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Brutal [Venting] Incel trait: High-inhib IRL, but Low-inhib on the internet/online

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20811
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Higher inhib around strangers, not really around friends around whom I can speak my mind freely seeing they mostly share my views
WoW is really weird. I had a craving to play it for months, but I constantly hesitated cause I knew that I'd be bored right away. Still, couldn't shake the overwhelming craving. So I subbed and BAM, right away I was just so fucking bored. I tried so hard to make myself like the game. I made lists of reasons to play, I tried to find at least one thing that would motivate me to play. But nothing worked, the game is just so fucking pointless and boring. So I wasted the whole sub.

What is wrong with us? Seriously? I also want to enjoy it like back in the days when I was younger but that is the problem, I think. I am a grown up man playing games...
The study only says that 16.1% of autistic men are in relationships, it doesn't mention sexual activity.
The study only says that 16.1% of autistic men are in relationships, it doesn't mention sexual activity.
The numbers are probably similar, or you really think that the majority of aspies get sex? Jfl
I think I’m kinda low inhib IRL, or at least I give out this image: weird clothes and haircut (confidence? lmao no, but it gives off this vibe maybe?), no stuttering, I don’t give much fucks about girls IRL (useless), in class I sit like I’m a fucking emperor Idgaf if it’s totally ape-like (back againt wall, elbows on table, feet on chair)

Maybe a cope, but eh, I gotta work with what I have, at least no one dares to bully me or make fun of me in front of me, so that’s cool
Probably Chad only and other foids

Will these make me any less of a loser?

Question is if it will make you money, whether it will make you a "loser" sounds like some high school tier mindset lol
I really want to murder people at this point (in Flight Simulator 2020).
IRL I would always follow the rules and I'd never get detention in middle & high school for example. Never been to jail or prison. Never had a bad interaction with police or law enforcement. I was also the LEAST POPULAR guy in my school years and only had ONE true friend (who was also a KHHV outcast like me). I was and still am a nobody loser outcast IRL.

Meanwhine on .co I have 27 total warnings and 6 temp bans JFL. I've also been banned from various forums and online communities for either breaking rules or being too based. I'm also apparently considered "popular" here for whatever reason, which is kinda cool if true. I'll make sure I never get permabanned here.

I'm literally a total loser in real life. KHHV, zero sexual experience, rejected, formally diagnosed autistic multiple times since age 3-4, no driverslicense, no friends (except the KHHV outcast I mentioned), no social circle, outcast. My only "real" skills are playing video games and moving a barbell up and down. I'm such a fucking failure at life. Besides my loser hobbies and this forum, I barely have anything else to cope with.
I'm too high inhib even to get in trouble on forums like this one. I got banned once in maybe 15-20 years I've been on forums and never once banned from a chat room.
I’m high inhib on here tbh
Me and you aren't that different, I can count on my fingers the number of friends I have and I've benignly been coping through my days desperately trying to find solace in a hobby like a bluepilled cuck, I'm losing hope though.
I can't relate to this at all, I've always been a naughty kid. Got detention often and got in a lot of fights, also insulted teachers often. At work I often get fired because of my big mouth. I'm way more low inhib IRL.

@Pengwin @RREEEEEEEEE @HidekiTojota mocro trait
I was a pretty good kid, a bit lazy but not a troublemaker. My behaviour is mostly the same here.
Low inhib offline and online... Idgf about niggers anymore... White, black, yellow there are all niggers..
Partial truth: Ultra High-Inhib in real life. The most anxiety-ridden person in this whole forum. High to Low Inhib online, after all, it took me a while to stop being a lurker and finally join.
I can't relate to this at all, I've always been a naughty kid. Got detention often and got in a lot of fights, also insulted teachers often. At work I often get fired because of my big mouth. I'm way more low inhib IRL.

@Pengwin @RREEEEEEEEE @HidekiTojota mocro trait
Jfl. I used to be like that as well. Nowadays though I try to be careful though. Nearly got into a fight with some Moroccan in a parked car the other night but I decided to de-escalate the situation instead of escalating it which is what I normally would have done in the past. I am germophobic so I don't want to be touched and ethnics tend to get into fights easily. @Pengwin
IRL I would always follow the rules and I'd never get detention in middle & high school for example. Never been to jail or prison. Never had a bad interaction with police or law enforcement. I was also the LEAST POPULAR guy in my school years and only had ONE true friend (who was also a KHHV outcast like me). I was and still am a nobody loser outcast IRL.

Meanwhine on .co I have 27 total warnings and 6 temp bans JFL. I've also been banned from various forums and online communities for either breaking rules or being too based. I'm also apparently considered "popular" here for whatever reason, which is kinda cool if true. I'll make sure I never get permabanned here.

I'm literally a total loser in real life. KHHV, zero sexual experience, rejected, formally diagnosed autistic multiple times since age 3-4, no driverslicense, no friends (except the KHHV outcast I mentioned), no social circle, outcast. My only "real" skills are playing video games and moving a barbell up and down. I'm such a fucking failure at life. Besides my loser hobbies and this forum, I barely have anything else to cope with.
High IQ observation. I always laugh when some incels here try to act alpha and stuff

Damn autism diagnos at age 3-4? thats fucking brutal man:feels::feels:
Well obviously I act different IRL than I do online. Imagine if I said "REPEALTHE19TH" IRL :feelskek:

I'm in community college right now. Hopefully I can transfer to uni and get a decent job if I don't fail my classes.
mogs me at leaving the house tbh
Damn I can relate
Honestly yeah that’s me, I’ll tell a foid to suck my hairy cock online but Irl I’m way too socially traumatized to even spurt more than a couple words to a foid
Jfl. I used to be like that as well. Nowadays though I try to be careful though. Nearly got into a fight with some Moroccan in a parked car the other night but I decided to de-escalate the situation instead of escalating it which is what I normally would have done in the past. I am germophobic so I don't want to be touched and ethnics tend to get into fights easily. @Pengwin
JFL. Fight at the car park
JFL. Fight at the car park
Jfl, it was a misunderstanding on their part. I was with a Slavic guy and my brother and I didn't want to bring them into any fights. Although my Slavic friend would DESTROY them easily. They didn't see him but he's got an insane frame. Remy Bonjasky personally approached him and asked him if he wanted to train in his gym. :feelskek:
Mogs me tbhtbh
Truecel trait: high inhib on both
Same exact thing. Introverted and meek irl but online I’m low inhib asf
KHHV + high inhib irl and very low inhib online especially in computer games, to counter balance :feelsthink:
theory: the biggest losers/incels IRl are the most popular/Chads on this forum

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