Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

It's Over Those who unironically say in sub8 theory is real are larpers, the "incel community" is not made up of incels



Life is constant fuark when blackpilled
Jun 14, 2018
How have I come to this conclusion? Well I have been in discord and seen many people's faces who share space with us face, I have only seen 2 incels and one of them was due to the fact that he was 5'3". The rest were close to chadlites and high tier normies minimum, one of them even admitted having his cock sucked 3 times jfl. Also many people were 6' or taller, for all I know you can't be truly an incel if you are tall but that is an story for another time.

What 90% these people had in common is that they were sub8 theorists. Sub8 theory is a retarded theory, having its base supporters fakecels and larpers because it prevents them from being busted, Because I will be treated the same by girls if I were a 7 instead of a 5 or a 3, we are all sub8 AMIRITE FELLOW INCELS????
It s over for all the people here, literally so over I can't even!!!!!

The only thing true about sub8 theory is that if you are a normie and have something in the spectrum (be it burguers, autism or whatever) then you are quite fucked; still there is some hope left if you try hard enough because you aren't a disgusting walking uggo disgrace of human being. If you support sub8 theory you are a larper, no questions asked.

Why is this community filled with fakecels and underage retards? Well, simple: males don't have male spaces anymore. Our schools are filled with women, our videogames are filled with women and sjw propaganda, academia is filled with women, everywhere you go there is women and women AND WOMEN AND MORE FUCKING WOMEN. This forum and some discords server are the only thing males have left, for now there aren't females and they shunned, we can vent. But I dare to say, if males spaces were brought back, if old black ops 1 or battlefield 3 were brought back, if 75% of apex legends & fortnite characters weren't strong womyn, if women were kicked out of male schools, if the females would stop flooding our forums and servers for attention, 90% of people here would leave this place and scatter around to the spaces where they belong to (be it a shooter game or pokemon forum). The only thing that ties this community together is the fact that it is one of the few male spaces left and hence edgy teenagers come here (instead of tf2 voice chat where they originally belonged to), hence chadlites come here (instead of wherever they belong to, some right wing or mgtow forum without females allowed I guess), that is why this community is filled with larpers, because they just want some male space to vent in.

Until male spaces are brought back the community will only get filled with more and more larpers seeking a place where they somewhat belong to. There is a very real male crisis going on when chadlites and normies (which hate us btw, they don't want to share space with us; one of the chadlites I met hates aspies just because of reasons, THEY DON'T LIKE US, THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WITH US, THEY AREN'T INCEL LIKE WE ARE) need to share space with uggos and autists they hate, just because they have nowhere to go.
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Being an 8 allows you to slay without putting in any effort at all. You'll have foids approaching you constantly and you are pretty safe from being cucked.
Saying you have to be an 8 to get laid is super retarded though. NTmaxxed 5/10s can get average barsluts.
too long but i did read very based and high iq thread op but it really depends on what you define "sub8 theory" imo 8+ are chads 5-7 are normies-chadlites and sub 5 are incels (fakecels,mentalcels,normalcels,truecels) normies and chadlites do get laid but not as much as 8+ chads maybe some low tier normie fakecels from sub 5 too
Who are these dudes? I want names, so I know who to not take seriously anymore.
They’re just run off from Lookism / puahate community. They’re not incels, they just like being here.
Who are these dudes? I want names, so I know who to not take seriously anymore.
Lurk more pls
Well you should know AM, ER, knajjd, and the kid from the documentary. I think itsover is up there as well
Everyone should date his/her lookmatch. I'm tired of Chads getting drunk in the Saturday night and fucking women several points belove them. This gives foids an insane amount of ego and they will ignore their lookmatchs. Now even landwhales want Chad cock only.
Foto apagar

INCEL for many have to look like this! Do not complain about twinks mods.
That is a truecel, incels and truecels are not the same.

There is a lot of competition for those who are more incel here. Forget the dickpill (which can end up with a chad, the mentalcelpill (be from 5 to 6/7 and not be extroverted), etc.
Lurk more pls
Well you should know AM, ER, knajjd, and the kid from the documentary. I think itsover is up there as well
I know knajjd, Zyros, ER and AM.
The rest, no idea.
i been knowing this. sub8 theory is just justification for LARP

"I'm a 6/10, i'm not chad its over for me" :feelsseriously:
Sub 8 theory is yrue for slaying imo. For LTRs or occasional fucks you can be 6+ and it would work. Below that and betabux is the only way.
"I'm a 6/10, i'm not chad its over for me" :feelsseriously:
If it is a chad10 / 10 with 1 inch of penis up to 4.5 it is finished unless it becomes gay passive (which did not even have to be all that to speak the truth).
sad and true. the meaning of "incel" is slowly unifying all the people who are against feminism and political correctness.
so the real factor that made someone an incel(ugliness) is slolwly becoming irrelevant.
Sub 8 theory is yrue for slaying imo. For LTRs or occasional fucks you can be 6+ and it would work. Below that and betabux is the only way.
hahahahahaha I'm a 6 it's a over for me as for a 4 because we are both sub8 amirite hahahahah
the real factor that made someone an incel(ugliness) is slolwly becoming irrelevant
(which hate us btw, they don't want to share space with us; one of the chadlites I met hates aspies just because of reasons

I've seen caretakers looking after people with severe autism, etc. These caretakers aren't fooling anyone, they hate these disabled people with a passion. Remember that we are a species that used to abandon disabled babies, leaving them at the mercy of the elements, or we threw them off a cliff or buried them alive.

That said, it's true, many guys who call themselves incel are not exactly unattractive compared to others (Heck, they even look better than some MGTOW who show their faces). However, some have speculated that these guys are just fishing for female attention, so you never know.

Personally, it doesn't bother me that much.
Just lol at that picture of FACEandLMS. It’s the first clear photo I’ve seen of him and surprise surprise he’s not even ugly.
've seen caretakers looking after people with severe autism, etc. These caretakers aren't fooling anyone, they hate these disabled people with a passion.
I'm making a thread on thar rn too, no real incel would hate aspies or autists, they are fellow comrades.

Hating aspies or autists = automatic fakecel
I know this might go againts the blackpill, but there is a certain share of truth in "looks aren't everything". Sure if you are a 8/10 you will probably be slaying without problem even if you are a high tier aspie, but who is someone who is a 6/10, has any sort of mental problem or is simply akward as fuck with girls less of an incel?
Fucking cage Invisible with the moustache.
Really high quality post.It does make sense that men would find a new male only space.
I'll say it again
(Not including escortcels or severely retarded mentalcels)
I'll say it again
(Not including escortcels or severely retarded mentalcels)
Chadlites OUT
Sub8 theory is a retarded theory, having its base supporters fakecels and larpers because it prevents them from being busted, Because I will be treated the same by girls if I were a 7 instead of a 5 or a 3, we are all sub8 AMIRITE FELLOW INCELS????
Well put
tfw everyone in that pic mogs me
There is a lot of competition for those who are more incel here.
incels.is elitism summarized
i wish i didnt even need this forum to cope and im not proud a single bit about it
postmaxxers are the larpest of the larpers
sad and true. the meaning of "incel" is slowly unifying all the people who are against feminism and political correctness.
so the real factor that made someone an incel(ugliness) is slolwly becoming irrelevant.
Yeah, that’s the way it’s going unfortunately. We had and to the day still have many members that fall into this category and that number will only continue to rise
Incel.is is full of fakecels and larping Chadlite. :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:

Let's all go back to inceltears, real home of the trucels. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:
Who will perform better?
A) Chad with ASSburgers
B) Low tier normie
too long but i did read very based and high iq thread op but it really depends on what you define "sub8 theory" imo 8+ are chads 5-7 are normies-chadlites and sub 5 are incels (fakecels,mentalcels,normalcels,truecels) normies and chadlites do get laid but not as much as 8+ chads maybe some low tier normie fakecels from sub 5 too
There is a lot of competition for those who are more incel here. Forget the dickpill (which can end up with a chad, the mentalcelpill (be from 5 to 6/7 and not be extroverted), etc.

tfw everyone in that pic mogs me

incels.is elitism summarized
i wish i didnt even need this forum to cope and im not proud a single bit about it
postmaxxers are the larpest of the larpers

I've said it once & I'll say it again. They'll bring in an inverted bragging rule.
Just lol at that picture of FACEandLMS. It’s the first clear photo I’ve seen of him and surprise surprise he’s not even ugly.
Is he the blackguy in the top-left?
Sub 8 theory is yrue for slaying imo. For LTRs or occasional fucks you can be 6+ and it would work. Below that and betabux is the only way.

Yes. Agreed.
Incel.is is full of fakecels and larping Chadlite. :cryfeels::cryfeels::cryfeels:

Let's all go back to inceltears, real home of the trucels. :feelsthink::feelsthink::feelsthink:

ROFLMAO. Just paying them back in their own currency.
sad and true. the meaning of "incel" is slowly unifying all the people who are against feminism and political correctness.
so the real factor that made someone an incel(ugliness) is slolwly becoming irrelevant.

Pretty much this. Nail. On. The. Head. Why SJWs hate us with an unusual disproportionate number.
Yes the one in the hoodie.

@FACEandLMS You better be Non-NT otherwise you're a fakecel.
If you've actually tried getting women and have been rejected in every possible way then the bar is even higher than i thought.
tbh I think it's less about "femoids invading male space" And more about finding a place where you can
be honest with other people (without LARPERS) and share how miserable we all are.
Pretty much all the pics consist of weird-looking guys. Not ugly per se, just weird. Looking weird is as bad as being ugly.
@FACEandLMS You better be Non-NT otherwise you're a fakecel.
If you've actually tried getting women and have been rejected in every possible way then the bar is even higher than i thought.

I am more-or-less NT. Obviously, I'm not as confident and outgoing as the average man who got some positive reinforcement but I am pretty sociable given my awful looks. A man of my looks should be a school-shooter or making autistic vlogs in his car (instead I make HQ autistic videos on a PC).
I remember when that Zephen Xaver bloke went ER a while back a bunch of people were vehemently claiming he was incel when he had an ex girlfriend.
Sub8 theory is cope, “Normie sexhavers are as bad as me because we’re both not Chads.” Conversely allows, as you said, the justification of larpers to associate with 40year old KHVs
Doesn’t matter. Most of us are sub 5-6 anyway.
I said this before i think to you who were at the time propagating sub8 theory.
I am more-or-less NT. Obviously, I'm not as confident and outgoing as the average man who got some positive reinforcement but I am pretty sociable given my awful looks. A man of my looks should be a school-shooter or making autistic vlogs in his car (instead I make HQ autistic videos on a PC).
lol at this shameless self-promotion
Sub8 theorist are the first ones who get banned for being caught bragging about their sexual experiences just like this user below
lol at this shameless self-promotion

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