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RageFuel Virtually no one in the West wants to do anything intellectual anymore. They just want to looksmaxx through weight lifting.



Defeated By Fate |Contra Mundi: Enemy of the World
Sep 11, 2022
Almost everyone (especially Whites and Blacks) seem to only care about """fitness""" which is a euphemism for looksmaxxing and vanity. They just want to be whores, both men and women, because if that weren't the case, why would they obsess over their bodies so much? Anybody who refuses to gymmaxx and looksmaxx is promptly thrown out of society.

All the thankless STEM related heavy lifting work is relegated to ugly third worldcels like ricecels and currycels, or low status autistic whitecels. These men are given no spotlight on social media and mainstream media and are hidden away in the backend of unglamorous office spaces and labs. This post basically drives home that point:
They are basically slaves who are forced to work hard to make attractive sexy people's lives better. Its totally feudalistic.
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Anybody who refuses to gymmaxx and looksmaxx is promptly thrown out of society.
Men are expected to leanmaxx sub 8% BF but foids can be thicc (fat af)
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
That's what happens when everyone becomes primitive beasts. They are like orcs.
That's what happens when everyone becomes primitive beasts. They are like orcs.
Teens and young adults are the worst but even grown ass men in their 30's are turning feral. Foids run their mouths too but hide behind their thug boyfriends when it comes to the dirty work.
Teens and young adults are the worst but even grown ass men in their 30's are turning feral. Foids run their mouths too but hide behind their thug boyfriends when it comes to the dirty work.
IQ levels dropping everywhere. Civilization eroding. :feelsbadman::feelsbadman:
“The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” – Thucydides
I wonder what happened to @Intellectual
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
Brutal. Normies got muscle so they start to act up like the animals they are :feelswhat:
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
People have become more and more insufferable these days
“The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” – Thucydides
Gym normies can't fight bullets :feelsLSD:
I hope all gym niggers and gym sluts get fatally shot :feelsLSD:
Teens and young adults are the worst but even grown ass men in their 30's are turning feral. Foids run their mouths too but hide behind their thug boyfriends when it comes to the dirty work.
In my country i don't have anything to fear from them physically but still they're antagonizing, cynical gossiping pieces of shit but i just ignore them. Btw i found teens to be more sympathetic than 20-25 year old zoomers for some reason
Almost everyone (especially Whites and Blacks) seem to only care about """fitness""" which is a euphemism for looksmaxxing and vanity. They just want to be whores, both men and women, because if that weren't the case, why would they obsess over their bodies so much? Anybody who refuses to gymmaxx and looksmaxx is promptly thrown out of society.
Everyone is obsessed with becoming perfect because foids are trying to be more attractive in competition with other girls to get Chad, and guys are trying to be more attractive because foids standards have risen, and as a result, they've developed this narcissistic personality, and they'll shame you if you don't participate in their self-obsessed activities.
Yes, because everyone, especially anyone on these boards or anywhere in the 'manosphere', should realize that looks are the basis of all socialization.

When having a decent career led to most men having a loving wife and family, intellect meant something. Those days have passed in Clown World.

Intellect is cope. When pushed about this, every ugly man admits its cope. It's his way of feeling like he has value and is better than others.
Yes, because everyone, especially anyone on these boards or anywhere in the 'manosphere', should realize that looks are the basis of all socialization.

When having a decent career led to most men having a loving wife and family, intellect meant something. Those days have passed in Clown World.

Intellect is cope. When pushed about this, every ugly man admits its cope. It's his way of feeling like he has value and is better than others.
We've reached a point where intellect doesn't matter even in places where it is crucial. I lost my programming job last year and have been struggling to find a new one since although I'm a highly competent programmer. Every recruiter who sees me also sees better-looking candidates and their tiny normie brains go 'me prefer not ugly guy'. How much longer can society be so shallow and not collapse?
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
Probably from the roids.
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
Can confirm. People really cruise for a bruising these days.
People have become more and more insufferable these days

In my country i don't have anything to fear from them physically but still they're antagonizing, cynical gossiping pieces of shit but i just ignore them. Btw i found teens to be more sympathetic than 20-25 year old zoomers for some reason
That's the worst part, the gossip. You say hi to someone, they concoct a fanfiction about you, then go spreading that as fact. I don't know who I hate more, gossips or people who believe gossip.
they've developed this narcissistic personality
Men have adopted female behavior patterns. It's long been a thing in the west, but it accelerated like crazy after orange man, and then even more after coovid.
me lifts 30# dumbell and reads a lot
“The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” – Thucydides
Based quote
Would you consider gymcelmaxxing?
Almost everyone (especially Whites and Blacks) seem to only care about """fitness""" which is a euphemism for looksmaxxing and vanity. They just want to be whores, both men and women, because if that weren't the case, why would they obsess over their bodies so much? Anybody who refuses to gymmaxx and looksmaxx is promptly thrown out of society.

All the thankless STEM related heavy lifting work is relegated to ugly third worldcels like ricecels and currycels, or low status autistic whitecels. These men are given no spotlight on social media and mainstream media and are hidden away in the backend of unglamorous office spaces and labs. This post basically drives home that point:

They are basically slaves who are forced to work hard to make attractive sexy people's lives better. It’s totally feudalistic.
Oyyyyy veyyyyy
We need more shit skin migration and Islam chaos
Everyone is obsessed with becoming perfect because foids are trying to be more attractive in competition with other girls to get Chad, and guys are trying to be more attractive because foids standards have risen, and as a result, they've developed this narcissistic personality, and they'll shame you if you don't participate in their self-obsessed activities.
Drop a Nuke PutlER!

Confused Harry Potter GIF
Brutal. Normies got muscle so they start to act up like the animals they are :feelswhat:
Until they get shot by pavement niggers like them! total wigger death!
I've noticed a change in attitudes with people in my area too, a lot more aggressive people going around these days or people starting shit on the street with random people for shits and giggles.
I hope climate change is real, so they can burn under the Sun. This hellish planet has had its breaks loose for quite a while.
Almost everyone (especially Whites and Blacks) seem to only care about """fitness""" which is a euphemism for looksmaxxing and vanity. They just want to be whores, both men and women, because if that weren't the case, why would they obsess over their bodies so much? Anybody who refuses to gymmaxx and looksmaxx is promptly thrown out of society.

All the thankless STEM related heavy lifting work is relegated to ugly third worldcels like ricecels and currycels, or low status autistic whitecels. These men are given no spotlight on social media and mainstream media and are hidden away in the backend of unglamorous office spaces and labs. This post basically drives home that point:

They are basically slaves who are forced to work hard to make attractive sexy people's lives better. Its totally feudalistic.

Let me guess, you go to the gym and all your new friends are gym rats. You need to expand your circle of friends, not just talk to obsessive gym rats.
We've reached a point where intellect doesn't matter even in places where it is crucial. I lost my programming job last year and have been struggling to find a new one since although I'm a highly competent programmer. Every recruiter who sees me also sees better-looking candidates and their tiny normie brains go 'me prefer not ugly guy'. How much longer can society be so shallow and not collapse?
Its interesting considering "muh high tech".
Dude what i would give for everything to get static on Windows XP era of both entertainment and internet
I don't think it's ever been popular in society to do intellectual activities. Most people are OK looking or women and dgaf about anything and just drift. Not that this is a bad thing. If I was a 5/10 or greater, I would be drifting and specialized in one hopefully high paying career with a gf that might cuck me later down the line.

I was reading a book by a Will Libby from 1889 about the history of science, and this exact sentiment is shared in his foreword, not about looksmaxxing of course, but it was about sport and olymipcs and blah blah. This book was written only a few years after the first ever power station, the Pearl Street station was opened, so I don't think it's related to a time period, it's instead the modal mentality and probably as eternal as human nature.

It's totally feudalistic.
I agree. But only the social part, which is what normal people care about. Quality of life is pretty decent not considering social life even in the lower and middle class today. Tech makes my life very luxury and yours, too. Tech also makes us unable to reproduce, so what do you make of that?

Foids run their mouths too but hide behind their thug boyfriends when it comes to the dirty work.
This isn't new. Women want their boyfriends to look like they are able to beat up other men if they feel like you offended them. Women want men that mog other men in height and frame.

When having a decent career led to most men having a loving wife and family, intellect meant something. Those days have passed in Clown World.
The thing is, intellect still did not mean anything, because in the past you would be a craftsman, laborer in some coal mine, be upper-class and inherit your wealth and never work and investments and land you owned would generate more wealth. In the past you would work in a factory, low-IQ work packing screws into boxes and be paid fairly and buy a newly developed house and pay off the mortgage in a stable economy where your wages weren't lowering.

Intellect never means anything, especially not in the past. Opportunities are what mean something.

We've reached a point where intellect doesn't matter even in places where it is crucial. I lost my programming job last year and have been struggling to find a new one since although I'm a highly competent programmer. Every recruiter who sees me also sees better-looking candidates and their tiny normie brains go 'me prefer not ugly guy'. How much longer can society be so shallow and not collapse?
Brutal. Reminds me that these companies and their Stacy-lead HR departments are hiring based on looks. Reminds me about the last time I was interviewed. When you become blackpilled, the next interview you go to will be the WORST of your life, because you will have to stress about your poor looks or height. I'm not a manlet, but I'm thinking right this moment of what an employer might think as you step into the room you're being interviewed in and you're the same height as a schoolgirl. Insanely brutal just from my imagination.

Ralph Fiennes Stare GIF by Harry Potter
Kys stormcuck
Shit skins are the future of this planet ruled by a small communist Jewish elite like me.
NOOOOOO Fuuuuuuuaaaaarrrrklkk UUUU BITCH​
Sadly you're completely correct.
“The Society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools.” – Thucydides
Spot-on description of modern cuckerica. It’s thinking is done by sissy-ass Jewish/shabbos goy intrallectuals and its army is staffed with niggers, spics, and wiggers/hicks who graduated high school with 2.0 GPAs.

Any white men who love or are proud of this country are lost. It’s been over ever since whites killed hundreds of thousands of their own to free the nigs

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