AKA karma) so most of the shit you read in that place is nothing more than artistic fiction.
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""""Terrible Human Being""""

say it to this guy's face
Theodore bundy walks forward and waves to tv camera as his indictment for the january murders
Redditors got the combined self awareness of a fish.
Only reason he put “soy golem” in the middle is so he has plausible deniability if anyone calls him a bragging narcissist.. “fabulous” too. As if he’s joking around.
What they keep ignoring is the fact that chads (good looking people in general) can be terrible human beings, yet slay massively, sometimes even more so because of their "toxic" personality.
Fabulous is what fags call themselves, so most likely he likes to take phallus up his ass.
This entire post was so bluepilled you'd think they were intentionally being misleading.
Two minutes was a lot, i don't go for a second tbh
Inkwells need to take a shower, get out of their mother's basement, work hard, wage slave and then find a foid who cheats on him with 1000 Chads. And if you don't want to live this life you are a terrible human being. REEEEEEEE.

Men scoring higher in psychopathic traits tended to receive higher ratings from women
Brazil, KJ. Forth AE. 2019. Psychopathy and the Induction of Desire: Formulating and Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, pp 1-18. [Abstract]

Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
Vicary AM, Fraley, RC. 2010. Captured by True Crime: Why Are Women Drawn to Tales of Rape, Murder, and Serial Killers? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 1(1): 81-86. [Abstract] [FullText]

Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
It was found that a greater likelihood of being the perpetrator of bullying behavior was correlated with a greater sexual partner count. However, due to the nature of the study it was impossible to tell if the mediating factor in this relationship was the bullying itself, or the HEXACO personality traits that are associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in this behavior, specifically the trait 'Honesty-Humility', that was found to being generally lower among bullies. This personality trait has also generally been found to be related to the 'dark triad' traits.

  • Volk AA, Dane AV, Zopito AM, Vaillancourt T. 2015. Adolescent Bullying, Dating, and Mating: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology. [FullText]
  • Provenzano DA, Dane AV, Farrell AH, Marini Z, Volk AA. 2017. Do Bullies Have More Sex? The Role of Personality. Evolutionary Psychological Science. [FullText]
Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners

  • Palmer CT, Tilley CF. 1995. Sexual Access to Females as a Motivation For Joining Gangs: An Evolutionary Approach. The Journal of Sex Research, 32(3):213-217. [Abstract] [FullText]
  • Mocan N, Tekin E. 2006. Ugly Criminals. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 12019. [FullText]
Male serial killers, terrorists, and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women in prison

  • Fimrite P, Taylor M. 2005. No shortage of women who dream of snaring a husband on Death Row / Experts ponder why deadliest criminals get so many proposals. SF Gate. [News]
  • Gurian EA. 2013. Explanations of mixed-sex partnered homicide: A review of sociological and psychological theory. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 18(5): 520-526. [Abstract]
Criminal and anti-social men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
Ellis L, Walsh A. 2000. Criminology: A Global Perspective, 1st Edition. pp 227: Table 8.11. [References]

Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
Guitiérrez et al. (2013) conducted a study in order to determine if the various personality disorder clusters—Type A (Schizoid, Odd), Type B (Narcissistic, Anti-social) and Type C (Avoidant, OCD)—were solely detrimental in terms of life outcomes for the individuals with these personality disorders (PDs), or if they instead presented their sufferers with various potentially adaptive benefits, such as greater sexual and social opportunities.
Namely, those individuals high in type-B personality cluster traits (Narcissism, Anti-Social, Borderline, Histrionic) of both sexes has 3.5x as many mates as low B subjects, with five times as many short-term mates and twice as many long term mates. It was also found that those higher in cluster B had 39% more offspring then those lower in cluster B traits.

Gutiérrez F, Gárriz M, Peri JM, Ferraz L, Sol D, Navarro JB, Barbadilla A, Valdés M. 2013. Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. Evolution and Human Behavior. 34(1): 41-48.

39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
Gacono C, Meloy JR, Sheppard K, Speth E, Roske A. 1995. A Clinical Investigation of Malingering and Psychopathy in Hospitalized Insanity Acquittees. Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law. 23(3): 387-397. [FullText]

Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
Researchers sought to evaluate niceness by defining it as: "a characteristic that may signal to potential partners that one understands, values and supports important aspects of their self-concept and is willing to invest resources in the relationship." In other words, niceness is the degree to which a person understands, values, and supports his partner's identity and values and is willing to put commitment and effort into the relationship. This is also known in psychology as "responsiveness."
The researchers found that men who perceived possible female partners as responsive found them to be "more feminine and more attractive." They also found that when men found women to be responsive, it led to a heightened sexual arousal from the men and greater desire for a relationship.
On the other hand, when women perceived their male partner to be more responsive, they were less attracted to the man.

  • Birnbaum GE, Ein-Dor T, Reis HT, Segal N. 2014. Why Do Men Prefer Nice Women? Gender Typicality Mediates the Effect of Responsiveness on Perceived Attractiveness in Initial Acquaintanceships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 40(10): 1341-1353. [Abstract]
  • Mejia P. 2014. Study Finds That Men Like Nice Women, But Not the Other Way Around. Newsweek. [News]
  • Judge TA, Livingston BA, and Hurst C. 2012. Do nice guys—and gals—really finish last? The joint effects of sex and agreeableness on income. [Abstract]
Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
It was found that high degrees of female narcissism predicted a decline in marital quality and satisfaction over time. However, male narcissism did not negatively affect marital quality or satisfaction.
This would seem to imply men are greatly bothered by narcissistic wives, but women are not so typically bothered by narcissistic husbands. This conclusion is in keeping with evidence reviewed that women find narcissistic men more attractive and actively seek them as husbands.

Lavner JA, Lamkin J, Miller JD, Campbell WK, Karney BR. 2016. Narcissism and newlywed marriage: Partner characteristics and marital trajectories. Personal Disord. 7(2): 169-79. [Abstract]

Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
Haslam C, Montrose T. 2015. Should have known better: The impact of mating experience and the desire for marriage upon attraction to the narcissistic personality. Personality and Individual Differences. 82: 188-192. [Abstract]
How do I save a comment
How do I save a comment
Just copy paste it in a word file. It's from the incel wiki, I just picked the studies that talk about personality and niceness.

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