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Blackpill To Religious Incels - How Do You Know You Aren't Also "Incel Tier" With Respect To Religion/Life Path?



Feb 28, 2018
Why do you assume that the specific sequence of events (from conception, to birth, to growth & development, to friends, etc) that compose your life JUST HAVE TO BE a "valid sequence" that leads to you FINDING the "one true religion" that serves the "one true God".

Especially when you know that this same specific sequence of events has led to you being an unwanted, unattractive, suicidal loser

How do you not see this blatant contradiction?

Why do you assume that this very sequence that has been a curse would now somehow be a blessing that leads to your "salvation"?

Isn't it more likely that the sequence "continues" and you be led to "the wrong" religion (based on the "trend" of your life thus far)?

How do you know you aren't worshiping a false God, and some other religion is right, and you were "born into the wrong religion" or "found the wrong religion"

In the same way that you were born unattractive, you could very well be that unlucky with respect to coming into contact with "the right religion"

The Nordic people could be right, and we all have to "die in battle" to get to Valhalla

The Islamic people could be right, and we have to serve Allah and live based on the Koran to get into heaven

The Buddhist people could be right, and we all have to reincarnate and pay for our sins over many lives until we reach enlightenment and get into that heaven


You are assuming too much by assuming through shear chance, YOU JUST HAPPENED TO FIND THE "right religion" (while ironically believing that through shear chance you were born an incel)

You could be "incel tier" with respect to religion too (born into the wrong religion/life path)

So stop deluding yourself
Why do you assume that the specific sequence of events (from conception, to birth, to growth & development, to friends, etc) that compose your life JUST HAVE TO BE a "valid sequence" that leads to you FINDING the "one true religion" that serves the "one true God".

Especially when you know that this same specific sequence of events has led to you being an unwanted, unattractive, suicidal loser

How do you not see this blatant contradiction?

Why do you assume that this very sequence that has been a curse would now somehow be a blessing that leads to your "salvation"?

Isn't it more likely that the sequence "continues" and you be led to "the wrong" religion (based on the "trend" of your life thus far)?

How do you know you aren't worshiping a false God, and some other religion is right, and you were "born into the wrong religion" or "found the wrong religion"

In the same way that you were born unattractive, you could very well be that unlucky with respect to coming into contact with "the right religion"

The Nordic people could be right, and we all have to "die in battle" to get to Valhalla

The Islamic people could be right, and we have to serve Allah and live based on the Koran to get into heaven

The Buddhist people could be right, and we all have to reincarnate and pay for our sins over many lives until we reach enlightenment and get into that heaven


You are assuming too much by assuming through shear chance, YOU JUST HAPPENED TO FIND THE "right religion" (while ironically believing that through shear chance you were born an incel)

You could be "incel tier" with respect to religion too (born into the wrong religion/life path)

So stop deluding yourself
Not only that but how can they follow a religion that says that everything will be fine as long as they trust in god and be on this site? If you had so much faith even something like inceldom wouldn't bother them enough to post on this site.
That they are on this site suggests that even their faith isn't strong enough for them not to be bothered by inceldom and that there are some things god can't take care of.
Idk if anyone on this site is religious but if they were that would genuinely be funny
simple, you don't follow a religion mindlessly

I spent 3-4 years researching religion and history before coming to my own conclusions, but some dumb teenagers and man-children on here think they can just completely understand religion and God in few seconds by saying "muh cope" "muh world is bad and cruel".

I have worse life more than 99% of the bitchers on here and i still believe in God existence and will follow him until i die
Religion is cope
I don't understand why an incel would end up wanting to participate in a religion. I started off in a religious background and I realized that these people didn't give a shit about me and neither did god. The only religion that makes sense as an incel is a proprietary one that you make up yourself.
Idk if anyone on this site is religious but if they were that would genuinely be funny
I'm devoutly religious. I've done Christian Mission work for a decade, now. I take my spiritual life as seriously as my physical one. Not in an annoying-preachy-cope way. More as a personal enlightenment deal.
"chad and us are equal, god loves both of us!!"

nice cope
equal in this world? no of course, but to God it's something else.

You guys are so fucking retarded that you literally think Chads are some sort of demigods from rotting all the day in your basements
simple, you don't follow a religion mindlessly
FAITH by its definition is "mindless", this is why you guys are called a "coper", because you delude yourself into thinking that your beliefs are rooted in "logic" when they aren't

Please understand that your belief in God is no different than a 5ft 2In blue piller's belief that if he'll "ascend" one day if he is a "good person"

Do you believe in "gravity", yes, you can test it right now, if you jump up you will come back down, throw a ball into the air, it comes back down and you can catch it, you can feel the weight of how its height affects the "power" of its fall, etc

That is not a "mindless" belief, but your belief in a SPECIFIC God from a SPECIFIC religion is, because your SPECIFIC God has yet to interact with you on a LITERAL basis

God has not been proven to exist in the same way that gravity has been proven to exist, there is no "test" to see if God exists, so there is no point in deciding that a SPECIFIC God of a SPECIFIC religion is "the real one", there's no way for you to know, and that's my point

You could literally switch religions today and the end result would probably be the same

I spent 3-4 years researching religion and history before coming to my own conclusions
"Research" :feelskek:

If none of that "research" proves the existence of your SPECIFIC God (WITHOUT A DOUBT) like you know gravity exists, then it wasn't "research", its called "confirmation bias", you read a bunch of religious texts telling you that X God exists, and then you concluded (like magic) that X God exists............... I wonder how that happened, this is truly a MIRACLE :feelskek:
simple, you don't follow a religion mindlessly
FAITH by its definition is "mindless", this is why you guys are called a "copers", because you delude yourself into thinking that your beliefs are rooted in "logic" when they aren't

Please understand that your belief in God is no different than a 5ft 2In blue piller's belief that he'll "ascend" one day if he is a "good person"

Do you believe in "gravity", yes, you can test it right now, if you jump up you will come back down, throw a ball into the air, it comes back down and you can catch it, you can feel the weight of how its height affects the "power" of its fall, etc

That is not a "mindless" belief, but your belief in a SPECIFIC God from a SPECIFIC religion is, because your SPECIFIC God has yet to interact with you on a LITERAL basis

God has not been proven to exist in the same way that gravity has been proven to exist, there is no "test" to see if God exists, so there is no point in deciding that a SPECIFIC God of a SPECIFIC religion is "the real one", there's no way for you to know, and that's my point

You could literally switch religions today and the end result would probably be the same

I spent 3-4 years researching religion and history before coming to my own conclusions
"Research" :feelskek:

If none of that "research" proves the existence of your SPECIFIC God (WITHOUT A DOUBT) like you know gravity exists, then it wasn't "research", its called "confirmation bias", you read a bunch of religious texts telling you that X God exists, and then you concluded (like magic) that X God exists............... I wonder how that happened, this is truly a MIRACLE :feelskek:

"anything that isn't 100% negative and nhilistic and overall extremely hopeless is cope"
Nice strawman argument, nihilism isn't about hopelessness, that's defeatism, stop conflating the two because you don't want to accept reality
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I think religion is a form of societal control. back in the day people were not literate. in order to control people these moral laws were established. It bought equality to all or else all the foids will run to the chads or maybe all chads would have been killed by others.
For me Blackpill is greater than religion. But there might be real creatures who came from above and fought wars in these planes and maybe came here for their vested interest.
equal in this world? no of course
fuck him then
but to God it's something else.
You guys are so fucking retarded that you literally think Chads are some sort of demigods
"chads just able to fuck girls guys they are not so different from us!":soy::soy:
rotting all the day in your basements
imagine saying this on a incel forum
I think religion is a form of societal control.
For me Blackpill is greater than religion


1. Religion is ultimately a tool for control, that no longer functions because the elites can use wealth and power to control people now, so they are doing away with the crappy model of "control 1.0" and upgrading to "control 2.0", religion has just become obsolete lol

You can control people via celebrities, the media they consume, the trends you start, etc, you don't need to scare humans with "God" into being docile and lawful anymore, there's an entire system in place to control the masses with varying tiers of force

2. The black pill is greater than any religion, it is absolute truth in its most basic form, no sugar coating
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Because, as an incel you feel unjusticed. How can you feel injusticed if good and evil are man made?

You should not feel anything.

Same with schizophrenics who hear God or demons talking to them, why do they think it's God/demons if God is entirely man made?
Why do you assume that the specific sequence of events (from conception, to birth, to growth & development, to friends, etc) that compose your life JUST HAVE TO BE a "valid sequence" that leads to you FINDING the "one true religion" that serves the "one true God".

Especially when you know that this same specific sequence of events has led to you being an unwanted, unattractive, suicidal loser

How do you not see this blatant contradiction?

Why do you assume that this very sequence that has been a curse would now somehow be a blessing that leads to your "salvation"?

Isn't it more likely that the sequence "continues" and you be led to "the wrong" religion (based on the "trend" of your life thus far)?

How do you know you aren't worshiping a false God, and some other religion is right, and you were "born into the wrong religion" or "found the wrong religion"

In the same way that you were born unattractive, you could very well be that unlucky with respect to coming into contact with "the right religion"

The Nordic people could be right, and we all have to "die in battle" to get to Valhalla

The Islamic people could be right, and we have to serve Allah and live based on the Koran to get into heaven

The Buddhist people could be right, and we all have to reincarnate and pay for our sins over many lives until we reach enlightenment and get into that heaven


You are assuming too much by assuming through shear chance, YOU JUST HAPPENED TO FIND THE "right religion" (while ironically believing that through shear chance you were born an incel)

You could be "incel tier" with respect to religion too (born into the wrong religion/life path)

So stop deluding yourself
Used to be religious as I got older and smarter I'm less religious....amd might as well be agnostic

1. Religion is ultimately a tool for control, that no longer functions because the elites can use wealth and power to control people now, so they are doing away with the crappy model of "control 1.0" and upgrading to "control 2.0", religion has just become obsolete lol

You can control people via celebrities, the media they consume, the trends you start, etc, you don't need to scare humans into being docile and lawful anymore, there's an entire system in place to control the masses with varying tiers of force

2. The black pill is greater than any religion, it is absolute truth in its most basic form, no sugar coating
FAITH by its definition is "mindless", this is why you guys are called a "coper", because you delude yourself into thinking that your beliefs are rooted in "logic" when they aren't

Please understand that your belief in God is no different than a 5ft 2In blue piller's belief that if he'll "ascend" one day if he is a "good person"

Do you believe in "gravity", yes, you can test it right now, if you jump up you will come back down, throw a ball into the air, it comes back down and you can catch it, you can feel the weight of how its height affects the "power" of its fall, etc

That is not a "mindless" belief, but your belief in a SPECIFIC God from a SPECIFIC religion is, because your SPECIFIC God has yet to interact with you on a LITERAL basis

God has not been proven to exist in the same way that gravity has been proven to exist, there is no "test" to see if God exists, so there is no point in deciding that a SPECIFIC God of a SPECIFIC religion is "the real one", there's no way for you to know, and that's my point

You could literally switch religions today and the end result would probably be the same
You can still choose what do you want to put your faith in. Sure it's not like facts since you can't see or touch it, but it doesn't mean that it's not based on something.

And no, it's not. the bluepiller has nothing that his faith is based on, just like Santa Claus and unicorns. My faith is based on the fact that you, me, life, existence and everything came to be, which is completely impossible without a creator. Science has proven time and time again that things just don't come out of nowhere and that this system and life is extremely complex and precise and impossible to happen by some chance. it's clear contradiction of science to even believe in chance since it's supposed to deal with organized and precise systems to even work. Does science directly prove God though? No, but based on it's conclusions we can draw our own deductions that God exists

Also lol, gravity and religion are not like one another. one is science and one is faith, you can't just test the existence of God. It doesn't make sense, you can only DEDUCE the existence of God using science

He doesn't interact with me and that's why it's called a faith. you're literally contradicting yourself here

AGAIN HE CAN'T BE PROVEN TO EXIST IN YOUR SENSE SINCE IT'S BASED ON FAITH. What the fuck you're literally repeating yourself with every sentence reiterating the same argument over and over. you literally want some science lab shit to prove God to you? Not everything has to be directly based on material science which clearly has limits

No the end result would not be the same, you don't know literally anything about the religion i follow and how it's different from other religions. you just assumed it's the same out of ignorance, not knowledge

"Research" :feelskek:

If none of that "research" proves the existence of your SPECIFIC God (WITHOUT A DOUBT) like you know gravity exists, then it wasn't "research", its called "confirmation bias", you read a bunch of religious texts telling you that X God exists, and then you concluded (like magic) that X God exists............... I wonder how that happened, this is truly a MIRACLE :feelskek:
The faith is BASED on something, but it's not like a scientific fact. I know that God exists, can can i prove it to you as a fact through some experiment? No, but as i said not everything has to be explained by some autistic science lab experiment to exist. You can deduce things without it

Also as i said, you don't know anything about my religion, nor it's text, nor it's history, you just assume things out of prejudice and think your arguments can't be taken seriously
Nice strawman argument, nihilism isn't about hopelessness, that's defeatism, stop conflating the two because you don't want to accept reality
Not gonna read that wall of text, we all know what's nhilism and not everything has to be literally interpreted exactly like your POV
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Same with schizophrenics who hear God or demons talking to them, why do they think it's God/demons if God is entirely man made?

Are you saying these schizophrenics never heard about God or the Devil before they said these things?

If not, I don't get your point, this stupidity is the result of typing a sentence but not reading it over to see if it even makes sense lol.
Imagine unironically believing you were made in the image of god as an incel :lul:
Are you saying these schizophrenics never heard about God or the Devil before they said these things?

If not, I don't get your point, this stupidity is the result of typing a sentence but not reading it over to see if it even makes sense lol.
Why is it when humans (athiest or not) are at deaths door, even when they know they are going to die, they call out to God or suddenly become religious?

The point I'm trying to make is why is a sense of God (good/evil) within us already?
"chads just able to fuck girls guys they are not so different from us!":soy::soy:
if all life to you is fucking girls, then in this case ascending or not will always make you a miserable sack of shit
And no, it's not. the bluepiller has nothing that his faith is based on
The blue piller has blue pilled concepts that are thought to him since birth............ you know........ like religion

He doesn't interact with me and that's why it's called a faith. you're literally contradicting yourself here
I think you need to google some words before you use them, because you don't know what the word "contradict" means, there was on contradiction, my point is exactly that your belief is faith based, and that's why it is "mindless", there's no such thing as a religious belief that isn't "mindless"

If you had decided your religion by a roll of the dice, your choice would have just as much "evidence" backing it

you can only DEDUCE the existence of God using science
You could possibly deduce the existence of A God, but NOT A SPECIFIC God

There is nothing that indicates the Christian God is real but any of the Gods from religions older than Christianity are fake

If anything, its more likely that the "older" Gods are real

I hope you do know that the God of the Christian bible isn't the oldest God (I mean, that should be common sense)
I am God btw, nice to meet you

1. Religion is ultimately a tool for control, that no longer functions because the elites can use wealth and power to control people now, so they are doing away with the crappy model of "control 1.0" and upgrading to "control 2.0", religion has just become obsolete lol

You can control people via celebrities, the media they consume, the trends you start, etc, you don't need to scare humans with "God" into being docile and lawful anymore, there's an entire system in place to control the masses with varying tiers of force

2. The black pill is greater than any religion, it is absolute truth in its most basic form, no sugar coating
you people truly don't know anything about religion

the elite have always been against religion. they used to kill, torture, imprison, cast away any prophet coming from God along with his followers since they wanted to be more controlling of people than God himself. The religion is the true enemy of the elite and people in control since it makes people dependent on God, not them

It's literally insulting to be in this retarded thread. it's like seeing 2010 reddit atheists arguments again, what a joke
you people truly don't know anything about religion

the elite have always been against religion. they used to kill, torture, imprison, cast away any prophet coming from God along with his followers since they wanted to be more controlling of people than God himself. The religion is the true enemy of the elite and people in control since it makes people dependent on God, not them

It's literally insulting to be in this retarded thread. it's like seeing 2010 reddit atheists arguments again, what a joke
Could not have said it better myself tbh
I was able to figure this out by myself as a 14 year old.
simple, you don't follow a religion mindlessly

I spent 3-4 years researching religion and history before coming to my own conclusions, but some dumb teenagers and man-children on here think they can just completely understand religion and God in few seconds by saying "muh cope" "muh world is bad and cruel".

I have worse life more than 99% of the bitchers on here and i still believe in God existence and will follow him until i die
And which religion would that be?
you people truly don't know anything about religion

the elite have always been against religion. they used to kill, torture, imprison, cast away any prophet coming from God along with his followers since they wanted to be more controlling of people than God himself. The religion is the true enemy of the elite and people in control since it makes people dependent on God, not them

It's literally insulting to be in this retarded thread. it's like seeing 2010 reddit atheists arguments again, what a joke
Image result for the rock clapping gif

This is what I never understand about athiests, they reject God but yet are fine with the "Elites" making rules for them?
There he goes inserting that doubt into minds heh heh.
There he goes inserting that doubt into minds heh heh.
He has never made me doubt God, no matter how much philosophical bull chit he gives me.

He needs to repent.
The blue piller has blue pilled concepts that are thought to him since birth............ you know........ like religion
no, it's just some lies. just like a kid believes in Santa Claus since his parents told him so. I believe in God due to the conclusions that science and logic came to, which i deduced from the existence of God. So my deduction is based on facts, not concepts.

I think you need to google some words before you use them, because you don't know what the word "contradict" means, there was on contradiction, my point is exactly that your belief is faith based, and that's why it is "mindless", there's no such thing as a religious belief that isn't "mindless"

If you had decided your religion by a roll of the dice, your choice would have just as much "evidence" backing it
i'm gonna explain it to you easier

not all beliefs are equal. a belief based on deduction from facts and legit conclusions, isn't the same as a belief deducted from hypothesis and man made concepts or some stories

You could possibly deduce the existence of A God, but NOT A SPECIFIC God
you're actually right here, and i agree with you. the deduction will only let you know the existence of God, but not what God that is. That's why the concept of God's existence and religion are entirely different. First you have to deduce if God exists or not, then we will see who's the true God

here is nothing that indicates the Christian God is real but any of the Gods from religions older than Christianity are fake
I'm not Christian myself, but unlike all the other religions, Abrahamic ones have well documented legitmacy even outside the religious texts themselves, you can't compare them to some guy worshiping a cow or something
Why is it when humans (athiest or not) are at deaths door, even when they know they are going to die, they call out to God or suddenly become religious?
1. Are strawman arguments all you can make?, you come up with some made up scenario and assert it as some kind of universal truth.

2. Assuming such a case did happen, which I don't doubt, I don't think its rocket science to assume that someone raised to fear God (most atheists are born into religious families) is going to be affected by that fear in the most fearful moment of their life - DEATH (doesn't seem so hard to understand for me)

If that person had never heard of God or religion, they would not be afraid of "hell", and ironically if God did exist, they would not even go to hell, because they didn't know, which makes missionaries seem like sadists to me, because they could save more souls from hell, by not letting people know of God's existence :feelskek:

The point I'm trying to make is why is a sense of God (good/evil) within us already?
Your point is wrong, it isn't

Humans came up with the concept of God, because we like to personify everything, do you think lightning striking in the sky is the "work of an angry God", well people way back in the past did, we "humanize" everything that we consider to be great, its the reason why there are "Sun Gods" and "River Gods" and "Mountain Gods", and basically every ancient society has a "God of Death", etc

Its in our nature to personify things, that doesn't mean God exists, its just how humans conceptualize things

If you read into the actions of Dogs as you did humans you'd be theorizing about how a dog turning around 2+ times before it lies down is connected to some great and meaningful thing, humans are just advanced animals, our "quirks" are just more expressive and "meta", that doesn't make them any more meaningful than how a dog prepares itself to lie down or the mating rituals of Swans which look really amazing (so it must have some deep meaning behind it right?)
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Imagine unironically believing you were made in the image of god as an incel :lul:
You were, society has been ruined due to corruption and sin.

You blame God, but not society? Which rejects God and his morals?
He has never made me doubt God, no matter how much philosophical bull chit he gives me.

He needs to repent.
I'm just confused as to why somebody that supposedly has his shit together moneymaxxing & is quick to judge others on many facets wastes his time on us here that are so obviously below him.
Hell, even as a kid I questioned things about Christianity that made no sense to me. The bible has many contradictions.
no, it's just some lies

The irony


You don't know if the religion you believe in is a lie, that's exactly the point :feelskek:

Another religion could be the true one

HECK, HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE PART OF THE "RIGHT" DENOMINATION OF YOUR RELIGION? (I don't even need to branch off into other religions)

In one you aren't allowed to donate blood, and that act is considered sinful
Religion threads always manage to be surprisingly toxic on a website that is, by and large, respectably toxic.
And which religion would that be?
Islam, since is the only religion in the world which

1-managed to create stable societies and knows how human nature work

2-how it enabled one man (prophet Muhammad pbuh) and his followers from a primitive society to take nearly all over the world and defeat all the powerful kingdoms for hundreds of years

2-has not been twisted or changed by anyone since the day it came to be

3-the Quran is a linguistic and textual miracle with zero contradictions unlike the new Bible and Torah and that no one has ever managed to copy nor can anyone come up with it, nevertheless prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself who couldn't even read or write

4-is much more logical than other religions. you believe in a one true God above space and time and our dimensions entirely. he's not a man in the sky, nor a woman, he is beyond the comprehension of humans and is completely omnipotent, omniscient and all knowing

5-the prophecies and miracles documented by even non-Muslims themselves who existed in the early days of Islam and after it

6-the war on Islam since the day of it's conception by the elite and people in power to prevent it's spread since they know it would completely change the dystopia they have made us live in
The irony


You don't know if the religion you believe in is a lie, that's exactly the point :feelskek:

Another religion could be the true one

HECK, HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE PART OF THE "RIGHT" DENOMINATION OF YOUR RELIGION? (I don't even need to branch off into other religions)

In one you aren't allowed to donate blood, and that act is considered sinful
nice of you choosing 4 words out of context to write a wall of text despite all the logical arguments i made in my post (that you clearly can't respond to)

i'm out tbh
Islam, since is the only religion in the world which

1-managed to create stable societies and knows how human nature work

2-how it enabled one man (prophet Muhammad pbuh) and his followers from a primitive society to take nearly all over the world and defeat all the powerful kingdoms for hundreds of years

2-has not been twisted or changed by anyone since the day it came to be

3-the Quran is a linguistic and textual miracle with zero contradictions unlike the new Bible and Torah and that no one has ever managed to copy nor can anyone come up with it, nevertheless prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself who couldn't even read or write

4-is much more logical than other religions. you believe in a one true God above space and time and our dimensions entirely. he's not a man in the sky, nor a woman, he is beyond the comprehension of humans and is completely omnipotent, omniscient and all knowing

5-the prophecies and miracles documented by even non-Muslims themselves who existed in the early days of Islam and after it

6-the war on Islam since the day of it's conception by the elite and people in power to prevent it's spread since they know it would completely change the dystopia they have made us live in

nice of you choosing 4 words out of context to write a wall of text despite all the logical arguments i made in my post (that you clearly can't respond to)

i'm out tbh
Are you sure this conclusion doesn't have something to do with your ethnic background
Hell, even as a kid I questioned things about Christianity that made no sense to me. The bible has many contradictions.
Which is why it has so many different interpretations. It's like the loosely defined "General welfare" clause in the Constitution that people can't exactly agree what and to what extent it covers government assistance or humanitarian/charity work.

@Mainländer @BummerDrummer
Seriously religion has to be some kind of mental illnes. People who are usually perfectly normal and intelligent completely shut their brain off when the topic is religion
Are you sure this conclusion doesn't have something to do with your ethnic background
not at all since i read the Torah, Talmud, Bible, and still Islam is the only one that still made the most sense. It's the only religion which values men and put women in their rightful place, it's the only religion that can create a society where men can truly be happy and express themselves and masculinity freely while their dominate women
Seriously religion has to be some kind of mental illnes. People who are usually perfectly normal and intelligent completely shut their brain off when the topic is religion
Proverbs 30:12 There is a kind who is pure in his own eyes, Yet is not washed from his filthiness.

Amen. Repent, brother.
not at all since i read the Torah, Talmud, Bible, and still Islam is the only one that still made the most sense. It's the only religion which values men and put women in their rightful place, it's the only religion that can create a society where men can truly be happy and express themselves and masculinity freely while their dominate women
You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase. Are you from an islamic background? How much did your background factor into your conclusion?
I've got a feeling this is gonna be like another Greta thread that will never ever die
You didn't answer my question. Let me rephrase. Are you from an islamic background? How much did your background factor into your conclusion?
yes, and it kinda affected tbh, but i was living the life of secularism until i started researching to find out if i'm truly in the right or wrong
yes, and it kinda affected tbh, but i was living the life of secularism until i started researching to find out if i'm truly in the right or wrong
Fair enough. What comes next is obvious so I will refrain from saying it. I don't have any intentions to change anyone's mind about this. Just one thing
6-the war on Islam since the day of it's conception by the elite and people in power to prevent it's spread since they know it would completely change the dystopia they have made us live in

From where I stand its islam that gas been waging war on everyone else

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