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TeeHee To end sexual inequality, we must start by ending capitalism

Since when did this site become a copy of IncelTears? You're literally posting their posts here so we can complain about them. Are you trying to be the BrazilianSigma of incels.co?
Since when did this site become a copy of IncelTears? You're literally posting their posts here so we can complain about them. Are you trying to be the BrazilianSigma of incels.co?
I'm bringing too harsh truths so toxic and misogynous incels like you stop saying it's all the fault of your fists and your subhuman face and realize that just changing your personality bro
Not wrong, but the reasons are freed financial resources for socialized looksmax / government girlfriend programs / nutrition/ hormone controll and the stop of self improvement lies. Bluepilled if you believe capitalist elites backed by their followers will agree to spent money on this without a major fight.

I still see no future in a human need centered system, if we don't acknowledge uglyness as a treatworthy disability.
None of us are born being attracted or unattracted to certain body types, we learn this

Flat earth is less retarded than this crap.
Shes not wrong. Women are the most ruthless enforcers of capitalism and class divison
appearance really does profoundly impact opportunities (though more strongly for women than for men).

Gotta stand for muh'lady. She should not have any responsibility placed on her.
Since when did this site become a copy of IncelTears? You're literally posting their posts here so we can complain about them. Are you trying to be the BrazilianSigma of incels.co?
This, eerily similar to BS.
"None of us are born being attracted to certain body types"

Here lies the core of bluepill mindset. Women will always prefer taller men. This is true across every culture. There has never been a human tribe in existence that has deviated from this. They have also done studies involving babies and faces and babies have cried at the sight of asymmetric faces.

These retards need to stop denying genetic impact on human behavior and choices.

Not wrong
His entire post is wrong. There are genetic reason for why humans prefer certain traits in mates.
"None of us are born being attracted to certain body types"

Here lies the core of bluepill mindset. Women will always prefer taller men. This is true across every culture. There has never been a human tribe in existence that has deviated from this. They have also done studies involving babies and faces and babies have cried at the sight of asymmetric faces.

These retards need to stop denying genetic impact on human behavior and choices.

His entire post is wrong. There are genetic reason for why humans prefer certain traits in mates.
I referred to the basic proposal of abolishing capitalism, not ugliness being a social construct or an instinct that can be easily overwritten. Did you even read the rest of my post?
"None of us are born being attracted to certain body types"

Here lies the core of bluepill mindset. Women will always prefer taller men. This is true across every culture. There has never been a human tribe in existence that has deviated from this. They have also done studies involving babies and faces and babies have cried at the sight of asymmetric faces.

These retards need to stop denying genetic impact on human behavior and choices.

His entire post is wrong. There are genetic reason for why humans prefer certain traits in mates.

Women and soy boys are natural relativists. Their denial of objective reality is the chief source of their evil:

Inceltears is full of weak and harmless degenerate Western commies from Trotskyites, Leninists, anarcho syndicalists to Marxsists and et cetera.
When you think about it all major Reddit subs are full of them but the sheep doesn't understand that they are the greatest asset of same capitalists that made them behave that way. I mean who in his right mind would call himself communist or working class when they support everything degenerate bourgeoisie spitted out like fag rights, feminism, trannyism while waving their little faggot flags made in China. Furthermore they are white collar city dwellers who despise actual working class of farmers, construction workers, miners etc that are conservative and religious. They can theorize and talk about genderless utopias all they want cause of their boredom but put them one day in quarry or on an oil rig and they will come back home traumatized and worshiping neoliberalism which they are subconsciously doing already and which gave them right to be full blown decadent retards. These people display mental illness in its purest form. Lamb to the slaughter.
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The basic proposal to abolish capitalism not ugliness being a social construct or an instinct that can be easily overwritten. Did you even read the rest of my post?
Still wouldn't fix our problem. The problem is inherent female sexual selection driven by millions of years of evolution. Combine this with liberal female sexuality and instant communication tech and you have what we have today.

No amount of money thrown at male looks improvement will fix this.
>More strongly for women than for men

are not "free" to alter reality
We can work against our instincts. I can force myself to have sex with a foid that repulses me if that is my will.
We can work against our instincts. I can force myself to have sex with a foid that repulses me if that is my will.

That doesn't mean you can "will" human nature away.
We can work against our instincts. I can force myself to have sex with a foid that repulses me if that is my will.
Men maybe can, women have showed again and again that they won't.
We can work against our instincts. I can force myself to have sex with a foid that repulses me if that is my will.

Wrong. You can only do this if you are incentivized to do this. Without incentive, you will have no motivation, and without motivation, you will not do something that doesn't provide reward.
"will" human nature away
I can very well change my instinctual responses to things by hypnosis, trauma based programming and drugs. Also, even if a instinct is there, I can discipline it through the use of my higher faculties to the point it has no bearing in my actions
We can work against our instincts. I can force myself to have sex with a foid that repulses me if that is my will.
There are plenty of landwhale single mothers out there that need a wallet.
Still wouldn't fix our problem. The problem is inherent female sexual selection driven by millions of years of evolution. Combine this with liberal female sexuality and instant communication tech and you have what we have today.

No amount of money thrown at male looks improvement will fix this.
It's okay if you want to ignore all the studies plus real life examples for nutrition, hormones, growth and benefits of surgery with the purpose of advocating for whatever backwards system of your choice, but be at least upfront about it and don't weasel around.
Since when did this site become a copy of IncelTears? You're literally posting their posts here so we can complain about them. Are you trying to be the BrazilianSigma of incels.co?
this is now IncelTearsTears
It's okay if you want to ignore all the studies plus real life examples for nutrition, hormones, growth and benefits of surgery with the purpose of advocating for whatever backwards system of your choice, but be at least upfront about it and don't weasel around.
I'm not. Your deluded if you think 80/20 rule will go away. Hypergamy is genetic, not due to behavioral conditioning or capitalism like you and the soyboys on IT believe.

If every man was chad, only gigachads would slay. 80/20 is unalterable.
You can only do this if you are incentivized to do this.
Yes, but my point is that these incentives to go against my impulses and instincts come to me not from my nature but from thought, encoded in language and resulting from processes of cultural change and history. I can discipline myself to fulfill these incentives to the detriment of my lower nature. I can only do that because I have self overcoming encoded in my nature, of course, thats why I can say I have freedom.
I can very well change my instinctual responses to things by hypnosis, trauma based programming and drugs. Also, even if a instinct is there, I can discipline it through the use of my higher faculties to the point it has no bearing in my actions

Freedom is an illusion. What little "choice" and whatever "higher faculties" or "reason" you may have are just further delusory mechanisms. Any idea of freedom is just a relative approximation of absolute freedom in every sense possible which is unattainable, unless you're a God.

Western society is so high on the idea of 'freedom' that thinking you're free is the new slavery. Orwell was right.
Yes, but my point is that these incentives to go against my impulses and instincts come to me not from my nature but from thought, encoded in language and resulting from processes of cultural change and history. I can discipline myself to fulfill these incentives to the detriment of my lower nature. I can only do that because I have self overcoming encoded in my nature, of course, thats why I can say I have freedom.

Most of your thoughts are involuntary. So they are from nature
I do not see how socialism would resolve the antagonism between male and female sexuality, the real essence of the blackpill and the incel issue if you ask me (with the idea of your whole life being determined by your genetics only a more vague and unspecific summary of the blackpill). Women would literally have to be changed.

Also JFL @ all the anti-capitalists on IT, they're probably anarchists, Trotskyists, or they might call themselves "libertarian marxists", so basically things that don't matter and are just junk academic ideologies.
I'm not. Your deluded if you think 80/20 rule will go away. Hypergamy is genetic, not due to behavioral conditioning or capitalism like you and the soyboys on IT believe.

If every man was chad, only gigachads would slay. 80/20 is unalterable.

Well, but socialism offers more room for potential solutions for the common man. Didn't say capitalism is the root.

Doubt the second part. I know this plays into the common (wrong) strawman "COmMuNIsTs WanT TO mAKe EVerYONE THE SamE", but anway in this case it's practical. Once enough people are on the same rating level (the range of variance in looks will shrink) and women reject broader and broader strata of men, society will notice this due to this clear reason and either foids will fall in line for a compromise, culling of chads will happen or some form (soft-)patriarchy. (Think beta uprising) This is win win, really. Short term and long turn.

BTW even if hypergamy is relative it's still a matter of media representation (chadads) and how dating apps are programmed. Good luck for any regulation under an elite exploiting these for profit purposes.

You can't deny that at least for now my proposals worked for many people and everything else is speculation anyway.
What little "choice" and whatever "higher faculties" or "reason" you may have are just further delusory mechanisms.
I have many contradictory desires. I act upon the strongest. Through upbringing and socialization I have been conditioned to make certain choices, and now that I have a degree of independence I am expected to make good choices on my own without the need for parental discipline. I associate archetypes to my choices, and try to discipline myself according to the archetypes that resonate aesthetically with me the most. The process of disciplining oneself and striving to become is freedom
Any idea of freedom is just a relative approximation of absolute freedom in every sense possible which is unattainable, unless you're a God.
I don't think it's unattainable, I do believe in the possibility of becoming godly through esoteric practices, possibly after death
Most of your thoughts are involuntary. So they are from nature
They are psychic phenomena
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Well, but socialism offers more room for potential solutions for the common man. Didn't say capitalism is the root.

Doubt the second part. I know this plays into the common (wrong) strawman "COmMuNIsTs WanT TO mAKe EVerYONE THE SamE", but anway in this case it's practical. Once enough people are on the same rating level (the range of variance in looks will shrink) and women reject broader and broader strata of men, society will notice this due to this clear reason and either foids will fall in line for a compromise, culling of chads will happen or some form (soft-)patriarchy. (Think beta uprising) This is win win, really. Short term and long turn.

BTW even if hypergamy is relative it's still a matter of media representation (chadads) and how dating apps are programmed. Good luck for any regulation under an elite exploiting these for profit purposes.

You can't deny that at least for now my proposals worked for many people and everything else is speculation anyway.
I agree that women will reject more and more men regardless of what is done. The true cause of our problem is female sexual choice. The only way this can be fixed is via oppressing women or replacing them.

Your proposals may work very short term, but past ten years they will be worthless. Look at gymcels. 20 years ago they would get laid. Now every sexually active man must go to gym to have a chance. Surgery and nutrition are the same way.

We need to evolve beyond females. It is the only way to permanently fix the problem. The elites won't be able to stop this evolution because the tech will be cheaper than actual women.

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