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SuicideFuel VLOG: I got mentally obliterated by two of my bosses (they basically did an intervention on me + told me to get a girlfriend)

these are humiliation rituals, they take place when someone is higher on the hierarchy than you and feels like they need to enforce that, and they seem to be happening more often than ever because at some point they became a meme. look it up if you don't believe me.
there's no point trying to decipher a humiliation ritual because its purpose is to establish dominance, the content of it is not important.
i get them constantly from family and at work too, so i get it bro.

the fact that older men and boomers are out of touch... this only makes their humiliation rituals even more powerful, as they insist that everything works the way it did back in their time, and you just end up entangled in endless arguments.

unfortunately there isn't really a way to avoid humiliation rituals besides just keeping a low private profile, you don't let information leak out, you don't allow anyone to impose on your free time, and you stop bad interactions immediately when they start, or at least follow up very quickly if you were taken by surprise and failed to react appropriately.

once too much time passes you can't take people to task with "hey, the way you treated me wasn't ok" because they will act like you're crazy. at that point the only option is to stop caring and pay attention if they do it again so you can react immediately and tell them it's not ok and so on.

i am completely detached at this point because my stress went too high, i basically settled on the fact that i have to be at work but that doesn't mean i have to care about what happens there, and once work is over, no one is allowed to bother me for any reason, that's my time and everyone can fuck off.
Good point, this makes sense.
We got incelerated face reveal before GTA 6
They kept telling me how easy it was for them and how many gfs they had.
"Just go tell them you know some good stocks and get their number and then call them later and start talking and things will work out."

Literally what they told me.
Stocks? The investment kind? I’m not sure I follow.
Motherfuckers ganged up on me and sat me down and told me I should get a girlfriend.

Asked me if I have one. I lied and told them yes I've had girlfriends before and they asked where I touched her. And if I ever banged her. If I ever had sex before.

Told me it's easy I should just go talk to girls. Told me literally everybody has a gf and sex is super easy to get.
I wanted to die I didn't know what to do so I made this video.

This is what nigger 3rd world is like.

Sorry if it's hard to discern it's because of bad mic + me being high inhib + mask + accent + my brain being completely destroyed from the experience + mouth dry from anxiety
Bro why that pussy voice
Nigga talk a Little bit more strong , it's look like you are doing the voice like that
Human brain is a body organ just like legs and hands.

If you ever tell a cripple man to try harder to walk then you should also tell a socially anxious autist retard to "talk stronger".
Human brain is a body organ just like legs and hands.

If you ever tell a cripple man to try harder to walk then you should also tell a socially anxious autist retard to "talk stronger".
Alright sorry I understand
Motherfuckers ganged up on me and sat me down and told me I should get a girlfriend.
LMAO, tell them something like "how am I supposed to do it?" Next time. Remember it is them, who concerned with you not having a girlfriend.

Can relate. Once an HR told me, that there's a girl on my floor who's single too and I need to make advances.
LMAO, tell them something like "how am I supposed to do it?" Next time. Remember it is them, who concerned with you not having a girlfriend.
They said just go talk to them.
That’s insane that they would sit you down and talk to you about that shit. Do you think they found out you post here or something? Did they ever do anything like that before?
Wow this is so fucking brutal. Literally otherworldly levels of brutal.

If you didn't live in Iran then you'd probably be entitled to a large settlement. However yeah... Highly unlikely that you'd get such a settlement.
Anyhow your bosses sound like assholes if they only increased your salary by 20%. You should consider quitting if you can do better, actually you aught to rub it into their faces. Like I'm consider quitting after what happened with you mixing yourself into my private life.

Trust me it's extremely annoying to have to hire someone else even if there are loads of applicants. That'll show them!
im sorry this happened man

next time stop this shit right when it starts

you are an adult. you dont gotta take shit from other adults

remember! these people are normfags and they are below YOU!

That’s insane that they would sit you down and talk to you about that shit. Do you think they found out you post here or something? Did they ever do anything like that before?
No they probably just wanted to "help" by humble bragging.

Trust me it's extremely annoying to have to hire someone else even if there are loads of applicants. That'll show them!
im sorry this happened man

next time stop this shit right when it starts

you are an adult. you dont gotta take shit from other adults

remember! these people are normfags and they are below YOU!

A lot of this shit is because I am low confidence and I'm going to visit a Jewdoc now to see if I can improve my confidence. Mental illness is destroying my life I have to try jewdocs.
They'll just try to rewrite you preconceptions through logic or through medication. You do you, but to me visiting a psychiatrist is like roping to a smaller degree. You are killing the man you were in favor of a man that is more in tune with society.
where youre from broski?
I deal with similar stuff everyday, but i just talk to them in person and tell i don't like those topics. Gladly they actually listen and move on
I deal with similar stuff everyday, but i just talk to them in person and tell i don't like those topics. Gladly they actually listen and move on
No they probably just wanted to "help" by humble bragging.

A lot of this shit is because I am low confidence and I'm going to visit a Jewdoc now to see if I can improve my confidence. Mental illness is destroying my life I have to try jewdocs.
Do not take jewpills brocel. Or perhaps if you want you can try them. I am not one to say you should not try at all but SSRIs will mostly just make you passive, kill your libido and make you even more of a confidencel. These pills exist to enslave your mind. They are not the way to liberation.

If I may, I would like to suggest kratom. It is a light opiate and boosts confidence on top of inducing a sense of well-being. It can be addictive, however less so than benzos and other harder opiates. If used effecitvely, it can be a good addition to your life.
visiting a psychiatrist is like roping to a smaller degree. You are killing the man you were in favor of a man that is more in tune with society.
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

high iq
Motherfuckers ganged up on me and sat me down and told me I should get a girlfriend.

Asked me if I have one. I lied and told them yes I've had girlfriends before and they asked where I touched her. And if I ever banged her. If I ever had sex before.

Told me it's easy I should just go talk to girls. Told me literally everybody has a gf and sex is super easy to get.
I wanted to die I didn't know what to do so I made this video.

This is what nigger 3rd world is like.

Sorry if it's hard to discern it's because of bad mic + me being high inhib + mask + accent + my brain being completely destroyed from the experience + mouth dry from anxiety
Damn i feel bad that's fucked up
SSRIs will mostly just make you passive, kill your libido and make you even more of a confidencel
I won't take SSRIs. I once did and it made me feel better, killed my libido too which was also good because I fapped less. And when I stopped taking it libido came back.

But I took it a second time and this time it started to make me insomniac. I had extremely light sleep and I'd wake up at 3,4AM for no reason unable to sleep again. I immediately stopped taking it and the effect lasted for many weeks until it gradually got better.

Because of that I won't risk it anymore. Because it's possible they'll give me insomnia forever, or kill my libido forever.

Currently I'm just going to see a therapist. I feel like I really need to offload and there's also my fucked up career I need to talk to someone about.
I've never heard of bosses telling their employees to get a girlfriend jfl, that's some next level shit. Should've told them to mind their own business, it's ridiculous.
That's the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life
your silly ass probably mentioned that you fap to lolis on daily basis, that's why they told you to get a gf.
I've never heard of bosses telling their employees to get a girlfriend jfl, that's some next level shit. Should've told them to mind their own business, it's ridiculous.
Not wrong at all. That's brutal. Never get asked about it thank God
How old are your bosses?
what type of company is it if you don’t mind me asking? this could be an easy ass lawsuit for harassment on your behalf
They told you to get a gf only to laugh at you because they already know you will never get one just by looking at your face and how non-nt you appear around people. You must be careful in these cases because the same thing happened to me and they were trying to set me up some chick. I refused because i risked getting humiliated as a sub5 male.
these are humiliation rituals, they take place when someone is higher on the hierarchy than you and feels like they need to enforce that, and they seem to be happening more often than ever because at some point they became a meme. look it up if you don't believe me.
there's no point trying to decipher a humiliation ritual because its purpose is to establish dominance, the content of it is not important.
i get them constantly from family and at work too, so i get it bro.

the fact that older men and boomers are out of touch... this only makes their humiliation rituals even more powerful, as they insist that everything works the way it did back in their time, and you just end up entangled in endless arguments.

unfortunately there isn't really a way to avoid humiliation rituals besides just keeping a low private profile, you don't let information leak out, you don't allow anyone to impose on your free time, and you stop bad interactions immediately when they start, or at least follow up very quickly if you were taken by surprise and failed to react appropriately.

once too much time passes you can't take people to task with "hey, the way you treated me wasn't ok" because they will act like you're crazy. at that point the only option is to stop caring and pay attention if they do it again so you can react immediately and tell them it's not ok and so on.

i am completely detached at this point because my stress went too high, i basically settled on the fact that i have to be at work but that doesn't mean i have to care about what happens there, and once work is over, no one is allowed to bother me for any reason, that's my time and everyone can fuck off.
Most based answer
Wow this is so fucking brutal. Literally otherworldly levels of brutal.

If you didn't live in Iran then you'd probably be entitled to a large settlement. However yeah... Highly unlikely that you'd get such a settlement.
Anyhow your bosses sound like assholes if they only increased your salary by 20%. You should consider quitting if you can do better, actually you aught to rub it into their faces. Like I'm consider quitting after what happened with you mixing yourself into my private life.

Trust me it's extremely annoying to have to hire someone else even if there are loads of applicants. That'll show them!
Do just that, OP. If they rely much on you, you make the terms. Probably won't have many problems finding a better workplace too
They told you to get a gf only to laugh at you because they already know you will never get one just by looking at your face and how non-nt you appear around people.
Tell them to find you a gf and see how they don't do anything.
I was actually tempted to do that but they will just embarrass me or do a half-ass setup and then blame me for it not working out.
I was actually tempted to do that but they will just embarrass me or do a half-ass setup and then blame me for it not working out.
They would've created a whatsapp group and laughed at the convos between you and the foid.90% sure this shit would've happened to you. Worse when they find out that you were KHHV through that foid.Reputation goes ER instantly...
Incel Flow: the zaza got me shittin' right into the mouths of boomers and soys

@Jud Pottah

Metal Gear Cat GIF

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