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LifeFuel This roastie has hit the wall and is demanding the same guys she got 20 years ago



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
This bitch went to Hollywood and made it. But like many others, she lost it. She now works as a cocktail waitress in Los Angeles. As well as writing these shitty articles. She was cute once, dating big shots. She is still chasing those same big shots she dated 20 years ago.

Bad Dates Are Ruining My Self-Esteem
I’ve been single a while and I’m trying to get back into the dating game, but it’s kinda hard when I’m happier not even bothering. Why would I want to do something that makes me feel so bad? I know that’s how it goes, but it’s still tough to muster up the motivation.

1. I can’t meet anyone in real life. I’m trying my hardest to make an authentic connection with someone but it’s difficult out there. People in my city barely even make eye contact, let alone strike up conversation. It’s like I don’t exist. I don’t know if it’s any better anywhere else, but I can’t exactly pick up my whole life and move just for the dating scene, right?

2. Dating apps are so frustrating. I don’t like using them because they’re the worst. I always feel like crap about myself when I’m on them. Even if I match with someone, the chance of us actually making it to a date is always slim to none. It makes me feel like a sub-par option in the minds of men.

3. I can barely get anyone to talk to me. This goes for real life and dating apps alike. I’m never the girl who gets approached at the bar, but I’m also never the girl who gets asked out online. I don’t understand it. Are they all lazy or do I just not seem worth the effort? I try to maintain a positive attitude but it’s tough.

4. Even if I make it to a date, I get super nervous. I try not to put too much stress on it, but the actual dates happen so rarely that it’s impossible not to attach some importance to them. After all, a date is practically a special occasion in my life. I would love to go on more so this isn’t the case, but it’s not happening for me.

5. I tell myself it’s not a big deal, but I can’t help worrying. I can try to calm myself down all day long, but that doesn’t mean it’ll actually happen. I get excited in spite of myself, and then if the date goes well, I get my hopes up even though I tell myself I shouldn’t. Then, when inevitably it doesn’t work out, I feel terrible about everything.

6. If a dude doesn’t keep talking to me, I get frustrated. I’m aware that oftentimes it has nothing to do with me, but that doesn’t make me feel better. It especially sucks when I think there’s a good connection but the guy, for whatever reason, doesn’t. Yes, that’s life, but it bums me out regardless.

7. I never meet anyone who cares enough to try. I can only tell myself that this has nothing to do with me for so long. I try to keep my self-esteem healthy, but dating is really messing with my ability to do so. When one guy after another is too lazy to date me, it’s hard to believe it’s not something to do with me.

8. If I make it to a second date, it’s shocking. Seriously—it rarely ever happens, and if it does, I never make it to a third. Even if I end up liking them enough to continue, they never want to go any further. Then I feel even more idiotic for thinking that we hit it off.

9. The guys I like never like me back. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. My sense of what chemistry looks like must be completely off because when I think it’s going great, they inevitably tell me they’re not into it. I can’t help but think I’m completely out of touch.

10. I get too hyped up when I’m into someone. It’s so exhilarating to finally meet a guy who isn’t super lame that I get too invested too fast. I do my best not to make that mistake but it happens anyway and then I end up feeling let down. I know it’s bad, but it’s like a trainwreck that I just can’t stop.

11. I feel like a tiny fish in a huge pond. It should be a great thing to have a lot of options, but it hasn’t worked out that way for me. It just means that no one takes anything seriously with me because there are a million other girls right around the corner. I don’t like feeling disposable.

12. There are so many options that no one wants to make an effort. I don’t know why! Just because there are other people out there doesn’t mean that we should all be lazy about dating. I’ve never been someone who’s lazy about dating simply because I figure there’ll always be another choice out there.

13. I know I’m a good person, but I’m not finding a match. I’ll be the first to admit that I need a particular kind of guy—at least I know it. I don’t think I’m the most amazing catch in the entire world, but I know I have worth. Not finding anyone else who thinks the same is hurting that sense of worth, unfortunately.

14. At this point, it’s easiest not to date at all. It really seems like the best thing most of the time. I get lonely, but at least I don’t feel like I’m not good enough for anyone. I’m happier single than constantly trying to get some guy I don’t even like much to want me back.

Haven't I seen that snobby, feminist looking mug of hers before somewhere?
let me guess: she messages chads in their early 20s who mog her by about 6 gorillion PSL points
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Hahaha, hahahahahahaha. Oh I love this, roastie cant get her Chads anymore and is having a total mental breakdown. Just imagine if she had it as bad as we do.

"Single AF and thats okay!" So why are you on reddit crying about it???? Cope
There's a new trend of girls now attention whoring about being "single as fucck and that's ok" (as she says). They even sell poorly written books and advices to other frustrated middle aged foids who still feel entitled to very young giga Chads.

If it was "ok" for you madam, you wouldn't be attention whoring like that in the first place.
Fuckhole justice. It's just going to get worse honey. And because you're a cock-addicted whore, you'll be 60 with a dry, empty cunt, still thirstily looking at young Chads. Save up your waitressing tips and maybe you'll be able to afford a desperate young bartender. It'll still get worse, because one day you'll be 80 in a nursing home looking at some guy's grandson and in a nervous breakdown start walkering around without your diaper just praying like a junkie scratching a lotto ticket that his dick will somehow land in your geriatric twat.
She still has more options than the average lifemaxxed guy in his prime.
13. I know I’m a good person
Hahaha, hahahahahahaha. Oh I love this, roastie cant get her Chads anymore and is having a total mental breakdown. Just imagine if she had it as bad as we do.

"Single AF and thats okay!" So why are you on reddit crying about it???? Cope

I Miss Sex, But It’s Not Worth The BS That Comes Along With It

I haven’t had sex in, well, let’s just call it a very long time. It seriously sucks, but on the other hand, sex comes with baggage. I’ve definitely regretted some of my past decisions, which is why I’ve become basically celibate these days—not to mention frustrated AF.

4. I don’t want to catch feelings. It’s an impossible situation. If I’m not into the person, the sex isn’t going to be very good. If I am into the person, that creates a whole mess of trouble. I don’t want to fall for someone who doesn’t want me, and even if the attraction is mutual, it seems like a headache to try to start a relationship right now.

5. Casual sex isn’t realistic for me. I’ve tried it, trust me—it never ends well. Every time I tell myself I can manage a no strings attached scenario, one of us wants more and then things get complicated. I’ve been burned by it enough to know that I simply shouldn’t even attempt to sleep with someone I’m not dating.

11. I’m afraid I’ll get attached and then I’ll get hurt. I am simply not in a place where I can deal with having my heart broken, and I feel like having sex with someone will inevitably lead to disaster. It’s pretty difficult to sleep with anyone on a regular basis and not get attached. I’m a very emotional and loving person. It’s going to happen, and then I’ll get pulverized.

12. I don’t trust men at all when it comes to sex. I know for a fact that there are many guys out there who will do and say anything in order to get laid. With all the bad experiences that I’ve had (and that my friends have had), why would I even want to go there? Yeah, I need sex too, but not badly enough to get screwed over or taken for a fool.

13. I always get disappointed one way or another. I don’t mean to sound pessimistic, but it’s the truth! If I try to stay closed off emotionally and have sex, I feel unfulfilled and dissatisfied. If I decide to be brave and let vulnerability enter the equation, I almost always end up attached to someone I shouldn’t care about and then getting my heart broken. A little bit of sex simply isn’t worth it.
2018 07 22 094032

What a horrid looking bitch.
What she feels is me for my whole miserable existence.
What she feels is me for my whole miserable existence.
Hahaha, hahahahahahaha. Oh I love this, roastie cant get her Chads anymore and is having a total mental breakdown. Just imagine if she had it as bad as we do.

"Single AF and thats okay!" So why are you on reddit crying about it???? Cope

she is the literal definition of cope. chad no longer wants her roast flaps so she damage controls it with the cliche "i dont need no man, they aint shit, go hold your own guuuuuuuuuurls."
Fuckhole justice. It's just going to get worse honey. And because you're a cock-addicted whore, you'll be 60 with a dry, empty cunt, still thirstily looking at young Chads. Save up your waitressing tips and maybe you'll be able to afford a desperate young bartender. It'll still get worse, because one day you'll be 80 in a nursing home looking at some guy's grandson and in a nervous breakdown start walkering around without your diaper just praying like a junkie scratching a lotto ticket that his dick will somehow land in your geriatric twat.

so eloquently put

View attachment 29455

What a horrid looking bitch.

shes aight tbh. strong resemblance to dani daniels
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I'd smash her in a second.
Oh well.

Think of it this way. Incels have been talking about their experiences in a similar fashion as the woman in that post, but they're called entitled misogynists.

Life goes on...
Boo hoo, Chad doesnt want to fuck her anymore
Bad dates = not chad dating
Fucking disgusting bitch, she should be killed on sight for being such horrid slut.
She got roles in Hollywood movies you idiot. Do you think it's something easy to pull off?

She probably made less than $50k from acting in her entire life. Almost certainly even less than $10k. Most low budget films will barely pay you, if at all, to act in them, since they treat it like "resume material".

"Making it" in Hollywood would mean quitting your day job and making a full time living from acting over the course of a career. She absolutely never would have been able to do that.

Read it while listening to this.
Her suffering must be exquisite, you knew what it was to have it all and now you have nothing.
The reality there are plenty of guys with a heavy income that would betabuxx her in a second even though she looks like hagged out shit--and she still rejects them for being subChad.

Um sweetie, maybe stop making looks your priority and maybe you'll find someone who you can actually get a budding relationship with.

Or keep looking for gigaChad until your cunt completely withers.
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Nothin better than post-wall roastie tears.
Nothin better than post-wall roastie tears.
7. I never meet anyone who cares enough to try. I can only tell myself that this has nothing to do with me for so long. I try to keep my self-esteem healthy, but dating is really messing with my ability to do so. When one guy after another is too lazy to date me, it’s hard to believe it’s not something to do with me.

9. The guys I like never like me back. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. My sense of what chemistry looks like must be completely off because when I think it’s going great, they inevitably tell me they’re not into it. I can’t help but think I’m completely out of touch.


Where is that Twitter screenshot of the woman shutting men out of her flat saying: "I'm so lonely" then the femoid commenter says: "I know that feel. It's not about getting male attention but the right kind" etc.

Women = Would be getting raped daily if not for men building societies.
ME ME ME ME ME. It's always about ME.

Boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a damn river.
IncelTears should tell her she's not entitled to a relationship.
How fucked up is it that cucks feel pity for this used up roastie whining that she can't get Chad (still has a sex life and options at least) yet feel no sympathy whatsoever for incels who can't get ANYTHING at all. Cucks are actually a lot like working class rednecks who feel sympathy for rich CEO's that had to sell a yacht because profits aren't what they used to be. They just don't realize it.

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