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USAcels, how is it beeing Incel in High school?



Knajjd is life <3-Knajjd Fanclub Leader-Midfacecel
Dec 11, 2017
Is it like in muricano series and films where the incels are always getting bullied by the jocks who play football and have 10 stacies who love him?

How is it beeing incel there. I always wanted to have my own locker ffs. It seems to be very cool to have an own locker
You'll be ignored if you're lucky
I went to a inner city ghetto high school, it was total AIDS

It was some silent hill shit, can't even describe it. Just complete, utter pandemonium. I think those high schools in the suburbs are like those series and films, yeah, there were only lockers in gym lol and everyone stole shit. I got robbed twice (once in one school, once in the other) before I completely stopped putting shit in there. Had to use this top-tier lock with a fucking key so none of these cunts could steal shit. Just lol at American high schools.

There were fights every day but no one really got bullied, no.
canadiancel, if you don’t do anything you will either be a prime target for bullying or someone no one will know
If you're at least a solid 6 you will have at least one girlfriend throughout high school if you're mentally clean. 8/10+ Chads get approached all the time and have a lot of sex. Bullying isn't really a thing anymore, but ostracization is, and it's far worse.

However if you're sub-6 like me then you're just going to be alone. It's not hard making friends though.
I also wish I had a locker that size of my own. We just had smaller squarish eletronic lockers. It was fun, there was a master code and my friend managed to get it, so we'd prank kids. This one occasion, we put a picture of a woman popping out a baby out of her vag, covered in shit too I think, in a classmate's locker and then changed the code, so he had to get the janitor to unlock his locker and then when they opened it, they saw the picture and the janitor was like wtf and our classmate was like "I didn't put that in there, I swear," and luckily for him, two fellow female classmates saw my friend put the picture in, so they snitched on him and he got in trouble for it. The principal said he had to get the picture autographed by his mom, so he took the picture home, told his mom it needs her autograph and she didn't even look at him anymore, and she just slapped him. JFL.
I dropped out in 9th grade.

Poor area, lots of hispanics and blacks, may have been more hispanic than white.

Lots of violence, crime, drugs, it makes you have the mentality of an animal, everyone basically acting like a bunch of animals.

I remember some severely morbidly obese (must have been 250lbs+ at 5'6") white girl liked me. In retrospect I would have accepted the offer.
If you're at least a solid 6 you will have at least one girlfriend throughout high school if you're mentally clean. 8/10+ Chads get approached all the time and have a lot of sex. Bullying isn't really a thing anymore, but ostracization is, and it's far worse.

However if you're sub-6 like me then you're just going to be alone. It's not hard making friends though.

chad does thing in HS normies wouldn't comprehend. some stories i have heard: having 3 somes, sneaking into parents basement to fuck, taking home a cheerleader from a game and fucking her in his room

im gonna stop there....
every single day in high school was a brutal amog roast sesh coupled with stacies snickering at how i look,

the filthy apostates. i am better than all of them in every universal plane imaginable.

edit: lol u are cute for wanting a locker. there was a total of about like maybe 10,000 lockers, decently big. total of 6-7 thousand students. nobody ever used them though. i remember i used my locker once when i was a youngling freshman and a group of senior stacies came up to me and were making fun of me for using a locker. BRUTAL sesh of death, i felt my soul escape the realm of standing a chance dating. that day is marked in my calender as "its over" day, because it truly was over

let me tell you, its a brutal brutal BRUTAL unescapable realm of tyranny and oppression, from the normies to the school counselors. everything is pure bluepill. i never met one single blackpilled brother, only pretenders, blue pillers, and drug users.

ask me more questions, it is fun to shit talk about the american education system. the teachers are bluepilled af feminists, ALL of them.
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I went to a inner city ghetto high school, it was total AIDS

It was some silent hill shit, can't even describe it. Just complete, utter pandemonium. I think those high schools in the suburbs are like those series and films, yeah, there were only lockers in gym lol and everyone stole shit. I got robbed twice (once in one school, once in the other) before I completely stopped putting shit in there. Had to use this top-tier lock with a fucking key so none of these cunts could steal shit. Just lol at American high schools.

There were fights every day but no one really got bullied, no.

mine was semi-ghetto

exactly like that

just a fucking brutal free for all with 3000+ kids
I went to a private school but it was pretty bad still. Girls fauxflirted with me, guys excluded me from things, etc.
Not bragging but since I'm a volcel, I've never had to deal with bullying, roasting, or femoid hatred, but I attended a primarily black, reverse-gentrified high school in a suburban area for my first two years so I didn't get to experience a normal high school until later. It was the pits. Not because everyone there carried a .45 and did drugs in the bathrooms. I would've preferred that. No, it was just boring and no one was attractive to me, so I couldn't even get hard looking at my oneitis.

When I moved to a better school, incels were fucked due to Tinder. They were cast aside and had to deal with each other, in more ways than one. Most of them were gay and needed to suck themselves off. A friend of mine who was a legitimate truecel who I thought was normal enough, started to act strange as fuck to compensate for his inferior genetics and having to see gl guys being able to fuck hot chicks on a dime. He started being really non-NT. Saying gay, tranny shit like how he would start wearing makeup to school because he looked prettier as a girl (which made it even funnier to me because this was after I started to realize why RuPaul's Drag Race was so popular, plenty of ugly guys don't really want to be trans, they just know that they don't look good as guys so caking on a bunch of makeup will at least make them look human as women), saying he was asexual and liked traps better than girls (again, nearly all asexuals aren't actually unattracted to the same/other sex, they just know how ugly they are and want to get a jump on that shit), fucking degen. I never dropped him because he was primo kek and he hooked me up with ((420)) but, that's the state they're in right now. Since most Chads are soyboys nowadays and anti-bullying is huge, the practice of the jock stereotype stuffing an incel into a locker is no longer being perpetuated.
Canadian but I was bullied by jocks in hs. The movies are based in reality but heavily exaggerated. I had a locker but never used it, all my books I kept in my bag.
Most shows are based on 80's and 90's version of HS.

The only thing that still stands the test of time are the cafeteria cliques
Most shows are based on 80's and 90's version of HS.

The only thing that still stands the test of time are the cafeteria cliques
Is it like in muricano series and films where the incels are always getting bullied by the jocks who play football and have 10 stacies who love him?

How is it beeing incel there. I always wanted to have my own locker ffs. It seems to be very cool to have an own locker
I didn’t get my own locker in hs. The chads don’t always play football, 75% of the people there do nothing with their lives (except maybe play a school sport or instrument) and neither study nor do any extra currics at a high level. They just go out to eat/get drunk/get high all the time and have degenerate parties (been to a few, couples literally fuck in the bathrooms and on the furniture of OTHER PEOPLES houses).

Either way it’s just as much suifuel and suffering as you expect. You sorta get revenge at the end when uni acceptances come back and your hard work gets recognized for a second. However, in your heart you know it’s just cope and you would trade all the prospects and success in the world just to experience the light of the human heart, even just once.
it happens all day long in middle school. But it also happens in high school
I went to a inner city ghetto high school, it was total AIDS

It was some silent hill shit, can't even describe it. Just complete, utter pandemonium. I think those high schools in the suburbs are like those series and films, yeah, there were only lockers in gym lol and everyone stole shit. I got robbed twice (once in one school, once in the other) before I completely stopped putting shit in there. Had to use this top-tier lock with a fucking key so none of these cunts could steal shit. Just lol at American high schools.

There were fights every day but no one really got bullied, no.
fukin niggers thank god i lived in all white town lol
being an incel in hs drove me to dropping out in 9th grade

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