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Venting This looks cope needs to stop

Ain't that right?
I only know that most of my guy classmates in high school were incels and that most of those are or have been in a LTR by now. But who knows, you may be an exception.
Considering your face, i'd say height is cope if you were 5ft6 or above.... but 5ft4 is a bit excessive.
Your face mogs knajids, he's like the short pretty boy qt and you have the "gigaChad-esque meme" tier face
Seriously? I can not believe this, I need to see the face.
Looksmaxxed I am a 6/10. Autism may be true but in my job I do 3 hour presentations in front of 50 people and my ratings are amongst the best so my autism can not be too strong.
Top 20% of men get 80% of the sex.

Middle 60% of men get 20% of the sex.

Bottom 20% of men get nothing.
It's known that normies get gfs , but you're ignoring the fact that no matter what, soon or later, they Will fuck the first Chad that gives her some attention.
I see this shitty narrative being displayed way too often on this website lately.

You do not have to be an 8 to get women or have them "love" you for that matter. Being a Chadlite is not "not enough" for women, if you're a legit Chadlite, women go crazy for you.

Most guys get laid, especially above average looking guys (6+).

The reason you are here is not because you are sub 8, but because you're butt ugly or too ugly to make up for your autism. Stop coping and thinking that above average sub 8 males have huge issues in the dating world (they don't).

I think this is a cope for guys who think they are above average and still get no action but really aren't, so they make up this false narrative that decent looking guys are struggling in the dating scene.
140iq post
Yea, a 6 who's NT can get laid.

There's a problem though: contrary to what it's often presumed, changing your personality is much harder than changing your looks (and changing the second is not easy!). I'd rather spend all my effort trying to improve my looks than trying to change my personality. Once diminishing returns hits hard, I'll consider personality gains.
And the 80/20 rule. forgot about that?
That applies to the highly specific and relatively small cross section of Tinder and online dating, where the competition is fierce and side by side (literally), and users are on there for the expressed purpose of having meaningless hookups, where looks are obviously the only thing that matters and all of the other factors that ppl consider when selecting a long term relationship are utterly irrelevant. Whatever the case, It's certainly not a catch-all panacea that represents all of human relationships. You only need to go outside occasionally and watch all of the couples going by to know that.
I only know that most of my guy classmates in high school were incels and that most of those are or have been in a LTR by now. But who knows, you may be an exception.
I see this shitty narrative being displayed way too often on this website lately.

You do not have to be an 8 to get women or have them "love" you for that matter. Being a Chadlite is not "not enough" for women, if you're a legit Chadlite, women go crazy for you.

Most guys get laid, especially above average looking guys (6+).

The reason you are here is not because you are sub 8, but because you're butt ugly or too ugly to make up for your autism. Stop coping and thinking that above average sub 8 males have huge issues in the dating world (they don't).

I think this is a cope for guys who think they are above average and still get no action but really aren't, so they make up this false narrative that decent looking guys are struggling in the dating scene.
How can you deny it though when you are a literal example of what you're saying is wrong

I think this is a cope for guys who think they are above average and still get no action but really aren't, so they make up this false narrative that decent looking guys are struggling in the dating scene.

This is true. Also copers who are above average but lack the basic social requirements to try ascend.
If you ever went to a club you'd see that even 5/10 guys get laid easily. The world isn't that black and white that girls only go for chads/chadlites and normies get cucked. The problem is you guys aren't 5/10 but 3/10 and if 'game' or 'personality' counts than people get decreased to 1/10 here.

If you never tried 100% to get laid you can't call yourself black-pilled tbh tbh bh bh
Women ma
so women will lower their standards to officially date a guy, to show off to her friends and family, walk around in public with and possibly have children with, but will raise their standards to have no strings attached sex with a guy they will never meet again and nobody will ever know they fucked.

See the problem with your logic?

If anything women are even more picky when it comes to who they date than who they hook up with. They won´t date their looksmatch unless he is the absolute best option she can get in terms of status and money. You make it sound like all you need to do is be able to carry a conversation and your looksmatch will want to date you. It doesn´t work that way in the real world.
make themselves easily available for guys that they want cause they know they have alot of competition.

Which is why they're at bars and parties in the first place. The goal there is to be as available for a pickup as possible.

When in real life they need to present themselves as stable. They know most men aren't like the ones at parties. They play two different personalitie.

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