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Serious Unpopular opinion: volceldom does not exist



Dec 27, 2021
I know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this but here it is: “volcel” is not a thing

by saying “men can’t have standards” you are just being a cuck. Women are allowed to prefer chads, so why are we not allowed to only want to settle for stacies?

“you are doing exactly what you accuse women of doing:soy:

so fucking what? I’m not fucking a 1/10 hambeast just because i’m desperate to get laid:feelspuke:

the way i see it, women are allowed to have high standards, so i should be able to as well. And you aren’t being virtuous by giving any foids a chance because guess what? They don’t give a shit. You are incel regardless and foids will hate you regardless. Might as well not delude yourself and set your standards high. Not everyone is attracted to their looksmatch and that’s ok. Women have dominated the sexual marketplace for too long it’s time we switch the roles and let incels do the choosing:feelsokman:

it’s kinda cucked to say men shouldn’t have standards because that’s exactly what ITcucks want to hear. They want you to stay in your place and take whatever scraps are handed to you.
What the fuck is volcel
This isn't a "volceldom does not exist" argument. It's a "volceldom exists but so what" argument.
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Well i can see where they come from, if there's a female gorilla in front of me i sure as hell aren't desperate enough to fuck it
Wait maybe i am a volcel after all
So women are allowed to only like chads but i have to settle for my looksmatch:feelshaha:

Yes, because why doesn't Chad get Stacy? Why doesn't the Chadlite get the Stacylite? Why doesn't the high tier normie get the high tier Becky?

What you'd be doing here is just redirecting the injustice elsewhere, except it arguably makes even less sense.
So women are allowed to only like chads but i have to settle for my looksmatch:feelshaha:
TBH, even asking for your looksmatch as a minimum show that you haven't really become desperate yet. At this point, you're still stuck in the sour grapes mentality.
TBH, even asking for your looksmatch as a minimum show that you haven't really become desperate yet. At this point, you're still stuck in the sour grapes mentality.
I personally would fuck my looksmatch but i don’t care if there are incels who wouldn’t.

women have such a privileged life i don’t really care if an incel has standards foids deserve to get rejected
males are superior therefore i don't see anything wrong wanting someone above your looksmatch and its pretty reasonable
women have such a privileged life i don’t really care if an incel has standards foids deserve to get rejected

Now that I definitely agree with. I don't think it's our responsibility, though, the normans have to do it. We already suffer too much.
even the 1/10 hambeast will reject u for chad, make a hambeast tinder and see how many matches it gets in 1 hr
Yes, because why doesn't Chad get Stacy? Why doesn't the Chadlite get the Stacylite? Why doesn't the high tier normie get the high tier Becky?

What you'd be doing here is just redirecting the injustice elsewhere, except it arguably makes even less sense.
This would never work because foids would never settle for their looksmatch unless you forced them too by fear of punishment or something
males are superior therefore i don't see anything wrong wanting someone above your looksmatch and its pretty reasonable
So you are superior to women but you can’t even find a gf? Yeah, that makes sense :feelstastyman:
So you are superior to women but you can’t even find a gf? Yeah, that makes sense :feelstastyman:
fucking cuck literal retard tbh? who do you think gave power to women so they can be whores? males you fucking dog cunt, plus the fkin jews contribute to the whole degeneracy and brainwashed alot of males into believing bluepill bs and spreading their degeneracy.
fucking cuck literal retard tbh? who do you think gave power to women so they can be whores? males you fucking dog cunt, plus the fkin jews contribute to the whole degeneracy and brainwashed alot of males into believing bluepill bs and spreading their degeneracy.
But you are superior. Just take the power back on your own. Superior creatures can always do what they want. That’s why we call them superior. Good luck Bro.
This would never work because foids would never settle for their looksmatch unless you forced them too by fear of punishment or something

And that's exactly what should occur.

Obviously the femoids alive would need to be forced. Then many more femoids would be bred and those would be conditioned to obey men period.
But you are superior. Just take the power back on your own. Superior creatures can always do what they want. That’s why we call them superior. Good luck Bro.
fucking retard i cba, males fought wars and the side that was outnumbered lost its that simple how do you expect to win 1 v 10000000 everyone is so brainwashed by jews its over.
fucking retard i cba, males fought wars and the side that was outnumbered lost its that simple how do you expect to win 1 v 10000000 everyone is so brainwashed by jews its over.
Sounds like the jews are superior, not you.
Sounds like the jews are superior, not you.
sounds like you are retarded and you talk like foid consider necking yourself roastie
I agree with your premise.

Which is why I accept volcels along with femcels.
fucking retard i cba, males fought wars and the side that was outnumbered lost its that simple how do you expect to win 1 v 10000000 everyone is so brainwashed by jews its over.




Females should be sold like any other products, they don't deserve an option, a balding, Manlet 1/10 PhD scientist deserves a 10/10 Stacy wayyyy more than some retarded TikToker teenager.

Your contributions to society >>> some hole opinion about your bones :feelzez:

Slavery (for females) should be legalized again
Doesnt even need to be said.
I doubt real volceldom exist appart monks, even the most high inhib autist eventually tries to get some, me and my brother are good examples we are both socially awkward non nt shut ins and mentally fucked up, we both endured until 30, then you say fuck it im gonna try, he succeded i didnt. Im an incel, he isnt.
I doubt real volceldom exist appart monks, even the most high inhib autist eventually tries to get some, me and my brother are good examples we are both socially awkward non nt shut ins and mentally fucked up, we both endured until 30, then you say fuck it im gonna try, he succeded i didnt. Im an incel, he isnt.
Dam, good for him. How did he do it?
Dam, good for him. How did he do it?
He met a girl on plantation part time work, she was a cute mid 20 s Becky, eventualy they broke up,
II guess he got his turn, which is something
Yeah, he enjoyed while It lasted, they lived quite far so they grew appart after sometime, also years of LDAR killed all of his ambition and she expected more from a guy In mid 30S.
No one said you are forced to fuck a landwhale, but if you are a 1/10 landwhale yourself then you are retarded for demanding more. All the chad''cels'' here turn down on chances to getting average foids, not ''1/10 landwhales'' so it's safe to say they are volcels.

Also, nobody said foids are allowed to have high standards in this forum ever, unless you count the GrAYfag that get banned within days.

The difference is that some foids get away with having high standards because of how gynocrentric and retarded so(y)ciety is, while you having high standards will lead you nowhere.
I agree with you on paper that men should have standards(Even though if both men and women had standards everyone would be virgin) but then you can't call yourself incel or you're just watering down the meaning of incel
Agreed, If you’re here you’re truecel there isn’t no thing as volcel
every opinion here is unpopular.

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