When I talk about Christianity I mean Catholicism. You confuse/associate Christianity with Protestantism which is vastly different from Catholicism. Most people aren't really familiar with the Catholic Christian doctrine today because the dominant Anglo civilization is Protestant and thus people associate Christianity with their cultural "Christian" (Judeo-Protestant) views.
I'm not very familiar with differences between Catholics and Protestants. But a quick google search reveals Catholics are as sexually degenerates as any other groups of Christians. The amount of gymnastics to normalize faggotry by Cathlic church is astounding.
There are full blown "Gay Catholic Priests".
In Catholicism, there is law (Cannon law), there are cathecism, everything is clearly defined. Even in these modern liberal times the Catholic Church didn't change the view on sexuality, it's just that people don't follow it that much and priests don't stress it. But it's still there. For example you're not supposed to masturbate, not supposed to have premarital sex etc. It's all still there and this will never change.
The above wiki links say the opposite.
Islam and Protestantism are similar in the sense that they both rely on the holy book so much (Quran/Bible) which leaves them open for interpretation while in Catholicism the Church is supposed to give you interpretation.
In other matters, may be true, Quran leaves leeways for interpretations. But in terms of sexual conduct and sexual norms, Quran is extremely clear. Moreover, Islam has a thing called "Hadeeths", which is basically interpretation and application of Quaranic verses by Muhammed. No muslim is allowed to go past Hadeeths. Sharia law is in fact, 90% based on Hadeeths. They are very precise, clear and specific regarding homosexuality and other kind of sexual degeneracies/misconduct/abnormalities.
What are you talking about?
I was talking about this:
The problem with that situation was that it allowed men who were liberal-minded and degenerate in every way to marry young women and live in their little bubble. This is what created the situation we have today.
No. The situation of today was caused by feminism and so called "women empowerment" bs. Obviously women will choose men according to how they look. This is how they are hardwired. Therefore feminists are vehemently against the concept of arranged marriage and pushing degenerate ideas like "autonomy of uterus" and "my body my choice" etc.
I don't think that solely looks should matter, but I do think that men should prove themselves in some sort of manly courageous endeavor to "win" women.
To "win" women in 2019, you need to be tall and have a chiseled face. You can't change or control how you look. But you can control how you can be successful in other aspects of your life through hard work and dedication. Being a chad does not require any hard work, you just need to be born as a chad. Mate selection based on looks is completely unfair and extremely detriment to human advancement as a whole. It's primitive.
However the opposite extreme of that where everyone could marry and betabuxx makes men lazy.
No, being a top-tier high-end betabuxx requires enormous amount of hard work and perseverance. Try being a top level white collar employee in any big corporation, you will understand what I mean. Lazy people can't achieve that. You are seriously wrong regarding this.
But why wouldn't God make Muslims better looking after they converted?
Seriously I don't understand this statement. Religion does not change your genetics. I completely failed to grasp your idea.
Islamic conquerors were beaten otherwise they would try to conquer because literally their religion tells them that they need to conquer the entire world.
Lmao, even Byzantine empire didn't bother go north above Spain and Italy. There was nothing of value there. Even if you assume there was no Byzantine empire, no one would bother to spend money and resources to organize an army, risking their lives to venture into some cold, agriculturally barren land full of mountains and non-edible vegetations where in return you get nothing. Romans did, but all of their capitals were located in South or East. They had least amount of taxes from places like Britannia (UK) and Gallia/Aquitania (Germany/France). There was literally nothing of value there. Romans tried to expand into east and southern part of Africa but failed.
Also I think northern Europe was a rich with materials like iron ore and other things. They would definitely benefit if they could expand but that would never be possible.
We were talking about time around 500-700 AD. Iron ore became valuable after industrial revolution, you are talking about stuffs that happened 1000 years after that. Medieval rulers used to rule over lands that expanded over multiple continents, they were not stupid. Euphrates delta or Silk road is more economically viable and strategically important than some fjord in Norway. Simple common sense.
Well ultimately it's part of some God's wisdom why women don't prefer guys like that. I think these intelligent guys should become volcels and have more time for their studies like Tesla.
No, that's not God's will. That't a result of crippling shallowness in women's mental faculty. Women are governed by visual aesthetics. This is exactly why women should not be allowed to make any kind of important decisions. They don't follow logic, they make their decisions based on "feels" and "tingles". Please read why there are so many single mothers in the west.
Western civilization was basically (re)build by monks.
No, western civilization was built on money and resources plundered from gullible people and traitors all over the world. European colonialism has an extremely dark and bloody past.
And lied about it.
That's just one example. I don't want to get into this matter.
Hitler was ultimately very attractive to women because of his status despite not being extremely good looking.
That was my point, you can achieve status by using your other qualities, or at least you can try or work on it. But you can't change how you look or how tall you are.
The reason why looks only matter today is because 1) lack of monogamy 2) men have very little other options to show their manliness other by superficial manly masculine looks.
No. Looks matter the most today because of the "sexual freedom/revolution" and "feminism". When you give power to women, this is what you get.
People can go without sex their entire lives, a lot of volcels through history who were perfectly satisfied with such lives.
I think, they were not mentally sound, suffered from some sort of low libido problems.
If some man can do it you can do it too because it's a matter of will.
I simply don't understand why would someone will strive for greatness through gymmaxxing, looksmaxxing, careermaxxing, statusmaxxing and moneymaxxing just to stay a volcel. I don't understand this mindset. This sounds stupid.
Also if you bring biology as an argument then you also need to accept biology when it comes to women preferring looks over whatever else.
That's exactly why women shouldn't have much say about whom they are going to get married. You can see the end result of western women in 2019. The west gave them rights and "freedom of vagina", thought it will do some good. But didn't work. Now it's a complete shit-show.
Christian European society didn't have such strict adherence to arranged marriages. I think women had a certain say even in the middle ages, the Church actually pushed for this. Like for example women could reject a certain guy, marriage wasn't valid if both people didn't agree to it. I think among common people marriages out of love happened.
Clearly you are unfamiliar about the concept of "arranged marriage". I am not talking about "forced marriage" or "marriage by kidnapping". In an arranged marriage, bride and groom have their say, along with the decisions from senior members from both families. See this video, you will understand what I mean (although I despise TRP, but this guy is right on some points):
Current western marriage is mostly "hormonal marriage" or "marriage out of feels and tingles", most of the time they are not a well-thought, conscious decision. Most importantly, the marriage is now between "two people", but in the past, it used to be between "two families". Arranged marriage still maintain this societal value. When more than two people engage in making a life long decision, it adds more value to it. Therefore, couple tend to stay and compromise each other to keep a family intact. But when a marriage happens out of "dates" and "sex", it becomes "over" as soon as the flow of hormone subsides.
I read that Europeans are some of the least inbred people. Extreme arranged marriages like in parts of Muslim world or in India can lead to things like cousins marrying or a father selling of his daughter to some incel rich guy.
I don't understand how this "inbred people" meme came from. No, cousin marriage is not common in India (Cousin marriage is not allowed in Hinduism). It's not common in most of the Islamic world either. In one or two countries, yes. I guess inbreeding is more common in Alabama than in Pakistan.
Also cousin marriage is allowed in Islam, but that does not mean it's some kind of degenerate sexual practices like brother-sister, mom-son, father-daughter incest. The later kind is more common in the west than in the Islamic world.
A new study shows natural selection is alive and well in the Netherlands
I read this study. Not sure if I agree with it, just pointing out what I read. Make of that what you will.
Well, your study says,
taller men tend to have higher incomes, better health and higher ratings from potential sex partners, ...
Betabuxxing? So, in an arranged marriage scenario, they will be chosen anyway. Btw, Dutch people are already tall (before sexual revolution), if two tall human breed, their offspring will be tall anyway. Also their economy drastically improved after the colonial era, so that might also contributed. Interestingly the author is an SJW feminist (see her web page), obviously she will explain everything from her point of view i.e. "free sex is good".
Btw, I don't understand what is the purpose of being tall? How does it help to human kind as a whole?
Also in certain economically developed countries men are still short (Japan, South Korea) while Balkans are a shithole yet has the tallest men in the world in some parts (Dinaric Alps).
There you go. You just proved my point. Japan and south Korea don't have arranged marriage anymore, but still they are short.
For example Palestine at that time was as much European as Latin America was in say 19th century.
What do you mean by "much European"? I don't understand. Palestine was Roman colony, but a Palestinian is still a Palestinian, not a Roman.
But look at Jesus, he is portrayed as a Nordic man. People are going to say "that's just art" but I believe there is some truth to that, I don't know why Jesus would have us having this wrong picture of him.
When Christian missionaries went to Africa, African followers drew Jesus as a black man. When they went to China, Chinese people drew him as a Chinese man. This is how human minds work. Common sense. Jesus would look like his own people, he was never described to be looked like a Roman.
But you said yourself that Christianity retained remains of paganism so could it have obliterated the pre-Christian Europe?
Catholicism retained some pagan things because it's a vastly different religion in that regard as Islam and Protestantism. Islam and Protestantism tried to eradicate everything that existed before their religions but in Catholic interpretation a lot of things were allowed or were interpreted in some sort of Christian way.
A lot of things you talk about disappeared also regardless of Christianity, certain cultures were simply forgotten or conquered by other people.
When it comes to non-religious things, European cultures are very diverse. For examples us Slavs retained a lot of distinct characteristics and a lot of them probably go to the times before Christianity.
What I tried to mean, the persecution was so severe, people had to resort to Christianize their local customs, or they were only allowed to keep some customs that don't directly contradict with the theology, like decorating with Wreaths, Christmas Tree etc. Now people do PhDs on finding the roots of these customs.
Well, if you look closely, Islam also allows to keep the local customs if it does not interfere with the doctrine. Every country has their own representation of Islam, from clothings, language to the way of celebrating principal religious days.
But anyway, both religions destroys local indigenous customs.