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Discussion To some degree I kinda understand white male rage and sympathize with whitecels

Worst thing that most of the fetishization and bragging "we fucked your women" comes from lvm males who cant get anything anyway. Its betabuxxing no matter how you turn it.

I personally dont mateguard because it would be hypocritical from me since i would bang any race/ethnicity if i had a chance.
i wont mateguard too that much but unironically i would only date one girl...
i wont mateguard too that much but unironically i would only date one girl...
One woman for one man, how God intended it to be. I would also prefer one lifetime relationship with one decent foid, than fucking around bimbos bought for money.
One woman for one man, how God intended it to be. I would also prefer one lifetime relationship with one decent foid, than fucking around bimbos bought for money.
you know which woman im talk about...
Great thread i want to add some things

Black men are biggest winners of this in terms of pure masculinity, think about it they have porn ( BBC at this point isnt acronym for brtitish broadcast corporation, but for giant black horsecocks ), rap which become very mainstream in western world ( here in slavlands rappers are popular too but are obviously white, but you cant deny that they were influenced by thuggish afro-nig rappers ), sports ( especially in muttlands, but just look at france, england football national teams, france is african nation in this regard hahaha ) and in general enterteiment, just think about will slapping that nigger which i dont remember is prime example of this, blacks with their low inhibity are frontal face of Globohomo.


Really only ricemen along with whites don't mateguard just as much, and like you said that they raging against WMAF. As for ethnics...i dont live in western europe but what @Whitefeminineboy said and honestly not only him but entire marriage census and what is indeed posted on social media, it's seems that turks, nafris and in general brown arabs heavily mateguard their foids from for example german or french men. I won't post it here ( cause i dont have link lul ) but i remember on 4chan /int/ there was thread posted by turkish foid about that having german boyfriend ( or husband ? )...you could expect response in replies :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:, it was full of angry turkcels SEETHING and daily reminder that turk-german marriage while rare is nearly always turkish guy-german foid, it was kinda insane to read this.

Back to ricemen...i lurk east asian net and asian american spaces and holy boyo...you just tourched only surface. Ricemen fetishize white women too even in korea there's slang called 'White Horse' which is about having sex with white women. Just look for word ''白人'' or ''백인'' and have fun :feelshaha:

Also im eastern european and it's true for us... asian guys seems to love emasculate slavs...in japanese or korean google when you search russia or ukraine or even my country poland, women from this countries are often searched, and yes when slavs bitch about other men it's always t*rds, araps or blacks never ricemen.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/ita0dcl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/itarzu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

slav women fetishization in filipino thread about foreign women ( highly upvoted btw ), and besides just lurk whole thread hahaaha, it's all about white women

before reddit, 4chan and this forum didn't know that, actually i follow one japanese sex tourist in poland on social media ( he couple times praised polish women... ) he is actually good looking but doesnt fit kpop beauty standards

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzcUL0iMW6D/

CHIGGER :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:



ethnics on friendly terms

@Made in Heaven

ethn*c bastard fakecels




Lol I will say one thing. The reason why Slavic women are fetishized is because they are the only women open to dating Chinks, Gooks and Curries. American and European white women have way more standards. Don't be afraid of those East Asians. I have seen them in my city in Curryland. They aren't the mogger their dramas potray them to be. A rice rapper came in Curryland for an event and stood beside Hrithik Roshan(chadpreet) and looked like a total subhuman comapared to him. As for these filipinos, yeah little gremlins are spiteful fucks like their women. The Japanese should have eradicated them from existence during WW2. They worship whiteness to creepy/borderline mental disorder levels. Slav women are giga retarded if they want to give birth to Ricecels over High T Slav males. Disown, disparage and remove such women from your circle. This is one sphere I believe American white guys are really advanced in, given their history of dealing with deathnics lusting after their women. They completely disparage race traitors, something slav males don't or won't do. Also American white guys are very proactive in poaching the women of men who lust after their white women. This may seem odd to you but it demonstrates superiority and prowess to your enemy males. Ricecels in America legitimately feel emasculated by White Men existing. This is the thing seeing WMAF couples have done to them. Completely demoralized them. If Slav males do something similar to Korean women soon Korean guys will be broken too. That's why I support going for foreign women. A reason why white guys become cucks in USA to black guys is due to this kind of war too.

Lastly I would say don't be demoralized. There are some mogger Slav men with non slav women out there too.

you know which woman im talk about...
i wont mateguard too that much
Now when i think about it i mateguard too, but in different classification. I get extremely triggered when i see really short foid dating tallfags. Also as younger i used to get annoyed and jealous at older guys betabuxxing girls my age.
Lol I will say one thing. The reason why Slavic women are fetishized is because they are the only women open to dating Chinks, Gooks and Curries. American and European white women have way more standards. Don't be afraid of those East Asians. I have seen them in my city in Curryland. They aren't the mogger their dramas potray them to be. A rice rapper came in Curryland for an event and stood beside Hrithik Roshan(chadpreet) and looked like a total subhuman comapared to him. As for these filipinos, yeah little gremlins are spiteful fucks like their women. The Japanese should have eradicated them from existence during WW2. They worship whiteness to creepy/borderline mental disorder levels. Slav women are giga retarded if they want to give birth to Ricecels over High T Slav males. Disown, disparage and remove such women from your circle. This is one sphere I believe American white guys are really advanced in, given their history of dealing with deathnics lusting after their women. They completely disparage race traitors, something slav males don't or won't do. Also American white guys are very proactive in poaching the women of men who lust after their white women. This may seem odd to you but it demonstrates superiority and prowess to your enemy males. Ricecels in America legitimately feel emasculated by White Men existing. This is the thing seeing WMAF couples have done to them. Completely demoralized them. If Slav males do something similar to Korean women soon Korean guys will be broken too. That's why I support going for foreign women. A reason why white guys become cucks in USA to black guys is due to this kind of war too.

Lastly I would say don't be demoralized. There are some mogger Slav men with non slav women out there too.

i know this, i'm autistic and as child i was friednly to foreigners but 6 years ago i learned about places like r/aznidentity or r/blackfellas and just in general learned that whites aren't really liked...latter i learned that westerners looks down on slavs and especially jews
i remember i didnt get why polish nationalist hate jews, but realized that how much anti polish movies portray us ( like even polish movies let alone american ones shekelwood ones )...still i dont hate anyone really cause im quite naive
Great thread i want to add some things

Black men are biggest winners of this in terms of pure masculinity, think about it they have porn ( BBC at this point isnt acronym for brtitish broadcast corporation, but for giant black horsecocks ), rap which become very mainstream in western world ( here in slavlands rappers are popular too but are obviously white, but you cant deny that they were influenced by thuggish afro-nig rappers ), sports ( especially in muttlands, but just look at france, england football national teams, france is african nation in this regard hahaha ) and in general enterteiment, just think about will slapping that nigger which i dont remember is prime example of this, blacks with their low inhibity are frontal face of Globohomo.


Really only ricemen along with whites don't mateguard just as much, and like you said that they raging against WMAF. As for ethnics...i dont live in western europe but what @Whitefeminineboy said and honestly not only him but entire marriage census and what is indeed posted on social media, it's seems that turks, nafris and in general brown arabs heavily mateguard their foids from for example german or french men. I won't post it here ( cause i dont have link lul ) but i remember on 4chan /int/ there was thread posted by turkish foid about that having german boyfriend ( or husband ? )...you could expect response in replies :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:, it was full of angry turkcels SEETHING and daily reminder that turk-german marriage while rare is nearly always turkish guy-german foid, it was kinda insane to read this.

Back to ricemen...i lurk east asian net and asian american spaces and holy boyo...you just tourched only surface. Ricemen fetishize white women too even in korea there's slang called 'White Horse' which is about having sex with white women. Just look for word ''白人'' or ''백인'' and have fun :feelshaha:

Also im eastern european and it's true for us... asian guys seems to love emasculate slavs...in japanese or korean google when you search russia or ukraine or even my country poland, women from this countries are often searched, and yes when slavs bitch about other men it's always t*rds, araps or blacks never ricemen.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/ita0dcl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/itarzu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

slav women fetishization in filipino thread about foreign women ( highly upvoted btw ), and besides just lurk whole thread hahaaha, it's all about white women

before reddit, 4chan and this forum didn't know that, actually i follow one japanese sex tourist in poland on social media ( he couple times praised polish women... ) he is actually good looking but doesnt fit kpop beauty standards

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzcUL0iMW6D/

CHIGGER :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:



ethnics on friendly terms

@Made in Heaven

ethn*c bastard fakecels




Lol I will say one thing. The reason why Slavic women are fetishized is because they are the only women open to dating Chinks, Gooks and Curries. American and European white women have way more standards. Don't be afraid of those East Asians. I have seen them in my city in Curryland. They aren't the mogger their dramas potray them to be. A rice rapper came in Curryland for an event and stood beside Hrithik Roshan(chadpreet) and looked like a total subhuman comapared to him. As for these filipinos, yeah little gremlins are spiteful fucks like their women. The Japanese should have eradicated them from existence during WW2. They worship whiteness to creepy/borderline mental disorder levels. Slav women are giga retarded if they want to give birth to Ricecels over High T Slav males. Disown, disparage and remove such women from your circle. This is one sphere I believe American white guys are really advanced in, given their history of dealing with deathnics lusting after their women. They completely disparage race traitors, something slav males don't or won't do. Also American white guys are very proactive in poaching the women of men who lust after their white women. This may seem odd to you but it demonstrates superiority and prowess to your enemy males. Ricecels in America legitimately feel emasculated by White Men existing. This is the thing seeing WMAF couples have done to them. Completely demoralized them. If Slav males do something similar to Korean women soon Korean guys will be broken too. That's why I support going for foreign women. A reason why white guys become cucks in USA to black guys is due to this kind of war too.

Lastly I would say don't be demoralized. There are some mogger Slav men with non slav women out there too.

also yes but east asians have massive industry behind them...just like western, northern and southern europeans due to hollywood

just go to reddit, youtube, quora ( besides it turned to be massive chinese vs curry infightining ), everyone worship east asians ( especially koreans and japanese )
doesn't help that from what i get that whites are borderline hated by everyone, and as for slavs...in general we are seen as inferior kind of whites ( also most slavic women arent cute, but some phenotypes for women here are cute like gorid or danubian nordid ( especially alpinized one )

how is situation in curryland in this regard btw ? are there sexpats ? like white american, europeans, korean etc..
Great thread i want to add some things

Black men are biggest winners of this in terms of pure masculinity, think about it they have porn ( BBC at this point isnt acronym for brtitish broadcast corporation, but for giant black horsecocks ), rap which become very mainstream in western world ( here in slavlands rappers are popular too but are obviously white, but you cant deny that they were influenced by thuggish afro-nig rappers ), sports ( especially in muttlands, but just look at france, england football national teams, france is african nation in this regard hahaha ) and in general enterteiment, just think about will slapping that nigger which i dont remember is prime example of this, blacks with their low inhibity are frontal face of Globohomo.


Really only ricemen along with whites don't mateguard just as much, and like you said that they raging against WMAF. As for ethnics...i dont live in western europe but what @Whitefeminineboy said and honestly not only him but entire marriage census and what is indeed posted on social media, it's seems that turks, nafris and in general brown arabs heavily mateguard their foids from for example german or french men. I won't post it here ( cause i dont have link lul ) but i remember on 4chan /int/ there was thread posted by turkish foid about that having german boyfriend ( or husband ? )...you could expect response in replies :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:, it was full of angry turkcels SEETHING and daily reminder that turk-german marriage while rare is nearly always turkish guy-german foid, it was kinda insane to read this.

Back to ricemen...i lurk east asian net and asian american spaces and holy boyo...you just tourched only surface. Ricemen fetishize white women too even in korea there's slang called 'White Horse' which is about having sex with white women. Just look for word ''白人'' or ''백인'' and have fun :feelshaha:

Also im eastern european and it's true for us... asian guys seems to love emasculate slavs...in japanese or korean google when you search russia or ukraine or even my country poland, women from this countries are often searched, and yes when slavs bitch about other men it's always t*rds, araps or blacks never ricemen.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/ita0dcl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/itarzu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

slav women fetishization in filipino thread about foreign women ( highly upvoted btw ), and besides just lurk whole thread hahaaha, it's all about white women

before reddit, 4chan and this forum didn't know that, actually i follow one japanese sex tourist in poland on social media ( he couple times praised polish women... ) he is actually good looking but doesnt fit kpop beauty standards

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzcUL0iMW6D/

CHIGGER :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:



ethnics on friendly terms

@Made in Heaven

ethn*c bastard fakecels




Good research my brocel. Then i ask you one thing. Do you really think eastern european foids are into rice male?
also yes but east asians have massive industry behind them...just like western, northern and southern europeans due to hollywood

just go to reddit, youtube, quora ( besides it turned to be massive chinese vs curry infightining ), everyone worship east asians ( especially koreans and japanese )
doesn't help that from what i get that whites are borderline hated by everyone, and as for slavs...in general we are seen as inferior kind of whites ( also most slavic women arent cute, but some phenotypes for women here are cute like gorid or danubian nordid ( especially alpinized one )

how is situation in curryland in this regard btw ? are there sexpats ? like white american, europeans, korean etc..
No sexpats. Curry fathers do not let curry women marry without their permission. In my economic class(middle income) losing your virginity before marriage is still a big no no for most people. Most people aren't even allowed to marry outside their religion much less race. Online though Curry femcels thirst over Kpop changs while Curry Stacies seem to prefer white chads. I think Diaspora Curry women are somewhat whorish though. Upper class westernised curry women too tend to be somewhat loose of morals. About these kpop stuff I will say most curry women don't like Ricemen. There are many Celeb curry women with whites but not one with an East Asian. This being couples are everywhere though, especially tallfag/womanlet couples. All curry couples I see have guy a head taller than their gfs.

Curryland is a violent, merciless and unforgiving place. Most men and women are trying to secure their station(me too) before finding love or shit. Poverty here = Worse than Hell. Not even hell would compare to curryland poverty. My dad rose out of that and I ain't no way in hell going back there.
Good research my brocel. Then i ask you one thing. Do you really think eastern european foids are into rice male?
zoomer quite yes

but most ee girls arent like this for example

Image 1
Image 2
Image 4
Image 3
Zrzut ekranu 2023 11 12 143007

fictinous example

Avetetsuya studios 27710095 904655683045574 5756700843911072588 o

from what i see most slav women are more masculine and from what i see ricemen have this image of white women which is quite true, but also saw that they like ''cute'' white women

also do you think such slav guys can slay in korea ?

S 1920x1080 adc7fd3450bb88eba59aa32d45f300e81599055493
@To koniec

by the way you said you were making a thread about phenotypes and untill now you never tagged me in that thread
@To koniec

by the way you said you were making a thread about phenotypes and untill now you never tagged me in that thread
wrote first part ( introduction ) still didnt had really motivation to do more sadly but maybe in near future
also uni work sadly
wrote first part ( introduction ) still didnt had really motivation to do more sadly but maybe in near future
ok no problem

why you say we are fakecels?
zoomer quite yes

but most ee girls arent like this for example

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fictinous example

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from what i see most slav women are more masculine and from what i see ricemen have this image of white women which is quite true, but also saw that they like ''cute'' white women

also do you think such slav guys can slay in korea ?

View attachment 962849
I'm not expecting EE foids are all look like Sybil A or Liya Silver.

And once you are an white lad who's not fat and taller than 5'9 with no balding, most foids wouldn't give a fuck even if the lad is from some random LATAM or EE countries. I mean they're not "craving" for average white Joe but at least i'm sure that they have way higher chances rather than average Korean male, especially for foids who are not very uncomfortable with English.
I'm not expecting EE foids are all look like Sybil A or Liya Silver.

And once you are an white lad who's not fat and taller than 5'9 with no balding, most foids wouldn't give a fuck even if the lad is from some random LATAM or EE countries. I mean they're not "craving" for average white Joe but at least i'm sure that they have way higher chances rather than average Korean male, especially for foids who are not very uncomfortable with English.
And of course there would be some sort of "advantages" you'll get from your nationality if you're from some Anglosphere / Nordic / Western European countries but it doesn't mean that LATAM / EE nationality will be a huge deal breaker.
I'm not expecting EE foids are all look like Sybil A or Liya Silver.

And once you are an white lad who's not fat and taller than 5'9 with no balding, most foids wouldn't give a fuck even if the lad is from some random LATAM or EE countries. I mean they're not "craving" for average white Joe but at least i'm sure that they have way higher chances rather than average Korean male, especially for foids who are not very uncomfortable with English.

how big is korean nationalism in south korea ( both boomers and zoomers ) ? is there something like east asian supremacy even mongoloid one ? like white/germanic supremacy and (((chosen))) ones
And of course there would be some sort of "advantages" you'll get from your nationality if you're from some Anglosphere / Nordic / Western European countries but it doesn't mean that LATAM / EE nationality will be a huge deal breaker.
and what about disadvantages >?

how big is korean nationalism in south korea ( both boomers and zoomers ) ? is there something like east asian supremacy even mongoloid one ? like white/germanic supremacy and (((chosen))) ones
It might sound quite absurd but Lefties are more nationalistic rather than right wing "conservatives". Especially when it comes to the relationship with Japan or US. I've never seen any sort of person who feels to be proud of being a mongoloid. Just think about Kpop idols. They bleach their skins and go through some plastic surgeries to have caucasian face features. Maybe some brocels call me a cuck for being a "race traitor", but i also think whites(esp. Nordics) are way better, at least, in regards of appearances than Asians.
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and what about disadvantages >?
If you're from SEA or some countries like India then it must be a huge deal breaker. I've almost never seen any average Korean foids which date with SEA guys.

Zrzut ekranu 2023 11 21 102037

kek just searched for russian man korean women, and first results ( general every video was about russian women..)

@NorthernWind russianbrocel is really situation that bad in russia ?

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kek just searched for russian man korean women, and first results ( general every video was about russian women..)

@NorthernWind russianbrocel is really situation that bad in russia ?
Well Russian men aren't autists like ricecels who celebrate every AMWF couple like it's New Year. Trust me for every american woman with a Chinese there are 5000 Chinese women with a white guy. Heck even us Curries get some of that action in Singapore and Malaysia. But that being said I don't think you should hate them. It's as you said, they don't mateguard. Nothing is stoping young slav males from going to Japan or China and dating their women.

It's as @mcmoohyun said bruh. I concor with him. White guys of average height(5'8 and above) with blonde hair blue eyes are really loved by Korean girls for some reason. In my instagram whenever there is some prettyboy white dude posting it's full of Korean language comments from girls.
Well Russian men aren't autists like ricecels who celebrate every AMWF couple like it's New Year.
:feelskek: This is so spot on. This explains why there are so many views for AMWF videos on YT. Delusional rice copers say "muh asian male SMV went up thanks to kpoop and look at these videos" shit but why does it have literally hundreds of thousands of views when it is so normal and nothing special at all like "whitu cockus shagging yerrow pussies". It means AMWF is not really rare and most of those Asian lads are still outliers.

Even a AMWF Youtuber once revealed the data of their subscribers and it was turned out that 90% of their subscribers were rice male, not "desperate whitu girls that crazy with yerrow cockus". Ricecels are delusionmaxxing by identifying themselves with Chang in random AMWF video. Being a gigacuck is another way of coping for ricecels :feelshaha:
ok thank you AASI pygmy now become a hijra pleasure toy for aryan andronovo males will you? And don't forget we are the real Vedic Indians you are farm equipment
In Curryland curry grandmas have propagated that if a baby isn't breastfeed he will be weak and stupid as an adult and low t if male and it's kinda the norm.
Out of topic, Although I am curry live in curryland. I am also denied with mother's breastfeed as my mom is suffering with serious health issues after I was born, so that's I don't get mother milk and feed on lactose supplement and due that I am physically weak and also this one of the reason of my inceldom
One woman for one man, how God intended it to be. I would also prefer one lifetime relationship with one decent foid, than fucking around bimbos bought for money.
Giga iq based thread
As a currycel, I sympathize with white brocels and white males in general, that how they are demonized and attacked by the globohomo
Out of topic, Although I am curry live in curryland. I am also denied with mother's breastfeed as my mom is suffering with serious health issues after I was born, so that's I don't get mother milk and feed on lactose supplement and due that I am physically weak and also this one of the reason of my inceldom
Over for you. I may not be handsome but none can question my physical strength.
Great thread i want to add some things

Black men are biggest winners of this in terms of pure masculinity, think about it they have porn ( BBC at this point isnt acronym for brtitish broadcast corporation, but for giant black horsecocks ), rap which become very mainstream in western world ( here in slavlands rappers are popular too but are obviously white, but you cant deny that they were influenced by thuggish afro-nig rappers ), sports ( especially in muttlands, but just look at france, england football national teams, france is african nation in this regard hahaha ) and in general enterteiment, just think about will slapping that nigger which i dont remember is prime example of this, blacks with their low inhibity are frontal face of Globohomo.


Really only ricemen along with whites don't mateguard just as much, and like you said that they raging against WMAF. As for ethnics...i dont live in western europe but what @Whitefeminineboy said and honestly not only him but entire marriage census and what is indeed posted on social media, it's seems that turks, nafris and in general brown arabs heavily mateguard their foids from for example german or french men. I won't post it here ( cause i dont have link lul ) but i remember on 4chan /int/ there was thread posted by turkish foid about that having german boyfriend ( or husband ? )...you could expect response in replies :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:, it was full of angry turkcels SEETHING and daily reminder that turk-german marriage while rare is nearly always turkish guy-german foid, it was kinda insane to read this.

Back to ricemen...i lurk east asian net and asian american spaces and holy boyo...you just tourched only surface. Ricemen fetishize white women too even in korea there's slang called 'White Horse' which is about having sex with white women. Just look for word ''白人'' or ''백인'' and have fun :feelshaha:

Also im eastern european and it's true for us... asian guys seems to love emasculate slavs...in japanese or korean google when you search russia or ukraine or even my country poland, women from this countries are often searched, and yes when slavs bitch about other men it's always t*rds, araps or blacks never ricemen.

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View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/ita0dcl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Philippines/comments/ya7i46/comment/itarzu7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

slav women fetishization in filipino thread about foreign women ( highly upvoted btw ), and besides just lurk whole thread hahaaha, it's all about white women

before reddit, 4chan and this forum didn't know that, actually i follow one japanese sex tourist in poland on social media ( he couple times praised polish women... ) he is actually good looking but doesnt fit kpop beauty standards

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/CzcUL0iMW6D/

CHIGGER :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:



ethnics on friendly terms

@Made in Heaven

ethn*c bastard fakecels





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