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RageFuel Update #2 on my work situation. High IQ cels GTFIH

Wristlet 2

Wristlet 2

"The only thing I could do was even the score."
Jan 13, 2020
Sorry for the two updates boyos, like I said I don't think this is my blog and just have no one to vent to. This'll be the last one, for a while at least. I have raging about this alone in my apartment for the last 3 days and it's been very sad, but I'll get my mind off it and just cope now, and stop thinking and talking about it. Today and tomorrow it's a holiday where I live so that helps as well. I just have one more question to make for the high IQ cels with a strategical mind.

First off, the goal. Without a goal there's no strategy, so let me make my goal clear: I want to successfully sue for severance, I want to be fired in 2-3 months as opposed to right now, and I want them to be nice and polite to me when I'm back to working onsite until I get fired, so as not to aggravate my anxiety and depression due to being 8hrs a day with them (though if it comes to this I can get a long sick leave, hence the last priority). Those are my goals, on that priority order. Keeping the job is not one of my goals, beyond my preferrence of getting fired in a few months as opposed to now.

One requirement: According to someone from the union I talked to, in order to successfully sue, I have to tell them explicitly and in no unclear terms, on chats, emails and in the calls I'm recording, that I do not agree with those accusations against me. This causes a dilemma because the usual strategy of playing along and saying "sure sure, you're right, I will take all your feedback into account and I will do better" isn't an option anymore. Maybe something like "I disagree with all those accusations regarding my work, but I will follow any requests you have, and improve my behavior as I'm always trying to constantly improve" would sort of work? :waitwhat::waitwhat:

As to keeping them nice and polite, any advice on that? I hate that I have to do this, but maybe if I tell my bosses that I trust them and think they're great despite this misunderstanding, that'd help deescalate the situation? :feelsbadman:


Mentioning some high IQ cels I know but all advice is welcome. Even more so if you think you're low IQ because humble people tends to actually be high IQ imo.

@PPEcel @MENSA_IQcel @Cheesecel @ColdLightOfDay @chudur-budur @Yerberito @rightfulcel @Reddit_is_for_cucks
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Me a high iq cel? LOL. Get a microphone on you that lasts all day and upload it to the cloud or some big ass hard drive. Something like that. Keep that a secret I guess.
Me a high iq cel? LOL. Get a microphone on you that lasts all day and upload it to the cloud or some big ass hard drive. Something like that. Keep that a secret I guess.
no im working from home, so i just record with my phone when we have a call
Didn't read tbh
More backstory needed. Why are they firing you? What happened?

I'm not high IQ btw.
Basically just act like you are his bitch
Sorry for the two updates boyos, like I said I don't think this is my blog and just have no one to vent to. This'll be the last one, for a while at least. I have raging about this alone in my apartment for the last 3 days and it's been very sad, but I'll get my mind off it and just cope now, and stop thinking and talking about it. Today and tomorrow it's a holiday where I live so that helps as well. I just have one more question to make for the high IQ cels with a strategical mind.

First off, the goal. Without a goal there's no strategy, so let me make my goal clear: I want to successfully sue for severance, I want to be fired in 2-3 months as opposed to right now, and I want them to be nice and polite to me when I'm back to working onsite until I get fired, so as not to aggravate my anxiety and depression due to being 8hrs a day with them (though if it comes to this I can get a long sick leave, hence the last priority). Those are my goals, on that priority order. Keeping the job is not one of my goals, beyond my preferrence of getting fired in a few months as opposed to now.

One requirement: According to someone from the union I talked to, in order to successfully sue, I have to tell them explicitly and in no unclear terms, on chats, emails and in the calls I'm recording, that I do not agree with those accusations against me. This causes a dilemma because the usual strategy of playing along and saying "sure sure, you're right, I will take all your feedback into account and I will do better" isn't an option anymore. Maybe something like "I disagree with all those accusations regarding my work, but I will follow any requests you have, and improve my behavior as I'm always trying to constantly improve" would sort of work? :waitwhat::waitwhat:

As to keeping them nice and polite, any advice on that? I hate that I have to do this, but maybe if I tell my bosses that I trust them and think they're great despite this misunderstanding, that'd help deescalate the situation? :feelsbadman:


Mentioning some high IQ cels I know but all advice is welcome. Even more so if you think you're low IQ because humble people tends to actually be high IQ imo.

@PPEcel @MENSA_IQcel @Cheesecel @ColdLightOfDay @chudur-budur @Yerberito @rightfulcel @Reddit_is_for_cucks

sue them because they can’t just fire you. They need to lay you off while paying you till you get another job
Based on what you said in your last post, you're someone in a technical position who the company wants to lay off, not because you suck at your job, but because the economy is tough, and they want you gone without having to pay you severance.

As far as I'm concerned, some HR asshat who wants to fuck you over aren't going to be nice and polite if you manage to talk your way into staying for a couple of extra months. You shouldn't give them any good reason to fire you, but there's no reason to be excessively obsequious when you know you're gone for good.

I don't know about labour laws where you live so I can't comment on what you need to do to mount a good lawsuit.
sue them because they can’t just fire you. They need to lay you off while paying you till you get another job
I'm in Spain not the US, the way it works here is that they can't legally lay me off (which would mean less severance) because of the coronavirus situation, and would instead have to do a "temporary layoff" that requires them to hire me after, but would be allowed to fire me if they say its performance related. I'll sue for about 6000-7000€ of severance though :dab:
Based on what you said in your last post, you're someone in a technical position who the company wants to lay off, not because you suck at your job, but because the economy is tough, and they want you gone without having to pay you severance.

As far as I'm concerned, someone who wants to fuck you over aren't going to be nice and polite if you manage to talk your way into staying for a couple of extra months. You shouldn't give them any good reason to fire you, but there's no reason to be excessively obsequious when you know you're gone for good.

I don't know about labour laws where you live so I can't comment on what you need to do to mount a good lawsuit.
Yeah the company stock is at an all time low. Not long ago, my boss's boss, aka the same guy that's pulling this shit, said in a meeting, noticeably upset "this company hires a lot of people when there's a lot of work to do, and you can't fire them when there's not as much to do" (which includes me). So, it sounds like they now gave him the green light to fire some people. I think you hit the nail in the head tbh.

2nd paragraph is spot on ngl. I guess you're right. I think I will just take advantage of this work from home period, then after we're supposed to go back to onsite, tell them I have a cough and may have coronavirus or some shit for 2-3 extra weeks, and then if I'm still not fired get a long (several months) sick leave over depression (which is legal and I'd get my full salary if I convince my doctor, which is doable as I'm on jewpills and therapy), and then they'll probably fire me before that's over. I'm not trying to deal with a toxic work environment.

But yeah like you say there's no reason to be extra nice to them. I'll probably regret it later so fuck that.

Thanks brocel.
More backstory needed. Why are they firing you? What happened?

I'm not high IQ btw.
there's so much backstory I couldn't possibly explain everything, but tl;dr: some soyboys are mad at me for bullshit reasons, my boss's boss has wanted to fire some people for a while because there's too many employees for the workload but couldn't due to company policy, but he finally can as the company stock is at an all time low. this would explain his sudden attitude change towards me

i have been working here for 2 and a half years, objectively doing a good job in the sense of delivering everything on time, with nothing but good performance reviews, but suddenly according to him i'm horrible (he came up with a list of "problems", most invented, some trivial like not being social enough :feelsseriously: and some true but exaggerated) and we need to have a serious talk next monday, when I'll probably be put on a PIP or something

fuck that asshole tbh
Basically just act like you are his bitch
fuck that, ppecel is right, its over anyway, also now that i think about it, fuck my last point about objectives: im gonna take advantage of this coronavirus wfh period, then when its over pretend i have coronavirus symptoms for 2-3 extra weeks, then if im still not fired tell my doctor im too depressed to go to work (plausible as im on jewpills and therapy) for a long sick leave
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@PPEcel @MENSA_IQcel @Cheesecel @ColdLightOfDay @chudur-budur @Yerberito @rightfulcel @Reddit_is_for_cucks
You forgot to tag me.

In order to not get fired now, words alone won't cut the mustard. Actions will. You will need to be needed at your work to delay being fired.

So I suggest you poison some of your colleagues (in Minecraft by giving them a splash potion of poison) so that the amount of workers is insufficient so therefore you can't be fired, otherwise there wouldn't be enough people to complete enough work.

Le edit: I just read one of your replies to this post but I just skimmed over it so I may not be fully aware of the situation. But why can't you just let the boss know that you are aware that him firing you is illegal? Wont he b like o shit he probs saying that cuz he's thinking of dyeing me. Like can't you covertly convey to him that you're aware that what he's doing is illegal and if he does die you then you will sue him

I think I heard you saying sincerely that him firing u rn is illegal but I didn't fully read so i dunno
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You forgot to tag me.

In order to not get fired now, words alone won't cut the mustard. Actions will. You will need to be needed at your work to delay being fired.

So I suggest you poison some of your colleagues (in Minecraft by giving them a splash potion of poison) so that the amount of workers is insufficient so therefore you can't be fired, otherwise there wouldn't be enough people to complete enough work.
JFL based and darktriadpilled

i cant do that however bc im working from home
JFL based and darktriadpilled

i cant do that however bc im working from home
I'll actually properly read your threads now and genuinely see if I can come up with a solution. How many threads have u got on this? I know of 2 but is there any more cuz I don't wanna miss out on information.
I'll actually properly read your threads now and genuinely see if I can come up with a solution. How many threads have u got on this? I know of 2 but is there any more cuz I don't wanna miss out on information.
2 more and this one, just go to my profile -> find -> threads and you'll see them i think, though i make a lot of threads so i can link them if you want

thanks brocel
Dunno, im a teen so I don't rlly know how the world works.

It seems that maybe one person being fired from the work is inevitable and you need to dig yourself up and mog your colleagues so that you're not that person being fired.

You dig yourself up so that you're not fired or you dig yourself up and dig others down so that someone else is fired instead of you.

To dig yourself up you maybe do extra work or something I dunno. Don't take the breaks that your given and spend that time finishing early so that you can ask to do more work and you r more valuable than the others cuz your doing more work and u b doing it faster so it would be better to fire someone else.

Dig other workers down by bringing up the problems they've had and covertly persuade the boss into considering firing them instead to stop the boss from being so tunnel visioned on you rn.

Bruh I rlly dunno. U can do what ppecel and list every thing you've done right which is the right thing to do but the boss already knows this and just doesn't care cuz he's already made up his mind unless you make him wanna fire someone else instead so I dunno.
Dunno, im a teen so I don't rlly know how the world works.

It seems that maybe one person being fired from the work is inevitable and you need to dig yourself up and mog your colleagues so that you're not that person being fired.

You dig yourself up so that you're not fired or you dig yourself up and dig others down so that someone else is fired instead of you.

To dig yourself up you maybe do extra work or something I dunno. Don't take the breaks that your given and spend that time finishing early so that you can ask to do more work and you r more valuable than the others cuz your doing more work and u b doing it faster so it would be better to fire someone else.

Dig other workers down by bringing up the problems they've had and covertly persuade the boss into considering firing them instead to stop the boss from being so tunnel visioned on you rn.

Bruh I rlly dunno. U can do what ppecel and list every thing you've done right which is the right thing to do but the boss already knows this and just doesn't care cuz he's already made up his mind unless you make him wanna fire someone else instead so I dunno.
thanks brocel, it means a lot that you gave advice even if you're a teen

i dont think i'll do extra work for them, fuck them tbh. im already doing good work and they'll still fire me bc im ugly and high inhib

on monday i'll record the call and i'll prove them wrong on it bc i'll use that recording in court, then i'll just chill during these months of working from home, and when its time to come back to onsite, i swear, if these fucking retarded hivemind of soycucks starts treating me like shit, which they probably will, i will tell my doctor im too depressed to go to work (plausible as im already on jewpills and therapy) and just stop going to work neetbux off them from that point on (this is legal in my country)
Highiqcel here

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