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Serious To the left-wing incels on here:

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Of Manlets and Men

Of Manlets and Men

I want wrists as big as Mileena's
Aug 26, 2018
As long as you tards keep lumping me in with the cherry-picked worst parts of the right, I will do the exact same to you with the worst parts of the left.

You people keep saying that anyone who disagrees with you is a "stormfrontcel" (which is a fucking joke, wtf would I want with Stormfront, I'm a hapa, and even if I were fully white I wouldn't post there because it's pro-feminist and probably an FBI honeypot).

You call me christcuck, even though I'm an atheist.

You spend hours searching the Internet for one cherry-picked example of some cuckservative saying one negative thing about incels, and use that to attack anyone to the right of Stalin. Meanwhile, r/IncelTear, a group dedicated to spending all their free time bashing incels, is comprised of 100% leftists. By your own logic, you as libtards should bear the penalty for their sins.

So you shouldn't be crying when we of the alt-right (peace be upon us)* consider you leftard incels the same as some feminist cunt from the HuffingGlue Post. You people say, "You and some dumb neo-nazi are both on 'da right,' therefore you should be held personally responsible for all the neo-nazi's sins." Well, you and some raging feminist shit are both on 'da left,' so you should be held personally responsible for all the feminist's sins. Hurts when it's applied to you, doesn't it?

*I use that PBUH thing to piss off muslimtards lol (who are worse than christcucks but get a free pass for everything cuz islam be part of the libtard rainbow an sheeit)
As long as you tards keep lumping me in with the cherry-picked worst parts of the right, I will do the exact same to you with the worst parts of the left.

You people keep saying that anyone who disagrees with you is a "stormfrontcel" (which is a fucking joke, wtf would I want with Stormfront, I'm a hapa, and even if I were fully white I wouldn't post there because it's pro-feminist and probably an FBI honeypot).

You call me christcuck, even though I'm an atheist.

You spend hours searching the Internet for one cherry-picked example of some cuckservative saying one negative thing about incels, and use that to attack anyone to the right of Stalin. Meanwhile, r/IncelTear, a group dedicated to spending all their free time bashing incels, is comprised of 100% leftists. By your own logic, you as libtards should bear the penalty for their sins.

So you shouldn't be crying when we of the alt-right (peace be upon us)* consider you leftard incels the same as some feminist cunt from the HuffingGlue Post. You people say, "You and some dumb neo-nazi are both on 'da right,' therefore you should be held personally responsible for all the neo-nazi's sins." Well, you and some raging feminist shit are both on 'da left,' so you should be held personally responsible for all the feminist's sins. Hurts when it's applied to you, doesn't it?

*I use that PBUH thing to piss off muslimtards lol (who are worse than christcucks but get a free pass for everything cuz islam be part of the libtard rainbow an sheeit)
Yep, just give it back to them. Even the stupidest animal will realize when it's up against prey that defends itself and slow its roll.
Politics is goy cattle cope, new presidents change nothing except a name and corporate tax rate, both parties are neoliberal corporatists
Economic centre, socially progressive
Far from neoliberal corportists, all political parties in the world want to end private companies and replace them with public gov funded ones.

They want to controll all food sources, all cloth sources, all resources and so decide who lives or who dies, governments are big monopoly companies.
Far from neoliberal corportists, all political parties in the world want to end private companies and replace them with public gov funded ones.

They want to controll all food sources, all cloth sources, all resources and so decide who lives or who dies, governments are big monopoly companies.
Close but government officials are really after money.
Only voices that get heard in Washington or anywhere else is big corporations.
Lobbyists and regulations designed to limit competition.
There is a start up I’m watching closely.
They are developing a platform to give owner operators direct access to customers without needing to go through a middle man (the broker).
There are some brokerages that trade on the exchange I don’t expect them to allow this new platform to see the light of day or with out heavy restrictions or regulations.
Far from neoliberal corportists, all political parties in the world want to end private companies and replace them with public gov funded ones.

They want to controll all food sources, all cloth sources, all resources and so decide who lives or who dies, governments are big monopoly companies.
Imo if the NWO is legit it will be people like bezos and gates owning everything and we become a global plutocracy
There are chinese nazis? I don't see the problem.
Imo if the NWO is legit it will be people like bezos and gates owning everything and we become a global plutocracy
Why Bezos got cucked in Europe Union with an exclusve tax to Amazon?

Bezos "money" is all in stocks that he can't sell or otherwise lose actionist control in his company or plainly killing his company due to the public backlash.

Seems to me than a 200 years old organizations like democrats and republicans have more power than a 20 years old like Amazon.

Gates just lost half his money and these both cucks don't compare to the amount of money public banks have or can make out of nowhere, they are the single most powerful people but in lobby groups very doubtful.
Christcuck stormfrontcel cope
Why Bezos got cucked in Europe Union with an exclusve tax to Amazon?

Bezos "money" is all in stocks that he can't sell or otherwise lose actionist control in his company or plainly killing his company due to the public backlash.

Seems to me than a 200 years old organizations like democrats and republicans have more power than a 20 years old like Amazon.

Gates just lost half his money and these both cucks don't compare to the amount of money public banks have or can make out of nowhere, they are the single most powerful people but in lobby groups very doubtful.
Banks are some of the most powerful lobby groups. But banks only care about banks and rules and regulations that help them.
Each lobby group only cares about their particular industry.
Big tobacco for example was threatened by vaping so they have put a lot of money into lobbying for government to take action.
Either they will have total control of tobacco alternatives or the product won’t exist at all.
Why Bezos got cucked in Europe Union with an exclusve tax to Amazon?

Bezos "money" is all in stocks that he can't sell or otherwise lose actionist control in his company or plainly killing his company due to the public backlash.

Seems to me than a 200 years old organizations like democrats and republicans have more power than a 20 years old like Amazon.

Gates just lost half his money and these both cucks don't compare to the amount of money public banks have or can make out of nowhere, they are the single most powerful people but in lobby groups very doubtful.
:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: Ngl hilarious that divorce rapes put a dent in a possible pathway to NWO, but it’s just the way I see it, with Gates’s attempted monopolisation of seeds in India, monopolisation of American farmland, and basically the whole Davos crew mobilising to collectivise everything to the billionaires it’s how I see cultural homogeneity being instilled, will be a similar process to depoliticisation in fascist Portugal and most people either don’t know or care about how corporations and media have more influence politically than the governing party
:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: Ngl hilarious that divorce rapes put a dent in a possible pathway to NWO, but it’s just the way I see it, with Gates’s attempted monopolisation of seeds in India, monopolisation of American farmland, and basically the whole Davos crew mobilising to collectivise everything to the billionaires it’s how I see cultural homogeneity being instilled, will be a similar process to depoliticisation in fascist Portugal and most people either don’t know or care about how corporations and media have more influence politically than the governing party
Farmlands a good one.
Here buy are patented seeds and pay us a royalty on the crop.
Oh you don’t want to. Don’t worry we’ll force you.
Watch when maryj gets legalized federally.
There will be thousands of pages of new regulations.
Licensing and others fees of hundreds of thousands if not even millions of dollars and big corporations will gobble up those that can’t meet the regulations or pay the fees.
John Deere’s feeling it now when they prevented farmers from working on the equipment now other brands are increasing there market share. Rather than change their rules I expect them to be making a trip to Washington in an attempt to force everyone to comply with them.
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:feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: Ngl hilarious that divorce rapes put a dent in a possible pathway to NWO, but it’s just the way I see it, with Gates’s attempted monopolisation of seeds in India, monopolisation of American farmland, and basically the whole Davos crew mobilising to collectivise everything to the billionaires it’s how I see cultural homogeneity being instilled, will be a similar process to depoliticisation in fascist Portugal and most people either don’t know or care about how corporations and media have more influence politically than the governing party
Farmlands a good one.
Here buy are patented seeds and pay us a royalty on the crop.
Oh you don’t want to. Don’t worry we’ll force you.
Watch when maryj gets legalized federally.
There will be thousands of pages of new regulations.
Licensing and others fees of hundreds of thousands if not even millions of dollars and big corporations will gobble up those that can’t meet the regulations or pay the fees.
John Deere’s feeling it now when they prevented farmers from working on the equipment now other brands are increasing there market share. Rather than change their rules I expect them to be making a trip to Washington in an attempt to force everyone to comply with them.
Government and legislation power (political power) > any money cope, because you can just tax the corporations and kill them easily, change the labour laws of their workers (low and high education workers like scientists) or make ilegal their products/services, think of ilegalizing GMO food like they did in Europe.

To obtain political power you have to buy the media or own the public education, first step is to sell yourself to corporations so you get the money to buy the media and once in power you subvert generations of kids with your ideology through public education, all these pro corporations laws you say were implemented in the past and you can barely find one of these made by Biden, meaning the first step is over and now government don't need private money to monopolize its power, already have enough money to buy all the media, which they already did, education subvertion is also nearly completed.

There is no point on keep listening to corportarions once you own all the media, there is no fighting back from corps so you may just stop being their dog and ilegalize them, at this moment USA and UK are about to breach that point where gov stop listening to corps and go full China, this has already happened in other western countries.
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Why are you so mean?
Seize the means of reproduction
I was reading about how the singer from Bad Wolves was essentially forced out from his band for being a Trump supporter.
who cares what leftists think. if an incel is a leftist he deserves not getting laid
Politics is goy cattle cope, new presidents change nothing except a name and corporate tax rate, both parties are neoliberal corporatists
Do you realize how over it is in western countries now that this attitude and many people seeing evidence of this has spread? This used to be something mainly people in failed, third world ethnic countries believed.
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Do you realize how over it is in western countries now that this attitude and many people seeing evidence of this has spread? This used to be something mainly people in failed, third world ethnic countries believed.
Yep :feelshaha: people in banana republics knew politics was a facade, but unsurprising ‘democracy’ devolved into a PR game where an election is based on affiliation to the name of a political party. How can we claim to live in a democracy where we have zero say in legislation, I don’t recall a referendum on open borders, or any other important issues, and when the two main parties agree on an issue like immigration, the people literally have no power to stop that idea no matter how unpopular it is.
Politics is goy cattle cope, new presidents change nothing except a name and corporate tax rate, both parties are neoliberal corporatists
There is only the Wallstreet political uniparty, democrat and republican political divisions is purely kabuki theater for the dumb uneducated goyim.
Yep :feelshaha: people in banana republics knew politics was a facade, but unsurprising ‘democracy’ devolved into a PR game where an election is based on affiliation to the name of a political party. How can we claim to live in a democracy where we have zero say in legislation, I don’t recall a referendum on open borders, or any other important issues, and when the two main parties agree on an issue like immigration, the people literally have no power to stop that idea no matter how unpopular it is.
Not to get too meta but even meritocracy or any semblance of it has disappeared in western countries.

Bribes in ethnic countries are known as lobbying and campaign contributions in western countries
Looks, status and social connections are now openly said to be more important than qualifications, education and ability. You have to sell yourself. You know just like in those third world ethnic countries with cronyism, bribery, nepotism "it's who you know, not what you know".

Caste sytem with no social or economic mobility for the average male that are born into? Even conservatives now talk about how the American dream is dead and how the life long middle class (that was often part of it by virtue of being born into it https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/06/02/karl-alexander-long-shadow-research/) needs to be helped. While poor low status men are completely out of the picture and ignored.

And aside from immigration most people in western countries haven't realized this attitude is spreading among the native, non ethnic people already in the country (hustling, focusing on you, lacking a sense of community) and how vulnerable they are to just accepting it. But normies everywhere are complacent and can only fight against easy and socially acceptable targets that are known not be that good looking and lack financial clout.
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There is only the Wallstreet political uniparty, democrat and republican political divisions is purely kabuki theater for the dumb uneducated goyim.
Fact check true, in fact for the actual politicians, most of them hate members of their own party more than the opposition :feelshaha: hating the opposition is for the low iq media puppets
Not to get too meta but even meritocracy or any semblance of it has disappeared in western countries.

Bribes in ethnic countries are known as lobbying and campaign contributions in western countries
Looks, status and social connections are now openly said to be more important than qualifications, education and ability. You have to sell yourself. You know just like in those third world ethnic countries with cronyism, bribery, nepotism "it's who you know, not what you know".

Caste sytem with no social or economic mobility for the average male that are born into? Even conservatives now talk about how the American dream is dead and how the life long middle class (that was often part of it by virtue of being born into it https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/06/02/karl-alexander-long-shadow-research/) needs to be helped. While poor low status men are completely out of the picture and ignored.

And aside from immigration most people in western countries haven't realized this attitude is spreading among the native people already in the country (hustling, focusing on you, lacking a sense of community) and how vulnerable they are to just accepting it. But normies everywhere are complacent and can only fight against easy and socially acceptable targets that are known not be that good looking and lack financial clout.
Meritocracy is dead everywhere except the truly skilled jobs, like aerospace engineers and physics professors, it’s a very few professions. If there’s a diversity quote in a specific field, it means it’s already like 75% non meritocratic because a valid non intersectional candidate is a liability as they don’t tick any boxes, and it’s funny because Asians are the ones getting fucked by this the hardest, Asians are also suing Harvard for racist admissions. If a whole race of immigrants is being discriminated against for doing too well in tests, you know meritocracy is so dead it’s practically myth
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Fact check true, in fact for the actual politicians, most of them hate members of their own party more than the opposition :feelshaha: hating the opposition is for the low iq media puppets

Meritocracy is dead everywhere except the truly skilled jobs, like aerospace engineers and physics professors, it’s a very few professions. If there’s a diversity quote in a specific field, it means it’s already like 75% non meritocratic because a valid non intersectional candidate is a liability as they don’t tick any boxes, and it’s funny because Asians are the ones getting fucked by this the hardest, Asians are also suing Harvard for racist admissions. If a whole race of immigrants is being discriminated against for doing too well in tests, you know meritocracy is so dead it’s practically myth
Meritocracy is dead everywhere except the truly skilled jobs, like aerospace engineers and physics professors, it’s a very few professions. If there’s a diversity quote in a specific field, it means it’s already like 75% non meritocratic because a valid non intersectional candidate is a liability as they don’t tick any boxes, and it’s funny because Asians are the ones getting fucked by this the hardest, Asians are also suing Harvard for racist admissions. If a whole race of immigrants is being discriminated against for doing too well in tests, you know meritocracy is so dead it’s practically myth
Pretty soon every nonchad male will have to live like ethnics @Transcended Trucel @tehgymcel420
Do you realize how over it is in western countries now that this attitude and many people seeing evidence of this has spread? This used to be something mainly people in failed, third world ethnic countries believed.
BLM was something I'd expect to happen in a third world democracy. People would vote a brain fried half dead man into power if that means sucking up to muh minorities. Niggers die everyday. Trump took the blame and brunt of some nigger criminal killed by some rando copfag. This is literal shithole tier politics.
BLM was something I'd expect to happen in a third world democracy. People would vote a brain fried half dead man into power if that means sucking up to muh minorities. Niggers die everyday. Trump took the blame and brunt of some nigger criminal killed by some rando copfag. This is literal shithole tier politics.
tbh identity politics infighting, accusing people of not being black if they don't vote for you, doj and fbi witch hunts on political enemies of democrats, not allowing people to see tallying of results, social media and media acting to correct "misinformation" and political parties that benefit from it cheering it on and encouraging more. Third world style politics and behavior.
tbh identity politics infighting, accusing people of not being black if they don't vote for you, doj and fbi witch hunts on political enemies of democrats, not allowing people to see tallying of results, social media and media acting to correct "misinformation" and political parties that benefit from it cheering it on and encouraging more. Third world style politics and behavior.
We've been third world masquerading as first world for some time now, it isn't something new. The difference now is that it is merely more noticeable.
We've been third world masquerading as first world for some time now, it isn't something new. The difference now is that it is merely more noticeable.
True but in addition to getting more noticeable it's also more common imo. And again you don't even need immigration to do this (although it helps). Nonchad men in western countries have willingly adopted a view on life that was common in third world ethnic countries and told that if they don't accept this they are entitled.
True but in addition to getting more noticeable it's also more common imo. And again you don't even need immigration to do this (although it helps). Nonchad men in western countries have willingly adopted a view on life that was common in third world ethnic countries and told that if they don't accept this they are entitled.
Can you elaborate on this further?
Can you elaborate on this further?
It doesn't even require people from ethnic countries (who are said to be more used to poverty and corruption) for an acceptance of sleazy, corrupt behavior to spread. Nonchad males overwhelmingly blame themselves and put themselves on a perpetual self improvement and hustle cycle with no end in sight and for no guaranteed tangible reward. Just like males in third world countries that live on the edge of destitution but have to constantly tell themselves "that's just how it is".

They believe they have to hustle, that nothing in life in life should be guaranteed even if the correct amount of effort is given to it and that the world owes them nothing while simultaneously they owe society everything including whatever productivity and creativity they have.

If they disagree agree with this they are shamed as entitled and butthurt. When really people saying that to them are trying to enforce their terms and conditions on nonchad males. If you "just learn to accept" and buy into the idea that all this is inevitable when it's clear that it didn't have to be this way you've already lost and that's what's happened to most nonchad males. It's the type of view prevalent in third world countries. It doesn't require replacement immigration to happen. It just needs native people in western countries to accept a view that is inherently biased and has favoritism toward protected groups and weakens meritocracy and fairness (not wealth distribution fairness but consistently applied, color and gender blind fairness) and where people just accept that it's who you know not what you know.

Some of this is because of excess worship of high status good looking powerful people and women by society and not any simple legislation, trade agreements or employer policies.
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It doesn't even require people from ethnic countries (who are said to be more used to poverty and corruption) for an acceptance of sleazy, corrupt behavior to spread. Nonchad males overwhelmingly blame themselves and put themselves on a perpetual self improvement and hustle cycle with no end in sight and for no guaranteed tangible reward. Just like males in third world countries that live on the edge of destitution.

They believe they have to hustle, that nothing in life in life should be guaranteed even if the correct amount of effort is given to it and that the world owes them nothing while simultaneously they owe society everything including whatever productivity and creativity they have.

If they disagree agree with this they are shamed as entitled and butthurt. When really people saying that to them are trying to enforce their terms and conditions on nonchad males. If you "just learn to accept" and buy into the idea that all this is inevitable when it's clear that it didn't have to be this way you've already lost and that's what's happened to most nonchad males. It's the type of view prevalent in third world countries. It doesn't require replacement immigration to happen. It just needs native people in western countries to accept a view that is inherently biased and has favoritism toward protected groups and weakens meritocracy and fairness (not wealth distribution fairness but consistently applied, color and gender blind fairness).
Yeah, the reward system for common or average men concerning a personal life is completely lacking.

Every day I go to work thinking to myself, why? Oh sure, I go to work to help afford rent, pay utilities, and afford various copes but if all of that is merely the only thing my entire life amounts to, I just keep thinking to myself, why bother at all?

I just find myself constantly working without any personal happiness or contentment of my own thinking to myself, is this really what my entire life will amount to?
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Yeah, the reward system for common or average men concerning a personal life is completely lacking.
And what's more even if you "opt out" of conforming to society's wishes as a nonchad male you still have to sell yourself and prove you have social connections if you want to get jobs with steady employment. There is no opting out of that unless you are really rich.
Every day I go to work thinking to myself, why? Oh sure, I go to work to help afford rent, pay utilities, and afford various copes but if all of that is merely the only thing my entire life amounts to, I just keep thinking to myself, why bother at all?
And at the same time at every turn when you show it didn't have to be this way you are relatively isolated in opposition while others brag about the opportunities they got through luck and connections and you are said to be wrong if you dislike this and don't want things to be so rigged in favor of one party. The third world type mentality is already there. Previously it was only confined to ghetto areas in western countries but now it's everywhere.
Seize the means of reproduction
Based based based

There is only the Wallstreet political uniparty, democrat and republican political divisions is purely kabuki theater for the dumb uneducated goyim.
Zionist shills vs chinese shills.

Side 1: NOOOOOO, you are supporting communist ethnic cleansing :feels::feels::feels::feels:
Side 2: NOOOOOO, you are supporting zionist ethnic cleansing :feels::feels::feels::feels:

Controlled oppositions, all of it
Politics is goy cattle cope, new presidents change nothing except a name and corporate tax rate, both parties are neoliberal corporatists
:yes: True. The political spectrum has always remained right leaning specifically center right, the only thing that changes is the societal norm.
:yes: True. The political spectrum has always remained right leaning specifically center right, the only thing that changes is the societal norm.
Herd misdirection, herd redirection.
As I stated in another post (the post about Texas making prostitution a felony), incels should not get politically involved unless it’s about a new incel party. Incels should not trust either side of the political spectrum.

The left is why hypergamy has gone out of control and why degenerate clown world exists. But I hate the right as well. The right can be just as bluepilled, if not more bluepilled than the left in some ways. The right thinks conservative trad women are perfect and can do no wrong. And the right thinks that inceldom doesn’t exist and thinks that us incels can get a gf merely if we pull ourselves by the bootstraps and work hard. They also think that we are only incels because we need to work hard and work on our pERsOnALiTieS.

Don’t trust either side of the political spectrum. They all hate us incels.
No politics for face

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