I think both the groups should contest now. That group which gets money first gets to have a bigger say in Incelistan.
I don't have a group yet but here is what I want in my idea of Incelistan:
- Incelistan Central Bank, free floating currency against world currencies
- Private banks
- Free Market Capitalism
- Only tax is VAT, no income/property/capital gains/excise duty/stamp duty/interest and other pest taxes
- VAT would initially be set at 10%, might fluctuate a bit to find the optimal government income or to control for bubbles/economic busts
- A capitals gains tax on property sales would only kick in if there is market overheating such as to avoid property bubbles, the money earned this way would be saved separately from the gov budget and can be used in case a property bust does still occur
(Shall be considered a property bubble any price doubling within a period of 2 years)
- No minimum wage, market requirements dictate wages and everyone is ultimately free not to accept undignifying conditions
- Investing USD 1m from foreign currency (FDI) buys you a permanent citizenship (founders and early joiners exempt)
- No welfare, no exceptions. Sweden already exists for that, just go there if you can't afford to stay in Incelistan
- Private ownership of public transport, mail services etc
- Highways tollfree and gov constructed
- Airport is a private concession
- Sea port private concession
- Airlines are private, maybe one gov airline for prestige if gov revenue allows or profitable on its own virtue
- Energy from private sector, will grow together with the rest of the economy's needs
- Should target to be a net energy exporter (enough solar power available in that region)
- Prostitution allowed, pimping also allowed under the condition of providing the real estate and hygiene facilities at reasonable rates
- Freedom of religion, monitoring of religious practice
- Drugs allowed, it's your life and health, go to Sweden if you destroy yourself beyond the point of no return though
- Private healthcare, no government subsidies
The above rules should be written into the constitution
Equity should be raised from early adopting incels and from private investors who believe in Incelistan's success for personal gain through a public IPO on a listed exchange. 20% equity, and hopefully 80% from a bank loan.
Land area is 266 000 km². € 10,000,000,000 / 266,000 = €37,953/Km², less than what a hectare of agricultural land in my country costs so probably more will be asked by Morocco and Mauritania to sell it to us but we'll bargain hard.
Early cashflow would be generated to satisfy monthly bank instalments from early land plot sales at 10x the wholesale price of purchase of the whole terrirory for agricultural or industrial land, 100x - 1000x for urban construction. (it's still way cheaper than in most Euro cities)