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Venting University as an incel was a mistake

Remember to maxmise your rental assistance. Here are some quick tips on making your cenno stay as enjoyable as possible:
  1. Centrelink lets you stay on jobseeker for 6 months then you must get assigned to a job service provider (JSP)
  2. JSPS will do an assessment. You MUST SIGN THE JOB PLAN, but you DO NOT SIGN THE PRIVACY CONSENT RELEASE FORM. This is voluntary. You should tell them you're homeless, can't drive, have a criminal record, and don't have a phone and no reliable transport.
  3. These are known as barriers to employment. They must legally address these before you can even start getting referred to jobs.
  4. Under the previous government, their social worker will actually pay you to stay in a hotel if you claim homelessness. I'm not actually homeless but I've had holidays in 4 star hotels because they paid for it.
  5. Tell them you can't drive as ur license was cancelled. They should pay for your drivers license renewal.
  6. Tell them you have no reliable transport, and ask them to top up your transort Opal card or whatever you use.
  7. Tell them you don't have a phone and a SIM card. They will fill out a purchase order and get you one. It won't be a good one, but it's usually a $150-250 burner phone you can use for chadfishing.
  8. Now you've gotten all that shit. They'll start talking about a resume and they'll make you one. Tell them you have a criminal record so that restricts you to laboring jobs that don't care about crim history.
  9. When you get your resume from them, change the resume, name and email to some random shit so you cannot be contacted by anyone you submit your resume to.
  10. Start applying for your number of points each period... apply on seek or jora, and just use your fake resume and a blank cover letter pdf. Screenshot that submitted application notification from seek and submit it as evidence of external job applications on the workforce australia site. Don't worry they never fucking check anything.
  11. Appointments with JSPS should be 1 every 2 weeks or 1 phone call every 4 weeks. Do not let you force you into other shit like courses or force you to do Work for the Dole (WFD). WFD is legally optional, and you can REFUSE.
  12. If they sign you up for a certificate at tafe or their online college as part of your 6 month job activation requirement, it is time to change providers!
  13. But before I change, I used to tell them I had a gardenign job arranged and I needed work clothes. I've give them my friends number and he would pretend to be my new employer. He would confirm I had the job and what day I was starting. I'd tell the JSP I need work boots, clothes and safety gear. They would give me 2 sets of hi-vis shirts, 2 pants, 1 pair steel cap boots, gloves, safety glasses and a set of hearing protection. Once I had that shit physically in my hand, I'd just keep it and wear it as my daily clothing lol, and then I'd change providers and forget about the entire fucking job lie thing,
  14. Ring the Centrelink National Customer Service Line (NCSL) – 1800 805 260 and change providers to another one in the area.
  15. Rinse and repeat. You can legally change providers up to 6 times a year I think. Even then you can keep changing by lying to the Centrelink service NCSL hotline that your JSP discriminated against you by calling you a bogan and they will give you an administrative transfer and leave negative marks on your old JSP which can impact their future contracts.
  16. Back in the glory days of jobseekr in 2013, I was getting fuel vouchers and a laptop to help my "job search" but the abbot government fixed up that shit.
In summary, job seeker is a fucking rort, waiting to be scammed by those who know how. I have a friend working full time as a tradie in cashies and collecting job seeker at the same time. He gets $460 each week in return for 10 minutes job applications each month and a fortnightly appointment. I'm on Disability Pension now so I'm thankfully out of that system. Remember to change providers when they pressure you to do shit, and to never sign the Privacy Consent form - only sign the job plan.
Any questions on defrauding centrelink and getting on DSP, tag me. I'm more familiar with social security law than most centrelink workers :feelskek:

Damn that’s a lot to take in and to memorise, but I appreciate the help. Will
Be bookmarking this post for future reference.

Cheers fellow welfare collectER bro-cel
And then by the time I graduate, artificial intelligence will already make every intellectual field obsolete, so I will be stuck doing physical labor anyway with the rest of the wagies.
I'm going to community college next week. Hope I don't see too many chads there.
a lot of rich boys like that tend to be at big Us
So sorry to hear that. I dropped out of university multiple times before I got my education from an online university where I finally got my degree from.

Classes and uni social life were horrible and the reason why I dropped out. Most normies are hostile, unless you belong to their clique, otherwise they only see you as competition.

NEETbuxxing isn’t so bad, but that depends on the laws of your country. Most people who don’t like NEETbuxxing are traumatized from school and family and can’t function without a busy schedule and “responsibilities”. Working full-time is for slaves, working part-time can be a good compromise for many.
And then by the time I graduate, artificial intelligence will already make every intellectual field obsolete, so I will be stuck doing physical labor anyway with the rest of the wagies.
im glad you noticed!
this is what ive been telling dudes over at 4chan for years now. why the fuck would anyone bother going to uni, when your fucking job wont exist in like 5 to 10 years

ai is what i have left to live for. everything else is just pain and leads me closer to suicide
Im going to university regardless of the blackpills I'll witness. I want to cope with higher education
University is free in most of Europe, they even pay you to be a good slave by being a part of the school system.
My uni has a very high acceptance rate so basically all the people here are around 90-110 iq. Since looks and intelligence are correlated it means even the people who are considered “chads” here are like HTN max and would be considered average at my old high school. even then dont they slay at all, foids here are ugly as shit too
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It looks like I have three options:
[1] Suicide
[2] NEETbuxx forever
[3] Wageslave for no real reason
A good post, but you're forgetting that AGI might come this decade, changing everything. I for one intend on taking sodium nitrite - if AI doesn't fundamentally improve by 2026.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsD-LV7y-HE

P.S. Can't you drop out? I'm Ukrainian and I literally cannot because then I would be killed by Jews.
AGI might come this decade
I hope so. Although I'm not really sure what it'll bring. Currently I'm using ChatGPT-4 as a study aide and it can do maths, science and engineering way better than an undergrad and is also way better at explaining concepts than any of my professors. That's worrisome, though, as it means my STEM degree will be rendered useless. I doubt the government will be nice enough to stop our wageslaving as it would be a detriment to the economy. So I will end up in low-wage hell anyway.

P.S. Can't you drop out? I'm Ukrainian and I literally cannot because then I would be killed by Jews.
No I cannot drop out as I am broke af and I don't have parents I can rely on. If I were to drop out I'd have to pay back loans, pay for rent, survive alone, all on minimum wage probably... :forcedsmile:
I just think it's better to complete this degree so that I have some kind of qualifications.
Interesting turn of events.
He only said he had paid 9 USD for OnlyFans material, how the hell is @gummybearcel a fakecel? Why is @Sheogorath not banned if he had paid 150 Canadian dollars for literally nothing?
He only said he had paid 9 USD for OnlyFans material, how the hell is @gummybearcel a fakecel? Why is @Sheogorath not banned if he had paid 150 Canadian dollars for literally nothing?
Apparently he said he had a gf and he was larping as an inkwel the whole time
Apparently he said he had a gf and he was larping as an inkwel the whole time
Uh? If so, then that's indeed a grave offense, and it breaks my heart. Was is the OnlyFans thread? I took an archive of it, but before any of what you're hinting at happened.
Missed out on teen love. Nothing in middle school. Nothing in high school. Nothing in college. Missing out on young adult love now it's over
Why is @Sheogorath not banned if he had paid 150 Canadian dollars for literally nothing?

because I got refunded a couple days later when I realized my mistake and told my bank to get back my bucks - everyone slips, the question is whether you realize your mistakes and improve as a result
Kill yourself for writing all this fake shit you fucking faggot.
what a huge POS this guy turned out to be. i think he said his foid girlfriend would sometimes help him think of things to write on here. i hate foids and normies. incels should live on another planet far away from these people.
what a huge POS this guy turned out to be. i think he said his foid girlfriend would sometimes help him think of things to write on here. i hate foids and normies. incels should live on another planet far away from these people.
what a huge POS this guy turned out to be. i think he said his foid girlfriend would sometimes help him think of things to write on here. i hate foids and normies. incels should live on another planet far away from these people.
What the fucl man. We're a zoo for these people.learning enough about us to fake being one of us gives them no empathy.
My family threw a university application in my face, and for a minute i considered becoming a doctor but in the end I was far too depressed about my shoolyears experience to actually chase that shit any further. Neetmaxxed for 3 years instead and became a dishwasher.
I'm going to community college next week. Hope I don't see too many chads there.
Take it online, not a big social scene there tbqh
this gummy bear poster is how foids and normies are in real life. they are meanspirited. just maybe foids are gonna suffer some kind of emotional trauma for all the emotional hurt and withholding sex.
Reminds me of a story from college. It was late at night and a couple were going at it one floor above me (obnoxious). I got up and yelled up at them: "Hey, shut up! I'm trying to get to sleep!", LOL. They did stop; and now they both have that story.
Philippines and Thailand are the easiest. A popular saying is that Thaigirl is more pretty and the Philippine girl sweeter, but that is of course a generalisation. Philippine girl is typically more conservative, but the widespread poverty forces them to compromise that. This I would say for a serious relationship Philippines is a very good place and you will have a lot to choose from. Christian Filipina and Thai friendly are popular sites where a lot of people meet, both serious and sugar dating which in Asia can be anything from taking her out for dinner and then end up in your hote room or to actually give her some money for sex. Vietnam and Cambodia should also be easy, but you dont have the same foreigner dates local girl culture. Indonesia definetly possible, but conservative country where the hotel will ask if the girl you have their is your wife. China of course, not been there, but I have talked to several friendly and pretty China girls online. There seem to a segment of girls that speak good English and want to meet foreigners. A guy that has no luck in the West could also be lucky in richer Asia countries like Japan, South Korea and Taiwan where girls may view you in different light but it is not my experience they throw themselves at you as in the same way as in poorer countries. But still the mindset is very different compared to the West girls.
Only works if you're white, stop with the bullshit of muh western mindset
They're attracted to whites and then only, an indian or an arab with hiss passport is dogshit to them
Same experience. But I needed that STEM degree.
I wouldn't dare be so impudent as to tell you what to do but I may be able to impart some constructive advice by way of my own anecdotal insights as someone who has spent nearly his entire life in academia, first as an undergraduate student, then a grad student and eventually as a university instructor.

Firstly, as you presciently observe, there are many fields and corresponding disciplines which will be rendered obsolete by the evolution of ai technology. Try and find a domain where there will always be a reliance on human discretion to properly perform the particular tasks that are required. I think going in to education or law or even law enforcement would ensure that you are going to be one of the last people whose job will be relegated to an ai system since each of those areas requires a high level of human engagement and personal discretion which society would not want to have to confide in ai.

As for your inability to connect with and relate to the student population, I completely understand your frustration and strongly empathize with your experiences. When I was teaching large groups of undergrads I would purposefully make a point of befriending those young men whom I could tell were non-NT by way of being situated somewhere on the spectrum, lacking any aptitude for interpersonal engagement or were otherwise prepossessed of some socially disabling condition. Most of your profs are not going to be incels but many of them might be far more empathetic then you would think and if you go out of your way to connect with them, they may very well help to guide you through their curriculum and will certainly be less inclined to fail you as well as likely offer you some form of moral and psychological support. Again, I say this as someone who worked at the university level and taught for over ten years.

Finally, when I was an undergrad literally over twenty years ago now, I made a point of identifying with other fellow outcasts who didn't conform to the conventional social modality. If you are at a large or mid-sized university, it will not be difficult to find other disenfranchised young men who fail to fully assimilate themselves to the manners and habits of normies. Look for guys who always sit by themselves at the cafeteria if you live in on-campus housing or for other comrades who sit by themselves in class and seek to self-isolate. Befriending such fellow travelers may require you to overcome your innate reservations but it will be well worth the effort when you find that you can confide in another who truly relates to your experiences and that way, these forums need not be your only constructive outlet for venting or expressing your disconsolation.

At any rate, don't rope. I once thought as you do now and I am now a highly successful educator, am gymmaxxed, musclemaxxed and statusmaxxed, though I would have never anticipated any of this when I was your age (I am 44 and I assume you are probably in your early 20's).
wtf niggER respect to your high IQ post... you sound Posh, proper Bri´ish innit.
I'm starting college later this year and I'm sure it won't be great but it'll be better than what I have now just because I can finally get away from my family.

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