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LifeFuel Ultimate Bucket List of Copes or Experiences Thread, Fulfill All of These to Truly Win the Title of Greatest Human Who Ever Lived



Jan 30, 2025
These copes are based on the assumptions you are too ugly to get a GF, make real life friends and want to experience everything life has to offer. Most of the goals are near impossible to achieve and would require an extreme amount of time, energy, money, IQ and motivation, if anyone was to achieve this they would have lived a life greater than the greatest chad, in terms of experiencing nearly everything with perhaps the exceptions of validation, romantic love and attraction from the opposite sex. The first two can be achieved online through a lesser degree and if fully immersive VR emerges all of them can be achieved though the validity is debatable. This also assumes extraordinary improvements in technology, certain things here would be impossible today. These are things almost anyone can do.
Books/ Textbooks/ Encyclopedias, Dictionaries/ Fanfiction/ Online Articles/ Blogs/Comics

Read 100% of every piece of work ever produced in the languages you can understand the text of, for languages you do not understand use translation software.

Find books/comics/ written screenplays or film scripts that are extraordinarily rare and buy and read them

Use online archives such as Libgen and Anna's archive and fanfiction sites, look for comics and webpages and news articles online and libraries for encyclopedias and dictionaries to
Find listing of every category and look for written text in them, write down every text you have read, download the texts online.
There are around 150 million books estimated to exist, the largest archive contains 1/5th of it for free.

Language Cope
Learn every language you can as much as possible, at least learn the top 5 used languages enough for at least basic reading, writing and understanding.
There are thousands of languages many dead and impossible to learn, but at least 50-100 you can find ways to learn.

Watch every single movie in existence starting with languages you understand, use subtitles for languages you don't understand.
There are said to be around 1 million films.
Similar archives exist for movies look at putlocker and other sites
YouTube Videos
Watch every single youtube video and short that exists in your language using subtitles for ones which don't exist
There are millions of youtube videos

TV Shows/Anime/Cartoons
Watch every single tv show, anime or cartoon, the total number is likely similar to the number of movies.
Try WcoStream and other streaming sites to watch for free
Streaming Services
Purchase all existing streaming services from each provider for at least 1 month free trial consume all content on them.

Video Games/VR/AR
Play every single video game in existence at some point, buy every single console that ever existed. Same with VR and AR, likely hundreds of thousands of video games, also play most of it on gaming PC since many exist for it.
Play all online flash games for free

Listen to songs in all languages that you can find
Listen to music of every kind

Meditation (difficult)
Learn to stay grounded
Learn the art of self control
Learn to calm yourself when upset

Mobile Apps
Get every single mobile app at different times, adding and deleting, try each of them. Including all games, gadgets, tools.
Play all competitive games like chess, checkers, sodoku, connect four, PUBG etc.
Play all educational games like scrabble, crossword puzzles spot the difference

Program at least one game, application or software of easy, medium and hard difficulty each
Create your own website using HTML
Learn to use all existing package software applications you can access for free or purchase as consumer and do at least 5 projects in each one, popular ones Photoshop, Quickbooks, Movie Editing, Excel, Digital art making software and more

Hands on Hobbies
Create at least 5 buildings with Legos of easy, medium and hard difficulty
Make a birdhouse, and at least 5 other woodworking projects
Fly a drone at least 50 times for a minimum distance of 5 miles and take photos
Take photos with the most recent camera model, take photos in all of your travels
Learn at least two martial arts types and reach advanced level in them
Run at least 1 marathon and 1 triathalon
Create 50 origami projects ranging from easy to hard
Build a PC from scratch
Create a Garden and take care of it and make it the best possible
Cook foods of varying difficulties from easy to hard do so every day
Assemble at least 10 pieces of furniture such as from Ikea
Complete 5 jigsaw puzzles varying from easy to hard

Science Experiment/Research
Perform at least 1 science experiment on something you are curious about
Research at least 3 thing that the mainstream claims and come to a conclusion about whether it is true
Debunk at least 10 Conspiracy Theory or Myth or Fake Stories online only one fake news-story allowed

Visit every country in the world and all islands allowed to travel to.
Visit every rainforest and desert
Visit Antarctica and the Arctic
Gamble at least $10 at every Casino in the world
Visit every amusment, theme and water park in the world and go on every ride
Drive a car in every single country which contains languages you can read signs in the world
Drive a motorycyle in the same countries
Ride a bike in the same countries

Travel first class international and domestic on a flight, travel business class international and domestic on a flight
Go to a 5-star hotel and eat at a 5-star restaraunt
At least 3 4-star hotels and 4 star restaraunts
Take at least 3 Luxury Train Rides, Boat Rides and Cruises
Ride in a Limousine at least twice in 5 countries in the world
Fly once in a private or charter jet
Rent out one residential or commercial space you own

Food Copes
Eat every single edible seed and nut
Eat every single existing grain for human consumption
Consume milk and dairy products from all animals producing milk safe to eat
Consume eggs from all animals safe to eat including caviar
Consume all muscle meats from all animals safe to eat
Consume all organ meats from all animals safe to eat
Try cuisine from all countries in the world
Eat every single type of candy and chocolate
Eat every single kind of cheese
Eat all ice-cream flavors
Eat all types of egg cooking
Drink all kinds of wine in the world
Consume all kinds of beers
Consumed all kinds of hard liquors
Consume all kinds of beverages
Eat all kinds of mushrooms in existence especially truffles
Consume all kinds of prebiotic and probiotic foods
Buy and consume raw foods from a farmer
Try every single spice and condiment

Old Fashioned Technology (Difficult)
Use a typewriter to write something out
Use a rotary dialing phone to place a call
Use a phone booth
Use a telegram
Learn Morse Code
Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
Learn to shoot a crossbow
Learn to fight with a sword
Learn to care for a horse

Drugs Cope (Difficult without DarkWeb)
Try weed at least once both edibles and smoking each safely
Try meth at least once safely
Try fentanyl at least once safely
Try Cocaine at least once safely
Try MDMA at least once safely
Try Heroin at least once safely
Try Opioids at least once safely
Try morphine at least once safely
Try PCP at least once safely
Try mushrooms at least once safely
Try LSD at least once safely
Try Soma [whatever futuristic drug that doesn't exist yet] at least once

Education/Degree Cope
Earn High School Diploma or GED
Earn a 4.0 GPA for one Quarter/Semester
Earn a 4.0 GPA for one whole year
Earn a 3.5/3.75/4.0 GPA for the Entire Associates/Bachelor's/Master's Degree
Earn at least one Associate's Degree
Earn at least one Bachelor's Degree
( Very difficult)
Earn at least one Master's Degree
Earn at least one PhD
Earn a professional certificate, nursing, doctor, accounting, finance, law etc.

Job Applications / Jobs Cope (Probably the Hardest One Here)
Make money from online activities legal only example freelance writing
Apply to Every Job You are Qualified For
Go to at least 100 Interviews

(realistically impossible)
Get at least 15 job offers
Make At Least 50k
Make at Least 75k
Make at Least 100k
Make at Least 150k
Make At Least 200k
Make At Least 250k
Get one fully remote job

Sports Cope
Play all major sports (soccer, football, basketball, hockey, baseball, swimming, tennis, badminton, horse riding, water polo, wrestling)

Take classes for each one if you don't know how to do it

Play with at least one team or person for each sport informally

Pet Cope
Care for at least one insect
Care for at least one rodent
Care for at least one reptile
Care for at least three mammals
Care for at least one bird

Contests Cope
Attend eating, video games, trivia, karoke, poetry, chess, connect 4, sports and singing, competitions along with any others

Volunteer/Donation Cope
Donate Blood at least twice in life
Donate an Organ once in life
Help Seniors or Children by volunteering at least 3 times
Volunteer remotely at least once

Exercise or Gym Cope
Reach 10% body fat
Do every single exercise in gym correctly including machines and manula exercises
Lift 10-50 lb weights with proper form
Get a six pack

Plastic Surgery Cope (also difficult)
Get at least one major cosmetic surgery operation
Get filler at least one time
See a dermatologist for at least a year or use skin products everyday for a year
Change your eye color or hair
Get your eyebrows done

Online Interactions Cope (very difficult)
Chat with 3 people at the same time
Voice chat in a group of 4 or more people at the same time
Be leader of a group, such as a Discord Server
Orbit a girl for a period of 3 months
Gain respect and friendship from at least 10 people online
Improve 3 people's lives and mental health by interacting with them
Ghost all toxic online relationships
Block at least 5 toxic people
Get one e-gf who will eventually leave and cuck you
Get at least one nude from a woman online
Do at least one phone sex or video mutual masturbation with woman online

Social Media Cope (Also nearly impossible)
Talk to every single person on incels.is
Make 1000 posts on X, 10000 posts on Reddit,
Achieve at least 50 connections on Linkedin
Achieve at least 500 connections on Linkedin
Achieve at least 5000 connections on Linkedin
Get 50/100/1000/2000 friends on Facebook/ Twitter
Make YouTube videos showing face at least once
Get 10/100/1000/10000/100000/1,000,000 subscribers on YouTube channel
Get 10/100/1000/10000/100000/10000000 views on YouTube video
Post 1000/10000/100000/10000000 times on incels.is

Board Games
Play all major board games either IRL with people or online

Therapy Cope (difficult for some people)
Try Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at least once for depression, trauma, executive dysfunction or autism
Do Talk Therapy At least once
Do CBT at least once
Do group therapy at least once
Get EMDR for trauma at least once

Psychiatric Drugs Cope
Try at least one antidepressant for 6 weeks
Try at least one anti-anxiety medication for 6 weeks
Try at least one sleep medication for 6 weeks
Try at least one antipsychotic if necessary

AI GF Cope
Get at least one AI Gf with chatbot app like Replika
When robot gf becomes available buy one
Trade robot gf for better model

Fully Immersive VR Cope (if it exists)
Play multiple fully immersive VR games
Have sex in VR reality
Have S/O and kids in VR reality
Be loved, get validation and experience true happiness in VR reality
Simulate living a different life with better genetics

Space Cope
Experience 0 gravity on earth once
Go to Space and see Earth
Book a room in a space hotel (if exists)
Do a Space Walk with Space Suit Once
Land on Another Planet or Moon (if possible) and live there for at least a week

Camping Cope
Camp in the woods for at least one night
Make a campfire at least once
Hunt for food at least once
Gather healthy berries at least once
Tell stories around campfire at least once

Writing Cope
Write/ Make 1000 posts on all social media
Write your own fiction book
Write your own screenplay/script
Write your own non-fiction book
Write your own Blackpill book
Get Published
Sell 100/1000/10000/100000/1000000 copies (impossible)

Souvenir's Cope
Get a souvenir and picture from every place you visit, every country
Sperm Donation Cope
Attempt to donate sperm at least once
If approved donate sperm at least 5 times

Escort Cope
Fuck at least one escort
kiss at least one escort
get a bj from at least one escort
also all challenges without condom
get a rimjob from escort at least once
have a threesome with two escorts at least once
go to a massage parlor at least once and get happy ending at least once
shower with an escort at least once
do anal with an escort at least once
party with sugar baby and get drunk at least once
have at least one sugar baby relationship for a period of at least 6 months

Cyborg Cope
Brain implant or stronger arms and legs or robot part for at least one body part (future tech)

Negative Treatment
Get 10/100/1000 negative looks from strangers for being ugly
Confront 1 person for excluding you like in a group
Confront 1 person for mistreating you due to looks
Walk out of at least 1 Job Interview due to disrespect
Confront one person for disrespecting you IRL
Record at least one day of getting negative looks, negative tone, exclusion, or other negative forms of treatment

Wealth Cope
Earn 10/100/1000/10000% return on investment
Have at least 1000/10000/1000000/10000000 usd invested
Earn money from 1/5/10/50/100 places out
Have net worth of at least 10000/1000000/1,000,000/10,000,000/100,000,000/ 1 billion USD

Requires High IQ (Earn a patent/ have scientific paper published in journal/make money from intellectual property, earn an award for accomplishment in a field for research or discovery)

Any more copes you can think of list in the thread. Add more strategies and tools to make this work.
Thoughts @GeckoBus @TheGrayWolf @HotDogCel @Mistake
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Why would I put in so much effort into all these things? For what?
Why would I put in so much effort into all these things? For what?
To win in the game of life, which is to experience everything there is. You will be happier having accomplished all of it rather than LDARing, it will give your life purpose and meaning. Lot of the copes are fun too, it's a lot better than being depressed and suicidal 24/7.
This is simply not possible as a subhuman incel pariah.
Read it clearly and tell me that. You can experience practically all of it including sex and since you are not even ugly, you can get love, validation, respect etc. You are just complaining for the sake of complaining. We could even experience the love and validation with future technology.
I did read it all. Its too much work for nothing.
If life satisfaction means nothing for you, why are you even alive? This will give you everything you need, but of course you are unwilling to try.
These copes are based on the assumptions you are too ugly to get a GF, make real life friends and want to experience everything life has to offer. Most of the goals are near impossible to achieve and would require an extreme amount of time, energy, money, IQ and motivation, if anyone was to achieve this they would have lived a life greater than the greatest chad, in terms of experiencing nearly everything with perhaps the exceptions of validation, romantic love and attraction from the opposite sex. The first two can be achieved online through a lesser degree and if fully immersive VR emerges all of them can be achieved though the validity is debatable. This also assumes extraordinary improvements in technology, certain things here would be impossible today. These are things almost anyone can do.
Books/ Textbooks/ Encyclopedias, Dictionaries/ Fanfiction/ Online Articles/ Blogs/Comics

Read 100% of every piece of work ever produced in the languages you can understand the text of, for languages you do not understand use translation software.

Find books/comics/ written screenplays or film scripts that are extraordinarily rare and buy and read them

Use online archives such as Libgen and Anna's archive and fanfiction sites, look for comics and webpages and news articles online and libraries for encyclopedias and dictionaries to
Find listing of every category and look for written text in them, write down every text you have read, download the texts online.
There are around 150 million books estimated to exist, the largest archive contains 1/5th of it for free.

Language Cope
Learn every language you can as much as possible, at least learn the top 5 used languages enough for at least basic reading, writing and understanding.
There are thousands of languages many dead and impossible to learn, but at least 50-100 you can find ways to learn.

Watch every single movie in existence starting with languages you understand, use subtitles for languages you don't understand.
There are said to be around 1 million films.
Similar archives exist for movies look at putlocker and other sites
YouTube Videos
Watch every single youtube video and short that exists in your language using subtitles for ones which don't exist
There are millions of youtube videos

TV Shows/Anime/Cartoons
Watch every single tv show, anime or cartoon, the total number is likely similar to the number of movies.
Try WcoStream and other streaming sites to watch for free
Streaming Services
Purchase all existing streaming services from each provider for at least 1 month free trial consume all content on them.

Video Games/VR/AR
Play every single video game in existence at some point, buy every single console that ever existed. Same with VR and AR, likely hundreds of thousands of video games, also play most of it on gaming PC since many exist for it.
Play all online flash games for free

Listen to songs in all languages that you can find
Listen to music of every kind

Meditation (difficult)
Learn to stay grounded
Learn the art of self control
Learn to calm yourself when upset

Mobile Apps
Get every single mobile app at different times, adding and deleting, try each of them. Including all games, gadgets, tools.
Play all competitive games like chess, checkers, sodoku, connect four, PUBG etc.
Play all educational games like scrabble, crossword puzzles spot the difference

Program at least one game, application or software of easy, medium and hard difficulty each
Create your own website using HTML
Learn to use all existing package software applications you can access for free or purchase as consumer and do at least 5 projects in each one, popular ones Photoshop, Quickbooks, Movie Editing, Excel, Digital art making software and more

Hands on Hobbies
Create at least 5 buildings with Legos of easy, medium and hard difficulty
Make a birdhouse, and at least 5 other woodworking projects
Fly a drone at least 50 times for a minimum distance of 5 miles and take photos
Take photos with the most recent camera model, take photos in all of your travels
Learn at least two martial arts types and reach advanced level in them
Run at least 1 marathon and 1 triathalon
Create 50 origami projects ranging from easy to hard
Build a PC from scratch
Create a Garden and take care of it and make it the best possible
Cook foods of varying difficulties from easy to hard do so every day
Assemble at least 10 pieces of furniture such as from Ikea
Complete 5 jigsaw puzzles varying from easy to hard

Science Experiment/Research
Perform at least 1 science experiment on something you are curious about
Research at least 3 thing that the mainstream claims and come to a conclusion about whether it is true
Debunk at least 10 Conspiracy Theory or Myth or Fake Stories online only one fake news-story allowed

Visit every country in the world and all islands allowed to travel to.
Visit every rainforest and desert
Visit Antarctica and the Arctic
Gamble at least $10 at every Casino in the world
Visit every amusment, theme and water park in the world and go on every ride
Drive a car in every single country which contains languages you can read signs in the world
Drive a motorycyle in the same countries
Ride a bike in the same countries

Travel first class international and domestic on a flight, travel business class international and domestic on a flight
Go to a 5-star hotel and eat at a 5-star restaraunt
At least 3 4-star hotels and 4 star restaraunts
Take at least 3 Luxury Train Rides, Boat Rides and Cruises
Ride in a Limousine at least twice in 5 countries in the world
Fly once in a private or charter jet
Rent out one residential or commercial space you own

Food Copes
Eat every single edible seed and nut
Eat every single existing grain for human consumption
Consume milk and dairy products from all animals producing milk safe to eat
Consume eggs from all animals safe to eat including caviar
Consume all muscle meats from all animals safe to eat
Consume all organ meats from all animals safe to eat
Try cuisine from all countries in the world
Eat every single type of candy and chocolate
Eat every single kind of cheese
Eat all ice-cream flavors
Eat all types of egg cooking
Drink all kinds of wine in the world
Consume all kinds of beers
Consumed all kinds of hard liquors
Consume all kinds of beverages
Eat all kinds of mushrooms in existence especially truffles
Consume all kinds of prebiotic and probiotic foods
Buy and consume raw foods from a farmer
Try every single spice and condiment

Old Fashioned Technology (Difficult)
Use a typewriter to write something out
Use a rotary dialing phone to place a call
Use a phone booth
Use a telegram
Learn Morse Code
Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
Learn to shoot a crossbow
Learn to fight with a sword
Learn to care for a horse

Drugs Cope (Difficult without DarkWeb)
Try weed at least once both edibles and smoking each safely
Try meth at least once safely
Try fentanyl at least once safely
Try Cocaine at least once safely
Try MDMA at least once safely
Try Heroin at least once safely
Try Opioids at least once safely
Try morphine at least once safely
Try PCP at least once safely
Try mushrooms at least once safely
Try LSD at least once safely
Try Soma [whatever futuristic drug that doesn't exist yet] at least once

Education/Degree Cope
Earn High School Diploma or GED
Earn a 4.0 GPA for one Quarter/Semester
Earn a 4.0 GPA for one whole year
Earn a 3.5/3.75/4.0 GPA for the Entire Associates/Bachelor's/Master's Degree
Earn at least one Associate's Degree
Earn at least one Bachelor's Degree
( Very difficult)
Earn at least one Master's Degree
Earn at least one PhD
Earn a professional certificate, nursing, doctor, accounting, finance, law etc.

Job Applications / Jobs Cope (Probably the Hardest One Here)
Make money from online activities legal only example freelance writing
Apply to Every Job You are Qualified For
Go to at least 100 Interviews

(realistically impossible)
Get at least 15 job offers
Make At Least 50k
Make at Least 75k
Make at Least 100k
Make at Least 150k
Make At Least 200k
Make At Least 250k
Get one fully remote job

Sports Cope
Play all major sports (soccer, football, basketball, hockey, baseball, swimming, tennis, badminton, horse riding, water polo, wrestling)

Take classes for each one if you don't know how to do it

Play with at least one team or person for each sport informally

Pet Cope
Care for at least one insect
Care for at least one rodent
Care for at least one reptile
Care for at least three mammals
Care for at least one bird

Contests Cope
Attend eating, video games, trivia, karoke, poetry, chess, connect 4, sports and singing, competitions along with any others

Volunteer/Donation Cope
Donate Blood at least twice in life
Donate an Organ once in life
Help Seniors or Children by volunteering at least 3 times
Volunteer remotely at least once

Exercise or Gym Cope
Reach 10% body fat
Do every single exercise in gym correctly including machines and manula exercises
Lift 10-50 lb weights with proper form
Get a six pack

Plastic Surgery Cope (also difficult)
Get at least one major cosmetic surgery operation
Get filler at least one time
See a dermatologist for at least a year or use skin products everyday for a year
Change your eye color or hair
Get your eyebrows done

Online Interactions Cope (very difficult)
Chat with 3 people at the same time
Voice chat in a group of 4 or more people at the same time
Be leader of a group, such as a Discord Server
Orbit a girl for a period of 3 months
Gain respect and friendship from at least 10 people online
Improve 3 people's lives and mental health by interacting with them
Ghost all toxic online relationships
Block at least 5 toxic people
Get one e-gf who will eventually leave and cuck you
Get at least one nude from a woman online
Do at least one phone sex or video mutual masturbation with woman online

Social Media Cope (Also nearly impossible)
Talk to every single person on incels.is
Make 1000 posts on X, 10000 posts on Reddit,
Achieve at least 50 connections on Linkedin
Achieve at least 500 connections on Linkedin
Achieve at least 5000 connections on Linkedin
Get 50/100/1000/2000 friends on Facebook/ Twitter
Make YouTube videos showing face at least once
Get 10/100/1000/10000/100000/1,000,000 subscribers on YouTube channel
Get 10/100/1000/10000/100000/10000000 views on YouTube video
Post 1000/10000/100000/10000000 times on incels.is

Board Games
Play all major board games either IRL with people or online

Therapy Cope (difficult for some people)
Try Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at least once for depression, trauma, executive dysfunction or autism
Do Talk Therapy At least once
Do CBT at least once
Do group therapy at least once
Get EMDR for trauma at least once

Psychiatric Drugs Cope
Try at least one antidepressant for 6 weeks
Try at least one anti-anxiety medication for 6 weeks
Try at least one sleep medication for 6 weeks
Try at least one antipsychotic if necessary

AI GF Cope
Get at least one AI Gf with chatbot app like Replika
When robot gf becomes available buy one
Trade robot gf for better model

Fully Immersive VR Cope (if it exists)
Play multiple fully immersive VR games
Have sex in VR reality
Have S/O and kids in VR reality
Be loved, get validation and experience true happiness in VR reality
Simulate living a different life with better genetics

Space Cope
Experience 0 gravity on earth once
Go to Space and see Earth
Book a room in a space hotel (if exists)
Do a Space Walk with Space Suit Once
Land on Another Planet or Moon (if possible) and live there for at least a week

Camping Cope
Camp in the woods for at least one night
Make a campfire at least once
Hunt for food at least once
Gather healthy berries at least once
Tell stories around campfire at least once

Writing Cope
Write/ Make 1000 posts on all social media
Write your own fiction book
Write your own screenplay/script
Write your own non-fiction book
Write your own Blackpill book
Get Published
Sell 100/1000/10000/100000/1000000 copies (impossible)

Souvenir's Cope
Get a souvenir and picture from every place you visit, every country
Sperm Donation Cope
Attempt to donate sperm at least once
If approved donate sperm at least 5 times

Escort Cope
Fuck at least one escort
kiss at least one escort
get a bj from at least one escort
also all challenges without condom
get a rimjob from escort at least once
have a threesome with two escorts at least once
go to a massage parlor at least once and get happy ending at least once
shower with an escort at least once
do anal with an escort at least once
party with sugar baby and get drunk at least once
have at least one sugar baby relationship for a period of at least 6 months

Cyborg Cope
Brain implant or stronger arms and legs or robot part for at least one body part (future tech)

Negative Treatment
Get 10/100/1000 negative looks from strangers for being ugly
Confront 1 person for excluding you like in a group
Confront 1 person for mistreating you due to looks
Walk out of at least 1 Job Interview due to disrespect
Confront one person for disrespecting you IRL
Record at least one day of getting negative looks, negative tone, exclusion, or other negative forms of treatment

Wealth Cope
Earn 10/100/1000/10000% return on investment
Have at least 1000/10000/1000000/10000000 usd invested
Earn money from 1/5/10/50/100 places out
Have net worth of at least 10000/1000000/1,000,000/10,000,000/100,000,000/ 1 billion USD

Requires High IQ (Earn a patent/ have scientific paper published in journal/make money from intellectual property, earn an award for accomplishment in a field for research or discovery)

Any more copes you can think of list in the thread. Add more strategies and tools to make this work.
Thoughts @GeckoBus @TheGrayWolf @HotDogCel @Mistake
Become oil painter.
Join Watts Online Atelier to start.
Commit menti-cide by purging your brain and only studying drawing and oil painting.

But ok lets talk actual experiences I would want to have if I could.

- travel to india and see remains of indus valley civilization
- see overgrown ruins in in middle of jungle, either south america or india
- see specific art pieces IRL

- collect 100000 pieces of physical art - there is so much fucking art I would love to have physically, digital is not the same
- learn to play 1 or even 2 instruments until you can play like in trance (sax maybe, or piano)
- overcome my trash body and develop good posture by doing calisthenics
- be able go five consistent and objective account for existence of God, in a way that everyone can understand, maybe in one coherent volume of a book

- eat carnivore diet until I die
- fix health issues, like insomnia, gut issues, have consistent energy
- learn to breathe deeply 24/7 - i literally can not do this. I hold my breath all the time for some reason etc
- come back from the dead as a fuck you and age backwards benjamin button style

- learn to speak english without accent
- learn to speak german without sounding retarded
- make enough money to fix some peoples issues in my life and guarantee them a good end
- travel to india and see remains of indus valley civilization
>Saaar we have the oldest civilization in the world!!
>It just mysteriously disappeared for no reason, okay? Don't look into it
Some of these you need high IQ and the youth/energy for it. Life really beat the shit out of me, but i'll try some like owning a bird. Seeing every movie would be torture, just watching chads mostly win even there
>Saaar we have the oldest civilization in the world!!
>It just mysteriously disappeared for no reason, okay? Don't look into it
:lul: :lul: :lul:
that would be brutal if i take the pains to travel there and its just an empty lot with a fucking pajeet giving me siren song harr
These copes are based on the assumptions you are too ugly to get a GF, make real life friends and want to experience everything life has to offer. Most of the goals are near impossible to achieve and would require an extreme amount of time, energy, money, IQ and motivation, if anyone was to achieve this they would have lived a life greater than the greatest chad, in terms of experiencing nearly everything with perhaps the exceptions of validation, romantic love and attraction from the opposite sex. The first two can be achieved online through a lesser degree and if fully immersive VR emerges all of them can be achieved though the validity is debatable. This also assumes extraordinary improvements in technology, certain things here would be impossible today. These are things almost anyone can do.
Books/ Textbooks/ Encyclopedias, Dictionaries/ Fanfiction/ Online Articles/ Blogs/Comics

Read 100% of every piece of work ever produced in the languages you can understand the text of, for languages you do not understand use translation software.

Find books/comics/ written screenplays or film scripts that are extraordinarily rare and buy and read them

Use online archives such as Libgen and Anna's archive and fanfiction sites, look for comics and webpages and news articles online and libraries for encyclopedias and dictionaries to
Find listing of every category and look for written text in them, write down every text you have read, download the texts online.
There are around 150 million books estimated to exist, the largest archive contains 1/5th of it for free.

Language Cope
Learn every language you can as much as possible, at least learn the top 5 used languages enough for at least basic reading, writing and understanding.
There are thousands of languages many dead and impossible to learn, but at least 50-100 you can find ways to learn.

Watch every single movie in existence starting with languages you understand, use subtitles for languages you don't understand.
There are said to be around 1 million films.
Similar archives exist for movies look at putlocker and other sites
YouTube Videos
Watch every single youtube video and short that exists in your language using subtitles for ones which don't exist
There are millions of youtube videos

TV Shows/Anime/Cartoons
Watch every single tv show, anime or cartoon, the total number is likely similar to the number of movies.
Try WcoStream and other streaming sites to watch for free
Streaming Services
Purchase all existing streaming services from each provider for at least 1 month free trial consume all content on them.

Video Games/VR/AR
Play every single video game in existence at some point, buy every single console that ever existed. Same with VR and AR, likely hundreds of thousands of video games, also play most of it on gaming PC since many exist for it.
Play all online flash games for free

Listen to songs in all languages that you can find
Listen to music of every kind

Meditation (difficult)
Learn to stay grounded
Learn the art of self control
Learn to calm yourself when upset

Mobile Apps
Get every single mobile app at different times, adding and deleting, try each of them. Including all games, gadgets, tools.
Play all competitive games like chess, checkers, sodoku, connect four, PUBG etc.
Play all educational games like scrabble, crossword puzzles spot the difference

Program at least one game, application or software of easy, medium and hard difficulty each
Create your own website using HTML
Learn to use all existing package software applications you can access for free or purchase as consumer and do at least 5 projects in each one, popular ones Photoshop, Quickbooks, Movie Editing, Excel, Digital art making software and more

Hands on Hobbies
Create at least 5 buildings with Legos of easy, medium and hard difficulty
Make a birdhouse, and at least 5 other woodworking projects
Fly a drone at least 50 times for a minimum distance of 5 miles and take photos
Take photos with the most recent camera model, take photos in all of your travels
Learn at least two martial arts types and reach advanced level in them
Run at least 1 marathon and 1 triathalon
Create 50 origami projects ranging from easy to hard
Build a PC from scratch
Create a Garden and take care of it and make it the best possible
Cook foods of varying difficulties from easy to hard do so every day
Assemble at least 10 pieces of furniture such as from Ikea
Complete 5 jigsaw puzzles varying from easy to hard

Science Experiment/Research
Perform at least 1 science experiment on something you are curious about
Research at least 3 thing that the mainstream claims and come to a conclusion about whether it is true
Debunk at least 10 Conspiracy Theory or Myth or Fake Stories online only one fake news-story allowed

Visit every country in the world and all islands allowed to travel to.
Visit every rainforest and desert
Visit Antarctica and the Arctic
Gamble at least $10 at every Casino in the world
Visit every amusment, theme and water park in the world and go on every ride
Drive a car in every single country which contains languages you can read signs in the world
Drive a motorycyle in the same countries
Ride a bike in the same countries

Travel first class international and domestic on a flight, travel business class international and domestic on a flight
Go to a 5-star hotel and eat at a 5-star restaraunt
At least 3 4-star hotels and 4 star restaraunts
Take at least 3 Luxury Train Rides, Boat Rides and Cruises
Ride in a Limousine at least twice in 5 countries in the world
Fly once in a private or charter jet
Rent out one residential or commercial space you own

Food Copes
Eat every single edible seed and nut
Eat every single existing grain for human consumption
Consume milk and dairy products from all animals producing milk safe to eat
Consume eggs from all animals safe to eat including caviar
Consume all muscle meats from all animals safe to eat
Consume all organ meats from all animals safe to eat
Try cuisine from all countries in the world
Eat every single type of candy and chocolate
Eat every single kind of cheese
Eat all ice-cream flavors
Eat all types of egg cooking
Drink all kinds of wine in the world
Consume all kinds of beers
Consumed all kinds of hard liquors
Consume all kinds of beverages
Eat all kinds of mushrooms in existence especially truffles
Consume all kinds of prebiotic and probiotic foods
Buy and consume raw foods from a farmer
Try every single spice and condiment

Old Fashioned Technology (Difficult)
Use a typewriter to write something out
Use a rotary dialing phone to place a call
Use a phone booth
Use a telegram
Learn Morse Code
Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
Learn to shoot a crossbow
Learn to fight with a sword
Learn to care for a horse

Drugs Cope (Difficult without DarkWeb)
Try weed at least once both edibles and smoking each safely
Try meth at least once safely
Try fentanyl at least once safely
Try Cocaine at least once safely
Try MDMA at least once safely
Try Heroin at least once safely
Try Opioids at least once safely
Try morphine at least once safely
Try PCP at least once safely
Try mushrooms at least once safely
Try LSD at least once safely
Try Soma [whatever futuristic drug that doesn't exist yet] at least once

Education/Degree Cope
Earn High School Diploma or GED
Earn a 4.0 GPA for one Quarter/Semester
Earn a 4.0 GPA for one whole year
Earn a 3.5/3.75/4.0 GPA for the Entire Associates/Bachelor's/Master's Degree
Earn at least one Associate's Degree
Earn at least one Bachelor's Degree
( Very difficult)
Earn at least one Master's Degree
Earn at least one PhD
Earn a professional certificate, nursing, doctor, accounting, finance, law etc.

Job Applications / Jobs Cope (Probably the Hardest One Here)
Make money from online activities legal only example freelance writing
Apply to Every Job You are Qualified For
Go to at least 100 Interviews

(realistically impossible)
Get at least 15 job offers
Make At Least 50k
Make at Least 75k
Make at Least 100k
Make at Least 150k
Make At Least 200k
Make At Least 250k
Get one fully remote job

Sports Cope
Play all major sports (soccer, football, basketball, hockey, baseball, swimming, tennis, badminton, horse riding, water polo, wrestling)

Take classes for each one if you don't know how to do it

Play with at least one team or person for each sport informally

Pet Cope
Care for at least one insect
Care for at least one rodent
Care for at least one reptile
Care for at least three mammals
Care for at least one bird

Contests Cope
Attend eating, video games, trivia, karoke, poetry, chess, connect 4, sports and singing, competitions along with any others

Volunteer/Donation Cope
Donate Blood at least twice in life
Donate an Organ once in life
Help Seniors or Children by volunteering at least 3 times
Volunteer remotely at least once

Exercise or Gym Cope
Reach 10% body fat
Do every single exercise in gym correctly including machines and manula exercises
Lift 10-50 lb weights with proper form
Get a six pack

Plastic Surgery Cope (also difficult)
Get at least one major cosmetic surgery operation
Get filler at least one time
See a dermatologist for at least a year or use skin products everyday for a year
Change your eye color or hair
Get your eyebrows done

Online Interactions Cope (very difficult)
Chat with 3 people at the same time
Voice chat in a group of 4 or more people at the same time
Be leader of a group, such as a Discord Server
Orbit a girl for a period of 3 months
Gain respect and friendship from at least 10 people online
Improve 3 people's lives and mental health by interacting with them
Ghost all toxic online relationships
Block at least 5 toxic people
Get one e-gf who will eventually leave and cuck you
Get at least one nude from a woman online
Do at least one phone sex or video mutual masturbation with woman online

Social Media Cope (Also nearly impossible)
Talk to every single person on incels.is
Make 1000 posts on X, 10000 posts on Reddit,
Achieve at least 50 connections on Linkedin
Achieve at least 500 connections on Linkedin
Achieve at least 5000 connections on Linkedin
Get 50/100/1000/2000 friends on Facebook/ Twitter
Make YouTube videos showing face at least once
Get 10/100/1000/10000/100000/1,000,000 subscribers on YouTube channel
Get 10/100/1000/10000/100000/10000000 views on YouTube video
Post 1000/10000/100000/10000000 times on incels.is

Board Games
Play all major board games either IRL with people or online

Therapy Cope (difficult for some people)
Try Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at least once for depression, trauma, executive dysfunction or autism
Do Talk Therapy At least once
Do CBT at least once
Do group therapy at least once
Get EMDR for trauma at least once

Psychiatric Drugs Cope
Try at least one antidepressant for 6 weeks
Try at least one anti-anxiety medication for 6 weeks
Try at least one sleep medication for 6 weeks
Try at least one antipsychotic if necessary

AI GF Cope
Get at least one AI Gf with chatbot app like Replika
When robot gf becomes available buy one
Trade robot gf for better model

Fully Immersive VR Cope (if it exists)
Play multiple fully immersive VR games
Have sex in VR reality
Have S/O and kids in VR reality
Be loved, get validation and experience true happiness in VR reality
Simulate living a different life with better genetics

Space Cope
Experience 0 gravity on earth once
Go to Space and see Earth
Book a room in a space hotel (if exists)
Do a Space Walk with Space Suit Once
Land on Another Planet or Moon (if possible) and live there for at least a week

Camping Cope
Camp in the woods for at least one night
Make a campfire at least once
Hunt for food at least once
Gather healthy berries at least once
Tell stories around campfire at least once

Writing Cope
Write/ Make 1000 posts on all social media
Write your own fiction book
Write your own screenplay/script
Write your own non-fiction book
Write your own Blackpill book
Get Published
Sell 100/1000/10000/100000/1000000 copies (impossible)

Souvenir's Cope
Get a souvenir and picture from every place you visit, every country
Sperm Donation Cope
Attempt to donate sperm at least once
If approved donate sperm at least 5 times

Escort Cope
Fuck at least one escort
kiss at least one escort
get a bj from at least one escort
also all challenges without condom
get a rimjob from escort at least once
have a threesome with two escorts at least once
go to a massage parlor at least once and get happy ending at least once
shower with an escort at least once
do anal with an escort at least once
party with sugar baby and get drunk at least once
have at least one sugar baby relationship for a period of at least 6 months

Cyborg Cope
Brain implant or stronger arms and legs or robot part for at least one body part (future tech)

Negative Treatment
Get 10/100/1000 negative looks from strangers for being ugly
Confront 1 person for excluding you like in a group
Confront 1 person for mistreating you due to looks
Walk out of at least 1 Job Interview due to disrespect
Confront one person for disrespecting you IRL
Record at least one day of getting negative looks, negative tone, exclusion, or other negative forms of treatment

Wealth Cope
Earn 10/100/1000/10000% return on investment
Have at least 1000/10000/1000000/10000000 usd invested
Earn money from 1/5/10/50/100 places out
Have net worth of at least 10000/1000000/1,000,000/10,000,000/100,000,000/ 1 billion USD

Requires High IQ (Earn a patent/ have scientific paper published in journal/make money from intellectual property, earn an award for accomplishment in a field for research or discovery)

Any more copes you can think of list in the thread. Add more strategies and tools to make this work.
Thoughts @GeckoBus @TheGrayWolf @HotDogCel @Mistake
Very good list.

I have done a few of these (had pets who very sadly passed, bless them, played and did sports – but less and less, travelled to quite a lot of countries (with parents, but got negative reactions from people), invested some money, some of which I lost to now bankrupt companies, and I still have a bit of my savings invested, some are doing ok.

I really like the fiction-book idea, always wanted to write some sort of thriller or crime-book - without romance! (to earn money with), although my ADHD makes it hard, but not impossible. I can barely write an essay for my college. My looks and low STEM skills have prevented me from becoming a veterinarian or commercial/private pilot, jobs I always dreamed of.

I have read through your list, and hope I didn't miss it, but my first thought is, found some sort of business.

I will write an update later, once I think of something, but your list is already very extensive. I will think about it.
- learn to speak english without accent
My dad's been speaking English (as an ESL) for 25 years and he has an accent and he's managed quite well. I think its impossible to "fix" an accent when you've had the same tongue posture and pronunciation for multiple years while speaking a different language. As long as people understand you, its kind of negligible, at least in the US.
To win in the game of life, which is to experience everything there is.
From the moment one accepts that life can be seen as a "game" to be "won," AND that the game in question consists of "experiencing everything life has to offer," then the list you've put together can be considered a very complete one.:feelsautistic:

But honestly, the problem for me is that the one thing that, as you yourself admitted, is missing and will always be missing from your list "romantic love" is the element that gives meaning to everything else. I don't know if you've ever had a completionist phase in video games, but if you don’t actually enjoy the game, it just feels unpleasant, and you end up forcing yourself to finish this boring game while asking yourself,
" what’s the point?" every five minutes.

What I'm trying to say is that : I consider romantic love to be essential in order to enjoy "the game of life" and to try to "win" it (just as arbitrarily as you consider it to be just one thing among others). Whitout it I just don't like the game. Also, growing up as a pariah, as a completely unwanted being, can change a person enough to possibly disgust them permanently with existence.

In any case, great thread, it could definitely help people who have a similar approach to life as you do. Thanks for the tag, boyo.:feelsaww:
Very good thread brocel, read every word.

Personally, I think that some of these things are good copes that can bring meaning to life. You get to experience pretty much everything in this world and you also gain extensive knowledge from reading all of those books, watching all of those movies, visiting places, etc.

Of course we would be missing the one thing, which is the reason why we signed up for this forum: love. VR could replicate that feeling to some degree, but we're not getting that in the real world. But some people could get so engrossed in these copes that they may start to forget about women and stop caring as they have found peace in their life.

I honestly don't have the motivation or the IQ to do a lot of these things, when I was younger I wanted to visit as many places around the world as I could, but people's reactions towards me has disspiated that desire. Plastic surgery could help with this, but I've told you before that I have many flaws and not all of them are fixable.

But nice thread, it's very detailed and I will bookmark it.
Why the fuck would I want to read every book or watch every movie and and youtube video ever made?
You don't need to do any of this. Look into absurdism, and find your own way. For me, it's nature.
Black jack, learn to count cards. I can't do either and don't have the cognitive abilities to do either.
Job Applications / Jobs Cope (Probably the Hardest One Here)
Make money from online activities legal only example freelance writing
Apply to Every Job You are Qualified For
Go to at least 100 Interviews

(realistically impossible)
Get at least 15 job offers
Make At Least 50k
Make at Least 75k
Make at Least 100k
Make at Least 150k
Make At Least 200k
Make At Least 250k
Get one fully remote job
making money is impossible
Why the fuck would I want to read every book or watch every movie and and youtube video ever made?
You can truly understand the world and see the relationship between everything. It will help you come up with ideas of your own for movies or videos. Consuming a lot of content and looking for patterns is the key to creating a winning formula.

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