Chaos is a laddER
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- Jan 7, 2019
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Remember to maxmise your rental assistance. Here are some quick tips on making your cenno stay as enjoyable as possible:
In summary, job seeker is a fucking rort, waiting to be scammed by those who know how. I have a friend working full time as a tradie in cashies and collecting job seeker at the same time. He gets $460 each week in return for 10 minutes job applications each month and a fortnightly appointment. I'm on Disability Pension now so I'm thankfully out of that system. Remember to change providers when they pressure you to do shit, and to never sign the Privacy Consent form - only sign the job plan.
- Centrelink lets you stay on jobseeker for 6 months then you must get assigned to a job service provider (JSP)
- JSPS will do an assessment. You MUST SIGN THE JOB PLAN, but you DO NOT SIGN THE PRIVACY CONSENT RELEASE FORM. This is voluntary. You should tell them you're homeless, can't drive, have a criminal record, and don't have a phone and no reliable transport.
- These are known as barriers to employment. They must legally address these before you can even start getting referred to jobs.
- Under the previous government, their social worker will actually pay you to stay in a hotel if you claim homelessness. I'm not actually homeless but I've had holidays in 4 star hotels because they paid for it.
- Tell them you can't drive as ur license was cancelled. They should pay for your drivers license renewal.
- Tell them you have no reliable transport, and ask them to top up your transort Opal card or whatever you use.
- Tell them you don't have a phone and a SIM card. They will fill out a purchase order and get you one. It won't be a good one, but it's usually a $150-250 burner phone you can use for chadfishing.
- Now you've gotten all that shit. They'll start talking about a resume and they'll make you one. Tell them you have a criminal record so that restricts you to laboring jobs that don't care about crim history.
- When you get your resume from them, change the resume, name and email to some random shit so you cannot be contacted by anyone you submit your resume to.
- Start applying for your number of points each period... apply on seek or jora, and just use your fake resume and a blank cover letter pdf. Screenshot that submitted application notification from seek and submit it as evidence of external job applications on the workforce australia site. Don't worry they never fucking check anything.
- Appointments with JSPS should be 1 every 2 weeks or 1 phone call every 4 weeks. Do not let you force you into other shit like courses or force you to do Work for the Dole (WFD). WFD is legally optional, and you can REFUSE.
- If they sign you up for a certificate at tafe or their online college as part of your 6 month job activation requirement, it is time to change providers!
- But before I change, I used to tell them I had a gardenign job arranged and I needed work clothes. I've give them my friends number and he would pretend to be my new employer. He would confirm I had the job and what day I was starting. I'd tell the JSP I need work boots, clothes and safety gear. They would give me 2 sets of hi-vis shirts, 2 pants, 1 pair steel cap boots, gloves, safety glasses and a set of hearing protection. Once I had that shit physically in my hand, I'd just keep it and wear it as my daily clothing lol, and then I'd change providers and forget about the entire fucking job lie thing,
- Ring the Centrelink National Customer Service Line (NCSL) – 1800 805 260 and change providers to another one in the area.
- Rinse and repeat. You can legally change providers up to 6 times a year I think. Even then you can keep changing by lying to the Centrelink service NCSL hotline that your JSP discriminated against you by calling you a bogan and they will give you an administrative transfer and leave negative marks on your old JSP which can impact their future contracts.
- Back in the glory days of jobseekr in 2013, I was getting fuel vouchers and a laptop to help my "job search" but the abbot government fixed up that shit.
Any questions on defrauding centrelink and getting on DSP, tag me. I'm more familiar with social security law than most centrelink workers
Damn that’s a lot to take in and to memorise, but I appreciate the help. Will
Be bookmarking this post for future reference.
Cheers fellow welfare collectER bro-cel