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Venting This looks cope needs to stop

set up an online profile of a 6/10 male and see all the women go crazy for him.

All I need to do is leave the house to see the blackpill in action. Most guys are dating down, most obese girls have in shape boyfriends. When I make an online profile of an ugly girl I get hundreds of messages a week from lonely guys, a lot of them chadlites and some chads. When I go to bars/clubs I see hordes of guys going home alone night after night.

This "every male gets laid except for us" is a cope at best. Most guys on here suffer from depression and are addicted to pain, so they try to put themselves down any chanc they get. Truth is only a tiny fraction of guys are fucking attractive girls while everyone else has to betabux and date down significantly. Women have complete control over the dating market.
High IQ post right there.

Above average guys can only rake in fatty whale pussy. Fuck, all a roastie needs to be is not fat to be an instant 6/10+ that considers herself out of the majority of guys league. Guys generally date below themselves while women date heavily up (Only exceptions being when money, fame or power is involved). Tinder teaches this lesson in the most painful way possible. Go create a profile for a 9/10 guy and watch how you get matched with virtually every slut on there, and you can literally open with lines like "Hey Babe want sum fuk?" and you'll get the majority of their numbers, then go create a profile for a 6-7/10 guy and watch how you match with 2-3 women a day (If you're lucky) who will ghost you or try to worm a free meal and a nice bar out of you, THEN create a profile for a totally average guy and watch how you get 2-3 matches a week.

Genetics is a giant, possibly the biggest factor that people love to play down. Average guys aren't having wild sex lives with scores of attractive or moderately attractive women, they're having bleak and boring sex lives but just ignore it because they get laid 1 night out of 50 and focus purely on that single night, or they are having lots of sex but it's with drunken whales that they found eating chips off a bus station floor at 4am that agreed to fuck because he offered a kebab and a bed for the night.

The dating social value is fucked beyond any form of repair.
Seems autistic to interpret the sub8 argument meaning that no one below a sub8 ever has sex. I see the argument as anyone below a sub8 is fucked from a hypergamy standpoint, because whatever relationship you managed to forge with a woman is always going to be under extreme pressure from the runaway hypergamy that has permeated all of society. There is nothing you can do to combat this pressure, besides being 8+.
and even if your 8+ there could be another chad/lite who is on the same lookscale as you but has more in material wealth or status then he steals your bitch...
your gonna have to bring more to the table if you want a looksmatch gf.

do you have money you can bribe her with spend on her?
do you have a huge social circle that adores you?
do you have some sort of status in your profession or in your community?
do you have some sort of mental or emotional manipulation ability you can use on her?

your skin color is working against you and since your into communism i doubt you can thugmaxx. this will be very interesting. good luck

>fairly close
meaning one of them is better looking than the other.
Well, that's the thing. As a guy, you have to bring more to the table than just your face, which is what most people on here don't seem to grasp. Unless you're a demigod in looks, just relying on your face will get you nowhere.
your gonna have to bring more to the table if you want a looksmatch gf.

do you have money you can bribe her with spend on her?
do you have a huge social circle that adores you?
do you have some sort of status in your profession or in your community?
do you have some sort of mental or emotional manipulation ability you can use on her?

your skin color is working against you and since your into communism i doubt you can thugmaxx. this will be very interesting. good luck
Of course you need to be an functional member of the society to be 6/10 and get a 6/10 girl... i dont deny it.

Im 5/10 (looksmaxxed) and i cant have GF due to me being Non-NT AF, poor and unemployed. But i have plans to escape.
I see this shitty narrative being displayed way too often on this website lately.

You do not have to be an 8 to get women or have them "love" you for that matter. Being a Chadlite is not "not enough" for women, if you're a legit Chadlite, women go crazy for you.

Most guys get laid, especially above average looking guys (6+).

The reason you are here is not because you are sub 8, but because you're butt ugly or too ugly to make up for your autism. Stop coping and thinking that above average sub 8 males have huge issues in the dating world (they don't).

I think this is a cope for guys who think they are above average and still get no action but really aren't, so they make up this false narrative that decent looking guys are struggling in the dating scene.

You need to be an 8+/10

If you want to have true success on ONLINE DATING

This is the internet brotha
and even if your 8+ there could be another chad/lite who is on the same lookscale as you but has more in material wealth or status then he steals your bitch...
There are enough bitches around and 8+ are rare. The better looking you are, the lower of a chance you get cheated on.
You need to be an 8+/10

If you want to have true success on ONLINE DATING

This is the internet brotha
Well, we shouldn't rely solely on online dating. And I don't believe you need to be an 8 to do well there. Although, the better looking you are, the better you will do.
There needs to be an age limit on this website so anyone that admits to be younger than 25 gets banned.
no. the more who take the blackpill the better. i would even go so far as to say primary schoolboys need the blackpill as part of their curriculum.
There are enough bitches around and 8+ are rare. The better looking you are, the lower of a chance you get cheated on.

Well, we shouldn't rely solely on online dating. And I don't believe you need to be an 8 to do well there. Although, the better looking you are, the better you will do.
yeah, let´s rather rely on OPs anecdotes.
There are enough bitches around and 8+ are rare. The better looking you are, the lower of a chance you get cheated on.
i agree an 8+ man shouldnt fear anyone who is uglier than him stealing his girl. but the real insecurities come when another 8+ man is around you and has more than you. remember that CEO of bodybuilding.com getting cucked by Dan Brazilian? he fucked his bitch in his gucci flip flops :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
yeah, let´s rather rely on OPs anecdotes.

The vast majority of men are having sex every single year. Stop coping and realize that we are all subhuman bottom of the bottom trash.
yeah, let´s rather rely on OPs anecdotes.
Dating and hooking up are not the same thing. While some hookups lead to relationships, most of them are formed through social circle or in the workplace. It's a "warm approach" as to say. You two get to know each other, you like each other and you eventually go out. The looks requirements are not as high as in when a foid is swiping on thousands of guys on her phone in order to have some sex with no strings attached. Of course she doesn't give a shit about how the guy's personality is if she is just going to fuck him. You can't fuck someone's personality.
I had sex with a hooker last week. Guess I´m not part of the 14%.
The vast majority of male virgins will never seek out a prostitute, so I bet you don't mud the statistics too much.
this thread is garbage.

no one is disputing the fact were genetic deadends but to ignore sub 8 males being unable to looksmatch with a girl and having to go lower and lower on the lookscale while having to improve themselves higher and higher in order to get laid is fucking foolish.
I had sex with a hooker last week. Guess I´m not part of the 14%.
Prostitution would be a multi trillion dollar industry if you think that how about 60% of men get all their sex.
Dating and hooking up are not the same thing. While some hookups lead to relationships, most of them are formed through social circle or in the workplace. It's a "warm approach" as to say. You two get to know each other, you like each other and you eventually go out. The looks requirements are not as high as in when a foid is swiping on thousands of guys on her phone in order to have some sex with no strings attached. Of course she doesn't give a shit about how the guy's personality is if she is just going to fuck him. You can't fuck someone's personality.
so women will lower their standards to officially date a guy, to show off to her friends and family, walk around in public with and possibly have children with, but will raise their standards to have no strings attached sex with a guy they will never meet again and nobody will ever know they fucked.

See the problem with your logic?

If anything women are even more picky when it comes to who they date than who they hook up with. They won´t date their looksmatch unless he is the absolute best option she can get in terms of status and money. You make it sound like all you need to do is be able to carry a conversation and your looksmatch will want to date you. It doesn´t work that way in the real world.
this thread is garbage.

no one is disputing the fact were genetic deadends but to ignore sub 8 males being unable to looksmatch with a girl and having to go lower and lower on the lookscale while having to improve themselves higher and higher in order to get laid is fucking foolish.
strawmen. So many users here are saying "its over if sub8, 7's may as well be a 2" and that is absolute garbage.
so women will lower their standards to officially date a guy
Yes. It seems like that is the case from what I've seen. I am not saying that foids will go out of their way to date guys who are less attractive than them, but most of them will date a guy fairly close to their own looks. I think that some of them want to be the prettiest one in the relationship.
strawmen. So many users here are saying "its over if sub8, 7's may as well be a 2" and that is absolute garbage.
they may as well. women are getting fatter and more entitled every year. less than 10 years ago before tinder couples were more looksmatched imo. now tinder is here and girls are fatter and have better looking bfs than them.

at some point the USA will end up like Britain where fat, ugly entitled cunts are the standard and a skinny girl with an average face is 8/10.
But you can ascend from 5/10 to 6/10 just improving your frame gymcelling. Thats the point. If you have a good body you go up one point. Thats why alot of men are attending gym nowadays.

Also, if you are 5' 11" and above your face only needs to be 5/10 you can get a GF with no problems.

Most guys who look average have Soy bodies though, I agree with you if the potential is there. Eh, I think a guy would have some issues even at 5’11 as a 5/10 but it’s doable sure.
Hypergamy and entitlement are at peak levels online. This is spilling over offline. 6 and 7/10 guys need a beach condo and a new car to garner attention from looksmatch. She likes Mercedes.
There are two factors at work here, the issue with hypergamy and availability. The saying with “it’s over for sub 8” is not so much as to say that they don’t get dates/laid, but rather it’s over because they can’t get their looksmatch and have to settle. That has always been the premise of that phrase. And second because of hypergamy, availability of lower tier females are non existent.

It is absolutely true that on average males are getting laid, but it is no where near optimal. So truly incels are now left with no options due to first hypergamy and then availability. It’s no surprise that at the same time when female empowerment and social media, the rise of incels has been increasing.
sub 8 = hyperbole. I doubt most people here believe this. Even the ones saying it are probably knowingly being hyperbolic.

sub 4 theory = Legit as fuck. An NT, confident, extroverted guy who looks like this will still be incel:

Also juggernaut law is legit as fuck as well.
sub 8 = hyperbole. I doubt most people here believe this. Even the ones saying it are probably knowingly being hyperbolic.

sub 4 theory = Legit as fuck. An NT, confident, extroverted guy who looks like this will still be incel:

Also juggernaut law is legit as fuck as well.

Lol that guy is a solid 5 maybe even a 6. Or maybe he really is a sub 4 but then that makes me a 1.5/2

I agree that 8 + are slaying it online/offline no problem. These are the guys with 50 + notches.

The 4-8 guys still get girlfriends albeit with difficulty if they are NT and bring other stuff to the table.
Obviously the higher on the scale you are the more success you will have with women.
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Looks like coping gymcel has forgot to take clomid and all his estrogen is pouring out in this thread.
Not everyone here is butt ugly, but none of us can get laid
Women don’t go crazy over chadlites

You just gonna throw all those blackpill study’s out the window and cope by trying to forget them?

Actual legendary cope.
Looks like coping gymcel has forgot to take clomid and all his estrogen is pouring out in this thread.
Not everyone here is butt ugly, but none of us can get laid
Women don’t go crazy over chadlites

You just gonna throw all those blackpill study’s out the window and cope by trying to forget them?

Actual legendary cope.
I took my arimidex yesterday, boyo. My sex-drive goes to shit if estrogen is too low or too high. I am super horny these days. Not a good thing to be as an incel.
Looks like coping gymcel has forgot to take clomid and all his estrogen is pouring out in this thread.
Not everyone here is butt ugly, but none of us can get laid
Women don’t go crazy over chadlites

You just gonna throw all those blackpill study’s out the window and cope by trying to forget them?

Actual legendary cope.
Cope, you have no gf because you're ugly just accept it
>but but mug height muh frame
All of this is not as important as you like to believe, if you are actually not ugly then you're a volcel who doesn't want to lower his standards.
Cope, you have no gf because you're ugly just accept it
>but but mug height muh frame
All of this is not as important as you like to believe, if you are actually not ugly then you're a volcel who don't want to lower his standards.
Height matters, people can vouch that I am good looking ask @Bagelcel @UBERCEL they have seen my pic, I am incel due to my height.
You are the one coping, there is a reason why I haven’t got laid yet with my face, it’s because of my height, it’s not hard to realise...
Height matters, people can vouch that I am good looking ask @Bagelcel @UBERCEL they have seen my pic, I am incel due to my height.
You are the one coping, there is a reason why I haven’t got laid yet with my face, it’s because of my height, it’s not hard to realise...
Jeremy meeks level of face tbh.
One of the best looking guys i've seen, truly a 1/2000 face.

Manlet tho, he'd be a walking god in SEA.
ItsOver is 5/10 getting 8's on a weekly basis, @FiveFourManlet Would be getting 10's on a daily basis there.

The west is fucked up though,
Jeremy meeks level of face tbh.
One of the best looking guys i've seen, truly a 1/2000 face.

Manlet tho, he'd be a walking god in SEA.
ItsOver is 5/10 getting 8's on a weekly basis, @FiveFourManlet Would be getting 10's on a daily basis there.

The west is fucked up though,
Saying height is cope is just laughable atm tbh @Anger
Saying height is cope is just laughable atm tbh @Anger
Considering your face, i'd say height is cope if you were 5ft6 or above.... but 5ft4 is a bit excessive.
Your face mogs knajids, he's like the short pretty boy qt and you have the "gigaChad-esque meme" tier face
Considering your face, i'd say height is cope if you were 5ft6 or above.... but 5ft4 is a bit excessive.
Your face mogs knajids, he's like the short pretty boy qt and you have the "gigaChad-esque meme" tier face
Considering your face, i'd say height is cope if you were 5ft6 or above.... but 5ft4 is a bit excessive.
Your face mogs knajids, he's like the short pretty boy qt and you have the "gigaChad-esque meme" tier face
Inb4 chajjd temp bans me @FACEandLMS
Saying height is cope is just laughable atm tbh @Anger
You're delusional dude stop coping boyo i'm sure at least one ethhnic bitch would date you because their men are also turbomanlet tier so they don't care about height that much tbh.
You're delusional dude stop coping boyo i'm sure at least one ethhnic bitch would date you because their men are also turbomanlet tier so they don't care about height that much tbh.
Easier said than done.
Stop the cope
Average men (4 - 6 range) can find ltrs and occasional hookups but their partners are lukewarm about it.

If there was no pressure on women to pair bond with their looksmatch, most men would die virgins. Not hard to understand.
I see this shitty narrative being displayed way too often on this website lately.

You do not have to be an 8 to get women or have them "love" you for that matter. Being a Chadlite is not "not enough" for women, if you're a legit Chadlite, women go crazy for you.

Most guys get laid, especially above average looking guys (6+).

The reason you are here is not because you are sub 8, but because you're butt ugly or too ugly to make up for your autism. Stop coping and thinking that above average sub 8 males have huge issues in the dating world (they don't).

I think this is a cope for guys who think they are above average and still get no action but really aren't, so they make up this false narrative that decent looking guys are struggling in the dating scene.
Thankyou its very clear the people who say sub 8 is death are coping considering how big a jump there is from a 7 to a 2 and all who say it doesn't matter just want to convince themselves that better looking guys also cant get laid
Incel: 1-3
Normie: 4-6
Chad: 7-9

I Defend that an 6/10 guy can get a 6/10 GF. Point.

And i will make a thread proving this soon.
Try to make sure there's little to no betabuxxing, and no social status game.
The bottom 10-15% of whites and 30% (lol) of ethnic men are incel. The area in-between Chadlite and Incel contains a range of average looking men who do not succeed in the dating game by any useful definition of succeed. They will be forced to date down and often intermittently. Relationships will be unstable and commitment shaky at best. None of them have a chance at securing a foid's sexual or romantic peak.

It's useful to remind yourself that the bar is constantly being raised. Men who barely meet the criteria now might be incel next year. Chads and Chadlites will continue to accrue ridiculous partner counts. Normies will experience longer dry-spells and shorter relationships.
Height matters, people can vouch that I am good looking ask @Bagelcel @UBERCEL they have seen my pic, I am incel due to my height.
You are the one coping, there is a reason why I haven’t got laid yet with my face, it’s because of my height, it’s not hard to realise...
The guy mogs Meeks tbh, but foid whores average height is 5'5 jfl @ existence
It is obvious for anyone not suffering from severe autism that all you need is being above a 6 to get laid. However:

1) Some males are under 6
2) Some males are aware of how good Chad has it compared to being just barely above average
3) "Getting laid" can mean anything, probably not with young, good looking females.
I thought this would be a rant of a mentalcel. I agree with what you said though
You should have titled it "this sub-8 cope needs to stop" not "looks cope" because it sounds anti-blackpill.
I see this shitty narrative being displayed way too often on this website lately.

You do not have to be an 8 to get women or have them "love" you for that matter. Being a Chadlite is not "not enough" for women, if you're a legit Chadlite, women go crazy for you.

Most guys get laid, especially above average looking guys (6+).

The reason you are here is not because you are sub 8, but because you're butt ugly or too ugly to make up for your autism. Stop coping and thinking that above average sub 8 males have huge issues in the dating world (they don't).

I think this is a cope for guys who think they are above average and still get no action but really aren't, so they make up this false narrative that decent looking guys are struggling in the dating scene.
hah?, i know above average guys get 3-5 times sex a weak but remember ABOVE AVERAGE
You're right.

It does not mean a 6-8 guys have sex whenever they want, anyway
if you're not in the 20% you can (hypothetically) get laid but you'll be a cuck if you enter any relastionship.
deal with it
This is Copeus Maximus Maridius.
Well most guys here are teenage fakecels who will have a wife and kids by the time they are my age. Then there are a few larpers, a bunch of autists/mentalcels and a handful of actual sub 4 truecels.
Lmao, I will not have a wife and kids by the time I am your age because no one wants me.

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