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Soy This is the dating advice for men given on 4chan (aka reddit 2.0)



Genetically shackled to hell
Jul 15, 2019
And one of the few based replies to this garbage was simply "Women don't have hobbies". Which triggered the normies, who then called that anon an incel


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4chan is worse than reddit. I said it. At least when I go on reddit I'm not bombarded with tranny porn every fucking where.
>use tinder or online dating
>it's easy
:feelskek: :what: :feelshehe:
I only go on pol. They’re pretty blackpilled.. I thought all of 4chan was based. guess not.
B.but 4chan is muh based. Am I right guys?
Then you haven't spent enough time on fit. These types of threads happen daily
ye fit has a lot of normies tbh, probably a good place to blackpill people
I won't say 4chan is all hale and healthy. We(if you too are there, like me) get used to seeing the actual (or, more objective truths) aka, the red pill vision of everything that happens around.

This is the perfect recipe to be unhappy (or, not be happy) because this world functions on convenient lies that we tell each other and be comfortable with it. And we sit and develop theories about why women are they way they are and once you understand it all, you lose the charm on them and thus lack the motivation of a simp (btw, simping is okay, he is just doing his biological;y programmed function). Thus a marked lack of success with women in dating or elsewhere.
I don't know who made the second meme but man is it good, it's basically someone watching you drown and instead of jumping in to help you keep afloat, they are just shouting possible helpful things whilst your lungs are slowly filling with salt water.
TLDR normies and soys, what can you expect?
The crap pit analogy was pretty well done, except for the last speech bubble. Also the "Advice" he gives is freaking useless. Making oneself more interesting is not enough, and online dating is extremely shallow, it's hopeless for all sub 7 looking people.
I don't know who made the second meme but man is it good, it's basically someone watching you drown and instead of jumping in to help you keep afloat, they are just shouting possible helpful things whilst your lungs are slowly filling with salt water.
TLDR normies and soys, what can you expect?
It's meant to insult us tho, like we're purposely staying in our shit pit
The crap pit analogy was pretty well done, except for the last speech bubble. Also the "Advice" he gives is freaking useless. Making oneself more interesting is not enough, and online dating is extremely shallow, it's hopeless for all sub 7 looking people.
It's a classic case of someone with looks that are good enough doing certain things, getting a gf and thinking it happened because of what he did. Dude is 100% convinced he has the answer
It's meant to insult us tho
Guess they failed then, if anything it's a good representation of how utterly useless the existence of most people is, at least that's what it looks like in my opinion.
The crap pit analogy was pretty well done, except for the last speech bubble. Also the "Advice" he gives is freaking useless. Making oneself more interesting is not enough, and online dating is extremely shallow, it's hopeless for all sub 7 looking people.
Do you have the thread link OP?
B.but 4chan is muh based. Am I right guys?
JFL came across a thread there of some white stormcel talking about his addiction to BBC hypno porn. :soy:Pretty much sums up everu /pol/ user imo

The white race is fucking over :feelsrope:
I hate /pol/fags because they are still too bluepilled. They'll sit there and seethe about "muh morals muh pedophilia" while ethnic men are scooping up loli cunny.
JFL came across a thread there of some white stormcel talking about his addiction to BBC hypno porn. :soy:Pretty much sums up everu /pol/ user imo

The white race is fucking over :feelsrope:

I hate /pol/fags because they are still too bluepilled. They'll sit there and seethe about "muh morals muh pedophilia" while ethnic men are scooping up loli cunny.
/pol/ is often raided by the discord trannies who spam bbc cuck shit tbh, that post was possibly them larping. But maybe not
1. just don't have fun theory
2-4. just make friends theory, it's not hard brah
5-6. just find a gf on Tinder and live happily ever after theory, it's not hard brah
truly 4chan 2020
ofc it's /fit/. Imagine taking them seriously in 2020, or ever
ikr. It's failed normies, incels in denial and the occasional chad all circlejerking about self improvement

And one of the few based replies to this garbage was simply "Women don't have hobbies". Which triggered the normies, who then called that anon an incel

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>at this point if you havent tripped over somebody

is this retard for real? How the fuck do I "trip over somebody" by going hiking in some fucking forest, or climbing some rocks? Will I run into some hoe in my own kitchen when cooking or what?
Joining any "club" of the aforementioned interests will just mean being around sweaty boomers, but at leas they're female in the case of cooking right?

>develop friendships with those people and expand your social circle for a year
fucking retard. Even back when I had a social circle coming across new girls was so insanely difficult it might as well not be a thing.

Typical NT retard that has 20 friends and meets a new femoid every weekend through them. Or has snapchat and "sliding into DMs" actually works for him
The crap pit analogy was pretty well done, except for the last speech bubble. Also the "Advice" he gives is freaking useless. Making oneself more interesting is not enough, and online dating is extremely shallow, it's hopeless for all sub 7 looking people.
This reminds me. Everytime some normgroid tries to "help" they offer platitudes instead of being your wingman or introducing you to their social circle lmfao
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>just go out and have sex bro its that simple
Ladies and gentlemen, you could see the result when normies invade a place.

"Physical transformation"
Soon to be Perfect Cell.
Joining any "club" of the aforementioned interests will just mean being around sweaty boomers, but at leas they're female in the case of cooking right?
what's up with "just join a club brah"
all people my age just hang out with their friends (closed social circles) and they surely don't put out advertisements to invite outsiders to join them
open groups are ALWAYS 99% boomers and I'm not sure how making friends with senior citizens is supposed to help me find a gf
if you don't have your initial social circle straight out of high school, it's impossible to meet people your age
>at this point if you havent tripped over somebody

is this retard for real? How the fuck do I "trip over somebody" by going hiking in some fucking forest, or climbing some rocks? Will I run into some hoe in my own kitchen when cooking or what?
Joining any "club" of the aforementioned interests will just mean being around sweaty boomers, but at leas they're female in the case of cooking right?

>develop friendships with those people and expand your social circle for a year
fucking retard. Even back when I had a social circle coming across new girls was so insanely difficult it might as well not be a thing.

Typical NT retard that has 20 friends and meets a new femoid every weekend through them. Or has snapchat and "sliding into DMs" actually works for him

This reminds me. Everytime some normgroid tries to "help" they offer platitudes instead of being your wingman or introducing you to their social circle lmfao
Hobbies are mostly sausage parties. And when there are women they're there with their bf or they already have a bf anyway. And even if they didn't, having the same hobby as you won't make you attractive. Those retarded normies are wrong on so many levels.
what's up with "just join a club brah"
all people my age just hang out with their friends (closed social circles) and they surely don't put out advertisements to invite outsiders to join them
open groups are ALWAYS 99% boomers and I'm not sure how making friends with senior citizens is supposed to help me find a gf
if you don't have your initial social circle straight out of high school, it's impossible to meet people your age
Sausage parties + in my experience when people do their hobby it's to do the hobby with their CURRENT friends and social circle, not to meet complete strangers. They don't go out with the intent of inviting other people into their social circle
I only go on pol. They’re pretty blackpilled.. I thought all of 4chan was based. guess not.
when was the last time pol was based? last time I checked it was chock full of normans
"Women don't have hobbies"

So fucking true man, like 80% of foids all they do is drink, smoke and watch stuff (memes, netflix, youtube vids) and snapchat.

Also "have MUH REAL hobbies" Is so fucking stupid, what are you supposed to like brag like a sperg about your skills? Like anyone cares.

Women don't even wanna hear shit, in fact women are repulsed by bragging, they want to do most of the talking (about petty social drama). Most relationships women do 80% of conversation, only incel-tier men try to impress women.

I remember these youtube videos where they have like multiple women date one guy, and multiple guys try to date one woman and stuff. The last one I remember the stark difference between a ripped tall Tyrone, and a balding oldcel: The Tyrone was laying back and calling the foid boring to get her to entertain him when she was talking, while the balding oldcel was leaning forwards towards her; talking about his job prospects, education, hobbies, life story as she was uncomfortable. Guess who got picked; news flash, not the bald guy.

If you feel like you have to entertain and be interesting to women, you're ugly.
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Women do have hobbies you misogynist:

-Bitching about sexism
-Bitching about their friends
-Bitching about how hard they have it
Then you haven't spent enough time on fit. These types of threads happen daily
God /fit/ has not changed then. Used to browse it a lot in 2013 and this shit was constant. It's hilarious how a board which claims they "don't lift for girls" does nothing but talk about them. Reminds me of MGTOWs lmao.

I even recall some of those idiots saying for motivation on their last set they'd think about "her" lmao. Literally AlphaDestiny level stupidity.
what's up with "just join a club brah"
all people my age just hang out with their friends (closed social circles) and they surely don't put out advertisements to invite outsiders to join them
open groups are ALWAYS 99% boomers and I'm not sure how making friends with senior citizens is supposed to help me find a gf
if you don't have your initial social circle straight out of high school, it's impossible to meet people your age
Legit it's just fucking bizarre and you only hear it from internet weirdos. I don't think I've ever met a single remotely normal person irl who joined a "club" other than oldcels or people joining sports clubs when they were younger. The reality is that people just have groups of friends and joining a new one is just weird/extremely rare.
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Women do have hobbies you misogynist:

-Bitching about sexism
-Bitching about their friends
-Bitching about how hard they have it

God /fit/ has not changed then. Used to browse it a lot in 2013 and this shit was constant. It's hilarious how a board which claims they "don't lift for girls" does nothing but talk about them. Reminds me of MGTOWs lmao.

I even recall some of those idiots saying for motivation on their last set they'd think about "her" lmao. Literally AlphaDestiny level stupidity.

Legit it's just fucking bizarre and you only hear it from internet weirdos. I don't think I've ever met a single remotely normal person irl who joined a "club" other than oldcels or people joining sports clubs when they were younger. The reality is that people just have groups of friends and joining a new one is just weird/extremely rare.
Yeah /fit/ just copes hard with "muh goals" and "muh self improvement", "i don't lift for girls because i'm mentally strong and i have PURPOSE" thinking it makes them look cool and desirable. And yes a lot of them bitch about their ex. They try to get in shape to get revenge on their ex who left them. They think about their ex 24/7 while the bitch prolly forgot about them and is focused on chads in this new era of social media and tinder.

And yeah nobody fucking joins clubs in their 20s. It's pretty much just tight knit groups of old friends, not a group of strangers who decided to all join a club to "self improve" and "become interesting" jfl
4chan is just edgy redditors
4chan is worse than reddit. I said it. At least when I go on reddit I'm not bombarded with tranny porn every fucking where.

I never could figure why many of these so called incels would pester other incels with trap and homo porn. It's like they are fbi trolls or something.
I never could figure why many of these so called incels would pester other incels with trap and homo porn. It's like they are fbi trolls or something.
Tbh it's not that different from what happens irl. You know how failed normies, losers and weirdos often put down and mock the people who are even below them in the hopes of elevating themselves? Or to feel better about themselves? The discord trannies are that i think
Yeah /fit/ just copes hard with "muh goals" and "muh self improvement", "i don't lift for girls because i'm mentally strong and i have PURPOSE" thinking it makes them look cool and desirable. And yes a lot of them bitch about their ex. They try to get in shape to get revenge on their ex who left them. They think about their ex 24/7 while the bitch prolly forgot about them and is focused on chads in this new era of social media and tinder.

And yeah nobody fucking joins clubs in their 20s. It's pretty much just tight knit groups of old friends, not a group of strangers who decided to all join a club to "self improve" and "become interesting" jfl
Lmao it's like that every fucking time, women don't give a fuck about men who they leave. Their fantasies about their exes seeing them and thinking "fuck I shouldn't have left him!!" are laughable, literally never happens.
Take good pictures 'cos you need to look good but wait you'll find someone that will like you for more than shallow reasons, jfl.
lol it literally sounds like it was taken straight from reddit: be cool (but not in a way you want of course, be cool only so women would love you), man up, go out, etc. I'm so glad I've never touched this cesspit of normie trash (and never will at this point).

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