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Blackpill Undeniable proof sub 8 law is fake



Jul 3, 2019
Your sub 8 dad exists. Unless your mother is a landwhale or shes cheating on him, sub 8 law is being proven false here if im noy correct? Inb4 "there was no tinder or facebook back then". Tinder and fb are real life right??? Women have been hypergamous for millions of years too.

Id like to see someone explain how their parents relationship supports sub 8 theory :dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab:
my dad JBWmaxxed :feelsbadman:
Just passing by to remind everyone women haven't existed for millions of years, our species is about 100,000 years old.

Also, sub 8 is legit and OP didn't disprove anything.
Just passing by to remind everyone women haven't existed for millions of years, our species is about 100,000 years old.

Also, sub 8 is legit and OP didn't disprove anything.
And you didnt prove anything
Most of our fathers would be incel today
Self evident like your ugly dad having sex with a woman and birthing you? Explain that self evidence faggot
My dad was PSL 7 pre-balding, ded srs. He had at least two women have sex with him, that I know of, definitely more but I don't ask my dad about his sexual encounters cuz I'm not a faggot. I was born because as a 7 he didn't have any options other than short ethnic female and he took it. I can't blame him.
Are they really living sexually fulfilled lives?
Most of our fathers would be incel today
What massive change in female evolution would make your father an incel now as to a few decades ago? Tinder is real life btw so dont try use that excuse
What massive change in female evolution would make your father an incel now as to a few decades ago? Tinder is real life btw so dont try use that excuse
Nigga my mom wasnt exposed to thousand of chads through social media
He just needed to be an average man
My dad was PSL 7 pre-balding, ded srs. He had at least two women have sex with him, that I know of, definitely more but I don't ask my dad about his sexual encounters cuz I'm not a faggot. I was born because as a 7 he didn't have any options other than short ethnic female and he took it. I can't blame him.
Larp right here
Times have changed since then.
Also my father mogs my landwhale mother
If our fathers aren't incels then why we are?
Larp right here
Do you doubt that a 7 and a 4 having sex can result in the birth of a sub5? Just google genetic recombination buddy.
Nigga my mom wasnt exposed to thousand of chads through social media
He just needed to be a average man
But she was exposed to chads to so why didnt she date chad? Explain pls? Sub 8 law means she would cuck your dad for chad. Did your mother cheat? Is your mother a landwhale? You dont realise how dumb made yourself look when you say
He just needed to be a average man
Times have changed since then.
Also my father mogs my landwhale mother
Times havent changed though. Women are still the same. I dont understand this "women are different now" excuse.
Well my dad was a lot better looking than me, when he was in his prime. Despite that he still had to settle for my mom, who's below average. And still got cucked and divorce raped by her later.
Do you doubt that a 7 and a 4 having sex can result in the birth of a sub5? Just google genetic recombination buddy.
Sub 8 theory means anyone below 8/10 can only get landwhales, 3/10s, or they are getting cheated on. Your self claimed 7/10 dad proves this theory wrong. And i doubt hes a 7/10. Probably 5-6/10
They grew up in a time where average or ugly guys could get women. It was a very different time then now.
They grew up in a time where average or ugly guys could get women. It was a very different time then now.
How was 20-50 years ago so different to the present? Women have been hypergamous whores since the caveman times... what made them stop being hypergamous whores when your parents were young adults??? One of you retards needs to explain this
But she was exposed to chads to so why didnt she date chad? Explain pls? Sub 8 law means she would cuck your dad for chad. Did your mother cheat? Is your mother a landwhale? You dont realise how dumb made yourself look when you say
This autistic sub8 law exists now, It wasnt always this strict
And there Is a difference between seeing a chad every once in a while vs being bombarded with images of chads every day
Your sub 8 dad exists. Unless your mother is a landwhale or shes cheating on him, sub 8 law is being proven false here if im noy correct? Inb4 "there was no tinder or facebook back then". Tinder and fb are real life right??? Women have been hypergamous for millions of years too.

Id like to see someone explain how their parents relationship supports sub 8 theory :dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab:
Sub8 is only true in our age because of tinder and feminism. That's basics bro:feelsseriously:
Sub8 is only true in our age because of tinder and feminism. That's basics bro:feelsseriously:
Tinder is real life. Women are the same as theyve always been. If women were fucking 5-6-7/10 back then, why are they suddenly repulsed by them and wont fuck them at all?
Tinder is real life. Women are the same as theyve always been. If women were fucking 5-6-7/10 back then, why are they suddenly repulsed by them and wont fuck them at all?
Women are not the same as they've always been. They have inflated egos and are way more spoiled today.
If women were fucking 5-6-7/10 back then, why are they suddenly repulsed by them and wont fuck them at all?
Because there weren't any chads available. People got married and she didn't have a smartphone that looked up chads half across the globe for her.
Women are not the same as they've always been. They have inflated egos and are way more spoiled today.

Because there weren't any chads available. People got married and she didn't have a smartphone that looked up chads half across the globe for her.
Youre still disproving sub 8. "Not enough chads available". This is 100% right. There arent enough chads for women to date so they will date 5-7/10s? Or would they rather remain single than date an average guy? I doubt it. Since they were more than willing to date average guys 30 years ago.
All-or-nothing theory and sub8 law is the best conclusion manosphere ever came up with to mirror the male reality
Wether or not you think it is true is a whole other thing and you have the right to say otherwise

For a full-time basement dweller this will always be absurd because he sees normies as gods
If you look around you'll see that the difference between a "6" normie and 8/10 is unreal
in short there are the same problems for every male regarding females until they start to see you as her equal or above which doesn't happen even if you mog her until you are an 8/10 so idk maybe top 10% of population
Basically you're never safe as a sub8
That's why we shouldn't fight each other for women, often giving them more validation in the process, but rather educate bluepilled men about female nature and fight back against increasing effects of hypergamy caused by femnism

St. Hammudi knew this
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How was 20-50 years ago so different to the present? Women have been hypergamous whores since the caveman times... what made them stop being hypergamous whores when your parents were young adults??? One of you retards needs to explain this
They stopped being shamed for it and they have multiple opportunities now to get with chads and ditch ugly and average guys.
Youre still disproving sub 8. "Not enough chads available". This is 100% right. There arent enough chads for women to date so they will date 5-7/10s? Or would they rather remain single than date an average guy? I doubt it. Since they were more than willing to date average guys 30 years ago.
First off, sub8 doesn't mean that every sub8 man is incel, there are 5-7s that dates girls.

Secondly, there weren't enough chad available BACK THEN because of monogamous marriages and lack of technology. Today people have relationships for a few months and it's very common to cheat. And when they're not in a relationship they can have a new fuck every day. There's always gonna be chads available thanks to technology.

A girl might not get Chad instantly but she knows if she waits a few weeks/months she's gonna find one. And if she can't wait she can always settle down for a non-chad and grab some easy bucks in exchange for apathetic starfish sex.
First off, sub8 doesn't mean that every sub8 man is incel, there are 5-7s that dates girls.

Secondly, there weren't enough chad available BACK THEN because of monogamous marriages and lack of technology. Today people have relationships for a few months and it's very common to cheat. And when they're not in a relationship they can have a new fuck every day. There's always gonna be chads available thanks to technology.

A girl might not get Chad instantly but she knows if she waits a few weeks/months she's gonna find one. And if she can't wait she can always settle down for a non-chad and grab some easy bucks in exchange for apathetic starfish sex.
You guys love changing the definition of 'sub 8 law' to fit your arguments
Sub 8 terrorists are just synonymous with letting fakecels on to this site. If you are above 5. If you are a 6, then FUCK RIGHT OFF BITCH. That's all I have to say, every fucking 6 can go fuck if he wants. Maybe not stacy maybe not even becky, you will get 3-4 true, so what? You can still fuck stop being volcel all fucking volcel should be shot in the head starting with Napoleon, actually no leave him for last since he is based as fuck but shoot him anyway for being a fakecel bastard.

If you refuse to take a healthy female who is below average but not fucking ugly just below average then fuck you bitch that's all I have to say, I never got an opprotunity to even date a 2/10, A 2 OUT OF FUCKING 10 BITCH. And you are complaining about 4s and 3s, fuck off with this stupid shit I am tired of this shit.

Explain that to me. If you are 6. You should not fucking be on this site it is an insult to real truecels like me. Maybe I am not true-truecel tier but I am pretty close, I am 3 or probably lower than that tbh at least I am not deformed I guess and JBW so that's all I got going for me.

Sub8 law is true but here is my understanding of it =

Sub8 means that if you are lower than 8 then you will have a progressively harder time to get women. IT DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU ARE BELOW 8 YOU DONT FUCK. IT DOESNT MEAN THAT OK? Lets get that clear k. Thank you. YOU CAN STILL FUCK, NORMAL HEALTHY WOMAN IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 6.



That is it.




I dont care it is gate keeping it is the truth if mods want to ban me for saying this I am ok with it just tell me and I will leave this website if this is how it is. Also youngcels shouldnt be here not because I hate them or anything but they ruin their lives whe they have the best chance to get women on their dicks even if they are just 5s. if they come here early only after-college-cels should be allowed in because this is when it is truly over.
You guys love changing the definition of 'sub 8 law' to fit your arguments
There aren't even any "official" definitions of it. I think the most common interpretation is that sub8s will not be satisfied with their sex life.

And I'm not even a big fan of sub8 myself. I'm more of a sub7 or sub6 guy. But it's just that your argument against it "it has always been this bad" is wrong.
Sub 8 terrorists are just synonymous with letting fakecels on to this site. If you are above 5. If you are a 6, then FUCK RIGHT OFF BITCH. That's all I have to say, every fucking 6 can go fuck if he wants. Maybe not stacy maybe not even becky, you will get 3-4 true, so what? You can still fuck stop being volcel all fucking volcel should be shot in the head starting with Napoleon, actually no leave him for last since he is based as fuck but shoot him anyway for being a fakecel bastard.

If you refuse to take a healthy female who is below average but not fucking ugly just below average then fuck you bitch that's all I have to say, I never got an opprotunity to even date a 2/10, A 2 OUT OF FUCKING 10 BITCH. And you are complaining about 4s and 3s, fuck off with this stupid shit I am tired of this shit.

Explain that to me. If you are 6. You should not fucking be on this site it is an insult to real truecels like me. Maybe I am not true-truecel tier but I am pretty close, I am 3 or probably lower than that tbh at least I am not deformed I guess and JBW so that's all I got going for me.

Sub8 law is true but here is my understanding of it =

Sub8 means that if you are lower than 8 then you will have a progressively harder time to get women. IT DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU ARE BELOW 8 YOU DONT FUCK. IT DOESNT MEAN THAT OK? Lets get that clear k. Thank you. YOU CAN STILL FUCK, NORMAL HEALTHY WOMAN IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 6.



That is it.




I dont care it is gate keeping it is the truth if mods want to ban me for saying this I am ok with it just tell me and I will leave this website if this is how it is. Also youngcels shouldnt be here not because I hate them or anything but they ruin their lives whe they have the best chance to get women on their dicks even if they are just 5s. if they come here early only after-college-cels should be allowed in because this is when it is truly over.
Probably the most reasonable thing ive read on this forum. Its funny because if sub 8 theory is true, then we should allow a 7/10 man to post here. But that would be retarded because 7/10 man lives a life 1000x better than 3-4/10 men. This is a forum for men who are 'involuntarily' celibate. Not some 7/10 faggots who have had the opportunity to fuck slightly ugly girls but didnt want to.
evolution doesn't determine average as deleterious. So sub 8 is bs
Just be a cuck theory.
Your sub 8 dad exists. Unless your mother is a landwhale or shes cheating on him, sub 8 law is being proven false here if im noy correct? Inb4 "there was no tinder or facebook back then". Tinder and fb are real life right??? Women have been hypergamous for millions of years too.

Id like to see someone explain how their parents relationship supports sub 8 theory :dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab::dab:
Standards have drastically changed since the olden days boyo
Standards have drastically changed since the olden days boyo
How have standards changed? What made women stop fucking average men? We all know females are still the same animals since they were 10,000 years ago so why the big change?
I'm not a sub8er but you could argue that he lived 20 years ago before the age of smartphones and it wasn't as bad in his day.
So youre father is a cuck? Does your mother fuck other men? Pls elaborate
My dad has been incel as fair as i know (no gf's) since they got divorced. My mother has used tinder and has gone on several dates.
How have standards changed? What made women stop fucking average men? We all know females are still the same animals since they were 10,000 years ago so why the big change?
Promotion of degeneracy has ramped up these day with more means to inject people with media poisoning than ever before
Promotion of degeneracy has ramped up these day with more means to inject people with media poisoning than ever before
Yes women are dressing more like whores. Casual sex is more common now.

But why do you think they are only fucking chads? They can be sluts who fuck average guys too.
Yes women are dressing more like whores. Casual sex is more common now.

But why do you think they are only fucking chads? They can be sluts who fuck average guys too.
There you go, inkwells on average are not average
There you go, inkwells on average are not average
No shit incels arent average. Thats my point. We're below average. Sub 8 rule states that average men dont get laid. I think unless youre sub 4 you can get a girlfriend. A 5-6/10 man would have less options than chad but he still has options that arent landwhales or disfigured or cheating on him like people claim here.
No shit incels arent average. Thats my point. We're below average. Sub 8 rule states that average men dont get laid. I think unless youre sub 4 you can get a girlfriend. A 5-6/10 man would have less options than chad but he still has options that arent landwhales or disfigured or cheating on him like people claim here.
Well then I don’t necessarily disagree :feelshehe:

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