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Was national-socialism the first incel rebellion in history?

A genuine liking for the regime. Which shows how much my caricature as (((Fontaine))) the Jew is ridiculous.

The nazis, despite all their flaws, did not deny objective reality in matters of aesthetics, biology and genetics - as a deformedcel I've always preferred the cold truth to sweet lies.
Sexual freedom is an eugenics program in its own right, though: ugly men are currently targeted for extermination

Kind of.

theres still millions or actually billions of ugly men breeding all over the world, ensuring future generations of incels especially once prosperity reaches their country which is what lays the groundwork for feminism and sex lib.
How did Hitler statusmax as an INCEL?
The only (allegedly) chaste political figurehead I can think of in recent history is Ho Chi Minh, and he was a communist.
Your smv is relative to your competition. A 7/10 would be incel if everyone was a 10/10

you're looking at it the wrong way

ugly people arent treated bad because they're just relative to a beautiful person, they're treated that badly because their faces literally cause repulsion and distrust. Its a signal of bad health, like a disease.

if everyone was healthy and robust, their baseline treatment levels would be a lot better. There would be much less cliquishness and hostility. I cant agree with your SMV example because we have no idea what the dynamics of the sexual marketplace would look like in such a reality, I dare say they'd be a LOT different. They'd probably be based around status and money more than looks at that point.
most of your managerial class types are ugly and vindictive, very power hungry and snakey. These are the guys who rise to the top in any structure like this, just take a look at corporate structures today in business and hollywood - most of them are incel looking dudes.

but the guys actually fighting the war were uber chads, many frontline officers were decorated warriors from WW1. Rommel had a gigantic square chin.

Anyway im not sure how to square incelism with the nazi desire to push eugenics. We're talking about people who hoped that every future german male would eventually resemble this:

sure there seems to a lot of crossover with incelism... obsession on facial aesthetics and traits, racial obsession, conduct obsession etc...

Sexual freedom is an eugenics program in its own right, though: ugly men are currently targeted for extermination

When sex is heavily (now I mean *heavily*) divorced from reproduction or monogamy, highly social cultures can adopt the kind of 'free love' seen in bonobos and hunter-gatherer tribes (sharing sexual partners, sex as a greeting and simple method of bonding etc). This requires IRL socialization though, apps like Tinder wouldn't lend itself to any kind of 'free love'.

The influence sexual freedom has on inceldom is culturally dependent
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you're looking at it the wrong way

ugly people arent treated bad because they're just relative to a beautiful person, they're treated that badly because their faces literally cause repulsion and distrust. Its a signal of bad health, like a disease.

if everyone was healthy and robust, their baseline treatment levels would be a lot better. There would be much less cliquishness and hostility. I cant agree with your SMV example because we have no idea what the dynamics of the sexual marketplace would look like in such a reality, I dare say they'd be a LOT different. They'd probably be based around status and money more than looks at that point.
there are already is in sexual marketplace that reflects that reality, chadstralia and Scandinavia. The incels there are far better looking than the incels in India. Much taller too. And ugly people are treated bad based on how they compare to their better looking coutnerparts, because their perception of what is repulsive becomes wide ranged.
In our first study, [we] asked people to judge an average-looking woman after being exposed to one of two series of other women. Half the participants judged the target woman after seeing a series of unusually beautiful women; the other half judged her after seeing a series of average-looking women. As in the case of exposure to extremes of water temperature, exposure to extremes of physical appearance affected people’s judgments of what was average. As we had predicted, an average-looking woman was judged significantly uglier than normal if the subjects had just been gazing at a series of beauties.
I have been following your threads for quite some time, and goodness...

Jews were expelled from Germany for their utterly slimy behavior, not because of some "incel" rebellion. Just ask yourself this: Were the other hundreds of times Jews have been expelled because of inceldom too? The problem lies with your kin, Fontaine. Your attempt at extrapolating these events is nothing but a Jewish cope to make it seem as if the problem lies with others and not your own. Time and time again, history repeats.
The problem lies with your kin, Fontaine. Your attempt at extrapolating these events is nothing but a Jewish cope to make it seem as if the problem lies with others and not your own. Time and time again, history repeats.
I am not Jewish.
I'd say the Puritan coup of the British Monarchy, getting rid of Chad king Charles I and enforcing strict rules against any behaviour they considered degenerate (parties, dancing, music, etc. etc.) was the first time that I'm aware of. Even thought Charles I's party animal son won the throne back years later, so it's over for Puritancels.
1) The top Nazi hierarchy was composed exclusively of ugly, short, fat, effeminate, weak or bald men

2) Hitler hated the "old officer clique" composed of handsome and tall Prussian generals (he hated them as early as his youth in Linz and Vienna, as recollected by Kubizek)

3) Hitler had his heart broken by a oneitis in youth

4) The Nazi regime took away women's rights

5) Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler, the ugliest men alive in Germany at this time, grew to be the two most powerful men in the Reich after 1943

6) Hitler and Goebbels exploited the failed 20th July coup to massively exterminate Chad officers in the Army ranks

Are you praising Herr Hitler? Or condemning him? Or giving the lurking lefties more ammo to hate us? Or race baiting by inviting some idiot to make an anti-Semitic remark?

About 2800 years ago, the first recorded incel rebellion happened. The rejects and outcasts of the Italian peninsula banded together with Romulus as their leader. As no women or neighboring towns would allow their women to marry these incel rejects, they decided to abduct and rape them to begin building their own city and society. They succeeded and Rome went on to become the Greatest Empire that the world has ever witnessed.

About 2800 years ago, the first recorded incel rebellion happened. The rejects and outcasts of the Italian peninsula banded together with Romulus as their leader. As no women or neighboring towns would allow their women to marry these incel rejects, they decided to abduct and rape them to begin building their own city and society. They succeeded and Rome went on to become the Greatest Empire that the world has ever witnessed.
High IQ
I am not Jewish.

Then your behavior is even more odd; you have a penchant for belittling white nationalism, national-socialism, anti-semitists, racialists so and and so forth in all of your recent threads. It simply looks like a grand attempt to grasp at straws, a grand cope of a young Jewish boy. If you were sane and rational you would instead spend your time belittling faggots, transexuals, feminists and communism.
If we incels lived in ancient times we too would have a chance to ascend by banding together to increase the chances of our collective reproductive success. But this sick and twisted society has prohibited everything that we humans are. This modern "way of life" is not the way humans were meant to be.
Then your behavior is even more odd; you have a penchant for belittling white nationalism, national-socialism, anti-semitists, racialists so and and so forth in all of your recent threads. It simply looks like a grand attempt to grasp at straws, a grand cope of a young Jewish boy. If you were sane and rational you would instead spend your time belittling faggots, transexuals, feminists and communism.
Fuck off with your /pol/paganda you low IQ cuck. Go kill yourself if you care about "saving le western civilizeshun" faggot go get AIDS go get blacked and pozzed by a big black negro we all know that's your repressed fantasy you freak. Get dick cancer.
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Then your behavior is even more odd; you have a penchant for belittling white nationalism, national-socialism, anti-semitists, racialists so and and so forth in all of your recent threads. It simply looks like a grand attempt to grasp at straws, a grand cope of a young Jewish boy. If you were sane and rational you would instead spend your time belittling faggots, transexuals, feminists and communism.
I have a penchant for belittling white nationalism because political cope is a horrifyingly counter-productive cope. No good has ever come out of reactionary or revolutionary political agitation since 1945. White nationalists are retards who don't understand what "losing a war" means. You're supposed to stay quiet under a rock for at least a couple centuries, not act like nothing happened. Alfred Rosenberg wrote that the outcome of WW2 would determine everything for a millenium.
there are already is in sexual marketplace that reflects that reality, chadstralia and Scandinavia. The incels there are far better looking than the incels in India. Much taller too. And ugly people are treated bad based on how they compare to their better looking coutnerparts, because their perception of what is repulsive becomes wide ranged.

interesting. Id need access to the full text before i could take it at face value however, because researchers have a nasty habit of a much ado about small effects, its one of the prevailing problems with science today.
unfortunately this is an article summary, not full text of any of the referenced research so i cant see the data, thats what im getting at. Its not that i'm unwilling to accept it, its just i know from reading lots of research that researchers have a habit of making their conclusions stronger than the data actually supports.
well you're going to have to buy the book they are quoting from. But since they say "significant" I'll take them by their word. Its not like it doesn't make sense anyway like those microaggressions crap. We would consider living in 10,000 per year "poor" when that would be considered a comfortable middle class life in 3rd world countries (adjusting for costs)
true dat i live well in nam while in first world i would be barely scraping by and constantly working
The fuck you talking about? Eugenics has never been more popular.

Eugenics in the modern day just has another name: JBW
Wrong. St. BO2cel (peace be upon him) is a white subhuman.
I have a penchant for belittling white nationalism because political cope is a horrifyingly counter-productive cope. No good has ever come out of reactionary or revolutionary political agitation since 1945. White nationalists are retards who don't understand what "losing a war" means. You're supposed to stay quiet under a rock for at least a couple centuries, not act like nothing happened. Alfred Rosenberg wrote that the outcome of WW2 would determine everything for a millenium.

Tick tock @Fontaine, tick tock.

A genuine liking for the regime. Which shows how much my caricature as (((Fontaine))) the Jew is ridiculous.

The nazis, despite all their flaws, did not deny objective reality in matters of aesthetics, biology and genetics - as a deformedcel I've always preferred the cold truth to sweet lies.

You are a Jew? Welcome to sub-humanity my friend.

Nazis did not deny objective reality, but they made an absolute out of relative things (race being one of them), where as Jews seem to be wanting to make an absolute of relativity. Guenon speculated in the The reign of quantity that Jews were attracted specifically to things of a "dissolving" and open ended nature due to their naturally nomadic make up. As for the Nazis and fascists in general, it feels like those regimes were an attempt to impose the way of life and ideals of the "Kshatriya" or warrior caste among the population at large, which was doomed to fail. Not everybody can be made into a soldier, either literally or even merely psychologically or philosophically. Jews were bound to win that confrontation since while westerners were busy rejecting their own intellectual caste to exalt the warrior path, Jews stepped in to fill that vacuum. You can actually get scorn heaped on yourself for being an intellectual among working class or fighting peoples, which left the intellectual class of Europeans disenfranchised.
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Know any good books about this? I love reading these kinds of accounts that rarely make it to mainstream history books.
If you can read french you could read the two volumes of 1940-1945 Années érotiques by Patrick Buisson. I don't know if there were traductions in other languages though, maybe tbh.
Then your behavior is even more odd; you have a penchant for belittling white nationalism, national-socialism, anti-semitists, racialists so and and so forth in all of your recent threads. It simply looks like a grand attempt to grasp at straws, a grand cope of a young Jewish boy. If you were sane and rational you would instead spend your time belittling faggots, transexuals, feminists and communism.

mods ban this WN, just 12 posts and he's preaching WN. fuck you guys, this is an incel forum, not stormfront. go there.

And who gives a shit if Fontaine is a Jew? Incel is incel. WNs poison the nascent International Alliance of Incels.
I have a penchant for belittling white nationalism because political cope is a horrifyingly counter-productive cope. No good has ever come out of reactionary or revolutionary political agitation since 1945. White nationalists are retards who don't understand what "losing a war" means. You're supposed to stay quiet under a rock for at least a couple centuries, not act like nothing happened. Alfred Rosenberg wrote that the outcome of WW2 would determine everything for a millenium.
Claiming that "the outcome of WW2 would determine everything for a millenium" is as laughable as calling a "1000 years Reich" something that couldn't even last 2 decades. Just watch how the world is today : it has nothing in common anymore with what the liberators had in mind by the end of WW2.

But I agree with you, white nationalists and reactionaries in general are often the useful idiots of today liberal system.
I think Hitler's popularity with women causes some issue for your theory. No truecel would ever be popular with women no matter how NT their speeches were.

women were blinded by his gusto, and desire for authority, even going as far as breaking the law during the Beer Hall Putsch. women saw a broken man trying to fix his country. it also helped he was a virulent, passionate speaker. women just went along with it because they never if they didn't (like the Luxemburgists/Sparticusts) they would face execution. most of the Freikorps' victims were women. but they were also whiny harpies too so nothing of value was lost. the country was in dire straits so Hitler turned up the heat.
mods ban this WN, just 12 posts and he's preaching WN. fuck you guys, this is an incel forum, not stormfront. go there.

And who gives a shit if Fontaine is a Jew? Incel is incel. WNs poison the nascent International Alliance of Incels.

I'm a Nazbol, what are you gonna do about it. 2% of the population is jewish but make up 80% of congress, business and media. they push this shit that "incels" are to be ridiculed, pushed aside and told they're less than a man. not knowing the more a group is vilified you create radicals. jews might be smart but they're not clever. have they not learned anything from the past 30 years of middle east wars? besides if they're so concerned about fighting racism, they can start in their home country. America is sick of being your welfare provider.
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Gone but never forgotten
Claiming that "the outcome of WW2 would determine everything for a millenium" is as laughable as calling a "1000 years Reich" something that couldn't even last 2 decades. Just watch how the world is today : it has nothing in common anymore with what the liberators had in mind by the end of WW2.
Quite the contrary to my mind. Institutions like universal democracy, human rights, the United Nations, UNESCO, the World Bank, the IMF, the European Union, the Council of Security, the French Vth Republic Constitution, and so on, have proved remarkably stable despite several crises and a lot of criticism. The only thing that proved unstable was the Soviet Union - given that the true victor of WW2 was the US, nothing surprising here.
Then your behavior is even more odd; you have a penchant for belittling white nationalism, national-socialism, anti-semitists, racialists so and and so forth in all of your recent threads. It simply looks like a grand attempt to grasp at straws, a grand cope of a young Jewish boy. If you were sane and rational you would instead spend your time belittling faggots, transexuals, feminists and communism.
based and high IQ
Goebbels was legit truecel
View attachment 33678

How could Goebbels be an Incel when he had six kids?

Hitler by the way was not ugly. In his prime he was chadlite at the very least. Most people think of Hitler as he was in his late 40's to mid 50s since that is when he was in power. You can't compare an aging Hitler to young german bucks.
How could Goebbels be an Incel when he had six kids?

Hitler by the way was not ugly.
Goebbels had his kids after statusmaxxing. Had he stayed a bank clerk all his life, he would have remained incel. That's something you can guess easily given that he was short and club-footed on top of having low facial symmetry and dolicocephaly. He was also rejected by women in his youth.

Also Hitler was, while not repulsive, not very attractive - his only great attributes were his extremely beautiful dark blue irises, and his manly brachycephalic skull.
Aryan 1

Is this a real photo? How can a man have such glow and spark of life in his eyes
@Fontaine, you said you extensively studied the Nazis, so can you answer this question?
Hitler statusmaxxed by successful political agitation in a context that, although somewhat hostile, was very open to nationalistic and revanchist ideas.

Also at the time, due to Christian influence, being a celibate virgin wasn't a problem. It was actually a bonus to your reputation to be seen as a virtuous ascetic celibate.
I think Hitler's popularity with women causes some issue for your theory. No truecel would ever be popular with women no matter how NT their speeches were.

They liked him in a non sexual way
So during the Weimar Republic and before his political career had truly taken off. I wonder if he still thought like that after having accomplished so much as chief propagandist.
He was cheating on his wife who gave him six kids during the war. The weimar period was just a shitty time to be alive in germany
He was cheating on his wife who gave him six kids during the war. The weimar period was just a shitty time to be alive in germany
It was bad at the start but things levelled out until the massive inflation.
Then your behavior is even more odd; you have a penchant for belittling white nationalism, national-socialism, anti-semitists, racialists
Because none of these movements have ever belittled anyone throughout history, or have they?
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