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Serious This is what India actually looks like



Adi naa pilla ra... adi naa pilla
Feb 21, 2024

View: https://youtu.be/z7EJWeKR9ms?t=412

I live here, near HITEC City. You will see no one talking selfies being simps when they see whites. Infact niggers here charge more for foreigners to make cheap bucks. No ones cares about you here, it's empty most of the time with all the people rotting in offices.

This is the mulla old city part of Hyderabad. Shows the difference with Hindu and Mullas in development.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=judQhN00sSs
@AsakuraHao See Poland moggs India
Pakistan will destroy that city....
China didn't get raped by combination mullas and British and kammas for last 300 years, Hyderabad did.
Because their people are competent enough to work together to drive away outsiders, the same competence transferred to their city building skills
Dropping 100 nuclear bombs on India's soil should do the trick.
Because their people are competent enough to work together to drive away outsiders
So were Telanganas. We won in Hyderabad liberation. Without British support to Nizam we would have won long time ago.
Because their people are competent enough to work together to drive away outsiders, the same competence transferred to their city building skills
Too much diversity in Curryland has been their undoing.
the same competence transferred to their city building skills
That didn't transfer to birth rate and male to female ratio. South India mogg them in that. It is required to sustain growth and population.
@wereq you are coping. None of North Indian cities look like this. Bangalore, Hyderabad, Goa mogg all the North Indian "cities".
@wereq you are coping. None of North Indian cities look like this. Bangalore, Hyderabad, Goa mogg all the North Indian "cities".
I still rather have an attractive north indian woman than a dravidian.
China didn't get raped by combination mullas and British and kammas for last 300 years, Hyderabad did.
We did. We were colonized by Europeans unifying against us, and then the Japanese (NE China).

The city Chongqing was among the most bombed in WW2
So were Telanganas. We won in Hyderabad liberation. Without British support to Nizam we would have won long time ago.
Hyderabad was a princely state so I don't get how 'colonialism' would be an excuse, most of the looting happened in Punjab + Gangetic and Bengal region
Too much diversity in Curryland has been their undoing.
There's 'diversity' in China too, their trick to call everyone Han Chinese regardless because they know division causes fragmentation, for e.g Hokkien dialect sounds nothing like the dialects in Northern China.
We did. We were colonized by Europeans unifying against us, and then the Japanese (NE Chinal.
Not entire China and not by this much. Also you didn't have shitty planned socialist rule you based on Soviet model after independence :lul: :lul: :lul:

It looks too modern and sanitary for my liking. The scyscrapers will block the sun making the citizens more depressed. In my nearest town i don't even have scyscrapers that high. I think currys living in the slums are ultimately happier.
Even shit eating curries and civilized curries lol
Yes, atleast you know that :feelsseriously:
I'm being honest with you, your pro-india posts are starting to annoy me and I'm pretty sure that many other users here feel the same.
I'm being honest with you, your pro-india posts are starting to annoy me and I'm pretty sure that many other users here feel the same.
I am not pro India, only pro South India
That's true. Many here die from heart stokes and suicides due to office stress
So there's alot more competition essentially.

But curries in the slums have more toxic jobs like restoring metals from electronic waste, or making glass bangles. These types of jobs will cause them to die prematurely.
Not entire China and not by this much. Also you didn't have shitty planned socialist rule you based on Soviet model after independence :lul: :lul: :lul:

View attachment 1130205
We literally turned the whole country into anarchy in mao era, also, china today is still state planned and state owned. Only the small companies, and few of others, are privately owned.
now this is desperation. Curries literally speak different langs in different states. Only time when the diversity takes a backseat is shitting in the streets.
I already said, the distance between different dialects in Mandarin Chinese can be considered different languages, but China has a long history of trying to unify and homogenifying the population to keep stability and peace whereas Curries love differentiating each other. How is Bhojpuri considered a different language to Hindi, it's the same shit to an outsider's eyes. Even in genetics there's variation, on average those from Northern China are 5cm taller than their southern counterparts and have different facial features, but they try hard to keep a strong central identity despite the differences which is why on paper it all seems the same to you.
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I already said, the distance between different dialects in Mandarin Chinese can be considered different languages, but China has a long history of trying to unify and homogenifying the population to keep stability and peace whereas Curries love differentiating each other. How is Bhojpuri considered a different language to Hindi, it's the same shit to an outsider's eyes. Even in genetics there's variation, on average those from Northern China are 5cm taller than their southern counterparts and have different facial features, but they try hard to keep a strong central identity despite the differences which is why on paper it all seems the same to you.
Curries have 22 different langs and that's just officially recognised. You picked an odd one. I wonder why. Literal foid behaviour. Curries have different foods (I swear you'd pick on it if you were to respond), ethnic wears, festivals, monuments, a very wide spectrum of skin color. Some of them even have their culture-specific calendars. As for heights, north curries are usually taller. Actually rural curries are generally shorter in comparison. IDK, why you are so riled by it. I'm not excusing curries nor am I dismissing your China's nationalistic pride. Street shitting or scamming has nothing to do with diversity, but curries do have a great diversity problem, bigger than any other countries.
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Curries have 22 different langs and that's just officially recognised. You picked an odd one. I wonder why. Literal foid behaviour.
Ok, going from Hindi to Bengali to Punjabi to Nepali isn't that difficult if one were to actually try, could take around 6 months, I used a specific example because it's the most obvious one. I admit the Dravidian languages are totally different though. Do I have to babysit you and go through every one of them so I don't sound like a 'foid' to you?
Curries have different foods (I swear you'd pick on it if you were to respond), ethnic wears, festivals, monuments, a very wide spectrum of skin color.
I don't deny that.
but curries do have a great diversity problem, bigger than any other countries.
It does, because curries want to cope with being unique by having all these divisions when the outside world views them as the same vermin, I don't deny that. The Chinese still managed to unite at one point despite having glaring differences, you might want to split hairs and say differences among curries are far greater than Chinese, which is true, but that's only looking at the present, it's being short sighted. Historically in Chinese society, for thousands of years, any attempt of a group trying to break off from them end up getting "Hanified", today they send Han Chinese to Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia to homogenise the population as much as possible so no separatist movement can arise, in a few decades these populations would also be considered Han Chinese.

The Chinese ruling class for centuries actively shuts down any attempts of claims that different dialects are another language, the government doesn't promote castes or encourages religion to flourish there because these are all pivot points for where division can occur. They maintained this practice of 'Sinicisation' for so long which is why you didn't see different languages (at least on paper) pop up in China throughout the course of time, but you did in India, because Indians didn't fear division the same way the Chinese historically did. It's understandable as wanting to give up the status of a caste or religion or dialect would mean throwing out one's pride.

Of course the solution will be a lot harder in Curryland since the division is already done. Centuries of policies promoting division were there, I'm not downplaying the differences at all. China could have led to the same path of division had their policies been different. That's my main point. Do you agree or are you going to cope with this by being short sighted by only looking at their present history of everyone being Han Chinese and say it's easy for them to maintain homogeneity?

IDK, why you are so riled by it.
Pretty much because most curries act and think the same, have the same poor habits, despite being from various castes and speaking different languages. So they aren't as different as you think they are, and upon this realisation an attempt of unification could be there. Furthermore, the basis of unification could have been possible if hundreds of years of strict policies were in place like China.

I could see it as a 'proper' division if one curry group managed to do something reputable or acts totally different to a point where it's recognisable by other groups, but there hasn't been such, literally all curries are the same vermin to the outside world, all curries think and act the same even if they're from different religions, castes, skin colour.

Curries can call different dialects of Hindi a billion different languages all they want, or make up new castes as the centuries go by but that won't change the fact that they all genetically cluster similarly, that they are the same vermin to the rest of the world and their common behaviours are something which most of them have.
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Every place infested by muslims becomes a shithole in the matter of few years
@CopingForBrutality @SmhChan both of you are right and wrong.

India has the most amount of diversity in the world, that's true. But this isn't a issue.

This actually helped us. That's the reason we didn't convert to Islam or Christianity during colonizations like others did. Because you will have to talk to 1000 different communities in 100 different languages to convince them to convert to their faith in favor of theirs.

India was never a nation state in history, and it isn't even now fully. India is a holding together federation just like Belgium. Samanvay is an essential part of Indic way of life.

We can have unity in diversity, when we stop eating cow shit first lol :lul::lul::lul:
Of course no. They bought them in the markets just like everyone else
I was talking about how the actual manufacturers get bronchitis and other health problems. Not the buyers.
We literally turned the whole country into anarchy in mao era, also, china today is still state planned and state owned. Only the small companies, and few of others, are privately owned.
What's your birth rate and male to female ratio? India mogg you there.

We have set up everything for a future fascist patriarchal society to be established soon hopefully. China opened up your markets early than us, hence you are ahead of us. But the growth and population isn't sustainable.

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