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SuicideFuel Tired of always being intellectually limited

Transcended Trucel

Transcended Trucel

Peace & Dharma ; Vishwaguru India!
Feb 16, 2019
Every attempt to grind. I hit a genetic limit. I can't over come it. My IQ too low. I can't defeat it. It caps my growth. It's too brutal. too unfair. I must eat crab legs like @Saysitsover and rot
Yup- that's what all those "hustle & grind" 'tards fail to understand. You have genetic mental limits in place since the moment of your conception which you are unable to overcome :blackpill:.
Yup- that's what all those "hustle & grind" 'tards fail to understand. You have genetic mental limits in place since the moment of your conception which you are unable to overcome :blackpill:.
Too many things I've tried. Nothing ever comes of most of them. at best I break even time/money wise. Real victories are Chad only.
Honestly, at some point you wonder whether or not being in an intellectual state like that of @Saysitsover is actually better. I'm surprised he even gives a shit about inceldom with him being functionally retarded. :lul:
Honestly, at some point you wonder whether or not being in an intellectual state like that of @Saysitsover is actually better. I'm surprised he even gives a shit about inceldom with him being functionally retarded. :lul:
true tbh. Life is too horrible already. Must be even more brutal at his level maybe.
Every attempt to dunk. I hit a genetic limit. I can't over come it. My height is too short. I can't defeat it. It caps my growth. It's too brutal. too unfair. I must eat crab legs like @Saysitsover and rot
What kind of grind?
I'm high IQ but have completely fried my brain with decades of isolation, porn addiction and staring into the internet void. I used to have an incredible memory and be very quick-witted. Now I literally can't even remember names or concentrate on the most simple tasks without spacing out and fucking things up. I regularly do retarded shit like put food onto cook without noticing the appliance isn't plugged in.

This is a semi-natural process, it's just massively expedited in my case. As you get older, your short-term memory and faculties turn to shit. So however stupid you are, if you're young your brain power is operating at a high level. There's a reason young people create all the good art in the world.
I feel the same way. I hate being a midwit. I hate having limitations on my capacity for higher reasoning and intelligence solely based on the fact that I’m a tropical nigger and we didn’t have as many selection pressures for intellect as the whites and Asians that lived in the north did. I would trade half or even three quarters of my entire lifespan with a higher power if I could be born with a superior IQ and become a mathematician, philosopher, and electrical engineer all at once. But I would also be more verbally articulate, have higher awareness of socio-manipulation tactics used by normie scum, and have a better quality of life in general from. II would leave behind a legacy and die like Mozart or Alexander the Great.

A study conducted by University College London which studied the relationship between levels of happiness and IQ scores, and it found that those in the range of 70-99 had the poorest levels of happiness while those in the 120-129 range had the happiest. I chalk this up to those with higher intelligence making informed choices that improve the quality of their lives, whereas it’s the opposite with the former group. This bleeds into income, socioeconomic status, health and affects your risk of developing psychiatric disorders.

It’s absolutely devastating and unfathomably cruel that one’s intelligence is almost entirely genetic because some people are born into life set up for failure while others will flourish because they lucked out on the roll of the genetic dice. And to make matters most, you can’t take away other people’s reproductive rights even if it’s reasonably justified like them having a high likelihood of giving birth to stupid offspring because it “infringes upon their autonomy” and would be cockblocked by human rights activists. The same way these human rights activists would cockblock germline genome editing on ethnics to make them better looking and smarter because ridding society of genetic differences that count as disease or defect is not an undeniable good to them, because we’re judging sone to be biologically inferior and clipping them away from us and the insidious, idea that some genes are inherently bad and contaminate the human gene pool, therefore people who carry them should not propagate and pass those genes on to their progeny enrages social activists because they want ethnics to continue suffering as slaves and for the scales of global power to be tipped towards one side. It increases social inequality

Purging undesirable human variations is wrong to them as it borders on eugenics, and our society needs diversity. Fucking scum. Gene editing technologies are a way to instrumentalist moralistic reductionist assumptions to them and when we categorize those as diseased, it’s seen as an act of social inequality of them.

. It’s because of them that fourty countries have either now banned or discouraged these genome editing practices and ethnics will continue suffering for centuries.

It’s all downhill after the age of twenty when you start losing plasticity, which is why many argue that it’s pointless to learn a new language or area of study after the age of twenty five, because you have missed the critical stages for learning and memory consolidation. Your chances of understanding C++ at the age of twenty five is slim to none for instance.
Yup white liberals/Jews are basically dooming billions of ethnics to be forced to live with subhuman shitskin diseased bodies. All because they cannot accept their racial privilege and allow gene editing research.

They'll have insurance cover tranny surgery. But not ethnics wanting to get leg lengthening or skin lightening etc. The sheer cognitive dissonance they have, is too great to even put into words.

Us ethnic trash are now doomed forever. Best hope we have is AI and UBI. Allowing us to cope a bit.
I would trade half or even three quarters of my entire lifespan with a higher power if I could be born with a superior IQ and become a mathematician, philosopher, and electrical engineer all at once

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