Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


  • Thread starter Deleted member 3291
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So ppl who glorify ER/violence are dumb af, literally 0 brains.
Too many edgy retards on this site.

Most are bait threads i guess.

You're getting caught up with your illusion of morality.
Toastie roasties getting fearful of the beta uprising.

Toastie roasties don't want us to know their meat flaps are sex callouses and their loose vagina is loose because of thousands of large dickings and not "genetics"
terrified of women? more like the other way around
You're getting caught up with your illusion of morality.

Being incel doesnt mean I have to act like a psychopath.
I have noticed that also many people on youtube make videos about us and our posts.

I'm not even in one of them :(

It's not as good as the news but some hobby psychologist on youube mentioned you at 4:54

Which people?
Just go to youtube and search for incels.is and select different time options (Week,Month etc)

They mostly cherrypick edgy posts
I have noticed that also many people on youtube make videos about us and our posts.

I'm not even in one of them :(
FeelsMan.. I've been on babe.net but I guess that doesn't count because it was irrelevant

It's not as good as the news but some hobby psychologist on youube mentioned you at 4:54


How can people be this idiotic and moronic?
Anyone else not liking the attention we're getting?
How can people be this idiotic and moronic?


He is such a moron.

"Women do not have high standards"
"They just look for different things"

They look for rare attractive traits and this fact alone makes their standards high. I cannot believe that someone can be this stupid

Lol damn. That person is as bad as Amy Schumer. I saw the CNN thing before.

She reads what her clueless Buzzfeed-tier writers tell her to say. Cruz, like millions of Americans, saw the news after ER did what he did. Incels are created by nature, not by message boards.


I think they just looked up "redpill" and got led to here thinking we're somehow political.
Notice at 4:15 when Bee says "involuntarily celibate". Listen to all the women laughing. This is how women see us. Women judge men by their SMV, whether you have potential as a partner or jist to gauge to see if we have any use to a female.

We are completely useless in the eyes of women.
JFL at calling all incels Alt-right.
We have many (brown)ethnics in here, didnt know we were all white supremacists. KEK
I'm going to do a poll on this. One thing is for sure, we definitely diversitymog those media organisations that attack us.
Also reminder that Cruz was not incel
i think she didnt quite get what this site is about, most of us shit their pants talking to other people, how the heck should we go ER.
anyways stupid roastie picking up the extremets of the extremets

jiggas we made it
Being incel doesnt mean I have to act like a psychopath.
Nor does it mean you have to be a moralfag eunuch who defends the people that spit on you (normies of every variety). Every dead normie is a miracle. If you empathize with any person other than yourself you're unironically a cuckold.
Anyone else not liking the attention we're getting?
Yeah, normies ruin everything they find out about.
If you question the hierarchy, you’re automatically “far-right”, JFL. Rafaelvicuna sure fits the profile of a white nationalist, so does FACEandLMS, Stan, Nautica, etc. FAKE NEWS to the nth.
If you question the hierarchy, you’re automatically “far-right”, JFL. Rafaelvicuna sure fits the profile of a white nationalist, so does FACEandLMS, Stan, Nautica, etc. FAKE NEWS to the nth.
Who is Stan?
Who is Stan?

Egyptian guy who posts on here, thinks high T in puberty caused an overproduction of estrogen or something that led to his inceldom.
Egyptian guy who posts on here, thinks high T in puberty caused an overproduction of estrogen or something that led to his inceldom.
Stanx22. I didn't recognize the name without the "x22"
I was waiting for the vagina joke... and yep of course there's one. Women simply aren't funny.
Yeah let's give the incel bashers a watch on YouTube so they can make money off of us.
Why do they always say stuff like "self-labelled incels"

Does the label matter? We want to talk about our issues and we need some kind of word to describe them.

They would call use "losers with women" or "neckbeards". Can't we have our own word that isn't inherently negative?
"Alt-right" is a buzzword blanket statement used to falsely indict a group in the eyes of the general public who are too lazy to do any further research. They can sully the name of any CIS white male they want by simply calling them racist or sexist, and they don't need anything to back it up. If the people behind this program had done any actual research on incels, they would realize that a large majority of users here are ethnics, but then they couldn't label us all racists, and that wouldn't fit their agenda.

It feels nice to be validated in the mainstream like this. Whoever made the thread they showed should be proud.

It's not as good as the news but some hobby psychologist on youube mentioned you at 4:54


>says incels were formed in 2013
>never mentioned that r/truecels was a predecessor and that many moved to r/incels after the former was quarantined
>never discusses /r9k/, love-shy forums, wizardchan, r/foreveralone, r/foreverunwanted etc

Poorly researched garbage
Anyone else not liking the attention we're getting?
There isn't a negative to it.

Any regular watcher of partisan shit like Bee or some Dew Yur Jab right-winger hates us already and always will unless the Jew media somehow backs us.

I think any mention that there's communities for incels and low-value males in general can only grow our numbers.
>says incels were formed in 2013
>never mentioned that r/truecels was a predecessor and that many moved to r/incels after the former was quarantined
>never discusses /r9k/, love-shy forums, wizardchan, r/foreveralone, r/foreverunwanted etc

Poorly researched garbage

He also disagreed with the fact that women have high standards

"Women just look for different things"
Jfl , they want rare attractive traits = Most men don't have these traits = That makes their standards high
He also disagreed with the fact that women have high standards

"Women just look for different things"
Jfl , they want rare attractive traits = Most men don't have these traits = That makes their standards high
Normies think different women are into different things like men are when it comes to women when it's simply not true. Men like tall girls, short girls, skinny girls, chubby girls, thick girls, different races of girls, etc while women only find different flavors of Chad attractive (he can be nerdy, jock, goth etc but he must be tall, have good frame, good face, preferably muscular, must have status).
Normies think different women are into different things like men are when it comes to women when it's simply not true. Men like tall girls, short girls, skinny girls, chubby girls, thick girls, different races of girls, etc while women only find different flavors of Chad attractive (he can be nerdy, jock, goth etc but he must be tall, have good frame, good face, preferably muscular, must have status).

Yep and I haven't seen a single Chad with a recessed Chin / Jawline
>says incels were formed in 2013
>never mentioned that r/truecels was a predecessor and that many moved to r/incels after the former was quarantined
>never discusses /r9k/, love-shy forums, wizardchan, r/foreveralone, r/foreverunwanted etc

Poorly researched garbage

holy shit, this makes me feel uneasy tbh
Also I love how this fucko assumes none of us have tried to self-improve or that we're all pedophiles. Some here have gone as far as possible when it comes to self-improvement, but still came away with nothing. And normies have the balls to say that incels just don't try hard enough? When most of they themselves have gotten the sex, love, validation and companionship without doing a damn thing?
guys don't get triggered. That's their job

It's not as good as the news but some hobby psychologist on youube mentioned you at 4:54


The thing all these incel haters mention is the term 'self improvement' and how we 'avoid' it. They ridicule us for not taking the path of 'self improvement' yet when asked specifically what we should do to self improve they give terrible vague advice that most here have already tried at some point. Blind positivity is irrational
The thing all these incel haters mention is the term 'self improvement' and how we 'avoid' it. They ridicule us for not taking the path of 'self improvement' yet when asked specifically what we should do to self improve they give terrible vague advice that most here have already tried at some point. Blind positivity is irrational

"just lift more"
"just therapy bro"
"just confidence bro"
"just |x+sqrt1−x2|=sqrt2(2x2−1)|x+sqrt1−x2|=sqrt2(2x2−1) bro"
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now more normies are going to start larping here
Lol most postere here aren't even alt-right, including me.
Wow shes fucking terrible at jokes
I absolutely hate this bitch, she is the manifestation of bluepilled roastie sluts.

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