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This is how normie Indian men cope.. just read this on reddit



Dec 17, 2017
A bunch of curries were complaining how they get no matches on tinder and white guys get all their currywhores

One curry replies: "It [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]might actually be easier for indian men. Like who the heck wants to keep dating, dating, and sleeping around. At least other indian ppl get you"[/font]

[font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Lol at this coping [/font]
OP, please. these are the type of men that message random chicks all over the internet on any given social media site. they give zero fucks, and i admire it.
I didn't get this.
send bob and vegene
incelman said:
I didn't get this.

Basically saying that even though indian men are repulsed by all women worldwide and their own currywhores sleep with white guys but they cope by saying who wants to date, date, and sleep around anyway? While Chad is out going on constant dates and sleeping around with multiple girls, they have it easier because they'll eventually find some indian girl who "gets them" unlike for Chad (but they're unaware that the indian girl has been pumped and dumped by a white guy as well).
Whenever I see some disgusting fat ugly warthog that I legit think NOBODY would ever want to fuck... There's always some pathetic Indian beta whiteknighting it. These people just take desperation to a new level.
All the girls on tinder want white men in my city even if he's not good looking
Upskirt vagene plez
lakb said:
Basically saying that even though indian men are repulsed by all women worldwide and their own currywhores sleep with white guys but they cope by saying who wants to date, date, and sleep around anyway? While Chad is out going on constant dates and sleeping around with multiple girls, they have it easier because they'll eventually find some indian girl who "gets them" unlike for Chad (but they're unaware that the indian girl has been pumped and dumped by a white guy as well).

End they eventually end up here and talk about they bluepilled days
Can you pm me the link? I really want to know where these dumb curries are congregating.
I genuinely don't understand why curries aren't blackpilled they must endure so much rejection.
oilonthe-Rose said:
I genuinely don't understand why curries aren't blackpilled they must endure so much rejection.

That's why they are a bunch of cucks. They should be out in gangs like the Pakis and raping women. Maybe then they'd have some respect from the roastie whores
Okay, I am gonna have to call this a bit fake now. There was no link provided, op could be making shit up..be careful guys.
oilonthe-Rose said:
I genuinely don't understand why curries aren't blackpilled they must endure so much rejection.

Very bluepilled and beta cultural upbringing.
NeverSubmit said:
All the girls on tinder want white men in my city even if he's not good looking
what city?
NeverSubmit said:

So curry females in London go for ugly white men too?
All Indians need to sign up to this page, no exceptions.
FeminismsCancer said:
So curry females in London go for ugly white men too?
Well when I say white I mean Anglo, Irish, Scots, German, Dutch, Scandinavian maybe sometimes French, Spanish or Italian.
lakb said:
A bunch of curries were complaining how they get no matches on tinder and white guys get all their currywhores

Fucking LOL I have seen this happen. Then a few years down the line when she is ready to settle the same guys willingly become their BETABUX.
Honestly don't understand what you guys are talking about. Indian men and women stick together. This is what I've seen. This is why I can't relate to what you guys are saying.
lakb said:
"It [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]might actually be easier for indian men. Like who the heck wants to keep dating, dating, and sleeping around. At least other indian ppl get you"[/font]
JFL dating, dating, and sleeping around is all cunts do these days
incelman said:
End they eventually end up here and talk about they bluepilled days

Or cuck tears bullying incels pretending they are a high value male when they themselves are incel
I heard that Indian females are also white worshipping whores like Asian femoids.
Solitarian_Walker said:
send bob and vegene

Retarded pig skinned faggot, there are more Indian men with white females than the reverse. And only the ugly Indian girls get pumped and dumped by whites, the pretty ones who "get" us stay virgins until marriage, we know.
krtkshk said:
Retarded pig skinned faggot, there are more Indian men with white females than the reverse. And only the ugly Indian girls get pumped and dumped by whites, the pretty ones who "get" us stay virgins until marriage, we know.
Butthurt coping currycel detected. I once lived in an area with many Indians you want to know how many of them had White girlfriends, practically none in fact most of them had no girlfriends and were incel. I once saw a pretty Indian girl at my university with an ugly White guy holding hands I see plenty of Indian females worship White males while looking down on and ignoring Indian men, I have never seen an ugly Indian guy even talking to a pretty White female let alone holding hands or dating. Stop with the delusion Indian men are the most undesirable ethnicity when it comes to dating in the west this is an indisputable fact and this is due to their faces being much uglier and them also being shorter than other races on average. The stereotypes and the strange culture don't help either. Its over for Indians in the west admit it.
krtkshk said:
Retarded pig skinned faggot, there are more Indian men with white females than the reverse. And only the ugly Indian girls get pumped and dumped by whites, the pretty ones who "get" us stay virgins until marriage, we know.

Strong ass bump.

Whites literally never lose. Only currycels do.
krtkshk said:
Retarded pig skinned faggot, there are more Indian men with white females than the reverse. And only the ugly Indian girls get pumped and dumped by whites, the pretty ones who "get" us stay virgins until marriage, we know.

Cope, even Indian TV shows have Northern Indian Persian looking men and women. You sound shittpilled.

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