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Brutal Truecel Trait: Your teachers hated you and found ways to humilate you.



Nov 6, 2022
Middle school is were i primarily had only female teachers, my math one was this asian girl that tried getting me suspended one time cause she accused me of cheating on my math test even though i was allowed to use the math book in my special ed classroom, i did most of my work in there cause i sucked ass at math and school in general :feelsbadman:, its like she forgot on purpose i was a retard at math, and not even that, she would pick on me during class cause i never raised my hand, just to ask me if i knew how to solve the problem on the screen, and when i told her i had no idea, she would do this ugly grin and the whole class would laugh at me :feelsrope:

and there was the typical of other teachers telling everyone to get into groups for an assignment, and ofc i would be sitting in my chair rotting cause noone gave shit about me, and the teacher would call me out, refusing to let me work alone, and 99% of the time i had to go work with a couple of broads that acted like i shot their dog when i sat down, fuck school, worthless ass place.
Yes everytime, and guess what they were foids.
Middle school is were i primarily had only female teachers, my math one was this asian girl that tried getting me suspended one time cause she accused me of cheating on my math test even though i was allowed to use the math book in my special ed classroom, i did most of my work in there cause i sucked ass at math and school in general :feelsbadman:, its like she forgot on purpose i was a retard at math, and not even that, she would pick on me during class cause i never raised my hand, just to ask me if i knew how to solve the problem on the screen, and when i told her i had no idea, she would do this ugly grin and the whole class would laugh at me :feelsrope:

and there was the typical of other teachers telling everyone to get into groups for an assignment, and ofc i would be sitting in my chair rotting cause noone gave shit about me, and the teacher would call me out, refusing to let me work alone, and 99% of the time i had to go work with a couple of broads that acted like i shot their dog when i sat down, fuck school, worthless ass place.
theyre just coping because they work meaningless low paying jobs where they get disrespected by children

i hate all my old teachers, when i become a doctor im going to go back to my old high school just to mog all those faggots
Yes, one of my computer teacher always badly humilated me. He always mocks me. He says that I will always remain a joker throughout my life
Yes so many times
Yes, one of my computer teacher always badly humilated me. He always mocks me. He says that I will always remain a joker throughout my life
Joker in what way like the character or never amount to anything in life?
I had more problems from other kids to really notice.
Middle school is were i primarily had only female teachers, my math one was this asian girl that tried getting me suspended one time cause she accused me of cheating on my math test even though i was allowed to use the math book in my special ed classroom, i did most of my work in there cause i sucked ass at math and school in general :feelsbadman:, its like she forgot on purpose i was a retard at math, and not even that, she would pick on me during class cause i never raised my hand, just to ask me if i knew how to solve the problem on the screen, and when i told her i had no idea, she would do this ugly grin and the whole class would laugh at me :feelsrope:

and there was the typical of other teachers telling everyone to get into groups for an assignment, and ofc i would be sitting in my chair rotting cause noone gave shit about me, and the teacher would call me out, refusing to let me work alone, and 99% of the time i had to go work with a couple of broads that acted like i shot their dog when i sat down, fuck school, worthless ass place.
Nigga men have make rules in school to not make this shit happen

Use it at your advantage, I am pretty sure if the teacher start bullying you they will lose the job
Thanks god we have a world that was made for men by men.
We have to not lose it
my teachers did mostly hate me and get me in trouble constantly

fun times
Middle school is were i primarily had only female teachers, my math one was this asian girl that tried getting me suspended one time cause she accused me of cheating on my math test even though i was allowed to use the math book in my special ed classroom, i did most of my work in there cause i sucked ass at math and school in general :feelsbadman:, its like she forgot on purpose i was a retard at math, and not even that, she would pick on me during class cause i never raised my hand, just to ask me if i knew how to solve the problem on the screen, and when i told her i had no idea, she would do this ugly grin and the whole class would laugh at me :feelsrope:

and there was the typical of other teachers telling everyone to get into groups for an assignment, and ofc i would be sitting in my chair rotting cause noone gave shit about me, and the teacher would call me out, refusing to let me work alone, and 99% of the time i had to go work with a couple of broads that acted like i shot their dog when i sat down, fuck school, worthless ass place.
Alot of my middle school teachers hated me mainly cuz i was jestermaxxing meanwhile they rewarded the chads for being “funny”
All my female teachers are giant cunts. Fucking vile disgusting creatures
Most of my foid teachers hated me but my physics teacher (foid) hated me on a new level. She would always yell at me and glare at me. Didn't treat other kids like this. Found out her husband died a few years ago so I subscribed her email to porn websites using names like "WidowedBitch" and "OldFatWhore" (in minecraft ofc). I've seriously lost all my empathy for people. I will exploit people's weaknesses. I also remember registering for stormfront accounts using some teacher's emails.
Middle school is were i primarily had only female teachers, my math one was this asian girl that tried getting me suspended one time cause she accused me of cheating on my math test even though i was allowed to use the math book in my special ed classroom, i did most of my work in there cause i sucked ass at math and school in general :feelsbadman:, its like she forgot on purpose i was a retard at math, and not even that, she would pick on me during class cause i never raised my hand, just to ask me if i knew how to solve the problem on the screen, and when i told her i had no idea, she would do this ugly grin and the whole class would laugh at me :feelsrope:

and there was the typical of other teachers telling everyone to get into groups for an assignment, and ofc i would be sitting in my chair rotting cause noone gave shit about me, and the teacher would call me out, refusing to let me work alone, and 99% of the time i had to go work with a couple of broads that acted like i shot their dog when i sat down, fuck school, worthless ass place.
Same I wanted to go columbine on those fucksss
Brutal. My teachers always picked on me as well. They would even laugh at me when I'm getting bullied.
Brutal. My teachers always picked on me as well. They would even laugh at me when I'm getting bullied.
holy shit this sites been down for 6hrs nice first comment
Yes, many of my teachers have humiliated me in front of the class. A couple would even join in with my bullies. On a few occasions, they would use the same names my bullies liked to taunt me with.
Yes, there was this cunt foid teacher who was always picking on me. There was even a time when my bullys verbally bullied me during class and one time I had enough of it and told them to shut the fuck up and of course I was the one who got punished but she didn't punished my bullys. Always hated that fucking whore and still do.
Most of my foid teachers hated me but my physics teacher (foid) hated me on a new level. She would always yell at me and glare at me. Didn't treat other kids like this. Found out her husband died a few years ago so I subscribed her email to porn websites using names like "WidowedBitch" and "OldFatWhore" (in minecraft ofc). I've seriously lost all my empathy for people. I will exploit people's weaknesses. I also remember registering for stormfront accounts using some teacher's emails.
I had a British guy as my teacher for science class in 9th grade and he straight up pulled up some video on the projector of some incel looking kid embarrassing himself and said "this is [NiggerSlayer] right here". He was always super harsh on me for some reason.

The strangest part about it is that I never talked much. So idek what prompted him to do that. I just tried to mind my own business and not bother anyone

But one time when class let out and it was just me and him in the room, he talked to me like a normal human and showed basic human respect. So maybe brits are just much harsher with banter and he was just joking all along? Or maybe he just wanted to look cool in front of the other students by making fun of the 4'11 ugly incel (me). I'll never know for sure

That was the most trouble I ever had with a male teacher though. Most female teachers were AWFUL to me. The worst of which, who drove me to a mental breakdown and made my life actual hell, was ironically named Stacey (you can't make this up :lul: :feelskek:). Blonde hair and everything. Looked like she was pushing 50 and had no husband, no kids. Always saying "I don't need kids, I have my fur babies and my students :foidSoy:". A few years later she got fired. Hopefully she is suffering as a lonely middle aged childless whore. Hopefully she kills herself (in gta)
Math was particularly brutal for me. The teacher was some 22yr old foid and was quite hot, but would constantly make fun of me because I was stupid. If I had the chance I would fuck the shit out of her as payback.
Middle school is were i primarily had only female teachers, my math one was this asian girl that tried getting me suspended one time cause she accused me of cheating on my math test even though i was allowed to use the math book in my special ed classroom, i did most of my work in there cause i sucked ass at math and school in general :feelsbadman:, its like she forgot on purpose i was a retard at math, and not even that, she would pick on me during class cause i never raised my hand, just to ask me if i knew how to solve the problem on the screen, and when i told her i had no idea, she would do this ugly grin and the whole class would laugh at me :feelsrope:

and there was the typical of other teachers telling everyone to get into groups for an assignment, and ofc i would be sitting in my chair rotting cause noone gave shit about me, and the teacher would call me out, refusing to let me work alone, and 99% of the time i had to go work with a couple of broads that acted like i shot their dog when i sat down, fuck school, worthless ass place.

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