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RageFuel We have a bluepilled soy retard among us!



Defeated By Fate |Contra Mundi: Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
what a honestly pathetic trashcan self-serving GARBAGE hypocritical take, honestly
its stunning to hear people agree with such takes

a female's purpose is not to serve your interests, nor should it be. they arent your FUCKING SLAVES you hypocritical retard. they choose their own purpose in life, just as you do
your take would be the equivalent of a powerful politician saying "a average man's purpose is to be a female's slave, die in war, build society, and be nice cuckold husbands who raise chad's kids or get raped in jail"

you wouldnt accept other people choosing your purpose for you, and subjugating you because they are more powerful than you, and yet you advocate doing so to them, at your self-serving convenience. its stunningly hypocritical

i think you can make some arguments that women are bad people or act horrifically, but advocating for them to be slaves for your self-serving convenience, is just prime hypocrisy and a garbage take

the whole idea that its our purpose to have kids is outdated anyways because soon we will have genetically engineered children who wont be genetically related to any males. not to mention, we will have technology to prolong the lifespan for a long time, decades or even centuries, potentially ending biological death, thus in a way reducing or removing the need for children
cope harder you illiterate retard
just because you hate women doesnt entail that they dont deserve moral consideration
this thread is fundamentally about MORALS. its about normative claims

you literally made a normative claim when you made this thread
imagine being so intelectually cowardly and pathetic that you try to get me banned instead of addressing my claims
try to form an arguement or justification for your "females should be slaves" post in light of my arguement, you fucking cowardly crosseyed retard

fuck, you are stupid
this thread is a echo chamber of cowardly self-serving hypocrites
dont make normative statements about how we should enslave and subjugate half the human race without a semi-decent justification, please

Redditor. They always make themselves so obvious with the manner in which they speak.
He's living up to his name.
Screenshot 20200313 201550 DuckDuckGo
your take would be the equivalent of a powerful politician saying "a average man's purpose is to be a female's slave, die in war, build society, and be nice cuckold husbands who raise chad's kids or get raped in jail"
we've been living by that slogan for a long time, they just don't say it so openly.
He got lost on his way to reddit
debate him and beat him then
All moral discussion is virtue signaling claptrap.
Redditor. They always make themselves so obvious with the manner in which they speak.
EXACTLT! I dont understand whats wrong with this "men". How can a man speak like this? They literally speak like foids.
@autisticveganretard thoughts?
To no one’s surprise:
as a half-jew myself, i appreciate the how much the internet obsessess over my race's cultural history and genetic identity
it seems to me as if their hate is a bit unjustified, but i dont mind it

its hard for me to take seriously clowns to just blanket blame jews for all the issues in the world. and we are so close to radical genetic engeneering, that in like 100 years all newborns will be entirely genetically engeneered, not resembling any human race, if we are still alive

im ambivilent towards feminism. on initial thought it feels like some kind of cancerous curse god has placed upon people or something. but maybe it has merits? i dont know

idk. anti-jews on pol are a particularly weird bunch. they often times blame jews for all the worlds problems, but they often dont care about morals. when i try debating with them about veganism, they either appeal to nihilism or are proud of killing innocent animals, but still hate the jews for being evil. i try bringing up the fact that their race commits moral crimes as well, but they are proud of it, often times. okay, whatever

i love jewish memes of all sorts.... lol. almost all of them are anti-jewish memes, hahaha

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LOLLLL ahahahaha. i just woke up
i think its hilarious you decided to make a thread worshipping me, LOL
also, why didnt i see this thread earlier... wtf
i have not changed my opinion on anything ive said

you have to understand, that suggesting banning me for disagreeing with common takes of this forum is the equivalent of reddit banning incels because they dont like them. you advocating for banning me is pathetic and cowardly. its not bluepilled to suggest that females deserve moral consideration, you fucking inbred. this is because moral discussions are philosophical in nature, and belief in the blackpill science is also justified by philosophy, because of the hierarchy of scientific evidence, which stems from epistemology

im still of the position that females deserve moral status. females are sentient, they can suffer, they have brains. if you think males deserve moral status, i dont see why females wouldnt. it is you who needs to make the argument as to why females dont deserve moral status, or why slavery and subjugating them is the way things ought be done. here is little picture on what moral status is, you philosophically illiterate retard

Moral status

and in terms of slavery, it would seem to be that slavery is really brutal, cruel, and a depressing life. it seems that slavery is almost categorically wrong, and also under utilitarian framework it can also be argued to be wrong. idk, maybe you can make the argument that it increases the overall happiness and pleasure in certain instances, but im sure a lot of people with different metaethical beliefs would disagree

i dont know how females ought be treated. what rights they ought or not ought be granted. but to me, slavery would seem like a nightmare scenario
for example; if you were forced to be the slave of some ugly fat sheboon old roastie hag, would you be happy? thats how females view me and you

just because something is convenient and benefits you doesnt make it morally acceptable you fucking hypocritical shit for brains retard
im sure slavery of niggers was beneficial for white slave owners, but that doesnt make it morally acceptable, and neither did the arguments the slave owners used are justified, you fucking idiot
im sure the conscription and genocide of men in wars is beneficial for politicians and females, but that doesnt necessarily make it morally acceptable or morally justified to do

i should also point out i find it funny you have the nerve to call me a redditor
reddit is a hivemind where you can downvote people into being invisible if they deviate away from the groupthink or offend people
this is what you are trying to do, while simultaneously ignoring my post
this entire thread are a bunch of intellectually vacuous pussies who just dick ride you, and ignore everything ive said

please explain it to me ONE THING i said that is wrong, you fucking retard

i called you a cowardly pussy in the last thread, and i still stand by that. you call me names, but you dont interact with any of the points ive made, like the pussy coward nt retard that you are
:horror::horror::horror: That explains EVERYTHING about this retard! Fucking satanic kike! :lasereyes::lasereyes::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer::banhammer:
maybe try doing something deeper than calling me a jew and attacking my character you mouth breathing retard. ANYTHING. apply yourself

To no one’s surprise:
in bat yam i lived for several years. it was very hot. i lived on the 5th floor and we had no elevator, and i was chubby... but i really loved israel, it was a very lovely country. i miss it still. im russian jewish, with a very jewish last name

EXACTLT! I dont understand whats wrong with this "men". How can a man speak like this? They literally speak like foids.
more cowardly pussy ad homs
who cares how i speak like
you are the one who gossips about how i talk, how i look, who i am, but you dont address any of the points i make. this is the real female nt behavior and thinking style

All moral discussion is virtue signaling claptrap.
this is a self-defeating statement, because you are also engaging in moral discussion. you hold the position that moral discussion is worthless, but this is a nihilistic metaethical position, which is a moral position. you literally contradict yourself by saying thing
you cannot logically escape philosophy, mr rowan
also ur a faggot for having a female avi, you pussy worshipper

Ofc it's a GrAY.
He got lost on his way to reddit
Redditor. They always make themselves so obvious with the manner in which they speak.
hey eltrucel, her darkstardown, hey realblackcel02, hey stupid clown
hey, i have a question for you
do you have anything of value to add to the discussion, or have enough braincells to address any of the points ive made, or if the only thing you are capable of doing just cowardly dickriding and ganging up on anyone who you dont like for any arbitrary reason?
hmmm? can you answer me? is it too much to ask of you?

tell me, would you be okay if you were born into a society were you were forced to marry some ugly, used up tatoo'd, old, fat, repulsive old hag, and at every point of society existed some system to opress you, and you could never be with a girl who you fell in love with? if this was you in some cellar with some repulsive girl


if you think that is wrong, why is it okay to do so with females?
because thats how females look at non-chad males

Ban that fag

why? you cowardly pussy. tell it to me
i said or did nothing wrong
do you expect everyone to just agree with you and dick ride your intellectually empty echo-chamber takes mindlessly?
and if they dont, they deserve a ban?
is it really banworthy to suggest that enslaving females is wrong?
the quality of discorse in this maybe even lower than /pol/
maybe try doing something deeper than calling me a jew and attacking my character you mouth breathing retard. ANYTHING. apply yourself

in bat yam i lived for several years. it was very hot. i lived on the 5th floor and we had no elevator, and i was chubby... but i really loved israel, it was a very lovely country. i miss it still. im russian jewish, with a very jewish last name

more cowardly pussy ad homs
who cares how i speak like
you are the one who gossips about how i talk, how i look, who i am, but you dont address any of the points i make. this is the real female nt behavior and thinking style

this is a self-defeating statement, because you are also engaging in moral discussion. you hold the position that moral discussion is worthless, but this is a nihilistic metaethical position, which is a moral position. you literally contradict yourself by saying thing
you cannot logically escape philosophy, mr rowan
also ur a faggot for having a female avi, you pussy worshipper

hey eltrucel, her darkstardown, hey realblackcel02, hey stupid clown
hey, i have a question for you
do you have anything of value to add to the discussion, or have enough braincells to address any of the points ive made, or if the only thing you are capable of doing just cowardly dickriding and ganging up on anyone who you dont like for any arbitrary reason?
hmmm? can you answer me? is it too much to ask of you?

tell me, would you be okay if you were born into a society were you were forced to marry some ugly, used up tatoo'd, old, fat, repulsive old hag, and at every point of society existed some system to opress you, and you could never be with a girl who you fell in love with? if this was you in some cellar with some repulsive girl

View attachment 1047856

if you think that is wrong, why is it okay to do so with females?
because thats how females look at non-chad males

why? you cowardly pussy. tell it to me
i said or did nothing wrong
do you expect everyone to just agree with you and dick ride your intellectually empty echo-chamber takes mindlessly?
and if they dont, they deserve a ban?
is it really banworthy to suggest that enslaving females is wrong?
the quality of discorse in this maybe even lower than /pol/
go back to reddit u soy guggling mangina nobody is going to read your essay if u have to write essay on essays on a troll post on an incel forum then you are better off here
Imagine if someone says that male purpose isn't to provide, produce or protect ( their country at least )?
He would be destroyed mentally because society relies on male labour.
im still of the position that females deserve moral status. females are sentient, they can suffer, they have brains. if you think males deserve moral status, i dont see why females wouldnt.
People deny the right to suffer for a man.
People don't consider that men have feelings.
You either perform manly tasks or die.
I watched a Russian prank video a few months ago and one man larped as serial killer in the park. Many visitors were frightened and one guy started to run leaving his girl.
And everyone in the comments shat on him and mocked him for not being a man and said that he probably committed suicide lately.
While he just showed weakness and weakness is a human trait.
But people don't accept weakness in men so men aren't humans according to such logic.
As long as people would deny privilege of being human to men, I will deny human status to women.
go back to reddit u soy guggling mangina nobody is going to read your essay if u have to write essay on essays on a troll post on an incel forum then you are better off here
no. im not going to reddit. i only go there to read r/singularity, otherwise i never go there for anything
cry harder you stupid crybaby retard
ive done nothing wrong, i will not apologize for anything ive said, and you're just going to have to deal with a jew who is a vegan in your forums
and of course you wont read or respond to anything ive said because you dont have 2 braincels to rub together to pretend a coherent response

i know its fun to shit on ppl you dont like, but i love how quick the "intellectual" discourse dries up the second i get to defend myself
literally the only thing you have to say is "you're a faggot, go away"

People deny the right to suffer for a man.
People don't consider that men have feelings.
i mean, technically this is not true. men have human rights, but you are right in that men are treated like 2nd hand citizens compared to the rich, powerful, chads, and ALL females

it is men who get sent to die in war, who do all the work in society, who are financial slaves in divorces, who are sold lies since they were kids about how they should become hardworking betabux cucks, etc

yes, there is mistreatment against men, for sure, but its more covert than overt. you dont have physican chains around your neck, but men were brainwashed since they were kids to respect women, to idolize soldiers (which defend the status quo of rich politicians, chad and toilets), to respect police (which also do the same thing), to want to get high paying jobs (which benefits society via high taxes), etc.
it does feel like this society is build of exploiting men, but its more off brainwashing nt's

You either perform manly tasks or die.
nah.... western societies have homeless shelters for men, neetbux, and homeless outreach programs designed to save lives

I watched a Russian prank video a few months ago and one man larped as serial killer in the park. Many visitors were frightened and one guy started to run leaving his girl.
And everyone in the comments shat on him and mocked him for not being a man and said that he probably committed suicide lately.
While he just showed weakness and weakness is a human trait.
okay? who cares?
lots of people are female worshipping feminist cucks. sure?

But people don't accept weakness in men so men aren't humans according to such logic.

i mean, sure, people do mistreat men, and lots of people have cuck feminist takes

As long as people would deny privilege of being human to men, I will deny human status to women.
see, this is where you are wrong, because this is a "two wrongs make a right" logical fallacy when it comes to trying to morally justify your actions
by this SHITTY logic, then you can basically do anything and everything you want, because you will always find some moral flaw somewhere that you feel entitled to, and use that as your justification

this is like the USA nuking all of the middle east and saying "wow those people are really evil, and they mistreat us and also they would of done it to us if they could, so its okay to do it to them"

what is the idoim?
"an eye for an eye makes the world world blind"?
yeah it think thats it
see, this is where you are wrong, because this is a "two wrongs make a right" logical fallacy when it comes to trying to morally justify your actions
Listen up you autistic retard, no one in this world cares about your intellectual positions on what is moral and how we ought to behave, because when conflicting groups compete for resources, its all about asserting primal dominance over each other, nothing more.
Redditor. They always make themselves so obvious with the manner in which they speak.
I would actually be more than willing to debate and present my viewpoints in a logical and coherent manner but Redditors never argue in good faith.
Listen up you autistic retard, no one in this world cares about your intellectual positions on what is moral and how we ought to behave, because when conflicting groups compete for resources, its all about asserting primal dominance over each other, nothing more.
Based. Law of the Jungle is the only law.
I would actually be more than willing to debate and present my viewpoints in a logical and coherent manner but Redditors never argue in good faith.
cool, but like, i have argued in good faith in this thread
and you just dodged and starwmanned me
if i do anything in bad faith you can just call me out and expose me. wow so hard

Based. Law of the Jungle is the only law.
i mean, this is nihilism
and if you hold a nihilistic position, then that entails that nobody has ever wronged you, or mistreated you in any way, and you and not entitled to anything

more so, if you ever moralize on any subject, you would necessarily be uttering falsehoods, and just be manipulating people who do believe and care for morals, which i think would be bad faith
i mean, technically this is not true. men have human rights, but you are right in that men are treated like 2nd hand citizens compared to the rich, powerful, chads, and ALL females
And so we should just lie and accept it ?
it is men who get sent to die in war, who do all the work in society, who are financial slaves in divorces, who are sold lies since they were kids about how they should become hardworking betabux cucks, etc
Yes and it's women's fault.
yes, there is mistreatment against men, for sure, but its more covert than overt. you dont have physican chains around your neck, but men were brainwashed since they were kids to respect women, to idolize soldiers (which defend the status quo of rich politicians, chad and toilets), to respect police (which also do the same thing), to want to get high paying jobs (which benefits society via high taxes), etc.
it does feel like this society is build of exploiting men, but its more off brainwashing nt's
No we have chains and nooses tied to our entire being. We constantly have to walk on eggshells for women.
nah.... western societies have homeless shelters for men, neetbux, and homeless outreach programs designed to save lives
JFL retard. All of those are designed for women. Women benefit from them most. Men aren't given anything.
okay? who cares?
lots of people are female worshipping feminist cucks. sure?
People abusing men ? Just ignore it bro and let them keep abusing you.
i mean, sure, people do mistreat men, and lots of people have cuck feminist takes
Yes and they need to be punished for it.
see, this is where you are wrong, because this is a "two wrongs make a right" logical fallacy when it comes to trying to morally justify your actions
by this SHITTY logic, then you can basically do anything and everything you want, because you will always find some moral flaw somewhere that you feel entitled to, and use that as your justification
One hundred percent. If I have the might to abuse and exploit retards and women I will do it. It's the Law of the Jungle. I wouldn't expect a BBC Cobson wojak like you to understand.
this is like the USA nuking all of the middle east and saying "wow those people are really evil, and they mistreat us and also they would of done it to us if they could, so its okay to do it to them"
Nigger the fuck are you talking about ?
what is the idoim?
"an eye for an eye makes the world world blind"?
yeah it think thats it
Nigger faggot.
see, this is where you are wrong, because this is a "two wrongs make a right" logical fallacy when it comes to trying to morally justify your actions
by this SHITTY logic, then you can basically do anything and everything you want, because you will always find some moral flaw somewhere that you feel entitled to, and use that as your justification

this is like the USA nuking all of the middle east and saying "wow those people are really evil, and they mistreat us and also they would of done it to us if they could, so its okay to do it to them"

what is the idoim?
"an eye for an eye makes the world world blind"?
yeah it think thats it
Idealistic views are good in theory but not so good in practice. Like 'be the bigger person' when it comes to bullying. But it's often doesn't work and can even be irresponsible sometimes.
Words about 'equality of sexes' sound good but this situation often leads to a female dominance.
Women are not angels. They can be cruel, crazy, violent.
Even if you try to avoid them and don't provoke them this doesn't mean that they will avoid you.
Some females yelled at me at work or disrespected me even if I don't interacted with them at all.
They emasculate men. They know that they are protected by the law and by white Knights and they don't hesitate to harm men they don't like.
Idealistic views are good in theory but not so good in practice. Like 'be the bigger person' when it comes to bullying. But it's often doesn't work and can even be irresponsible sometimes.
Words about 'equality of sexes' sound good but this situation often leads to a female dominance.
:yes: :yes: :yes:
And so we should just lie and accept it ?
I refuse. And I know just what must be done. No, no ER bs, that's stupid and accomplishes nothing long term. Ignore that faggot fednihger Darth Aurelius too
Idealistic views are good in theory but not so good in practice. Like 'be the bigger person' when it comes to bullying. But it's often doesn't work and can even be irresponsible sometimes.
Words about 'equality of sexes' sound good but this situation often leads to a female dominance.
Women are not angels. They can be cruel, crazy, violent.
Even if you try to avoid them and don't provoke them this doesn't mean that they will avoid you.
Some females yelled at me at work or disrespected me even if I don't interacted with them at all.
They emasculate men. They know that they are protected by the law and by white Knights and they don't hesitate to harm men they don't like.
This guy's a fucking faggot who won't get it. Probably a failed normie or infiltrator, needs the ban hammer regardless
@Caesercel @Dregster @Fat Link @SlayerSlayer @TheProphetMuscle

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