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Blackpill Tinder study..."male subjects liked 61.9% of female profiles, female subjects liked only 4.5% of male...

Brutal blackpill. I tried this one out with looksmaxed Blackops2cel and female Blackops2cel. I got 1 match with male on like a month. With the female one I had more than 99 in less than 2 minutes

Total ragefuel and suifuel
Brutal blackpill. I tried this one out with looksmaxed Blackops2cel and female Blackops2cel. I got 1 match with male on like a month. With the female one I had more than 99 in less than 2 minutes
Can you post the pic of the looksmaxed BO2Cel you used?
Can you post the pic of the looksmaxed BO2Cel you used?

FaceApp 15638256795712
It never even began for the average man.

So let's see:

-Men initiate sex more times.
-Women would only go for 5% of men.
-More men are becoming Involuntarily celibate (Women's rates are probably decreasing or not comparable to the growing number of Involuntarily celibate men).

I don't know how hard it is to put 2 and 2 together and realise that WOMEN are fucking the top men (Chads); no amount of effort/showering or whatever the average man does is enough/
What's interesting with these studies is that while it's true women do not like men at the same rate, this doesn't seem to affect their sexual activity. Studies do not specifically mention it (for whatever reason), but women are not having any trouble with sex. Of course, this means that women are basically in harem situation with top men. The women rotate and date and fuck the same few men at the top.
back in the day only one in 17 men passed on their genes. that's 5.8 percent of men. so the 95/5 rule is true in nature.
And there are people here so fucking delusional that they think most males are getting sex and that harems are a meme.

Males are programmed to act like they are getting laid to be shown as successful, they aren't even getting sex in marriage.
No amount of scientific evidence will convince IT of reality.

No amount of scientific evidence will convince a hardcore blue or redpilled individual either

Has there ever been scientific studies or analytics disproving the blackpill?
What's interesting with these studies is that while it's true women do not like men at the same rate, this doesn't seem to affect their sexual activity. Studies do not specifically mention it (for whatever reason), but women are not having any trouble with sex. Of course, this means that women are basically in harem situation with top men. The women rotate and date and fuck the same few men at the top.
Based legit
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Foidrights were a mistake
This needs to be posted on every street corner. Undeniable.
"normies can get laid through social circle broo"
wtf now I gotta throwaway 80/20?


95/5 it is
tbh i dont even think 95/5 is true

20 percent=human to women

5percent=what they're attracted to

.000000000000000000000000000000000000000001=what they want
wtf now I gotta throwaway 80/20?


95/5 it is
5 percent is the remainder after taking out 80 percent of the first 20 percent that was successful. It is the second step of the 80/20 rule. The third step will be 99/1 and it's coming fast.
Normies will ignore this and just keep pretending the blackpill is just "muh sexism"
I think that 80/20 rule was always just a little bit misunderstand. 80% of men are ugly in eyes of women, it doesn't mean that 20% are attractive. 80% from that top 20% are just seen as average, or 'ok' looking, and have chances in real life. 5% is creme de la creme, best of the best and those that women REALLY desire. But if you are in top 20% you still have chances, unless you are mentalcel. All of this is of course irrelevant to us, because(exluding fakecels) we are bottom 40% of looks. We don't even register as men in eyes of women
95% of males are confirmed incels soon.
This society can't go on like this
Time to uninstall tinder, but i never had it installed in the first place
time to uninstall myself from this world, i have never signed in for this ride
back in the day only one in 17 men passed on their genes. that's 5.8 percent of men. so the 95/5 rule is true in nature.
I've heard that before, got a source? I'd love to use it in an argument.
back in the day only one in 17 men passed on their genes. that's 5.8 percent of men. so the 95/5 rule is true in nature.
Grug Throw Rock. Make Killing on Rock Market.

You can see why Male Suicide is up. Marriage is actually the closest thing to a Mental Health Panacea for a Male as you can get.
i guess people really need to work on their personalities.
But remember, men and women are equal :feelsokman:
I can’t believe I actually had optimism when I first signed up for dating apps.
The very fact you had to resort to dating apps is indicative of a bigger problem.
Jfl if you're still trying in 2019
Just coping, but I always thought this community was too pessimistic. Lol, guess not.

With all seriousness, maybe everyone should go chadfishing to the point where women can no longer reliably find that top 4.5%, and stop using online dating. Some genius incel ought to make a deep fake chadfishbot, and let it loose like a virus. Black Monday for the tinderfoids. Pop the dotwhore bubble.
Brilliant idea
back in the day only one in 17 men passed on their genes. that's 5.8 percent of men. so the 95/5 rule is true in nature.
"Tinder isn't real life bro". Monogamy wasn't invented to keep women in line, it was invented to give men incentive not to rebel.
People still believe advanced sexbots and artificial wombs aren't coming lol. I see a trillion dollar market popping up in the next few years, and no amount of laws can stop it. People will literally go to war over it.
An underrated effect of sexbots will be that men will stop competing with each other for pussy, once again allowing for genuine friendships.
It's over, even redditers know it.

4,5% is small number it´s hard to believe, but yet it´s real. Shit is going to hit the fan soon and world will know.

It is over for many men
5 percent is the remainder after taking out 80 percent of the first 20 percent that was successful. It is the second step of the 80/20 rule. The third step will be 99/1 and it's coming fast.
Holy shit. 80/20 rules has already been thrown out?
The Chaderian Runaway is faster than anyone could think. We need to act quickly.
it's completely over.
1 in 20 men is attractive. foids being 13 times more picky than men. what the fuck can we do at all?

and then you have soyfags like this:
No they actually think women have it worse.

wtf did i just read. that fag has absolutely no clue what he is talking about.
it's soy overload. every female gets raped and abused reeeee!!!!
livin' in good old lala-land.
"Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpill"

- Hamudi
And the soycucks say personality matters, JFL.
I can’t believe I actually had optimism when I first signed up for dating apps.
Me too man. I did it a grand total of three times and I can't believe how foolish I as when I thought looksmaxxing would work.
Basically if you're good looking enough to beat those odds, everyone would be saying you look like a model, daily.

Yeah and then you certainly wouldn't need Tinder to find a foid. They would just throw themselves at you.
why im not surprised....
The guys who get interest from dating apps/sites don't even need to use them anyway. It's fucked. Plus foids are even pickier using these mediums than they are in real life.
This is exactly the outcome that the creators of Tinder wanted, if you think that Tinder was created just to be a dating app than you're dead wrong, it was created with the intention to further destroy society and it has succeeded in that goal. The creators of this fucking app should be [redacted] in a private Minecraft PvP server.

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