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Serious Violence doesn’t solve anything.

Violence is something we should embrace.

Understandably, inceldom and its "ideology" is that generally speaking we are hopeless, and statistics back this up. Naturally, when people are hopeless, some will suicide, and even a fewer of this portion will go ER.

So you absolutely cannot prevent violence, whether it is done by one of us or not (in fact, majority of "incel" ERs never had an account here or related platforms).

Nevertheless, it is an messaging "tool", like a headless chicken that we cannot control, but it is not the end in itself.
We shouldn't attract too much attention to ourselves though. The edgelords give us a bad rep or atleast worse than necessary
This is stupid cope. In the old days incels could ascend using violence: you would join the army and go loot and pillage. Yes you could die but if you win and survive you would loot, pillage and rape a city. Then your warlord would reward you with a slave from the vanquished army. Kill their men and take their women. Easy.

Despite being short literal mongoloids, mongol incels followed Genghis Khan and got harems of women from Arabia, China, Persia, Russia and Europe. All using violence.
Let’s actually do our part to improve our reputation, and push for changes that improve our quality of life and lower our pain.
I agree with your sentiment, but I'm afraid it's too late for that. It would be easier to branch off and do a rebranding. Too many people here are just cynical and blinded by hate to actually be logical and take anything seriously - not that I blame them, this world is utter dogshit. Sadly there are no alternate places for one to go if they find themselves in our situation; we are shunned everywhere else. If you take this idea anywhere, do hit me up.
society won't appreciate if you bend over for them they only take it as advantage to break you even more.
Violence, murder, threats of rape or worse do not improve our social standing as an oppressed group of people. The state has no reason to support what they deem as a group of terrorists-in-the-making. Incels have been referred to as school shooters, ect., and this negative stigma stops us from committing any real change. Lookism cannot be erased, but it can affect us less if government considers us as peoples with disability. To have a deformed or ugly face, to put it simply, is a form of disability. Your instrument (face) that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of social interaction is not doing its purpose correctly.

The only real (dubious) thing that could affect us positively, that being the support from those better than us, is impossible if the general populace keeps us in negative view. The stigma needs to be erased and fought back against.

This doesn’t mean we have to stop criticizing lookism, hypergamy or rejecting the blackpill. This doesn’t even mean that we can’t insult women.

It just means that certain things need to be shunned out. Glorifying mass murderers, for example, is something that we get a lot of shit for. Or making threads about raping women. To put it bluntly, this hurts our reputation. Simple as. I don’t care if some of you have one sexual fetish or another - keep it to yourself, keep it in the realm of fantasy - and I don’t have a problem. And believe me, nobody else will either.

Back to the point. I hope there is at least one person here that believes what I say. Listen to me. If autists get support, if aspies get support, even trannies, with all the negative dogshit rep they have online, get support, then what stops us, incels, from getting it? Trans community has a very negative stigma online yet they have rights that stop them from being discriminated. Laws that, if broken, are used to punish the person breaking it. Are there laws that protect deformed men? Men with dwarfism? Or any other deformity that greatly lowers their SMV? Sure, depending on what country you live in, there might be some - but now answer me this.

Are they actually being used? Do people go to the streets when ugly men get bullied or picked on? No.

That’s what can be changed. If it’s not okay to bully X person or Y person, or women, or trans women, why would it be okay to bully ugly men, or neurodivergent men?

It wouldn’t be. And if you try to justify it “it’s just society, bro! It’s just the rule of the jungle, bro!” - then you are part of the problem, even if what you say is correct. We must push against this stigma. We live in 21st century, people. Let’s not let those people treat us as animals. Let’s actually do our part to improve our reputation, and push for changes that improve our quality of life and lower our pain. Even 500 neet bucks a month go a long way when you are an incel.

TL;DR for dnrchads: Keep pushing the blackpill, keep calling women out for bullshit, disingenuous or entitled, immature behavior, but don’t call for murder, or rape, even as a joke. It’s bad reputation and we should strive to improve the public opinion of the incel community.

And finally, as this should go without saying, we shouldn’t let bluepillers or redpillers, or women, into the forum. For obvious and well-known reasons (hopefully).
Either way, no one likes us as individuals and no one will like us as a group. It doesn't matter.
We shouldn't attract too much attention to ourselves though. The edgelords give us a bad rep or atleast worse than necessary
Cuck faggot incels need to group up form groups like red guard in China and inflict terror on normie and hole (IN GTA)
It does.
Look at the French Revolution, Red Stalinist Bolshevic Russia, Viking raids, Rome wrecking the fuck out of Carthage etc etc lista GOES on

Ir is organized violence
There is something to be said about killing enemies. If they die, how will they suffer? If you are on .is and you still have hope you will suffer even more.
Everyone who said violence solves shit - you are shooting yourself in the foot and you are probably too stupid to even realize it . I don't have anything else to say beyond this - grow up. Constructive pushback is the only thing that could possibly improve our material situation and, of course, even that goes over your heads, because you somehow think that killing normie scum will make you... what? get laid? ascend? Vikings died out a little under 1000 years ago. Raiding, Pillaging, Raping, is not possible, and if you still want to practice, get the fuck out of here and back to Africa where you can rape, burn and pillage with your nigger warlord friends, like animals. You people are beyond saving.

And while I wouldn't give a flying shit about some normies dying, the fact that you are DESTROYING every incels chances with your retarded stunts and acting like a pathetic edgelords is beyond ridiculous. I understand that you are NEETING, chronically online, what have you, but have some bare-minimum mental maturity and toddler-level critical thinking skills to deduce that in the DAY AND AGE OF 2024, VIOLENCE DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING. Why? Take a fucking guess, 'why'. Look around yourself. Observe, motherfuckers.
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Everyone who said violence solves shit - you are shooting yourself in the foot and you are probably too stupid to even realize it . I don't have anything else to say beyond this - grow up. Constructive pushback is the only thing that could possibly improve our material situation and, of course, even that goes over your heads, because you somehow think that killing normie scum will make you... what? get laid? ascend? Vikings died out a little under 1000 years ago. Raiding, Pillaging, Raping, is not possible, and if you still want to practice, get the fuck out of here and back to Africa where you can rape, burn and pillage with your nigger warlord friends, like animals. You people are beyond saving.

And while I wouldn't give a flying shit about some normies dying, the fact that you are DESTROYING every incels chances with your retarded stunts and acting like a pathetic edgelords is beyond ridiculous. I understand that you are NEETING, chronically online, what have you, but have some bare-minimum mental maturity and toddler-level critical thinking skills to deduce that in the DAY AND AGE OF 2024, VIOLENCE DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING. Why? Take a fucking guess, 'why'. Look around yourself. Observe, motherfuckers.
Nigger nigger nigger total Death
brian carroll kfc GIF

View: https://youtu.be/InQKBiGEGFg?feature=shared
I don't expect a disabled underage user to understand what I wrote. You retards have the reading comprehension of a tadpole.
Y so srs rest assured mister intellectual im neither underage nor a fedora tipping chess player who thinks he is better than everyone else.
dc comics joker GIF

Dont like it?
Edge yo micropenis to the nearest library turbo nigger sensitive CUNT
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Y so srs rest assured mister intellectual im neither underage nor a fedora tipping chess player who thinks he is better than everyone else.
dc comics joker GIF

Dont like it?
Go to the library turbo nigger sensitive CUNT
kys faggot
you are the reasons this board has such bad reputation and im tired of saying otherwise
I can't believe im siding with CuckTears for once. Get fucked niggers. I hope you die alone for undermining the incel movement and laughing about it. You scum are the reasons incels suffer. Because you

KEEP SHITTING IN YOUR OWN NEST . First you fucking make hate filled posts and keep saying the most retarded shit, and then you get surprised that people fucking hate you in return. I'm never getting laid (blackpill) but because of fuckers like you, I suffer more than I should have. A fucking nigger would understand that, it's basic fucking causality. CAUSE AND EFFECT, YOU MENTALLY DISABLED MOTHERFUCKER. With how many times I repeated my point across, given examples to prove them, and tried to explain it like i would to a 5 year old moron, yet you disabled irredemable fucks still deny it and give me ignorant replies. Get fucked.
Rot alone motherfucker. You deserve it.
kys faggot
you are the reasons this board has such bad reputation and im tired of saying otherwise
I can't believe im siding with CuckTears for once. Get fucked niggers. I hope you die alone for undermining the incel movement and laughing about it. You scum are the reasons incels suffer. Because you

KEEP SHITTING IN YOUR OWN NEST . A fucking nigger would understand that, with how many times I repeated my point across, given examples to prove them, and tried to explain it like i would to a 5 year old moron, yet you disabled irredemable fucks still deny it and give me ignorant replies. Get fucked.
Rot alone motherfucker. You deserve it.
Yes you need to go back zoomer retard. To the chessboards of Reddit kindly fuck off
Yes you need to go back zoomer retard. To the chessboards of Reddit kindly fuck off
kill yourself. You will die alone and you will keep asking why why why like a retarded child not knowing what hit him. It's actually amusing really.
kill yourself. You will die alone and you will keep asking why why why like a retarded child not knowing what hit him. It's actually amusing really.
I love that you find yourself important, when in the big scheme of things you are equal to a bug just enough above water, but drowning can happen at any point in your clumsy little ego.
I deduce your IQ as 87 and below fellow apprentice in this Journey of vain futility. Remember that in the End, we are one and the same ((( I ))) whoever said it first, makes no difference.
who do i shoot at if i want pussy? :feelshehe::feelshehe:
I love that you find yourself important, when in the big scheme of things you are equal to a bug just enough above water, but drowning can happen at any point in your clumsy little ego.
I deduce your IQ as 87 and below fellow apprentice in this Journey of vain futility. Remember that in the End, we are one and the same ((( I ))) whoever said it first, makes no difference.
keep being an edgelord you stupid faggot. The future generations of incels will thank you for that. Go kiss your idol Elliot Rodger on the ass while you are at it since you are so adamant in following his degenerate steps. Please start with shooting yourself in the head like your god ER did.

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Violence, murder, threats of rape or worse do not improve our social standing as an oppressed group of people. The state has no reason to support what they deem as a group of terrorists-in-the-making. Incels have been referred to as school shooters, ect., and this negative stigma stops us from committing any real change. Lookism cannot be erased, but it can affect us less if government considers us as peoples with disability. To have a deformed or ugly face, to put it simply, is a form of disability. Your instrument (face) that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of social interaction is not doing its purpose correctly.

The only real (dubious) thing that could affect us positively, that being the support from those better than us, is impossible if the general populace keeps us in negative view. The stigma needs to be erased and fought back against.

This doesn’t mean we have to stop criticizing lookism, hypergamy or rejecting the blackpill. This doesn’t even mean that we can’t insult women.

It just means that certain things need to be shunned out. Glorifying mass murderers, for example, is something that we get a lot of shit for. Or making threads about raping women. To put it bluntly, this hurts our reputation. Simple as. I don’t care if some of you have one sexual fetish or another - keep it to yourself, keep it in the realm of fantasy - and I don’t have a problem. And believe me, nobody else will either.

Back to the point. I hope there is at least one person here that believes what I say. Listen to me. If autists get support, if aspies get support, even trannies, with all the negative dogshit rep they have online, get support, then what stops us, incels, from getting it? Trans community has a very negative stigma online yet they have rights that stop them from being discriminated. Laws that, if broken, are used to punish the person breaking it. Are there laws that protect deformed men? Men with dwarfism? Or any other deformity that greatly lowers their SMV? Sure, depending on what country you live in, there might be some - but now answer me this.

Are they actually being used? Do people go to the streets when ugly men get bullied or picked on? No.

That’s what can be changed. If it’s not okay to bully X person or Y person, or women, or trans women, why would it be okay to bully ugly men, or neurodivergent men?

It wouldn’t be. And if you try to justify it “it’s just society, bro! It’s just the rule of the jungle, bro!” - then you are part of the problem, even if what you say is correct. We must push against this stigma. We live in 21st century, people. Let’s not let those people treat us as animals. Let’s actually do our part to improve our reputation, and push for changes that improve our quality of life and lower our pain. Even 500 neet bucks a month go a long way when you are an incel.

TL;DR for dnrchads: Keep pushing the blackpill, keep calling women out for bullshit, disingenuous or entitled, immature behavior, but don’t call for murder, or rape, even as a joke. It’s bad reputation and we should strive to improve the public opinion of the incel community.

And finally, as this should go without saying, we shouldn’t let bluepillers or redpillers, or women, into the forum. For obvious and well-known reasons (hopefully).
I agree but I doubt most here actually deformed, I reckon most are actually (substantially) autistic. But having those “rights” won’t do crap actually. Things like changing your brain would help but that’s even harder than looks. Current technology does not allow for that. So nihilism it is then?
I agree but I doubt most here actually deformed, I reckon most are actually (substantially) autistic. But having those “rights” won’t do crap actually. Things like changing your brain would help but that’s even harder than looks. Current technology does not allow for that. So nihilism it is then?
Having righs is one thing, but if society hates you then nobody will use them in good faith. You need to garner some sympathy from general populace and screeching like an autistic retard that women should be beheaded won't improve that.

Again, this isn't about being le evil or whatever. I don't FUCKING care what you cels do or hate or whatever. All I say is that you should do the bare minimum, as the member of incel movement (whether you like it or not - you are a member. You are incel, right?)

And strive to improve our public opinion. Either this forum is so brainrotted from mindless pessimism that the great majority just reacts like morons and thinks its impossible, or gives vague arguments that dont hold merit.

YES, I state it again: women are part of the problem. So are our looks. That's one reason to hate us - some people surely do.

But do you people really fucking believe that THIS is the reason we get hated? That we are ugly? And short? No, motherfucker. Being ugly and short just makes you unable to get laid and might get you bullied in school if you are neurodivergent. That's it. It doesn't make hate mobs and subreddits pop up to mock you. It's the fact that users blatantly troll their own demographic with their retarded bait posts that... I don't know. Are supposed to make CuckTears upset at us? And funnel our reputation into an even deeper hole? What's the purpose of that?
Even if laws become a thing, society still doesn't give a shit about us. Listen to me, tards who don't agree with what I say; If ugly foids, if trannies, if niggers and faggots could have gotten their piece of cake, in the form of rights, public worship (BLM, pride month, pride parades, gay marriages, ect.) - why the fuck can't we do the same about lookism? Why can't lookism be the next transphobia thing? Why? Fat chicks already got it. What stops us, men, from doing the same? The answer I get: ehh, its cause we are UGLY dude and foids hate us.

Yes, foids hate us, I'd argue that the overwhelming majority hates us because we are indeed ugly, but not all of them (im not saying they are attracted to us). And we have men. Men are more likely to emphasize with men's struggles. That's still 50% of the population to work with. And the overwhelming majority of ruling power is in men's hands - presidents are mostly male, politicians are mostly male, most billionaires are male, ect.

Foids just hold dating power. That's all those whores can do. If Mr. President says 'okay, hating on cels is not allowed' - what will that bitch do? She can't do shit. Of course, you still need the general public to support Mr. president's decision - mostly men - which again - requires us to do the barest fucking minimum to behave like sane people and not like RABID FUCKING ANIMALS, or degenerates that talk about jacking off to bowls, not brushing their teeth for years on end - for fucks sake, people. Don't you fucking see that this is the primary cause for our poor reputation? That, and, you know, a bunch of us going postal, which again, didn't solve shit? It was their selfish decision that fucked us over. They decided that their suffering was worse than all of ours combined, so they went ahead and FUCKED our reputation over for their selfish cathartic revenge.
keep being an edgelord you stupid faggot. The future generations of incels will thank you for that. Go kiss your idol Elliot Rodger on the ass while you are at it since you are so adamant in following his degenerate steps. Please start with shooting yourself in the head like your god ER did.

Sesame Street Dancing GIF
@dead.ahead heil Hitler and fuck zoomie zoomie zoom zoom wigger troglodytes who flush entire comment sections on youtube with retarded :skull: emojis whenever i go visceraly @niggerstonguemyanus @niggertism turbo nigger soycuck mee meee meeee ME:feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy: fucking slut
@dead.ahead heil Hitler and fuck zoomie zoomie zoom zoom wigger troglodytes who flush entire comment sections on youtube with retarded :skull: emojis whenever i go visceraly @niggerstonguemyanus @niggertism turbo nigger soycuck mee meee meeee ME:feels::feels::feels::feels::feels::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy: fucking slut
Hope you kill yourself soon. Make sure to livestream it faggot so we can laugh at you.
@dead.ahead you have a lot of animosity for someone that doesnt care. Cursing for prejudice like a cowardly Gremlin cave Troll say hi to your troon soydit boyfriend

All fields.
Total Death
@dead.ahead you have a lot of animosity for someone that doesnt care. Cursing for prejudice like a cowardly Gremlin cave Troll say hi to your troon soydit boyfriend

All fields.
Total Death
quoting 4chan?
faggot you cant sage here, you stupid fucking dipshit. I went through your posts and, as expected, you communicate like a braindead troglodyte. I'm setting you to ignore. Fuck off trolling nigger.
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>quoting 4chan
faggot you cant sage here, you stupid fucking dipshit. I went through your posts and, as expected, you communicate like a braindead troglodyte. I'm setting you to ignore. Fuck off trolling nigger.
birth GIF

>he went Through my posts
Everyone who said violence solves shit - you are shooting yourself in the foot and you are probably too stupid to even realize it . I don't have anything else to say beyond this - grow up. Constructive pushback is the only thing that could possibly improve our material situation and, of course, even that goes over your heads, because you somehow think that killing normie scum will make you... what? get laid? ascend? Vikings died out a little under 1000 years ago. Raiding, Pillaging, Raping, is not possible, and if you still want to practice, get the fuck out of here and back to Africa where you can rape, burn and pillage with your nigger warlord friends, like animals. You people are beyond saving.

And while I wouldn't give a flying shit about some normies dying, the fact that you are DESTROYING every incels chances with your retarded stunts and acting like a pathetic edgelords is beyond ridiculous. I understand that you are NEETING, chronically online, what have you, but have some bare-minimum mental maturity and toddler-level critical thinking skills to deduce that in the DAY AND AGE OF 2024, VIOLENCE DOESN'T SOLVE ANYTHING. Why? Take a fucking guess, 'why'. Look around yourself. Observe, motherfuckers.
reason with a pitbull who wants to bite your face off, or a nigger, or a deranged hysterical foid having a fit, etc
If we stop making violent edgy comments on here we could prevent bluepillers and feds from infiltrating us as much. It's just an all around smart move. I know I myself am guilty of saying things on here but I'm willing to change that
Counterpart: communist party USA.

Anything against the elites will be infiltrated and attacked
The solution to inceldom is banning premarital sex, dating apps, or rape camps.

No government or normies will support this. Not to social media is backed by (((elites))), partially to destroy traditional soyciety and for profit. The situation must be so bad for these changes to be pushed and if it gets bad, there will inevitably be frustrated mass shooters. It's better to take advantage of the (In)famy.
Stop necroing this retarded thread, I take it back. Kill and hurt each other like lowlife niggers for all i care. I’m apathetic to it all.
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Violence also doesnt feel good at all, even if you think its justified why you did it unless you are a psychopath with low or 0 empathy you will feel guilty and the guilt can fuck your mind up. It has happened before with me
Okay cuck
I mean, he is kind of right. We should be more careful about discussing violent stuff. Now whether violence truly is the solution in general is open to individual interpretation
I mean, he is kind of right. We should be more careful about discussing violent stuff. Now whether violence truly is the solution in general is open to individual interpretation
It doesn't matter. Be as violent as you like and rape as many women as you want for all I care. I'm not the one doing the crime and not the one going to jail for it. Let's all be responsible for ourselves, something I mistakenly didn't understand when creating this thread.

In the end it's all meaningless and pointless, because 1. Nothing Ever Happens, 2. because most people here just vent or FEDpost as a joke.
also don't read this babbling i spammed in the thread, i no longer agree with anything i wrote here, it was the result of a poisoned mind who tried to look for a positive side in something that doesnt have one. Whether you are a good person or a bad person, people will judge you for being an incel and not your morality or behavior. Only looks matter. And also politics don't change anything lol, idk what the fuck I was smoking when I wrote that

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