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Volcel Chad If You Hate Jews

OK Shlomo

Didn't read.
I have a vague idea of what that means but I couldn't possible say for certain. Obviously some type of meme that popped up either after or before my time. Sounds funny is what I'm trying to say.

Ok it was not directed to me but try this:
You just got a promotion from your jew boss, motivating you to write incoherent stuff about jews and incels.
It's a habit of the jews to set people up against each other.
Ok it was not directed to me but try this:
You just got a promotion from your jew boss, motivating you to write incoherent stuff about jews and incels.
It's a habit of the jews to set people up against each other.
"Let's, you and him fight!"
How did i not get mentioned in this thread
Why are there so many Jew defenders on this site?
Kikes and their defenders are all over Wizchan too.

To quite the famous John Carpenter movie “They Live” which is about the hidden/secret Jewish control of our world...

“They’re everywhere!”

The reason that this is so is due to their natural psychopathic paranoia ie they absolutely do not nor cannot feel safe unless they’ve got eyes everywhere absorbing every possible piece of information or dissent that they can possibly handle/process.

And yes their paranoia is bad enough quite obviously that they believe even super obscure and marginalized forums/sites created for use exclusively by male virgins whom are generally harmless may one day somehow pose a threat to them and their control.

This would be hilarious of course were it not so true.
JFL, infiltrating NGOs, running news orgs, playing victim of muslim immigration (self inflicted). They are high IQ, I won't argue that. They've been in power since the middle of the 20th century, and utilized their power well. Just lol if you don't see it just because you want to be an incel brocel. Sorry, but you failed the most important test there is.

@Fat Link
The only thing I disagree with you (and others on) brother is the mistaken notion that Jews are “high IQ” and or that their supposed high IQ is responsible for their (nation wrecking) “success”.

Even were that true ie that they are “super duper smart” (again it’s not true but assuming it is) the real reason they tend to succeed with most of their plans is perhaps threefold:

1. Group evolutionary strategy as professor Kevin Macdonald wrote a book about making them far more cohesive than any other racial group at sticking together to take down, take over or just plain undermine others.
2. Psychopathy perhaps mixed with malignant narcissism makes them far more willing to lie, cheat and steal as a group collective than the other races of goyim whom while also having mentally ill people of this type among their ranks obviously don’t have such people in such a vast across the board sense as Jews apparently do fo whatever reason thus other races psychopaths seem to work more towards their own self gratification instead of for the continued survival and overall dominance of the group as with Jew psychopathy.
3. Christ insanity a.k.a proto Bolshevism's development. This sick and poisonous ideology has literally given Jews the world and its present control which they currently enjoy and led to all of the other mutated ideological poisons we are being afflicted with now ie communism, SJW’s, modern liberalism, cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, progressives, political correctness, radical feminism, antifa and most recently the new religion for liberal SJW’s known as intersectionality. For the Jews Christ insanity has been the proverbial gift that keeps on giving. It has utterly cuck’d the white racial collective leaving us open for genocide our throats bared to the violent colored hordes of the earth whom the cult trains us to continually try and help to our detriment all the while the foul Jew foments hate and resentment in these people for us over crimes of which the Jews themselves are the actual guilty party for carrying out on them such as slavery as just one example.
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1. Group evolutionary strategy as professor Kevin Macdonald wrote a book about making them far more cohesive than any other racial group at sticking together to take down, take over or just plain undermine others.
2. Psychopathy perhaps mixed with malignant narcissism makes them far more willing to lie, cheat and steal as a group collective than the other races of goyim whom while also having mentally ill people of this type among their ranks obviously don’t have such people in such a vast across the board sense as Jews apparently do fo whatever reason thus other races psychopaths seem to work more towards their own self gratification instead of for the continued survival and overall dominance of the group as with Jew psychopathy.
3. Christ insanity a.k.a proto Bolshevism's development. This sick and poisonous ideology has literally given Jews the world and its present control which they currently enjoy and led to all of the other mutated ideological poisons we are being afflicted with now ie communism, SJW’s, modern liberalism, cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, progressives, political correctness, radical feminism, antifa and most recently the new religion for liberal SJW’s known as intersectionality. For the Jews Christ insanity has been the proverbial gift that keeps on giving. It has utterly cuck’d the white racial collective leaving us open for genocide our throats bared to the violent colored hordes of the earth whom the cult trains us to continually try and help to our detriment all the while the foul Jew foments hate and resentment in these people for us over crimes of which the Jews themselves are the actual guilty party for carrying out on them such as slavery as just one example.

High IQ.
One cannot simply ignore this, being incel or not has little to do with that.
The Jews invented the idea thats its a good idea to chop the tip of baby's penises off as a way to honor the all powerful Jewish Cloud Man, and they popularized this stupid fucking idea to the point where supposedly well adjusted intelligent people are still doing it today even if they arent Jewish.

And because of this stupid Jewish barbaric ritual, too much of my penis was chopped off when I was a baby and greatly destroyed the feeling in my penis.

Fuck the Jews. If Hitler had succeeded in burning all of those sick perverted assholes the world would be a much better place, and I would have my whole penis still attached to me.
How to spot a fakecel with certainty:
they unironically subscribe to the easily accessed cookie cutter narrative that Jews are this and that do evil collectively.
in-group favoritism is a thing

Realcels can identify with the so called "other", with having a ugly nose, unaesthetic features, and a nervous & thoughtful disposition like real incels.
Being able to identify with other incels doesn't mean I have to tolerate their depraved morality.

We all have weird copes but mutilating genitalia of babies for an excuse to suckle upon them grosses even me out.
I think most stormcels would go for a jewish foid given the chance
We all have weird copes but mutilating genitalia of babies for an excuse to suckle upon them grosses even me out.
Me too I just don't buy it. Not the depraved suckling part at least. I'm anti circumcision myself though actually.
I just don't buy it.
Not the depraved suckling part at least.

Think about how cultural practices evolve.

Rabbis just thought "hey, we want to suck blood out of a penis"
"a baby's penis"

"Let's say god wants his people to chop off the tips"

"then we will help it heal with our mouths"
Absolute Zero IQ

Even a surface level glance will reveal that jews are behind the evils which plague the world.

Abortion, mass immigration, Feminism, SJW propaganda (gay,tranny etc) the financial system etc...

It is not just cohencidence
LMAO I've seen like two people in my entire life that I mog, including the internet. Fuck you, jews still wreck Europe into oblivion. JFL at being their house nigger, ngl.

Fuck Chad and his minions though for sure.
Europe was hypergamous without jews.
Absolute Zero IQ

Even a surface level glance will reveal that jews are behind the evils which plague the world.

Abortion, mass immigration, Feminism, SJW propaganda (gay,tranny etc) the financial system etc...

It is not just cohencidence
Do you think if these things wouldn't exist you wouldn't be an incel?

Do you think nonjews are capable of inventing these things you listed?
Kikes and their defenders are all over Wizchan too.

To quite the famous John Carpenter movie “They Live” which is about the hidden/secret Jewish control of our world...

“They’re everywhere!”

The reason that this is so is due to their natural psychopathic paranoia ie they absolutely do not nor cannot feel safe unless they’ve got eyes everywhere absorbing every possible piece of information or dissent that they can possibly handle/process.

And yes their paranoia is bad enough quite obviously that they believe even super obscure and marginalized forums/sites created for use exclusively by male virgins whom are generally harmless may one day somehow pose a threat to them and their control.

This would be hilarious of course were it not so true.

The only thing I disagree with you (and others on) brother is the mistaken notion that Jews are “high IQ” and or that their supposed high IQ is responsible for their (nation wrecking) “success”.

Even were that true ie that they are “super duper smart” (again it’s not true but assuming it is) the real reason they tend to succeed with most of their plans is perhaps threefold:

1. Group evolutionary strategy as professor Kevin Macdonald wrote a book about making them far more cohesive than any other racial group at sticking together to take down, take over or just plain undermine others.
2. Psychopathy perhaps mixed with malignant narcissism makes them far more willing to lie, cheat and steal as a group collective than the other races of goyim whom while also having mentally ill people of this type among their ranks obviously don’t have such people in such a vast across the board sense as Jews apparently do fo whatever reason thus other races psychopaths seem to work more towards their own self gratification instead of for the continued survival and overall dominance of the group as with Jew psychopathy.
3. Christ insanity a.k.a proto Bolshevism's development. This sick and poisonous ideology has literally given Jews the world and its present control which they currently enjoy and led to all of the other mutated ideological poisons we are being afflicted with now ie communism, SJW’s, modern liberalism, cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, progressives, political correctness, radical feminism, antifa and most recently the new religion for liberal SJW’s known as intersectionality. For the Jews Christ insanity has been the proverbial gift that keeps on giving. It has utterly cuck’d the white racial collective leaving us open for genocide our throats bared to the violent colored hordes of the earth whom the cult trains us to continually try and help to our detriment all the while the foul Jew foments hate and resentment in these people for us over crimes of which the Jews themselves are the actual guilty party for carrying out on them such as slavery as just one example.

The way you describe jews sounds how the roman, British, German, etc empires all operated using divide and conquer tactics and trying to create underclassmen of people to exploit.
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racism is cope. We snowmen wuz kangz

Yeah bro believing race is real and races are different is a cookie cutter mainstream narrative. The real based, edgy belief is not believing in race and diversity is based and redpilled. Agreeing with all the elites, government, institutions and corporations is based.

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