Zhou Chang-Xing
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- Feb 16, 2022
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I just saw these statistics and they reminded me of the Scientific Blackpill article on our wiki where it says that the vast majority of Autistic men are single despite wanting a relationship. This seems to be true for the job market as well.
I think that jobs and toilets are related, not just because toilets crave stability (the redpill idea that "toilets crave chaos" only applies to sluts, 80% of toilets wouldn't want an unstable life with a "dominant Alpha bro" retard), but also because both require social fluidity and literacy.
Dating a toilet is extremely similar to a job interview. Just like how literally every toilet has hundreds of suitors she just immediately throws out employers have hundreds of applicants they ignore. Most CV's will never be read by employers, most toilets will never read most DM's.
1. Employers prefer an experienced person with good credentials, if other employers recommend you they will want you even more.
A. Toilets prefer an experienced man with good credentials, if his ex-girlfriend recommends him she will want him even more.
2. A few employees are wanted by all employers and can negotiate whatever they want as they can find a new job whenever they please as other employers are always looking for them and are offering them jobs with high pay.
B. A few men are wanted by all toilers and can negotiate whatever they want as they can find a new girlfriend whenever they please as other toilets are always looking for them and are offering them sex with high frequency.
3. If you don't have a job you're a social outcast.
C. If you don't have a girlfriend you're a social outcast.
4. Because there are so many desperate unemployed people employers can increase their demands and filter out more people, being inexperienced is a death sentence.
D. Because there are so many desperate single and lonely men toilets can increase their demands and filter out more men, being inexperienced is a death sentence.
5. You will have a test period before you are officially employed, during this process you may not just work for free but actively have to pay the employer for courses and equipment. High demand applicants will immediately get a managerial position.
E. You will have a test period before you are officially in a relationship, during this process you have to pay for dates and gifts. High demand Chad's will immediately get sex without having to go through the vetting process.
6. A lot of unemployed people do volunteering in order to feel like they're not useless eaters.
F. A lot of lonely men enter the friendzone in order to feel like they exist at least to some toilets.
7. Immigrants take a lot of the jobs, skilled immigrants take the highest paid jobs and unskilled immigrants take the lowest jobs you might have gotten. In Asia, White people can just find jobs because they're White and the company wants a White face.
G. Immigrants take a lot of toilets, handsome immigrants take Stacy's and ugly and Normie immigrants take your looksmatch. In Asia, White men can just find toilets because they're White and the toilet wants a half-White baby.
8. How much you get paid is more determined by how much you are liked and how much you get to negotiate rather than any effort on your part. Hard working volunteers still don't get paid.
H. How much sex you're having is determined by how much you are liked and how much you get to negotiate rather than any effort on your part. Supportive men in the friendzone are still incels that cry themselves to sleep every night.
9. The company knows when they want to fire you months or even years before you do, they are just waiting for a better applicant to fulfil your position.
I. Your girlfriend knows when she wants to dump you months or even years before you do, she is just waiting for a better man to replace you (Monkey-branching).
10. During the application process the company can decide to not hire you or during the employment period even fire you over random small arbitrary things. The employer always has infinite perspective employees lined up, meanwhile employees that are in demand can seemingly get away with the worst behaviour because their skillset is rare and always in demand.
J. During the dating process the toilet can decide to not date you or during the relationship even dump you over random small arbitrary things ("The Ick"). The toilet always has infinite perspective boyfriends lined up, meanwhile men that are in demand can seemingly get away with the worst behaviour because their good looks are rare and always in demand.
11. There is no job security in the modern age, being at the same job for decades will actively get you stuck at the same pay level with no chance of promotion. Meanwhile hopping into new jobs will get you better pay. Exceptions exist for a few good and fulfilling jobs and for high value employees.
K. There is no marriage security in the modern age, being with the same wife for decades will actively get you stuck in a dead bedroom. Meanwhile hopping into new girlfriends will get you better and more sex. Exceptions exist for a few good and fulfilling relationships with a few good toilets with pair bonding ability and for good looking men.
12. You will never get a job unless you're constantly looking for one, you have to always keep doing self improvement and make sure that your employer is happy, you have to keep getting new skills to keep your current job, despite in the past having the job and being good at it was enough to keep it.
L. You will never get a girlfriend unless you're constantly looking for one, you have to always keep doing self improvement and make sure that your girlfriend is happy, you have to keep getting new skills to keep your current relationship, despite in the past having the relationship and being good and loving to your partner was enough to keep it.
The more I think about Jobs the more I realise that toilets and employers are literally the same thing. Modern technology has completely fucked up the job market in the same way that it has fucked up the dating market. Employers can talk to other people to replace your job through online DM's the same way toilets cheat. Being unemployed is socially hated as much as being an incel and people will look down on you for either. Being unemployed at age 20 is different to being unemployed at age 30, same with looking for a relationship.
A company that is always looking for an employee but can never seem to keep them are a shitty employer, same with toilets. There are some "desperate toilets" that always look for Normie men but keep getting left by them, a "Femcel" is basically a bad employer with high turnover. A slut is basically a summer job good looking people work for a few months or just a night or so for the reward.
The more I think about it the more I realise that toilets literally are just jobs, but they're jobs you pay for to work...