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JFL Tranny hole mutilates her vagina and tries to become a man. Now notices she's become a truecel freak of nature and wants to kill herself jfl.



Nov 19, 2017

Imagine winning the gender lottery and being born a female and then throw it all away just to become a 5'4 manlet truecel freak without a penis :lul: :lul: :lul:
Foids are not very self aware.
what the fuck :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: anyway im just glad a tranny is going to rope
:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: That's it, become the 41%...
Willingly changed her difficulty to hard mode.
She went from life on tutorial island with cheats, to life as dickless framcel manlet, ignorant foid.
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I feel sorry for this person tbh, now they are living life as a truecel and I feel sorry for all truecels. Clearly no idea what they were getting themselves into.

She's right, though, when a 5'4 framelet goes to the gym, he looks like a dumb Napoleonic balloon. No amount of steroids will make you not look like a faggot kid next to a taller femoid.
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Never even began for ricecels
1457327229 preview Cat
:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: at least she is now experiencing the life of a truecel,gotta give her credit for that ....oh shit i mean "he"...brutal dickpill tho
She went from life on tutorial island with cheats, to life as dickless framcel manlet, ignorant foid.
It's because women think men have it easy and 0 trials in life at all, well i guess she knows that she is wrong now.
hahahahah tell her to get a better personality
this is exactly why supporting the lgbt non sense is NOT morally correct because by supporting this behaviour youre encouraging SUICIDE jfl
people were encouraging this woman to mutilate her vagina and thought its the moral thing to do :feelskek:
i mean dont get me wrong im happy this tranny will rope but just want to prove that supporting lgbt is not normal and its degenerate.
idk the way she writes cock so many times makes it comedic and therefor suspicious

ima pull the larp trigger

also 5ft4 heightmoggs me by two inches so fuck this idiot anyway
Ok but physicality is irrelevant & personality is what matters right. There's someone for everyone, can't get sex or marriage huh, could of if you'd not chose the nightmare difficulty. So you fuck up then complain, haha no sympathy.

She should give me her house & @LastGerman her car then I'll end her misery.
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:lul::lul::lul: brutal lifefuel, imagine changing tutorial mode to becoming an ugly manlet
Lmao i read the post and the foid is legit living the life of an incel, legit over for her

That's what liberal propaganda combined with the bluepill can do to you, holy fuck. I almost mustered a tiny bit of pity specifically for her, but timely woke up to who she is. Disgusting, hypocritical foid npc who happened to have so puny shit of a brain to even believe the lies she'd set up for us poor incels herself. Burn in hell, damnable bitch. You have well earned every bit of your plight.
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trannys are mentally fucking ill :lul: :lul: :lul:
Yet another case of the awful tranny mentality of just "mutilate urself".
Guess what, your sex is decided when you're incubating in a foid, and no matter how much surgery or pills you take. You'll either a gaping hole, graphed flesh, and nobody ever "passes".
How do we know it's not a larp ?

I mean Reddit is deceptive AF, there's constant psychological warfare there.

Is there any point in these stories anymore ?
(Incels: 65, Bluepillers: 130)
Welcome trannie jannies.
We should encourage more women to transition. Anything to hurt those whores.
She even calls a height of 5'4 "unnaturally impossibly ridiculously short". Well, have fun with it, stupid bitch. Enjoy your average manlet life and remind yourself that the height of the whole asian population fluctuates somewhere around that mark.
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She just got a taste of the blackpill, she should switch back to tutorial mode.
"I feel like a stupid asshole trying to call myself a man. I hate myself more and more every day. I’ll never know what sex is like, and therefor what love is like, never know what a real life is like."

Oh, you don't say? Could she imagine that somewhere, maybe even in her city or on her street, might've lived a man who thought of himself just like that? That he too would never know what love is like just because of few inches or millimeters of bone? She's just irredeemable, glad she now knows what it is like to be an incel.
r/short is full of trannies now jfl
#thanksjews for making a new Incel
LIFEFUEL is giving me the will to live.

Eat shit cunt.
I can't help but feel bad for him/her/it. I've been a manlet and dicklet my entire life and I still remember the day it occurred to me that I would never be with a woman I didn't pay for. Imagine being duped into irreversibly condemning yourself to this hell voluntarily, it must feel like getting kicked in the gut over and over.
imagine living on tutorial gender and changing to ultra nightmare mode.

and then act suprised when it turns out being a male is shit.

This is who she is jfl

Imagine winning the gender lottery and being born a female and then throw it all away just to become a 5'4 manlet truecel freak without a penis :lul: :lul: :lul:

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