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Theory Unemployment and singleness in Autistic men (AKA why getting a girlfriend is like a job)

Zhou Chang-Xing

Zhou Chang-Xing

Feb 16, 2022

I just saw these statistics and they reminded me of the Scientific Blackpill article on our wiki where it says that the vast majority of Autistic men are single despite wanting a relationship. This seems to be true for the job market as well.

I think that jobs and toilets are related, not just because toilets crave stability (the redpill idea that "toilets crave chaos" only applies to sluts, 80% of toilets wouldn't want an unstable life with a "dominant Alpha bro" retard), but also because both require social fluidity and literacy.

Dating a toilet is extremely similar to a job interview. Just like how literally every toilet has hundreds of suitors she just immediately throws out employers have hundreds of applicants they ignore. Most CV's will never be read by employers, most toilets will never read most DM's.

1. Employers prefer an experienced person with good credentials, if other employers recommend you they will want you even more.

A. Toilets prefer an experienced man with good credentials, if his ex-girlfriend recommends him she will want him even more.

2. A few employees are wanted by all employers and can negotiate whatever they want as they can find a new job whenever they please as other employers are always looking for them and are offering them jobs with high pay.

B. A few men are wanted by all toilers and can negotiate whatever they want as they can find a new girlfriend whenever they please as other toilets are always looking for them and are offering them sex with high frequency.

3. If you don't have a job you're a social outcast.

C. If you don't have a girlfriend you're a social outcast.

4. Because there are so many desperate unemployed people employers can increase their demands and filter out more people, being inexperienced is a death sentence.

D. Because there are so many desperate single and lonely men toilets can increase their demands and filter out more men, being inexperienced is a death sentence.

5. You will have a test period before you are officially employed, during this process you may not just work for free but actively have to pay the employer for courses and equipment. High demand applicants will immediately get a managerial position.

E. You will have a test period before you are officially in a relationship, during this process you have to pay for dates and gifts. High demand Chad's will immediately get sex without having to go through the vetting process.

6. A lot of unemployed people do volunteering in order to feel like they're not useless eaters.

F. A lot of lonely men enter the friendzone in order to feel like they exist at least to some toilets.

7. Immigrants take a lot of the jobs, skilled immigrants take the highest paid jobs and unskilled immigrants take the lowest jobs you might have gotten. In Asia, White people can just find jobs because they're White and the company wants a White face.

G. Immigrants take a lot of toilets, handsome immigrants take Stacy's and ugly and Normie immigrants take your looksmatch. In Asia, White men can just find toilets because they're White and the toilet wants a half-White baby.

8. How much you get paid is more determined by how much you are liked and how much you get to negotiate rather than any effort on your part. Hard working volunteers still don't get paid.

H. How much sex you're having is determined by how much you are liked and how much you get to negotiate rather than any effort on your part. Supportive men in the friendzone are still incels that cry themselves to sleep every night.

9. The company knows when they want to fire you months or even years before you do, they are just waiting for a better applicant to fulfil your position.

I. Your girlfriend knows when she wants to dump you months or even years before you do, she is just waiting for a better man to replace you (Monkey-branching).

10. During the application process the company can decide to not hire you or during the employment period even fire you over random small arbitrary things. The employer always has infinite perspective employees lined up, meanwhile employees that are in demand can seemingly get away with the worst behaviour because their skillset is rare and always in demand.

J. During the dating process the toilet can decide to not date you or during the relationship even dump you over random small arbitrary things ("The Ick"). The toilet always has infinite perspective boyfriends lined up, meanwhile men that are in demand can seemingly get away with the worst behaviour because their good looks are rare and always in demand.

11. There is no job security in the modern age, being at the same job for decades will actively get you stuck at the same pay level with no chance of promotion. Meanwhile hopping into new jobs will get you better pay. Exceptions exist for a few good and fulfilling jobs and for high value employees.

K. There is no marriage security in the modern age, being with the same wife for decades will actively get you stuck in a dead bedroom. Meanwhile hopping into new girlfriends will get you better and more sex. Exceptions exist for a few good and fulfilling relationships with a few good toilets with pair bonding ability and for good looking men.

12. You will never get a job unless you're constantly looking for one, you have to always keep doing self improvement and make sure that your employer is happy, you have to keep getting new skills to keep your current job, despite in the past having the job and being good at it was enough to keep it.

L. You will never get a girlfriend unless you're constantly looking for one, you have to always keep doing self improvement and make sure that your girlfriend is happy, you have to keep getting new skills to keep your current relationship, despite in the past having the relationship and being good and loving to your partner was enough to keep it.

The more I think about Jobs the more I realise that toilets and employers are literally the same thing. Modern technology has completely fucked up the job market in the same way that it has fucked up the dating market. Employers can talk to other people to replace your job through online DM's the same way toilets cheat. Being unemployed is socially hated as much as being an incel and people will look down on you for either. Being unemployed at age 20 is different to being unemployed at age 30, same with looking for a relationship.

A company that is always looking for an employee but can never seem to keep them are a shitty employer, same with toilets. There are some "desperate toilets" that always look for Normie men but keep getting left by them, a "Femcel" is basically a bad employer with high turnover. A slut is basically a summer job good looking people work for a few months or just a night or so for the reward.

The more I think about it the more I realise that toilets literally are just jobs, but they're jobs you pay for to work...
only 22% of autistic people are employed?

idk if those stats are correct


high iq post like always broeder :feelsokman:
3. If you don't have a job you're a social outcast.

C. If you don't have a girlfriend you're a social outcast.

This obviously only applies to men, unemployed and single toilets aren't seen as social outcasts.
Reminds me of that saying “starving artist” except now it’s “starving autist”
high iq post like always broeder :feelsokman:


only 22% of autistic people are employed?

View: https://youtu.be/jkz5r4atLUw?si=9H47EbQfkMutFH7Q

I would say that this is true for diagnosed Autists, but even most university educated Autistic people are unemployed. The numbers are absolutely brutal. Autistic unemployment is high even when they are more intelligent than the vast majority of people. You just need to be social to even be considered for a job.

Like with dating, autistic toilets have an easier time getting a job because you don't need social skills as a toilet.
Reminds me of that saying “starving artist” except now it’s “starving autist”

I actually LOL'ed at that. :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

A man without a job is hungry, a man without a girlfriend is thirsty.
Very well written post. Spergcels are fucked. A common thing femoids will say is "find an autistic girlfriend" problem with this being is that there's 3 autistic men for every 1 autistic woman. Two men are going to be left without girlfriends.
reading shit like this makes me laugh at how fucked I am. my nigger father gave me aspergers, ugliness, manletness, and retardedness. sometimes I think he's a demon meant to punish me for a sin I comitted in a past life.

View: https://youtu.be/jkz5r4atLUw?si=9H47EbQfkMutFH7Q

I would say that this is true for diagnosed Autists, but even most university educated Autistic people are unemployed. The numbers are absolutely brutal. Autistic unemployment is high even when they are more intelligent than the vast majority of people. You just need to be social to even be considered for a job.

Like with dating, autistic toilets have an easier time getting a job because you don't need social skills as a toilet.

I actually prefer unemployment (as a spergcel with adhd).

I can wake up do whatever I want. IRONICALLY I am more social than when I was employed. I don't have to wake up early.

The problem is, neetbuxx will run out...how does those spergcels stay unemployed?
Yeah, women & jobs want you to be super social, gotta be social.
Yes, employers are very similar to toilets, that's how I feel. Employers are a big hivemind with their retarded requirements and values. Job announcements are ragefuel, so many are the same annoying shit just like tinder bios. I cannot get a job even through I met many bosses face to face and called to them. I hate job applications and CV's, that's why I prefer to seek a job irl over the internet. Life as an aspie is torture, foids gatekeep physical intimacy and employers gatekeep copes.
only 22% of autistic people are employed?

idk if those stats are correct


high iq post like always broeder :feelsokman:
in germany its about 95% unemployment rate for autistics with retardation and 40% unemployment rate for people with aspergers. I assume its higher for men as women have higher social intelligence and can mask autism easier + they always get the benefit of the doubt
Slave Mentality If you Go Out of your Way to find wOrK as an Incel . :feelskek:
Autism = Rope to start again boyo
Slightly obvious but high-IQ and detailed analogy. In both cases, you're just trying to impress someone whose only goal is to exploit you.

unemployed and single toilets aren't seen as social outcasts
True, it's impossible to fail on tutorial mode. The more foids sabotage their lives, the more simps want to help them.

Slave Mentality If you Go Out of your Way to find wOrK as an Incel . :feelskek:
Based NPNW enjoyer. :feelscomfy:
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dnr, am employed (50 hours a week wageslaving), have had multiple jobs as autistcel
still gigacel virgin
Getting a job is easier, but I don't disagree with your thread seeing as autistic people who have jobs are either high iq, receive a job via connections or "mask".
well I am both unemployed and a wizard :feelsYall: :feelzez:
@Fat Link Must Read Content

This thread highlights the similiarities and parallels between the job market and the sexual market in terms of the unfairness/injustice that exists in both environments due to “inequality” between participants who have diffERent levels of privilege due to extERnal circumstances (factors OUT OF THEIR CONTROL), which results in the formation of a class system within a hiERarchy, whERe thERe are a select FEW people at the TOP (business ownERs) who WORK the LEAST and EARN the MOST money just as thERe are a select FEW men at the TOP (chads) who put in LEAST EFFORT yet attract HIGHEST QUANTITY AND QUALITY of women.

While the vast majority of people (workERs) are at the bottom, working the hardest and earning the least money no diffErent to the normies and incels who comprise the vast majority of the male population who put in the most effort to attract women and yet they are left with scraps or nothing.

Women and employERs both exhibit a typical selfish and greedy “capitalistic” mindset, one in which they both prospER from exploitation.

EmployERs do barely any work themselves, but rathER they use employees as a temporary tool to get work done to make the employERs rich whereas the employees get paid barely anything and are still broke aftER all the work is complete, only to get thrown away like garbage when they are no longER of any use to the employER.

Likewise when it comes to women, Upon cost/benefit analysis, aftER taking into considERation the fact that men can get sex but only in exchange for providing something of value (looks/money) whereas women can get sex FOR FREE, not only are women the true winnERs in the relationship (in tERms of gaining MOST SATISFACTION), they gain MOST SATISFACTION DESPITE the fact that WOMEN INVEST THE LEAST WORK into the relationship out of the 2 sexes (When it comes to putting effort into initiating convERsation, men r the ones who primarily do that. When it comes to paying the bills, men primarily do that etc.)

And the men who women date, are used as a “temporary dick” for hER sexual fulfillment or as a “temporary wallet” for matERial fulfillment, but once they are no longER of any use, they are also thrown away like garbage to be replaced by new men
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I'm autistic and want NEETbuxx.
Autistic unemployment is high even when they are more intelligent than the vast majority of people. You just need to be social to even be considered for a job.

Like with dating, autistic toilets have an easier time getting a job because you don't need social skills as a toilet.
I failed like 100 interviews until my father talked with a friend and he got me a job
Dad sells shit not getting into details but when I tried it too people were like "your stuff is really good, but I look at your face and I just dont trust you" then 5 mins later dad shows up and everyone suddenly comes up to him and buys everything. Crazy
As a neurotypical, I've worked with autists before. Honestly, they are horrible for the work culture and environment. Way too intense and I can see how normies think think give off a creepy vibe. This forum has made me more empathetic to autists, but I will admit I actively disliked autists before. This is why many companies (increasingly tech ones) have a "cultural fit" interview as part of their interview process. It's to weed out autists (DEI = maximum racial diversity with minimum neurotypical diversity)
Getting a gf is harder than being a millionaire
As a neurotypical, I've worked with autists before. Honestly, they are horrible for the work culture and environment. Way too intense and I can see how normies think think give off a creepy vibe. This forum has made me more empathetic to autists, but I will admit I actively disliked autists before. This is why many companies (increasingly tech ones) have a "cultural fit" interview as part of their interview process. It's to weed out autists (DEI = maximum racial diversity with minimum neurotypical diversity)
And normies give off loud obnoxious scumbag vibe.
Some of them don't even work at a job or do a minimum. If soyciety think that normgroiding is Ok at work then I don't want to be a part of such soyciety.
Also jfl if you think that bullies aren't horrible for work culture and environment.
And bullies are tolerated by employers.
Fucking I’ll never let you gentiles or autistic get ((((job))))
Becoming a millionaire is way easier then getting a gf
As a neurotypical, I've worked with autists before. Honestly, they are horrible for the work culture and environment. Way too intense
If autists collectivized and competed with an NT business 1:1, the autistic productivity would bankrupt the NTs ngl
6. A lot of unemployed people do volunteering in order to feel like they're not useless eaters.
This is the cuckest shit i ever read. I take pride in being a useless eater in this world
As a neurotypical, I've worked with autists before. Honestly, they are horrible for the work culture and environment. Way too intense and I can see how normies think think give off a creepy vibe. This forum has made me more empathetic to autists, but I will admit I actively disliked autists before. This is why many companies (increasingly tech ones) have a "cultural fit" interview as part of their interview process. It's to weed out autists (DEI = maximum racial diversity with minimum neurotypical diversity)
And I actively dislike overly social, fake, triadic normies. I come near to fucking ER them whenever i have the necessity to stay in the same environment.

Also working 8 hours a day is a nightmare and i can’t do that. Normies who can are robotic bastards. I need to neet or part time
And normies give off loud obnoxious scumbag vibe.
Some of them don't even work at a job or do a minimum. If soyciety think that normgroiding is Ok at work then I don't want to be a part of such soyciety.
Also jfl if you think that bullies aren't horrible for work culture and environment.
And bullies are tolerated by employers.
Just exterminate Nt normgroids
And I actively dislike overly social, fake, triadic normies. I come near to fucking ER them whenever i have the necessity to stay in the same environment.

Also working 8 hours a day is a nightmare and i can’t do that. Normies who can are robotic bastards. I need to neet or part time
Yeah working 8 hours a day is only manageable if the work is easy OR enjoyable. I had a few jobs that were neither before and it's brootal.
Yeah working 8 hours a day is only manageable if the work is easy OR enjoyable. I had a few jobs that were neither before and it's brootal.
I feel like i am in jail plus normies are annoying as fuck forcing their presence on you and asking fucking fast paced stuff making me go ER fuel
View attachment 1050327

I just saw these statistics and they reminded me of the Scientific Blackpill article on our wiki where it says that the vast majority of Autistic men are single despite wanting a relationship. This seems to be true for the job market as well.

I think that jobs and toilets are related, not just because toilets crave stability (the redpill idea that "toilets crave chaos" only applies to sluts, 80% of toilets wouldn't want an unstable life with a "dominant Alpha bro" retard), but also because both require social fluidity and literacy.

Dating a toilet is extremely similar to a job interview. Just like how literally every toilet has hundreds of suitors she just immediately throws out employers have hundreds of applicants they ignore. Most CV's will never be read by employers, most toilets will never read most DM's.

1. Employers prefer an experienced person with good credentials, if other employers recommend you they will want you even more.

A. Toilets prefer an experienced man with good credentials, if his ex-girlfriend recommends him she will want him even more.

2. A few employees are wanted by all employers and can negotiate whatever they want as they can find a new job whenever they please as other employers are always looking for them and are offering them jobs with high pay.

B. A few men are wanted by all toilers and can negotiate whatever they want as they can find a new girlfriend whenever they please as other toilets are always looking for them and are offering them sex with high frequency.

3. If you don't have a job you're a social outcast.

C. If you don't have a girlfriend you're a social outcast.

4. Because there are so many desperate unemployed people employers can increase their demands and filter out more people, being inexperienced is a death sentence.

D. Because there are so many desperate single and lonely men toilets can increase their demands and filter out more men, being inexperienced is a death sentence.

5. You will have a test period before you are officially employed, during this process you may not just work for free but actively have to pay the employer for courses and equipment. High demand applicants will immediately get a managerial position.

E. You will have a test period before you are officially in a relationship, during this process you have to pay for dates and gifts. High demand Chad's will immediately get sex without having to go through the vetting process.

6. A lot of unemployed people do volunteering in order to feel like they're not useless eaters.

F. A lot of lonely men enter the friendzone in order to feel like they exist at least to some toilets.

7. Immigrants take a lot of the jobs, skilled immigrants take the highest paid jobs and unskilled immigrants take the lowest jobs you might have gotten. In Asia, White people can just find jobs because they're White and the company wants a White face.

G. Immigrants take a lot of toilets, handsome immigrants take Stacy's and ugly and Normie immigrants take your looksmatch. In Asia, White men can just find toilets because they're White and the toilet wants a half-White baby.

8. How much you get paid is more determined by how much you are liked and how much you get to negotiate rather than any effort on your part. Hard working volunteers still don't get paid.

H. How much sex you're having is determined by how much you are liked and how much you get to negotiate rather than any effort on your part. Supportive men in the friendzone are still incels that cry themselves to sleep every night.

9. The company knows when they want to fire you months or even years before you do, they are just waiting for a better applicant to fulfil your position.

I. Your girlfriend knows when she wants to dump you months or even years before you do, she is just waiting for a better man to replace you (Monkey-branching).

10. During the application process the company can decide to not hire you or during the employment period even fire you over random small arbitrary things. The employer always has infinite perspective employees lined up, meanwhile employees that are in demand can seemingly get away with the worst behaviour because their skillset is rare and always in demand.

J. During the dating process the toilet can decide to not date you or during the relationship even dump you over random small arbitrary things ("The Ick"). The toilet always has infinite perspective boyfriends lined up, meanwhile men that are in demand can seemingly get away with the worst behaviour because their good looks are rare and always in demand.

11. There is no job security in the modern age, being at the same job for decades will actively get you stuck at the same pay level with no chance of promotion. Meanwhile hopping into new jobs will get you better pay. Exceptions exist for a few good and fulfilling jobs and for high value employees.

K. There is no marriage security in the modern age, being with the same wife for decades will actively get you stuck in a dead bedroom. Meanwhile hopping into new girlfriends will get you better and more sex. Exceptions exist for a few good and fulfilling relationships with a few good toilets with pair bonding ability and for good looking men.

12. You will never get a job unless you're constantly looking for one, you have to always keep doing self improvement and make sure that your employer is happy, you have to keep getting new skills to keep your current job, despite in the past having the job and being good at it was enough to keep it.

L. You will never get a girlfriend unless you're constantly looking for one, you have to always keep doing self improvement and make sure that your girlfriend is happy, you have to keep getting new skills to keep your current relationship, despite in the past having the relationship and being good and loving to your partner was enough to keep it.

The more I think about Jobs the more I realise that toilets and employers are literally the same thing. Modern technology has completely fucked up the job market in the same way that it has fucked up the dating market. Employers can talk to other people to replace your job through online DM's the same way toilets cheat. Being unemployed is socially hated as much as being an incel and people will look down on you for either. Being unemployed at age 20 is different to being unemployed at age 30, same with looking for a relationship.

A company that is always looking for an employee but can never seem to keep them are a shitty employer, same with toilets. There are some "desperate toilets" that always look for Normie men but keep getting left by them, a "Femcel" is basically a bad employer with high turnover. A slut is basically a summer job good looking people work for a few months or just a night or so for the reward.

The more I think about it the more I realise that toilets literally are just jobs, but they're jobs you pay for to work...
Goddamn cunts prostitues
This is such a good post
Autistic unemployment is high even when they are more intelligent than the vast majority of people.
Cope. Autists are not overall as intelligent as neurotypicals. Autists trying to cope that they've got certain advantages reminds me of manlets trying to do the same thing. Only advanage manlets have is they are easier to spit on.

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