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Many people who are bluepilled say that teen love doesn't matter and that missing out on it doesn't do any harm. Here's proof that missing out on teen love is harmful.

In a pivotal study about involuntary celibacy from 2001, they talked to three involuntarily celibate groups of people: Involuntary virgins (those who never had sex and still are sexually inexperienced), singles (those who had sexual experience in the past but no longer are able to, and a good amount of these people resorted to hookers or even sexual surrogates), and partnered celibates (those who are married or in a relationship but their partner won't have sex). 91% of the virgins said they never dated as teenagers, compared to 52% of singles. Here's an important quote:

"In summary, while most of our sample had discussed sex with friends and experimented with masturbation as teens, most of the virgins and singles did not date. Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person. As the data illustrates, virgins and singles may have missed important transitions, and as they got older, their trajecto- ries began to differ from those of their age peers. As Thorton (1990) noted, patterns of sexuality in young adult- hood are significantly related to dating, steady dating, and sexual experience in adolescence. It is rare for a teenager to initiate sexual activity outside of a dating relationship. Thus, persons reaching young adulthood without dating may have missed an important opportunity for sexual experience. While virginity and lack of experience are fair- ly common in teenagers and young adults (Sprecher & Regan, 1996), by the time many of our respondents reached their mid-twenties they reported feeling left behind by age peers. We suspect that this is especially true for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. In fact, all eight of the nonheterosexual respondents in our sample were either virgins or singles. As previous researchers have shown, a major reason for becoming off time in making sexual tran- sitions is the process of coming out to oneself and others (Gonsiorek & Rudolph, 1991). Even for the heterosexuals in our study, however, it appears that lack of dating and sexual experimentation in the teen years may be precursors to problems in adult sexual relationships (Thorton, 1990)."

Another quote I found from another study (which has more to do with juvenile sex offenders and autism):

"The foundation for a healthy sexuality in adulthood lies in childhood and adolescence, with the discovery of one’s own sexuality oftentimes going in phases (De Graaf et al.2009). A large population study in the Netherlands amongst 7841 boys and girls aged 12–25 has shown that half of all 15-year-old adolescents have been intimate with a partner (e.g., touching each other’s genitalia). At age 16, half of all youths have experience with mutual masturba- tion and at age 17, half of all youths have experienced sexual intercourse and/or oral sex (De Graaf et al. 2015). Eventually, relationships and sexual intimacy become more serious; relationships last longer and are more exclusive, eventually leading to the ‘adult’ model of a committed relationship (Furman and Shaffer 2003)."

Here's another study:

“One study showed that adult virgins have higher odds of being overweight and of being perceived as physically unattractive. Four additional studies reported that adult virgins have greater probabilities of never having been in a romantic relationship. Moreover, in a qualitative study conducted among 82 involuntary celibate adults aged 18 to 64 years, Donnelly and colleagues found that nearly all adult virgins never dated anyone, including in adolescence. Thus, findings converge to support the importance of romantic and sexual experiences during adolescence for ongoing romantic and sexual development in adulthood. Additionally, this study revealed that these adult virgins perceived themselves as being very shy and unable to establish social contacts, and reported body image issues, such as being overweight and perceiving their physical appearance to be an obstacle to their sexuality.”


Donnelly, D., Burgess, E., Anderson, S., Davis, R., & Dillard, J. (2001). Involuntary celibacy: A life course analysis. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), 159–169.doi:10.1080/00224490109552083

Baarsma, M. E., Boonmann, C., ’t Hart-Kerkhoffs, L. A., de Graaf, H., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Vermeiren, R. R. J. M., & Jansen, L. M. C. (2016). Sexuality and Autistic-Like Symptoms in Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Follow-Up After 8 Years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2679–2691. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2805-6

Boislard, M.-A., van de Bongardt, D., & Blais, M. (2016). Sexuality (and Lack Thereof) in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Review of the Literature. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1), 8.doi:10.3390/bs6010008
It's completely obvious to common sense that teen love is substantial in psychological development and that without it, you are partially crippled. It's like not learning to talk, even if you learn it 15 years later, you will always have a speech impediment.
There's no teen for my love

18~19 ofc ;;
I love BlackPill science.
Good job on this thread, I will be useful for youngercels. I learned this stuff trough my empty life.
Who would have thought? It's so obvious, it hurts.

I made myself an outsider as a teen, because I wanted to be different and that's the price I pay. Or maybe I was different all along and just acted authentically. I don't know. I never got along with normies and also didn't want to. Problem was, there were no alternative girls in my town and so there wasn't a single one I even liked enough to want to date her. If you miss the necessary experiences in adolescence, you get insecure about dating and sex and if you're insecure, it's over. Pair that with bluepill upbringing and it's two times over. Pair that with extreme introversion and high intellect resulting in overthinking and over-self-reflecting, it's three times over. Pair that with sub8 genetics and there was never any chance whatsoever.
Who would have thought? It's so obvious, it hurts.

I made myself an outsider as a teen, because I wanted to be different and that's the price I pay. Or maybe I was different all along and just acted authentically. I don't know. I never got along with normies and also didn't want to. Problem was, there were no alternative girls in my town and so there wasn't a single one I even liked enough to want to date her. If you miss the necessary experiences in adolescence, you get insecure about dating and sex and if you're insecure, it's over. Pair that with bluepill upbringing and it's two times over. Pair that with extreme introversion and high intellect resulting in overthinking and over-self-reflecting, it's three times over. Pair that with sub8 genetics and there was never any chance whatsoever.
IT think it’s ok to ascend in your 30s JFL
IT think it’s ok to ascend in your 30s JFL

Yeah, because fucking a used up, shriveled post-wall whore is totally the same thing as fucking a beautiful young girl in her best years. Makes sense. They really can't be serious or just don't want to accept the ugly truth. Pathetic.
Yeah, because fucking a used up, shriveled post-wall whore is totally the same thing as fucking a beautiful young girl in her best years. Makes sense. They really can't be serious or just don't want to accept the ugly truth. Pathetic.
I hate copemaxxers
CEF84A5E 6655 4EEC 8CFA D1656E7F7AA7 1
missing out on teen love is the reason I wanted to rope everyday in highschool, now that I'm older it has left me fucked in the head
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Most of us missed developmental milestones simply because we are ugly and/or genetic trash. Yes it creates a snowball effect, but I don't blame my Incel condition as an adult male because I missed those milestones, but because I was born ugly and genetic trash. Simple as that.

If I suddenly became Chad at 20 none of this "teen love" shit would matter since I would still be able to slay despite the fact I had shit teenage years.
"Thus, findings converge to support the importance of romantic and sexual experiences during adolescence for ongoing romantic and sexual development in adulthood"

well this is retarded, the adolescent experiences have nothing to do with future success, it's just that if you're good looking you'll have adolescent success as well as future success, if you aren't good looking you will have no adolescent success and then no future success
If I suddenly became Chad at 20 none of this "teen love" shit would matter since I would still be able to slay despite the fact I had shit teenage years.
God IQ analysis

Normies and good looking people that missed out on teen love dont give a shit about it when they know it's still within grasp at any given opportunity.
I agree, being an ugly subhuman is one of the most destructive psychological experiences one can have.

View attachment 357591

I also know where I'm headed.
View attachment 357593
Yeah. The entire thread is coping hard
God IQ analysis

Normies and good looking people that missed out on teen love dont give a shit about it when they know it's still within grasp at any given opportunity.
I found studies confirming teen love is important and you still deny it because you’re stubborn and unwilling to hear information you don’t like

Studies here confirm teen love is important

and how old are you? Because women lose their looks in their early 30s sometimes even late20s

But you’re still a virgin and had any sexual activity (intercourse, oral sex, etc)?
I am against anything that glorifies foids more than they already are. You won't become a potato if you don't have teenage dating experience. You may grow up to have a different kind of view and attitude towards dating but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Plus I question any study that comes out of western psychological circles. Those guys are degenerate liberals politically. They are the ones who say homosexuality is not a disease and gender dysphoria is no longer a mental disorder. So of course they promote premarital teenage dating and sex
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Sex is a basic need and having sex as young as possible makes you happier and experienced, just like if you were to start diving a car.

Don’t listen to retards who say sex isn’t that important etc. They are 100% lying through their teeth. If you’ve never experienced sex, then you’re missing out on an important part of life.

Edit: Though this is for the general masses, and some here fall under that term. I only say this because I would think those who are of higher intellect can just cope for life long and not give a single care.
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This took me and hour to read because i kept pacing and twitching between segments, its always the teen love shit that makes me go mental, i want to fucking die
Any milestone your peers pass and you miss leave you mentally behind
social part has 3 stages in my opinion

Early childhood and elementary school where you learn how to make friends
Highschool where you learn how to interact different with opposite gender, romantic and sexual rules
College and early 20, this is where you start getting work ethic, build long term relationships and contacts

When you miss these you still remain mentally and emotionally a 7yo
This is why
When normies die
I smile inside
:feelsautistic: :feelsautistic: :feelsautistic: :feelsautistic: :feelsautistic:
Early childhood and elementary school where you learn how to make friends
Highschool where you learn how to interact different with opposite gender, romantic and sexual rules
College and early 20, this is where you start getting work ethic, build long term relationships and contacts
Looking back now I can tell.. I had none of those. All Humans were and are my enemies. This planet deserves Nukes for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, every day of the year until there is nothing left. This is how I feel and it isn't going away until I do. I can't exist normally and its this Shitballs fault and I am rightly furious at it.
This is why
When normies die
I smile inside
:feelsautistic: :feelsautistic: :feelsautistic: :feelsautistic: :feelsautistic:

Looking back now I can tell.. I had none of those. All Humans were and are my enemies. This planet deserves Nukes for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, every day of the year until there is nothing left. This is how I feel and it isn't going away until I do. I can't exist normally and its this Shitballs fault and I am rightly furious at it.
There's no other way to feel, this world failed us.
Some also consider themselves jobcels who don’t have opportunities because of their all-male job and some might consider themself incel due to being shy or having bad social skills

none of them claim to have a bad personality

I should tag more users this thread isn’t getting replies. In fact it should be pinned

@FastBananaCEO @gymletethnicel @Diocel @RREEEEEEEEE @RemoveNormalfags @ordinaryotaku @Snow Dushman @Snowstormhigh @Alone75 @Robtical @Mainländer @mental_out
Good thread. I missed out on teen love as well because of how ugly I am. I am not crippled by it unlike some people here but I will never know carefree, teenage love.
Good thread. I missed out on teen love as well because of how ugly I am. I am not crippled by it unlike some people here but I will never know carefree, teenage love.
yeah but what if you looksmaxxed? you will still be crippled socially and emotionally even if you become non ugly
yeah but what if you looksmaxxed? you will still be crippled socially and emotionally even if you become non ugly
I had a social upbringing so I wouldn't be crippled socially. Not sure what being crippled emotionally means?
I had a social upbringing so I wouldn't be crippled socially. Not sure what being crippled emotionally means?
you would still be crippled socially. there are certain aspects to a relationships with females that can only be learned by being in relationships with them. those skills cannot be learned by just hanging out with other people in a platonic manner
you would still be crippled socially. there are certain aspects to a relationships with females that can only be learned by being in relationships with them. those skills cannot be learned by just hanging out with other people in a platonic manner
Can you give me any examples because I thought being social was meant to be platonic anyway?
Can you give me any examples because I thought being social was meant to be platonic anyway?
social means interacting with other people. you can interact with other people in many ways.

the fact is a girl has sexual and romantic relationship experience that you lack, and it will be difficult for you to relate to her
social means interacting with other people. you can interact with other people in many ways.

the fact is a girl has sexual and romantic relationship experience that you lack, and it will be difficult for you to relate to her
I see, so you're talking about if somebody gets into a relationship with a girl. Got it. I thought you meant when befriending new people/socializing.
“One study showed that adult virgins have higher odds of being overweight and of being perceived as physically unattractive.

Or just be curry or rice, even if they are 10/10. They are the true incels of middle and high/secondary school. Stacys would never hurt their own social status to even be seen with an ethnic.
Many people who are bluepilled say that teen love doesn't matter and that missing out on it doesn't do any harm. Here's proof that missing out on teen love is harmful.

In a pivotal study about involuntary celibacy from 2001, they talked to three involuntarily celibate groups of people: Involuntary virgins (those who never had sex and still are sexually inexperienced), singles (those who had sexual experience in the past but no longer are able to, and a good amount of these people resorted to hookers or even sexual surrogates), and partnered celibates (those who are married or in a relationship but their partner won't have sex). 91% of the virgins said they never dated as teenagers, compared to 52% of singles. Here's an important quote:

"In summary, while most of our sample had discussed sex with friends and experimented with masturbation as teens, most of the virgins and singles did not date. Singles were similar to partnered persons in terms of first sexual experiences, while the majority of virgins reported first sexual experiences that did not include another person. As the data illustrates, virgins and singles may have missed important transitions, and as they got older, their trajecto- ries began to differ from those of their age peers. As Thorton (1990) noted, patterns of sexuality in young adult- hood are significantly related to dating, steady dating, and sexual experience in adolescence. It is rare for a teenager to initiate sexual activity outside of a dating relationship. Thus, persons reaching young adulthood without dating may have missed an important opportunity for sexual experience. While virginity and lack of experience are fair- ly common in teenagers and young adults (Sprecher & Regan, 1996), by the time many of our respondents reached their mid-twenties they reported feeling left behind by age peers. We suspect that this is especially true for gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. In fact, all eight of the nonheterosexual respondents in our sample were either virgins or singles. As previous researchers have shown, a major reason for becoming off time in making sexual tran- sitions is the process of coming out to oneself and others (Gonsiorek & Rudolph, 1991). Even for the heterosexuals in our study, however, it appears that lack of dating and sexual experimentation in the teen years may be precursors to problems in adult sexual relationships (Thorton, 1990)."

Another quote I found from another study (which has more to do with juvenile sex offenders and autism):

"The foundation for a healthy sexuality in adulthood lies in childhood and adolescence, with the discovery of one’s own sexuality oftentimes going in phases (De Graaf et al.2009). A large population study in the Netherlands amongst 7841 boys and girls aged 12–25 has shown that half of all 15-year-old adolescents have been intimate with a partner (e.g., touching each other’s genitalia). At age 16, half of all youths have experience with mutual masturba- tion and at age 17, half of all youths have experienced sexual intercourse and/or oral sex (De Graaf et al. 2015). Eventually, relationships and sexual intimacy become more serious; relationships last longer and are more exclusive, eventually leading to the ‘adult’ model of a committed relationship (Furman and Shaffer 2003)."

Here's another study:

“One study showed that adult virgins have higher odds of being overweight and of being perceived as physically unattractive. Four additional studies reported that adult virgins have greater probabilities of never having been in a romantic relationship. Moreover, in a qualitative study conducted among 82 involuntary celibate adults aged 18 to 64 years, Donnelly and colleagues found that nearly all adult virgins never dated anyone, including in adolescence. Thus, findings converge to support the importance of romantic and sexual experiences during adolescence for ongoing romantic and sexual development in adulthood. Additionally, this study revealed that these adult virgins perceived themselves as being very shy and unable to establish social contacts, and reported body image issues, such as being overweight and perceiving their physical appearance to be an obstacle to their sexuality.”


Donnelly, D., Burgess, E., Anderson, S., Davis, R., & Dillard, J. (2001). Involuntary celibacy: A life course analysis. Journal of Sex Research, 38(2), 159–169.doi:10.1080/00224490109552083

Baarsma, M. E., Boonmann, C., ’t Hart-Kerkhoffs, L. A., de Graaf, H., Doreleijers, T. A. H., Vermeiren, R. R. J. M., & Jansen, L. M. C. (2016). Sexuality and Autistic-Like Symptoms in Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Follow-Up After 8 Years. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(8), 2679–2691. doi:10.1007/s10803-016-2805-6

Boislard, M.-A., van de Bongardt, D., & Blais, M. (2016). Sexuality (and Lack Thereof) in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Review of the Literature. Behavioral Sciences, 6(1), 8.doi:10.3390/bs6010008

This is why having sex as an adolescent is so crucial. I was constantly bullied and never even seen a pair of tits in person my entire life, let alone touch/grab one. Now I'm afraid and anxious of what will happen if I ever pay an escort and see a pair for the first time. I get way too much anxiety over it that sometimes I cannot even perform the most basic functions, like walking or sitting still. I'm constantly lying in my bed and shaking uncontrollably just imagining it.

Sex ed needs to take it up another level. Every adolescent needs to lose their virginity before they graduate, period. I mean, social media rewards those who are better looking with more likes/comments, right? Why don't adolescent foids feel like they are rewarded when more guys want to have sex? Usually means they are considered attractive. Sex ed also needs to teach foids that "giving subtle signs" is the worst way to communicate. If you wanna fuck, just go up to a guy and say you want to fuck.

If I had this back when I was in high school, I wouldn't be so afraid to do shit. I get sweaty pits whenever any foid comes talking to me. The constant anxiety kills me.
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saved, becky body count iq

im 23 and just as my brocel @Edmund_Kemper said, i still feel like im a teenager, like my mind didnt develop beyond 16
i feel completely left behind, my old classmates already have families, people at my university have stable jobs with career paths in mind, stable relationships and i dont even know what i want to do the next day, i desperately check my phone when i hear a notification only turning out to be the weather, i simply cant compete

i get annoyed by npcs advice "oh you have to go out, u need to start somewhere, you have to leave the your comfort zone and do something you dont like", hearing normies talk about how they got a bj in the park at 12am or how get had sex on the football field does not fucking help, "yo is that becky ig? "yes" ahaaaahahha i fucked her in the woods and never texted her back, damn she got fat" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


i bet bluepilled retards dont even know they are alive

but hey, at least i'm the funniest guy people know "Circus is so funny, he should hang out with us more", "Hey Circus what's the matter with you, you're always such a fucking clown, but you havent entertained us tonight, something wrong?"

sorry bros, the race started and ended withput you and all the participants are moving to the next stage, all you can do is spectate or go home
17, I’m going through this right now, and am totally aware of it, wasting my teenage years. If I was 4~5 inches taller I’d be fine :feelsrope:
No teen love is a strong sign you will miss out on life
you missed teen love and you missed early 20s cohabiting/playing house and god knows what else you're gonna miss

i wish i could at least larp the latter but it looks like it's fucking over ngl
the point of teen love is so you can focus on love and affection without the responsibilities an adult has.

if you are trying to learn this stuff when you're an adult and have responsibilities you'll be handicapped
It's beyond over. :feelsrope:
missing out on teen love is the reason I wanted to rope everyday in highschool, now that I'm older it has left me fucked in the head
Who would have thought? It's so obvious, it hurts.

I made myself an outsider as a teen, because I wanted to be different and that's the price I pay. Or maybe I was different all along and just acted authentically. I don't know. I never got along with normies and also didn't want to. Problem was, there were no alternative girls in my town and so there wasn't a single one I even liked enough to want to date her. If you miss the necessary experiences in adolescence, you get insecure about dating and sex and if you're insecure, it's over. Pair that with bluepill upbringing and it's two times over. Pair that with extreme introversion and high intellect resulting in overthinking and over-self-reflecting, it's three times over. Pair that with sub8 genetics and there was never any chance whatsoever.
It was similar for me. in my first year of highschool i was a fatcel and my self esteem was so extremely low due to negative reinforcement for so long, so i became the weird quiet kid.

I started losing weight rapidly and worked out in the second half of my first year though, and by the time my second year rolled around, i was skinny and stopped wearing my glasses, felt more confident about how i looked but i realized that everyone would think i'm weird/creepy if i suddenly just out of the blue start acting extrovertedly, i knew that train had passed. So instead i tried my hardest to seem like i was the confident, strong silent type. Not sure how well i succeeded with that but people definitely treated me better after losing all my excess weight, including women.
Not experiencing teen love really fucks you up in the head.

No need for any study to say it. We are the irrefutable proof.

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