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Bad Boy
Sep 2, 2018
@wizardcel just made a thread about how old will you be in the year 2100

Imagine how bad hypergamy will be then

Fucking 50' half minotaur Meeks giga god chads walking around with 4 9 inch cocks slaying stacys impregnating them just be looking at them

Feminism will rule with a police and military force of white knights

Every non chad relationship will be cuckholdry and it will come witha. Mandatory 50' gorilla human hybrid bull enforced by the white knight military


what do you think 2100 will look like ?
Hopefully I'll be dead and won't have to see the freakshow that is 2100.
Hopefully society will have stagnated a lot by then so everyone can chill out a little. Lower population, people learning their lessons about being slaves to big tech, foids evolving to appreciate personality over looks. That's my vision.
Hopefully society will have stagnated a lot by then so everyone can chill out a little. Lower population, people learning their lessons about being slaves to big tech, foids evolving to appreciate personality over looks. That's my vision.
its a nice vision but i highly doubt its gonna be that way
Maybe the blackpill will infect society and people will overthrow the jew overlords. Patriarchy will return and men will once again have the opportunity to live a happy life.

Not us though
Maybe the blackpill will infect society and people will overthrow the jew overlords. Patriarchy will return and men will once again have the opportunity to live a happy life.

Not us though
I wish bro for our future brothers but i highly doubt that
Blackpilled people are not proactive or influential enough rn that's true
Exactly. High IQ they all are either dead in jail or on this forum
If I live to be 100 years old, I probably won't even be capable of wiping my own butt let alone being capable of understanding anything at all. My brain (or whatever's left of it) would be literal mush.
If I live to be 100 years old, I probably won't even be capable of wiping my own butt let alone being capable of understanding anything at all. My brain (or whatever's left of it) would be literal mush.
Fuck that ill rope before that

Fuck that ill rope before that

Yeah, I want to die on my own terms, not end up in a nursing home and die slowly and miserably. If I'm no longer capable of surviving on my own anymore, I'll just simply take a walk in the woods and eat a bullet.
dating standards for men in 2100
Average man circa 2100
Yeah, I want to die on my own terms, not end up in a nursing home and die slowly and miserably. If I'm no longer capable of surviving on my own anymore, I'll just simply take a walk in the woods and eat a bullet.
Exactly. Die like a man with honour. Not a weak beta faggot living in a home with other weak beta faggots where the high light of your day is Fridays when it's soup and movie day in the rec room while having to have some 6.5 to 7 psl college nurse Becky/Stacy whore to wipe your ass and abuse you because she can't wait to get off work and blow chads 9inch cock in her doorm
dating standards for men in 2100
View attachment 182178
Yes this is what i mean
Trying to predict that far into the future is pointless tbh
Trying to predict that far into the future is pointless tbh
Yeah. The future could end up being nothing like what anyone would predict. I'm pretty optimistic for it though.
Maybe the blackpill will infect society and people will overthrow the jew overlords. Patriarchy will return and men will once again have the opportunity to live a happy life.

Not us though

So, regardless of what happens, this generation of men just lost it. We live in an absolute gynocentric society where everything is in favour of females. If this changes somehow, we are not able to experience it since we are then too old or already dead. In the end, this life does not matter at all. Why was I born? Such a wasted life. I really was born in the wrong era. Emasculated by female driving.
He's too short. He would get rejected by all women above 2/10.
the 80/20 rule will become the 99/1 rule where 99.9% the average man and chad are competing against the top .1% of Ultra-Planet-buster-redonkulas-olkelosis-communist-zombie-Dr.-manhattan-Lex-luther-Chads
By then we'll have ectogenesis, waifubots, customized transhuman chad body transplants, and shit. We'll be advanced enough to have superior alternatives to foids when it comes to sex and reproduction. The only issues will be the politics required to free us from feminism so we can access those technologies and the misuse of other technologies.
You shouldn't be
I think that technology will either act as a great equalizer as far as sex goes, or everything will collapse and we'll all go back to survival of the fittest, and the concept of consent would go right out the window.
God willing the nukes have dropped by then.
I'll probably live to the 2070's if I don't rope first. The thought of that scares the piss out of me,ngl. Gene editing will probably make the new generations gigachads with zero health problems.
Flying cars??
Flying chads*
the 80/20 rule will become the 99/1 rule where 99.9% the average man and chad are competing against the top .1% of Ultra-Planet-buster-redonkulas-olkelosis-communist-zombie-Dr.-manhattan-Lex-luther-Chads
High IQ
By then we'll have ectogenesis, waifubots, customized transhuman chad body transplants, and shit. We'll be advanced enough to have superior alternatives to foids when it comes to sex and reproduction. The only issues will be the politics required to free us from feminism so we can access those technologies and the misuse of other technologies.
I don't think they will allow ugly males those sexual alternatives as all ugly males will be forced into 24 hour 365 slave labor for the QKWEEN similar to worker ants.
I think that technology will either act as a great equalizer as far as sex goes, or everything will collapse and we'll all go back to survival of the fittest, and the concept of consent would go right out the window.
I could see That. Things get so bad because of technology That society and the world resets back to caveman primitive times
Jews would have nuked the earth by 2100 jfl
I'll probably live to the 2070's if I don't rope first. The thought of that scares the piss out of me,ngl. Gene editing will probably make the new generations gigachads with zero health problems.
i wont make it to 2021 Idk how you could make it to 2070. Imagine how scary that would be
Jews would have nuked the earth by 2100 jfl
To create their new planet: JEW

Where everyone works for free donating 100% of there paycheck to schlomoberg

Where everyone lives in worker colonies. No sleep have to slave like a good goy!
i wont make it to 2021 Idk how you could make it to 2070. Imagine how scary that would be

I really hope that I have the courage to end myself in the upcoming year or that I die because I hit the gym deadly.
I don't think they will allow ugly males those sexual alternatives as all ugly males will be forced into 24 hour 365 slave labor for the QKWEEN similar to worker ants.
If that ever happens, we'll all just commit suicide or refuse to work so they kill us off. Maybe some will even go ER on the guards.
I really hope that I have the courage to end myself in the upcoming year or that I die because I hit the gym deadly.
Die like a man. Live by the iron die by the iron
If that ever happens, we'll all just commit suicide or refuse to work so they kill us off. Maybe some will even go ER on the guards.
That is true. But since most ugly "men" are cucks they will glady accept their worker drone status to appease the QKWEEN instead of death like a real man because they fear death and the unknown. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TESTOSTERONE IS
I'll kill my myself long before it even happens. Ugly men will be turned into slaves and forced to clean the sewers and work in land mines. I'd rather die than be a slave to a morbidly obese feminist
I'll kill my myself long before it even happens. Ugly men will be turned into slaves and forced to clean the sewers and work in land mines. I'd rather die than be a slave to a morbidly obese feminist
Cosmic IQ. High T.

That is true. But since most ugly "men" are cucks they will glady accept their worker drone status to appease the QKWEEN instead of death like a real man because they fear death and the unknown. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TESTOSTERONE IS
Not really tbh. You are too negative. Feminists have wanted to ban porn for a long time now. What do you think will happen if they try to ban it?
Not really tbh. You are too negative. Feminists have wanted to ban porn for a long time now. What do you think will happen if they try to ban it?
Nothing imo. What do you think
Nothing imo. What do you think
You'd see a sudden rise in sexual assault and rape. Probably an illegal trade pop up after a few weeks. If its completely banned from any and all access and VPNs won't work, men might move to different countries where it is legal.

Sexbots and artificial wombs won't be banned because the men that would use them are rich enough (bank account greater than $20k) to move to other countries or have a dual residence. I know if they banned them in the states I would move out as fast as I could and move to someplace uncucked. Men really need to get together and lobby some large poor country to give us a male only state and move there.
Most of us will be dead by then. Wouldn't want to waste time on that shit.
I don't think they will allow ugly males those sexual alternatives as all ugly males will be forced into 24 hour 365 slave labor for the QKWEEN similar to worker ants.
That sounds like a horrifying scenario, but unrealistic. Slave labor isn't profitable anymore, which is why slavery has been long abolished. Secondly, not allowing a massive amount of men to be able to spend their money as they please cuts out a lot of economic potential, and that will never go over well regardless of the reeing. That's why porn has never been banned, and is here to stay. Porn is extremely profitable and catering to feminists is a horrible economical decision. They can cry all they want, but money and corporations truly run the country, not women.

The sex industry could potentially generate tons of capital due to the excess of undesirable men like us. Banning it would be fucking stupid, so I wouldn't worry at all about the impotent screeching of butthurt hags, roastflaps, and landwhales. Forcing mass slavery to that level would also be fucking stupid, because it would be unprofitable, barbaric, and likely spark a societal uprising that ends with blood, violence, and societal collapse.

I could see That. Things get so bad because of technology That society and the world resets back to caveman primitive times
Yep. If society were to be absolved and we went straight back to being savage animals with every man for himself, the most strong and capable of us would no longer be incels. The most strong and brutal men would become the new "Chads", and incels would cease to exist because those not capable of fending for themselves would simply die.
Sexual morals will decay to the point of animalistic degeneracy. People will fuck in public. They'll have quickies on the street within seconds of making eye contact and then go about their day like they just finished eating a fruit.

The family unit will be a relic of old society. I'm still unsure as to how the population will be sustained. Perhaps women will be incentivized by the government to have and care for their babies so numbers can be high enough to maintain the labor force and have enough taxpayers.
I bet the world will improve in some ways in 2100
6'0 is the new minimum requirement FOR THE DICK
Society will have collapsed until then

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