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SuicideFuel Types of Chads

  • Thread starter PM_ME_STRIPPERS
  • Start date


Nov 8, 2017
Yes, chad is chad, but there are still different types of chads out there. Allow me to explain

•The "Jock"

This one is a classic, he's been around since day one. Commonly called the "Alpha male", he is large and strong. Very athletic, he is often more concerned with his athletic success as much or sometimes even more than his sexual success. He is often preoccupied with the "big game" and he can be a bully or the "all American" church-going nice guy. The elders are very impressed with this one and admire him like a prize winning stallion, "he'll take us all the way to national champions!". This guy may end up in the military or going to a good "state" college while landing a high paying executive career later in life if he can't make it "pro". MVP for the ladies.

•Disco/Club Chad

This Chad is all about clubbing, enjoys wearing either tight fit, dark colored shirts or button up shirts with a large collar, unbuttoned to the chest, with large folded-back cuffs, typically lighter in color with a nice pattern. Good hair is a must and often uses cologne. Dew is usually slicked back with a heavy use of creams and lotions. Recreational drugs are a hobby of his. May or may not come equipped with jewelry, he's often a large fan of exotic cars and flashy materials, and wearing sunglasses at night. When he's not busy trying to acquire Stacy at night he spends his afternoons in the gym. He likes to sleep in.

•Smart "metrosexual" Chad

This Chad is a handsome fella but not in an overtly masculine way. Typically wears glasses and dresses well, sport coats, etc. he's a yuppie, educated in ivy league schools. He enjoys Apple products and he can be found at coffee shops and loves Starbucks. He tends to "do very well", this one grooms himself very well and has his hair slick also. Catch him on Wall-Street. "Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?..."

•Goth Chad

He's mysterious and dark. The only Chad that wears eyeliner or "real" makeup. Think of "the crow". He enjoys music, mostly dark or metal. He enjoys black lights and playing electric guitar. Sometimes he enjoys a hybrid of this and electro music. His hair is either dark brown or dyed black perhaps with a bright color highlight, often natural or "disheveled". Might be a recreational drug user but not always, he may or may not smoke. Wears A LOT of black. Talks often about "sorrow". Similar to the "artist Chad" but more depressive. "I'm a nonconformist"

•The "Cowboy"/country Chad

He's a happy and yet a "simple" Chad. He's often referred to as a hillbilly, or the derogatory "redneck". A social conservative, he enjoys country music and is fit and tall. He might be more cowboy in appearance with a cowboy hat and a large belt buckle on occasion but more often this kind is found wearing a old dirty ball cap, typically a green "John Deere" with a "fishnet" back and some form of work boots with jeans and plaid shirt. He's a "gettin' dirty" working fella. If you spot his ass you'll see a circular stain in his back pocket from his can of dip. He's a big fan of the military, is very patriotic, a frequent attendee of church and a big fan of guns. Watch out ladies...this one spits. She can't wait to ride this mustang.

•The "cute" geek/gamer Chad

This is the cute, younger looking Chad. A nice guy. Not overtly masculine but girls can't resist him he's just too attractive. He's really into video gaming and doesn't mind the "geeky" games that other Chads often avoid. He's computer savy and is popular on social media. This one enjoys wearing long sleeve "t-shirts" with short sleeved t-shirts on top. He's familiar with and enjoys anime. Unlike his less attractive colleagues he enjoys recreational sports like bike riding and often wears "live strong " bracelets. Women aren't usually attracted to these "gamer" types but this Chad is too honest and handsome they can't help it. He's got fast fingers...the girls love that, I'm not sure why.

•Hip hop/"Thug" Chad

Often bullies, they are similar to the "bad boy" Chad. These guys look like they've been to prison but have never seen it. They embrace "urban black" culture to include rap and hip hop, and can be of any race and are usually found in the suburbs. They display tattoos, and usually a flashy large necklace. Often wear loose Ts or wife beaters, and untied timberlands. To top this cherry fella off, he has a ball cap of his favorite team. Unlike cowboy Chad, his cap is pristine, flat brim, with original flashy manufacturer's sticker. Walks with a limp, doesn't say "hi" but gives customary single head "nod". Ay Yo...Careful he might be dangerous. Don't bother asking this Chad to "pull your damn pants up".

•The Bully/"Bad Boy" Chad

This chad is also a classic. Yup, the bully. He smokes, slicks his hair back. He usually has a cigarette tucked in his ear or a pack rolled up in his sleeve. Enjoys working on things and gambling. He can be a heavy drinker and drug user. He typically works on his car. Usually a truck, or some sort of muscle car. Often you hear the girls cry about how much of a jerk he is but if only we knew deep down, he's a great guy. "Give me your lunch money you pussy!"

•The "artist" Chad

The most sensitive of the Chads. He has beautiful long locks, enjoys large loose sweaters or flannel shirts, and plays acoustic guitar and is a "song writer". He might write poetry, and he may also paint. He can also be found in coffee shops but usually there to perform. He's a sensitive guy but that doesn't stop women from chasing him, they love his "sensitive" side and he's so talented!
Nice thread!
And many more types of Chads.

Damn you've been going a black pill frenzy or went on some autistic rampage.

At least no one can't talk shit about you low-effort (and low-quality) posting.
And many more types of Chads.

Damn you've been going a black pill frenzy or went on some autistic rampage.

At least no one can't talk shit about you low-effort (and low-quality) posting.
i have ascended
Imagine Chad larping as Incel

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