Life is constant fuark when blackpilled
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- Jun 14, 2018
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How have I come to this conclusion? Well I have been in discord and seen many people's faces who share space with us face, I have only seen 2 incels and one of them was due to the fact that he was 5'3". The rest were close to chadlites and high tier normies minimum, one of them even admitted having his cock sucked 3 times jfl. Also many people were 6' or taller, for all I know you can't be truly an incel if you are tall but that is an story for another time.
What 90% these people had in common is that they were sub8 theorists. Sub8 theory is a retarded theory, having its base supporters fakecels and larpers because it prevents them from being busted, Because I will be treated the same by girls if I were a 7 instead of a 5 or a 3, we are all sub8 AMIRITE FELLOW INCELS????
It s over for all the people here, literally so over I can't even!!!!!
The only thing true about sub8 theory is that if you are a normie and have something in the spectrum (be it burguers, autism or whatever) then you are quite fucked; still there is some hope left if you try hard enough because you aren't a disgusting walking uggo disgrace of human being. If you support sub8 theory you are a larper, no questions asked.
Why is this community filled with fakecels and underage retards? Well, simple: males don't have male spaces anymore. Our schools are filled with women, our videogames are filled with women and sjw propaganda, academia is filled with women, everywhere you go there is women and women AND WOMEN AND MORE FUCKING WOMEN. This forum and some discords server are the only thing males have left, for now there aren't females and they shunned, we can vent. But I dare to say, if males spaces were brought back, if old black ops 1 or battlefield 3 were brought back, if 75% of apex legends & fortnite characters weren't strong womyn, if women were kicked out of male schools, if the females would stop flooding our forums and servers for attention, 90% of people here would leave this place and scatter around to the spaces where they belong to (be it a shooter game or pokemon forum). The only thing that ties this community together is the fact that it is one of the few male spaces left and hence edgy teenagers come here (instead of tf2 voice chat where they originally belonged to), hence chadlites come here (instead of wherever they belong to, some right wing or mgtow forum without females allowed I guess), that is why this community is filled with larpers, because they just want some male space to vent in.
Until male spaces are brought back the community will only get filled with more and more larpers seeking a place where they somewhat belong to. There is a very real male crisis going on when chadlites and normies (which hate us btw, they don't want to share space with us; one of the chadlites I met hates aspies just because of reasons, THEY DON'T LIKE US, THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WITH US, THEY AREN'T INCEL LIKE WE ARE) need to share space with uggos and autists they hate, just because they have nowhere to go.
What 90% these people had in common is that they were sub8 theorists. Sub8 theory is a retarded theory, having its base supporters fakecels and larpers because it prevents them from being busted, Because I will be treated the same by girls if I were a 7 instead of a 5 or a 3, we are all sub8 AMIRITE FELLOW INCELS????
The only thing true about sub8 theory is that if you are a normie and have something in the spectrum (be it burguers, autism or whatever) then you are quite fucked; still there is some hope left if you try hard enough because you aren't a disgusting walking uggo disgrace of human being. If you support sub8 theory you are a larper, no questions asked.
Why is this community filled with fakecels and underage retards? Well, simple: males don't have male spaces anymore. Our schools are filled with women, our videogames are filled with women and sjw propaganda, academia is filled with women, everywhere you go there is women and women AND WOMEN AND MORE FUCKING WOMEN. This forum and some discords server are the only thing males have left, for now there aren't females and they shunned, we can vent. But I dare to say, if males spaces were brought back, if old black ops 1 or battlefield 3 were brought back, if 75% of apex legends & fortnite characters weren't strong womyn, if women were kicked out of male schools, if the females would stop flooding our forums and servers for attention, 90% of people here would leave this place and scatter around to the spaces where they belong to (be it a shooter game or pokemon forum). The only thing that ties this community together is the fact that it is one of the few male spaces left and hence edgy teenagers come here (instead of tf2 voice chat where they originally belonged to), hence chadlites come here (instead of wherever they belong to, some right wing or mgtow forum without females allowed I guess), that is why this community is filled with larpers, because they just want some male space to vent in.
Until male spaces are brought back the community will only get filled with more and more larpers seeking a place where they somewhat belong to. There is a very real male crisis going on when chadlites and normies (which hate us btw, they don't want to share space with us; one of the chadlites I met hates aspies just because of reasons, THEY DON'T LIKE US, THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WITH US, THEY AREN'T INCEL LIKE WE ARE) need to share space with uggos and autists they hate, just because they have nowhere to go.
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