Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

We must stop coping and accept the truth as a whole. WE ARE INCELS.

  • Thread starter YouArentBlackPilled
  • Start date


Dec 21, 2023
You are a member because you are ugly or short or both, potentially mixed with being destitute. There’s no other reason, unless you are retarded. This is Blackpill. Enough with the coping.

I was a member of this forum back in 2018-2020. I had to leave and search for a new place like X/Twitter for incel groups during coivd lockdown(I spent too much time on here, needed a break), but it’s just not the same. Way more coping over there.

MANY OF THE NEW MEMBERS HERE ARE NOT TRUCELS. When this forum consisted of trucels, it was much better. We used to talk about life experience and what we're going through. Now all I see is BBC, jbw, or some sort of race posts.

1. Debunking Dating App Studies Broken Down By Race or any race theory.
Race is just one aspect of male SMV and it’s not even the top 3 most important, here’s the real Blackpill:
Regarding genuine desire from foids hierarchy: Looks > Height >= Resources > Character(Leading + Masculine) > Race. Literally every overall study proves this.

I AM NOT SAYING jbw isn’t real, it is, but not to the extent you guys make it seem. Not even close. Anyone who went to a big public school knows this.
  • betabuxxing is not jbw
  • 6’4 4/10 face is not jbw
  • 5’7 pretty face is not jbw
  • Most of us are with our looksmatched or uglier, go outside and see for yourself.
Dating apps are by far mostly men, and these are in the west, where white men are the majority. Meaning we make up for most men on these apps. Meaning the minority of foid’s on there, mostly see us.

United States
Tinder: 78% male, 22% female. Source - https://datingzest.com/tinder-statistics/
Bumble: 68% male, 32% female. Source - https://www.statista.com/statistics/975984/us-bumble-user-ratio-gender/
OKCupid: 74% male, 26% female. Source - https://en.lab.appa.pe/2020-02/which-dating-apps-are-reigning-in-the-usa.html
Hinge: 65% male, 35% female. Source - https://en.lab.appa.pe/2020-02/which-dating-apps-are-reigning-in-the-usa.html
AVERAGE: 71.25% male, 28.75% female

Tinder: 90% male, 10% female. Source - https://www.netimperative.com/2019/...-9-to-1-while-grinder-wins-for-age-diversity/
Bumble: 80% male, 20% female. Source - https://www.netimperative.com/2019/...-9-to-1-while-grinder-wins-for-age-diversity/
AVERAGE: 85% male, 15% female

Also, Tinder released this stat in 2018(before deleting it) about the people who got the most likes. The most liked man in the west, was a n!gger:
Here’s the joe version: https://www.joe.ie/life-style/pics-13-right-swiped-men-women-tinder-572526

Overall: Never take a study serious that group all races as one. It’s just not reality. Also, attractive + tall men ALWAYS win.

The dating pool today for attractive foids is mostly Gen Z. 10 years ago they were all in highschool or middle school kek. Keep in mind that today’s generation(Gen Z+) is completely different. They aren’t nearly as racist, as in the past.
Who are n!ggers sleeping with in college if female n!ggers aren’t as promiscuous?

Every foid could go on a dating app right now and match with us, but being white is not enough, once again. There’s way more to it. Foids are evil, and much more evil today, thanks to dating apps, simps and cucks.

I’m using this as an example to show you that although the west favors us, it doesn’t mean white = attractive.

You retards need to realize dating apps don’t mean much for 99% of men. If women are swiping on 5-10% of men, and the dating app itself is mostly men, you do realize it’s mostly MEN getting nothing on these apps. The race stats don’t mean much.

To end, we’re all incels because we are ugly or short or both. Not because of our race. WE ARE INCELS. That’s our identity. This is the reality.

2. Most of you don’t understand Niche Appeals. The media plays the biggest role on our image.

I believe the we are in a superior position in the west, no doubt. We have the largest niche appeal(position of power, media representation, resources, and being the majority). If an ethnic foid grows up around a white foids, she will behave like a white foid by liking the same music, movies, and hobbies, and will lust white or whatever the trend is. Similar to useless white foids who are around nigs.

You can see blacks have niche appeals as well(media representation, resources(rich ones), masculine stereotype, exotic babies: Kim K fanbase) and so on. I focused for a week on foids lusting blacks and I found a ton of content. All of you only focus on foids lusting White. I use blacks simply because women clearly like them. You mainly see women lust after White and black. What about indians?

This is where both races take advantage of foids, they both have the largest niche appeals.

Although it hurts, I must confess: white Foids are not race loyal. They are resource, height and power loyal, like ALL FOIDS. Take away the status of us in the west away and these whores will become noodlewhores in 1 year. Looks at what they’re doing on onlyfans. Just imagine if n!ggers had the resources and position of power we had. What you see with the athletes will be literally reality for the average n!gger.

I will use this video I saw in another thread(not sure who OP is, I think brocel roped). I personally don’t like blacks, but when I try to prove a point, I will state facts, not cope. Coping hurts. This is the new generation(just a few examples):

I’ve seen it live as well. I went to a public University in California. I’ve seen women across races lust for black(darkest race) and White(Lightest Race).

Overall: jbb and jbw or whatever JB(insert race), is cope. It’s all niche appeals. Most foids still prefer their own race but would date up to another race or just date another race they see often. This is the Blackpill. The only JBs that are real: JUST BE ATTRACTIVE/JUST BE TALL + MASCULINE/ JUST BE ABOVE AVERAGE/ JUST BE RICH.

Everything else is disgusting cope.

3. Go outside, we are chronically online.

Multiple times in California, I have witnessed a 5’5 hispanic with a decent looking latina. A lot of these guys are incel tier height which debunks heightpill and sometimes lookspill.

I have come to realize that even though I have been rejected multiple times, there’s still a possibility. Although this sounds like cope, I’m just taking in all I can. I am 5’7.

This is the end of my thread. I know what I’ve seen over the past 5 years. It’s just sad to see this forum tank so much. We are incels, but we still have a chance.
kys nobody is reading that
A lot of words to say basically nothing
Dnr b/c GrAY
you joined when I left kek

"I was a member of this forum back in 2018-2020. I had to leave and search for a new place like X/Twitter for incel groups during coivd lockdown(I spent too much time on here, needed a break), but it’s just not the same. Way more coping over there."
"I was a member of this forum back in 2018-2020. I had to leave and search for a new place like X/Twitter for incel groups during coivd lockdown(I spent too much time on here, needed a break), but it’s just not the same. Way more coping over there."
damn mb i should've been more attentive

still Dnr though
No Inceldom for your face
Another long post by someone that joined today
Been here longer than you cuck

"I was a member of this forum back in 2018-2020. I had to leave and search for a new place like X/Twitter for incel groups during coivd lockdown(I spent too much time on here, needed a break), but it’s just not the same. Way more coping over there."
Go back to Twitter and get the fuck out of here.

This is virtue signaling bullshit. In the age of BLM, of course foids are gonna rate black men's faces the best. Everyone knows black men have the ugliest faces, stop with the graycel cope!!!!
Regarding genuine desire from foids hierarchy: Looks > Height >= Resources > Character(Leading + Masculine) > Race. Literally every overall study proves this.
I agree that race is often overemphasized here, but you can't completely isolate it from these factors. Race plays a big role in looks, height, and your perceived character (alot of ethnic foids won't date their own race because they think they're misogynist). The reason alot of people focus on race so much is because it influences many other desired attributes, which leads them to fixate on their race instead of more traditional looks theory.

So how much should the blackpill emphasize race? I think at its core, the Blackpill should be based objective facts and data. How race is defined and perceived is pretty subjective and can depend alot on where you live. Because the incel community has largely developed in the anglosphere, we often allow western notions of race to shape much of our discourse. I think its fine for incels to talk about race, but we should be careful not to let our subjective ideas infiltrate core blackpill ideology, which should always stay as universally applicable as possible.
View attachment 1014414
This is virtue signaling bullshit. In the age of BLM, of course foids are gonna rate black men's faces the best. Everyone knows black men have the ugliest faces, stop with the graycel cope!!!!
It's not cope... its data. Aren't you a black cel kek you should be happy about this fucking retard.... niggers come in different shades kek
What's the point of this thread, I'm not reading an essay
I agree that race is often overemphasized here, but you can't completely isolate it from these factors. Race plays a big role in looks, height, and your perceived character (alot of ethnic foids won't date their own race because they think they're misogynist). The reason alot of people focus on race so much is because it influences many other desired attributes, which leads them to fixate on their race instead of more traditional looks theory.

So how much should the blackpill emphasize race? I think at its core, the Blackpill should be based objective facts and data. How race is defined and perceived is pretty subjective and can depend alot on where you live. Because the incel community has largely developed in the anglosphere, we often allow western notions of race to shape much of our discourse. I think its fine for incels to talk about race, but we should be careful not to let our subjective ideas infiltrate core blackpill ideology, which should always stay as universally applicable as possible.
agreed with what you said but like I said, an attractive man is an attractive man. Ethnic foids who don't date their own race always have some sort of self hate from experience(I think this is a minority of them), but also my niche appeal paragraph has a lot to do with this. also ethic incels also tend to worhsip white foids so yeah.
Last edited:
jbb and jbw or whatever JB(insert race), is cope. It’s all niche appeals. Most foids still prefer their own race but would date up to another race or just date another race they see often. This is the Blackpill. The only JBs that are real: JUST BE ATTRACTIVE/JUST BE TALL + MASCULINE/ JUST BE ABOVE AVERAGE/ JUST BE RICH.
i agree with this part
I saw research that said the biggest indicator of a man's number of sexual partners was his strength. Have you taken a look at this?
You are a member because you are ugly or short or both, potentially mixed with being destitute. There’s no other reason, unless you are retarded. This is Blackpill. Enough with the coping.

I was a member of this forum back in 2018-2020. I had to leave and search for a new place like X/Twitter for incel groups during coivd lockdown(I spent too much time on here, needed a break), but it’s just not the same. Way more coping over there.

MANY OF THE NEW MEMBERS HERE ARE NOT TRUCELS. When this forum consisted of trucels, it was much better. We used to talk about life experience and what we're going through. Now all I see is BBC, jbw, or some sort of race posts.

1. Debunking Dating App Studies Broken Down By Race or any race theory.
Race is just one aspect of male SMV and it’s not even the top 3 most important, here’s the real Blackpill:
Regarding genuine desire from foids hierarchy: Looks > Height >= Resources > Character(Leading + Masculine) > Race. Literally every overall study proves this.

I AM NOT SAYING jbw isn’t real, it is, but not to the extent you guys make it seem. Not even close. Anyone who went to a big public school knows this.
  • betabuxxing is not jbw
  • 6’4 4/10 face is not jbw
  • 5’7 pretty face is not jbw
  • Most of us are with our looksmatched or uglier, go outside and see for yourself.
Dating apps are by far mostly men, and these are in the west, where white men are the majority. Meaning we make up for most men on these apps. Meaning the minority of foid’s on there, mostly see us.

United States
Tinder: 78% male, 22% female. Source - https://datingzest.com/tinder-statistics/
Bumble: 68% male, 32% female. Source - https://www.statista.com/statistics/975984/us-bumble-user-ratio-gender/
OKCupid: 74% male, 26% female. Source - https://en.lab.appa.pe/2020-02/which-dating-apps-are-reigning-in-the-usa.html
Hinge: 65% male, 35% female. Source - https://en.lab.appa.pe/2020-02/which-dating-apps-are-reigning-in-the-usa.html
AVERAGE: 71.25% male, 28.75% female

Tinder: 90% male, 10% female. Source - https://www.netimperative.com/2019/...-9-to-1-while-grinder-wins-for-age-diversity/
Bumble: 80% male, 20% female. Source - https://www.netimperative.com/2019/...-9-to-1-while-grinder-wins-for-age-diversity/
AVERAGE: 85% male, 15% female

Also, Tinder released this stat in 2018(before deleting it) about the people who got the most likes. The most liked man in the west, was a n!gger:
Here’s the joe version: https://www.joe.ie/life-style/pics-13-right-swiped-men-women-tinder-572526

Overall: Never take a study serious that group all races as one. It’s just not reality. Also, attractive + tall men ALWAYS win.

The dating pool today for attractive foids is mostly Gen Z. 10 years ago they were all in highschool or middle school kek. Keep in mind that today’s generation(Gen Z+) is completely different. They aren’t nearly as racist, as in the past.
Who are n!ggers sleeping with in college if female n!ggers aren’t as promiscuous?

Every foid could go on a dating app right now and match with us, but being white is not enough, once again. There’s way more to it. Foids are evil, and much more evil today, thanks to dating apps, simps and cucks.

I’m using this as an example to show you that although the west favors us, it doesn’t mean white = attractive.

You retards need to realize dating apps don’t mean much for 99% of men. If women are swiping on 5-10% of men, and the dating app itself is mostly men, you do realize it’s mostly MEN getting nothing on these apps. The race stats don’t mean much.

To end, we’re all incels because we are ugly or short or both. Not because of our race. WE ARE INCELS. That’s our identity. This is the reality.

2. Most of you don’t understand Niche Appeals. The media plays the biggest role on our image.

I believe the we are in a superior position in the west, no doubt. We have the largest niche appeal(position of power, media representation, resources, and being the majority). If an ethnic foid grows up around a white foids, she will behave like a white foid by liking the same music, movies, and hobbies, and will lust white or whatever the trend is. Similar to useless white foids who are around nigs.

You can see blacks have niche appeals as well(media representation, resources(rich ones), masculine stereotype, exotic babies: Kim K fanbase) and so on. I focused for a week on foids lusting blacks and I found a ton of content. All of you only focus on foids lusting White. I use blacks simply because women clearly like them. You mainly see women lust after White and black. What about indians?

This is where both races take advantage of foids, they both have the largest niche appeals.

Although it hurts, I must confess: white Foids are not race loyal. They are resource, height and power loyal, like ALL FOIDS. Take away the status of us in the west away and these whores will become noodlewhores in 1 year. Looks at what they’re doing on onlyfans. Just imagine if n!ggers had the resources and position of power we had. What you see with the athletes will be literally reality for the average n!gger.

I will use this video I saw in another thread(not sure who OP is, I think brocel roped). I personally don’t like blacks, but when I try to prove a point, I will state facts, not cope. Coping hurts. This is the new generation(just a few examples):

I’ve seen it live as well. I went to a public University in California. I’ve seen women across races lust for black(darkest race) and White(Lightest Race).

Overall: jbb and jbw or whatever JB(insert race), is cope. It’s all niche appeals. Most foids still prefer their own race but would date up to another race or just date another race they see often. This is the Blackpill. The only JBs that are real: JUST BE ATTRACTIVE/JUST BE TALL + MASCULINE/ JUST BE ABOVE AVERAGE/ JUST BE RICH.

Everything else is disgusting cope.

3. Go outside, we are chronically online.

Multiple times in California, I have witnessed a 5’5 hispanic with a decent looking latina. A lot of these guys are incel tier height which debunks heightpill and sometimes lookspill.

I have come to realize that even though I have been rejected multiple times, there’s still a possibility. Although this sounds like cope, I’m just taking in all I can. I am 5’7.

This is the end of my thread. I know what I’ve seen over the past 5 years. It’s just sad to see this forum tank so much. We are incels, but we still have a chance.

I agree. If I was just 3 or 4 inches taller I would be fucking a cute noodlewhore right now.
It's reality. 5'5 hispanic soccer players at my college got love from stacy while us normies didn't get any attention. I just speak from experience.
Soccer is a superior sport. None like Basketball and Murican Football outside of USA.:cool:
Extremely High IQ thread gRaycel.
It's so fucking over. Get ready, brothER.
It's not cope... its data. Aren't you a black cel kek you should be happy about this fucking retard.... niggers come in different shades kek
If I was a retard I would accept "data" at face value just because it makes my race look good. This is a dogshit study that you're a retard for taking seriously.
You are a member because you are ugly or short or both, potentially mixed with being destitute. There’s no other reason, unless you are retarded. This is Blackpill. Enough with the coping.

I was a member of this forum back in 2018-2020. I had to leave and search for a new place like X/Twitter for incel groups during coivd lockdown(I spent too much time on here, needed a break), but it’s just not the same. Way more coping over there.

MANY OF THE NEW MEMBERS HERE ARE NOT TRUCELS. When this forum consisted of trucels, it was much better. We used to talk about life experience and what we're going through. Now all I see is BBC, jbw, or some sort of race posts.

1. Debunking Dating App Studies Broken Down By Race or any race theory.
Race is just one aspect of male SMV and it’s not even the top 3 most important, here’s the real Blackpill:
Regarding genuine desire from foids hierarchy: Looks > Height >= Resources > Character(Leading + Masculine) > Race. Literally every overall study proves this.

I AM NOT SAYING jbw isn’t real, it is, but not to the extent you guys make it seem. Not even close. Anyone who went to a big public school knows this.
  • betabuxxing is not jbw
  • 6’4 4/10 face is not jbw
  • 5’7 pretty face is not jbw
  • Most of us are with our looksmatched or uglier, go outside and see for yourself.
Dating apps are by far mostly men, and these are in the west, where white men are the majority. Meaning we make up for most men on these apps. Meaning the minority of foid’s on there, mostly see us.

United States
Tinder: 78% male, 22% female. Source - https://datingzest.com/tinder-statistics/
Bumble: 68% male, 32% female. Source - https://www.statista.com/statistics/975984/us-bumble-user-ratio-gender/
OKCupid: 74% male, 26% female. Source - https://en.lab.appa.pe/2020-02/which-dating-apps-are-reigning-in-the-usa.html
Hinge: 65% male, 35% female. Source - https://en.lab.appa.pe/2020-02/which-dating-apps-are-reigning-in-the-usa.html
AVERAGE: 71.25% male, 28.75% female

Tinder: 90% male, 10% female. Source - https://www.netimperative.com/2019/...-9-to-1-while-grinder-wins-for-age-diversity/
Bumble: 80% male, 20% female. Source - https://www.netimperative.com/2019/...-9-to-1-while-grinder-wins-for-age-diversity/
AVERAGE: 85% male, 15% female

Also, Tinder released this stat in 2018(before deleting it) about the people who got the most likes. The most liked man in the west, was a n!gger:
Here’s the joe version: https://www.joe.ie/life-style/pics-13-right-swiped-men-women-tinder-572526

Overall: Never take a study serious that group all races as one. It’s just not reality. Also, attractive + tall men ALWAYS win.

The dating pool today for attractive foids is mostly Gen Z. 10 years ago they were all in highschool or middle school kek. Keep in mind that today’s generation(Gen Z+) is completely different. They aren’t nearly as racist, as in the past.
Who are n!ggers sleeping with in college if female n!ggers aren’t as promiscuous?

Every foid could go on a dating app right now and match with us, but being white is not enough, once again. There’s way more to it. Foids are evil, and much more evil today, thanks to dating apps, simps and cucks.

I’m using this as an example to show you that although the west favors us, it doesn’t mean white = attractive.

You retards need to realize dating apps don’t mean much for 99% of men. If women are swiping on 5-10% of men, and the dating app itself is mostly men, you do realize it’s mostly MEN getting nothing on these apps. The race stats don’t mean much.

To end, we’re all incels because we are ugly or short or both. Not because of our race. WE ARE INCELS. That’s our identity. This is the reality.

2. Most of you don’t understand Niche Appeals. The media plays the biggest role on our image.

I believe the we are in a superior position in the west, no doubt. We have the largest niche appeal(position of power, media representation, resources, and being the majority). If an ethnic foid grows up around a white foids, she will behave like a white foid by liking the same music, movies, and hobbies, and will lust white or whatever the trend is. Similar to useless white foids who are around nigs.

You can see blacks have niche appeals as well(media representation, resources(rich ones), masculine stereotype, exotic babies: Kim K fanbase) and so on. I focused for a week on foids lusting blacks and I found a ton of content. All of you only focus on foids lusting White. I use blacks simply because women clearly like them. You mainly see women lust after White and black. What about indians?

This is where both races take advantage of foids, they both have the largest niche appeals.

Although it hurts, I must confess: white Foids are not race loyal. They are resource, height and power loyal, like ALL FOIDS. Take away the status of us in the west away and these whores will become noodlewhores in 1 year. Looks at what they’re doing on onlyfans. Just imagine if n!ggers had the resources and position of power we had. What you see with the athletes will be literally reality for the average n!gger.

I will use this video I saw in another thread(not sure who OP is, I think brocel roped). I personally don’t like blacks, but when I try to prove a point, I will state facts, not cope. Coping hurts. This is the new generation(just a few examples):

I’ve seen it live as well. I went to a public University in California. I’ve seen women across races lust for black(darkest race) and White(Lightest Race).

Overall: jbb and jbw or whatever JB(insert race), is cope. It’s all niche appeals. Most foids still prefer their own race but would date up to another race or just date another race they see often. This is the Blackpill. The only JBs that are real: JUST BE ATTRACTIVE/JUST BE TALL + MASCULINE/ JUST BE ABOVE AVERAGE/ JUST BE RICH.

Everything else is disgusting cope.

3. Go outside, we are chronically online.

Multiple times in California, I have witnessed a 5’5 hispanic with a decent looking latina. A lot of these guys are incel tier height which debunks heightpill and sometimes lookspill.

I have come to realize that even though I have been rejected multiple times, there’s still a possibility. Although this sounds like cope, I’m just taking in all I can. I am 5’7.

This is the end of my thread. I know what I’ve seen over the past 5 years. It’s just sad to see this forum tank so much. We are incels, but we still have a chance.

Shit thread twitter
Okay niggertroon go get monkeypox and die from an anal prolapse you worthless retard :feelsugh:.
seethe and cope and dilate your neovagina GrAY

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