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Based The Blackpill is not a direct threat NOW. But it will be in the near future.

  • Thread starter Racial-Identitarian
  • Start date


Nov 15, 2021
"It's not a direct threat to them now, but they're very afraid of it spreading, they don't want their true nature exposed for all to see. Deep down they know it's all true, that's why they act so emotional. They're afraid that their cuck white knight providers will be converted and turned against them."

Directly hijacking this black pill from another thread I'm going to illustrate why the blackpill spreading is bad for women, Chad, the government, and major corporations. Each one of these four figures has a direct net gain from people not understanding looks theory and the looks red pill.

We'll go in order starting with WOMEN. Everyone's favorite.

* Men who know that due to looks they have NO chance would stop giving out free favors, validation (compliments), money, and support to women. They would have no vested interest to young women in any way. See the "men going their own" guys. Men who throw out favors do so, consciously or not, because they think it will increase their chances of mating with that woman or more women.

* OR they think appearing to be a nice person will give them social brownie points which in turn will give them some form of status which in turn allows them to mate.

* It devalues her OWN looks. Women have been rated higher than they ever should have because people don't understand what constitutes true beauty. Many women have been labeled 7s or 8s when they are as low as 3s or 4s. You can observe this on an anecdotal level by simply asking a normie or two to rate a coworker.
* LOOKS THEORY spreading teaches things like maxilla or eye area. Many, many users report finding day to day people much more ugly after learning looks theory.

Their mating strategy is out in the open for everyone to see. When a female boss gave Chad the promotion, Billy beta didn't know why, but Blackpill Billy does know why. The blackpill takes away women's plausible deniability. You just can't trust them not to fuck Chad when you know the blackpill.

Now onto CHAD.

*Chad would realize that his life is not owed to skill, luck, moral superiority or PERSONALITY. The biggest bluepillers are Chads because they think that their life is all sugar-rainbow-gumdrops because of THEMSELVES and not people constantly facilitating their success. **Chads are NOT smart or funny or even socially skilled. Everyone just treats them nice and gives them the benefit of the doubt which always manifests itself into success. But no one likes to think this way, especially not successful people.
* Don't say I'm coping. There are funny/smart/charismatic people of every social category, but uncharismatic Chads get the biggest pass because of looks.

*Chad would not get by so easy if not for beta's fear of rejection and social pressure. Weaker men have this idea that being Chad's friend will get them social brownie points. How many anecdotes do you see about girls fucking their boyfriend's "best" friend (Chad)? Read this article for a great example: [link to www.thrillist.com (secure)]
Cliches like the nerd doing the bullies homework give light to the simple fact that it's not just women who help Chad get by but weak men too.
* A lot of guy friends have a "falling out" because of a girl. It'll go from a "falling out" to a "bullet to the fucking skull". Chad does not want that. He likes being on top.

Obviously less pussy. Men improving their looks would definitely make it a little more competitive and poor Chad might have to work on that winning persoanlity of his.

I've been thinking about this for some time. CORPORATIONS are extremely blackpilled. You'd have to be to be a marketer.

* Almost everything that men buy is to increase their mating opportunity. Paying for college, cars, and clothes. It all has the goal of attracting a mate. Men who are 5'3 would just stop trying once they realized that it's their height and no amount of material items could change that. Thus, corporations have a vested interest in telling people it's [insert product] that will get you a girl. And also a vested interest in STOPPING the blackpill from spreading.
* Heres some black pill commercials:
EX A. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
EX B. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
EX C. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
(notice the ethnic women with white guys) It's encouraging wealthy white guys who struggle with white women to go for ethnic women. Asian women, in particular, are self-hating and prefer white Americans over their own. Corporations take advantage of this knowledge and put it on TV.

The only corporations that'll benefit from the black pill spreading is Smith & Wesson and the NRA.

The big daddy GOVERNMENT.

* The government has always depended on various social pressures to maintain order and revenue. But the blackpill is beyond social pressure. You can't make the "men going their own" get married. Or make a depressed 18-year-old Indian kid stay in college when he knows that it won't get him sex or lead to happiness. He's just going to go sui. Blackpill not good for infrastructure or the economy in the long-run.
*"Due your duty for the country: join the military." "Be a Christian. Get married and pay those taxes" "Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” "JUST LDAR."

*You can't ignore the shootings. The general trend seems to be that the people committing these heinous crimes are young men. The spreading of the blackpill would no doubt increase shooting (and suicides) because some young men lose control.
* Don't think it's just whites. Who were the first "gangsters"? Young black men, young hispanic men. In other words, YOUNG ETHNICS who because of height and race realized that they would never know traditional success. (Look at gang rape in India). Ethnics took up guns and the government thought that enacting policies that target race would help (stop and frisk, unfair sentences). But now even whites are shooting up the place. They think taking away guns would help but ask anyone if that will stop the uprising [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
The government at least knows a little about this trend and they don't want it spreading. And keep in mind not all shooters are incels. And shooting is NOT the answer.

*The social contract has been broken. The government is supposed to facilitate the ability for everyone to achieve happiness.
Not guarantee happiness but facilitate the ability to achieve it. Men are essentially supposed to trade labor for sex. But at every turn (#metoo) sub 8 men are
demonized no matter what they do when trying to have sex. Now OLD men don't know this. But young men do. And for the one's who don't want to faggot cope, they will massacre everything they see or mass suicide.
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high iq thread?
* Men who know that due to looks they have NO chance would stop giving out free favors, validation (compliments), money, and support to women. They would have no vested interest to young women in any way. See the "men going their own" guys. Men who throw out favors do so, consciously or not, because they think it will increase their chances of mating with that woman or more women.
ngl I kinda disagree.
There's "men" out there that know it's over for them but they still choose to worship muh toilet.
They are called simpcucks.
I hope they receive their wanted reward of torture and abuse, but from a man larping as a toilet.
Nice thread ,not reading it tho
High IQ. You had me with the line about when 3 or 4/10 foids get rated as 7 or 8s. It's true and it's crazy.
Maybe come up with a theory about the qualities of water.
The fire rises
Good read brocel:feelsYall:
@Fat Link ,@Master pin this!!!
They cannot fight truth forever.
Especially when it hits those to whom it should remain hidden.
Blackpill spreading doesn't affect most women or chad. So what if subhumans kill themselves? Chad will still fuck women. Women will still fuck chad. And don't hit me with the "devalued looks", it doesn't matter if stacy goes from 10 to 5. There will still be boats load of men wanting her. I mean, sure, she'll lose the subhumans that compliment her, but she thinks they're creepy rapists anyway. Women only enjoy/want compliments from 5< men. And you said chad will get less pussy but no. Only chadlites can become chads via looksmaxx so it won't devalue them all that much. It will just mean that more women have access to chad.

Now you forgot the big but true part. It will affect the SLUT women, hence why I used the word "most" above. With the blackpill spreading, they can't become millionaires overnight, as the subhumans all roped! Only fans etc. will become worthless. And that, for me, is the best part of blackpill spreading.

And finally, you are right about the government and corporations part. I applaud you on that, not many people discuss the economic implications of the blackpill on here.
Also, I think a nice addition to this thread will be religion. Most abrahamic religions reel in subhuman men by giving them hopes of pussy and/or suppressing women from fucking chads. Islam promises their jihadis 72 virgins in heaven, Christianity attempting to enforce monogamy etc.

As more and more worthless men wake up, religion will die off. Only old people and coping subhumans believe in religions now anyway.
Blackpill spreading doesn't affect most women or chad. So what if subhumans kill themselves? Chad will still fuck women. Women will still fuck chad. And don't hit me with the "devalued looks", it doesn't matter if stacy goes from 10 to 5. There will still be boats load of men wanting her. I mean, sure, she'll lose the subhumans that compliment her, but she thinks they're creepy rapists anyway. Women only enjoy/want compliments from 5< men. And you said chad will get less pussy but no. Only chadlites can become chads via looksmaxx so it won't devalue them all that much. It will just mean that more women have access to chad.
The devalued looks aspect is about Chad mogging every stacy the moment most of sub5s becoming blackpilled about their reality. That means stacy must share Chad and compete via looksmaxxing to get Chad.

Yeah in this scenario Chad wont lose but femoid will no longer receive the attention from sub5s. Remmeber the thread about polygamy is the future in the must read section?

If you know read the thread​
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*Chad would realize that his life is not owed to skill, luck, moral superiority or PERSONALITY.
Redpilled grifters would also lose out. It's harder to sell beta males $12k dating courses when they're aware that game won't help them.
Yeah in this scenario Chad wont lose but femoid will no longer receive the attention from sub5s.
As I said...women don't want attention from sub5s. They think you're creepy if you call them beautiful. The ONLY thing they want from you is your money.
you are right about the government and corporations part. I applaud you on that, not many people discuss the economic implications of the blackpill on here.
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This post is great, but it doesn't go far enough. The blackpill also leads to questions. Questions like "why should I continue to pay taxes to people who hate me" or "why should I care about school funding if I will never have kids". This is where the blackpill becomes a political force. A blackpilled single man (who is not a NEET) understands that he gains fundamentally nothing from his taxes, nothing from decent social services and quite a bit from simply stealing what he can and running for the exits. A blackpiller with no family is far more likely to take out a $500k loan, take the money, and run to another nation as an example. He is far more likely to vote for those parties that tax him the least. A citizenship is only good if it allows you to make money. No real allegiance to any nation. War is just another opportunity to make money. You can justify all kinds of criminality this way.

It also leads to a much bigger and broader question. "If I will never benefit from women in society, why should I continue to live among them?" Every interaction with a female becomes a business arrangement. You know the love is fake, and AI chat bots do it better anyways. So you are there for the sex and the ability to have kids. The goal is then to get those things for as cheap as possible. This means, broadly speaking, no simping, since simping will never allow you to achieve those things cost effectively.
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"It's not a direct threat to them now, but they're very afraid of it spreading, they don't want their true nature exposed for all to see. Deep down they know it's all true, that's why they act so emotional. They're afraid that their cuck white knight providers will be converted and turned against them."

Directly hijacking this black pill from another thread I'm going to illustrate why the blackpill spreading is bad for women, Chad, the government, and major corporations. Each one of these four figures has a direct net gain from people not understanding looks theory and the looks red pill.

We'll go in order starting with WOMEN. Everyone's favorite.

* Men who know that due to looks they have NO chance would stop giving out free favors, validation (compliments), money, and support to women. They would have no vested interest to young women in any way. See the "men going their own" guys. Men who throw out favors do so, consciously or not, because they think it will increase their chances of mating with that woman or more women.

* OR they think appearing to be a nice person will give them social brownie points which in turn will give them some form of status which in turn allows them to mate.

* It devalues her OWN looks. Women have been rated higher than they ever should have because people don't understand what constitutes true beauty. Many women have been labeled 7s or 8s when they are as low as 3s or 4s. You can observe this on an anecdotal level by simply asking a normie or two to rate a coworker.
* LOOKS THEORY spreading teaches things like maxilla or eye area. Many, many users report finding day to day people much more ugly after learning looks theory.

Their mating strategy is out in the open for everyone to see. When a female boss gave Chad the promotion, Billy beta didn't know why, but Blackpill Billy does know why. The blackpill takes away women's plausible deniability. You just can't trust them not to fuck Chad when you know the blackpill.

Now onto CHAD.

*Chad would realize that his life is not owed to skill, luck, moral superiority or PERSONALITY. The biggest bluepillers are Chads because they think that their life is all sugar-rainbow-gumdrops because of THEMSELVES and not people constantly facilitating their success. **Chads are NOT smart or funny or even socially skilled. Everyone just treats them nice and gives them the benefit of the doubt which always manifests itself into success. But no one likes to think this way, especially not successful people.
* Don't say I'm coping. There are funny/smart/charismatic people of every social category, but uncharismatic Chads get the biggest pass because of looks.

*Chad would not get by so easy if not for beta's fear of rejection and social pressure. Weaker men have this idea that being Chad's friend will get them social brownie points. How many anecdotes do you see about girls fucking their boyfriend's "best" friend (Chad)? Read this article for a great example: [link to www.thrillist.com (secure)]
Cliches like the nerd doing the bullies homework give light to the simple fact that it's not just women who help Chad get by but weak men too.
* A lot of guy friends have a "falling out" because of a girl. It'll go from a "falling out" to a "bullet to the fucking skull". Chad does not want that. He likes being on top.

Obviously less pussy. Men improving their looks would definitely make it a little more competitive and poor Chad might have to work on that winning persoanlity of his.

I've been thinking about this for some time. CORPORATIONS are extremely blackpilled. You'd have to be to be a marketer.

* Almost everything that men buy is to increase their mating opportunity. Paying for college, cars, and clothes. It all has the goal of attracting a mate. Men who are 5'3 would just stop trying once they realized that it's their height and no amount of material items could change that. Thus, corporations have a vested interest in telling people it's [insert product] that will get you a girl. And also a vested interest in STOPPING the blackpill from spreading.
* Heres some black pill commercials:
EX A. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
EX B. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
EX C. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
(notice the ethnic women with white guys) It's encouraging wealthy white guys who struggle with white women to go for ethnic women. Asian women, in particular, are self-hating and prefer white Americans over their own. Corporations take advantage of this knowledge and put it on TV.

The only corporations that'll benefit from the black pill spreading is Smith & Wesson and the NRA.

The big daddy GOVERNMENT.

* The government has always depended on various social pressures to maintain order and revenue. But the blackpill is beyond social pressure. You can't make the "men going their own" get married. Or make a depressed 18-year-old Indian kid stay in college when he knows that it won't get him sex or lead to happiness. He's just going to go sui. Blackpill not good for infrastructure or the economy in the long-run.
*"Due your duty for the country: join the military." "Be a Christian. Get married and pay those taxes" "Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” "JUST LDAR."

*You can't ignore the shootings. The general trend seems to be that the people committing these heinous crimes are young men. The spreading of the blackpill would no doubt increase shooting (and suicides) because some young men lose control.
* Don't think it's just whites. Who were the first "gangsters"? Young black men, young hispanic men. In other words, YOUNG ETHNICS who because of height and race realized that they would never know traditional success. (Look at gang rape in India). Ethnics took up guns and the government thought that enacting policies that target race would help (stop and frisk, unfair sentences). But now even whites are shooting up the place. They think taking away guns would help but ask anyone if that will stop the uprising [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
The government at least knows a little about this trend and they don't want it spreading. And keep in mind not all shooters are incels. And shooting is NOT the answer.

*The social contract has been broken. The government is supposed to facilitate the ability for everyone to achieve happiness.
Not guarantee happiness but facilitate the ability to achieve it. Men are essentially supposed to trade labor for sex. But at every turn (#metoo) sub 8 men are
demonized no matter what they do when trying to have sex. Now OLD men don't know this. But young men do. And for the one's who don't want to faggot cope, they will massacre everything they see or mass suicide.
Saved, read every word.

The best thing men can do right now is try every day to spread the blackpill and the studies / data supporting it far and wide across the whole of the internet. They try to censor us but if the snowball gets rolling that’s our hope for real change down the line.

> the social contract has been broken
Oh yeah, it was broken ages ago and women are incredibly entitled in how they act and what they believe now. They really think men should just let them have their way and give them everything they want for nothing and whole giving men nothing in return. They really believe this.
without Blackpill they all benefits, except us subhumans
Solution is to kill every simp thats the only solution
None of t
"It's not a direct threat to them now, but they're very afraid of it spreading, they don't want their true nature exposed for all to see. Deep down they know it's all true, that's why they act so emotional. They're afraid that their cuck white knight providers will be converted and turned against them."

Directly hijacking this black pill from another thread I'm going to illustrate why the blackpill spreading is bad for women, Chad, the government, and major corporations. Each one of these four figures has a direct net gain from people not understanding looks theory and the looks red pill.

We'll go in order starting with WOMEN. Everyone's favorite.

* Men who know that due to looks they have NO chance would stop giving out free favors, validation (compliments), money, and support to women. They would have no vested interest to young women in any way. See the "men going their own" guys. Men who throw out favors do so, consciously or not, because they think it will increase their chances of mating with that woman or more women.

* OR they think appearing to be a nice person will give them social brownie points which in turn will give them some form of status which in turn allows them to mate.

* It devalues her OWN looks. Women have been rated higher than they ever should have because people don't understand what constitutes true beauty. Many women have been labeled 7s or 8s when they are as low as 3s or 4s. You can observe this on an anecdotal level by simply asking a normie or two to rate a coworker.
* LOOKS THEORY spreading teaches things like maxilla or eye area. Many, many users report finding day to day people much more ugly after learning looks theory.

Their mating strategy is out in the open for everyone to see. When a female boss gave Chad the promotion, Billy beta didn't know why, but Blackpill Billy does know why. The blackpill takes away women's plausible deniability. You just can't trust them not to fuck Chad when you know the blackpill.

Now onto CHAD.

*Chad would realize that his life is not owed to skill, luck, moral superiority or PERSONALITY. The biggest bluepillers are Chads because they think that their life is all sugar-rainbow-gumdrops because of THEMSELVES and not people constantly facilitating their success. **Chads are NOT smart or funny or even socially skilled. Everyone just treats them nice and gives them the benefit of the doubt which always manifests itself into success. But no one likes to think this way, especially not successful people.
* Don't say I'm coping. There are funny/smart/charismatic people of every social category, but uncharismatic Chads get the biggest pass because of looks.

*Chad would not get by so easy if not for beta's fear of rejection and social pressure. Weaker men have this idea that being Chad's friend will get them social brownie points. How many anecdotes do you see about girls fucking their boyfriend's "best" friend (Chad)? Read this article for a great example: [link to www.thrillist.com (secure)]
Cliches like the nerd doing the bullies homework give light to the simple fact that it's not just women who help Chad get by but weak men too.
* A lot of guy friends have a "falling out" because of a girl. It'll go from a "falling out" to a "bullet to the fucking skull". Chad does not want that. He likes being on top.

Obviously less pussy. Men improving their looks would definitely make it a little more competitive and poor Chad might have to work on that winning persoanlity of his.

I've been thinking about this for some time. CORPORATIONS are extremely blackpilled. You'd have to be to be a marketer.

* Almost everything that men buy is to increase their mating opportunity. Paying for college, cars, and clothes. It all has the goal of attracting a mate. Men who are 5'3 would just stop trying once they realized that it's their height and no amount of material items could change that. Thus, corporations have a vested interest in telling people it's [insert product] that will get you a girl. And also a vested interest in STOPPING the blackpill from spreading.
* Heres some black pill commercials:
EX A. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
EX B. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
EX C. [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
(notice the ethnic women with white guys) It's encouraging wealthy white guys who struggle with white women to go for ethnic women. Asian women, in particular, are self-hating and prefer white Americans over their own. Corporations take advantage of this knowledge and put it on TV.

The only corporations that'll benefit from the black pill spreading is Smith & Wesson and the NRA.

The big daddy GOVERNMENT.

* The government has always depended on various social pressures to maintain order and revenue. But the blackpill is beyond social pressure. You can't make the "men going their own" get married. Or make a depressed 18-year-old Indian kid stay in college when he knows that it won't get him sex or lead to happiness. He's just going to go sui. Blackpill not good for infrastructure or the economy in the long-run.
*"Due your duty for the country: join the military." "Be a Christian. Get married and pay those taxes" "Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” "JUST LDAR."

*You can't ignore the shootings. The general trend seems to be that the people committing these heinous crimes are young men. The spreading of the blackpill would no doubt increase shooting (and suicides) because some young men lose control.
* Don't think it's just whites. Who were the first "gangsters"? Young black men, young hispanic men. In other words, YOUNG ETHNICS who because of height and race realized that they would never know traditional success. (Look at gang rape in India). Ethnics took up guns and the government thought that enacting policies that target race would help (stop and frisk, unfair sentences). But now even whites are shooting up the place. They think taking away guns would help but ask anyone if that will stop the uprising [link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
The government at least knows a little about this trend and they don't want it spreading. And keep in mind not all shooters are incels. And shooting is NOT the answer.

*The social contract has been broken. The government is supposed to facilitate the ability for everyone to achieve happiness.
Not guarantee happiness but facilitate the ability to achieve it. Men are essentially supposed to trade labor for sex. But at every turn (#metoo) sub 8 men are
demonized no matter what they do when trying to have sex. Now OLD men don't know this. But young men do. And for the one's who don't want to faggot cope, they will massacre everything they see or mass suicide.
Nothing bad is going to happen, there will always be men lined up for your Becky
None of t
Nothing bad is going to happen, there will always be men lined up for your Becky
The worst scenario is most of sub5s will buy a robot as a partner and got distracted to not start a rebellion
It's the harsh reality sadly
The worst scenario is most of sub5s will buy a robot as a partner and got distracted to not start a rebellion
It's the harsh reality sadly
Exactly no guy has all the energy just because we don't get play in dating Market even though this is a big issue, they'll cope with friendship, life goals broo
Exactly no guy has all the energy just because we don't get play in dating Market even though this is a big issue, they'll cope with friendship, life goals broo
Yes this is why we should not submit to those fake and synthetic robot as a replacement
It feels fake even if you try to imagine it
it's a distraction to not make us exercising our anger upon them.
Yes this is why we should not submit to those fake and synthetic robot as a replacement
It feels fake even if you try to imagine it
it's a distraction to not make us exercising our anger upon them.
Forget robots it has already started, just look at hardcore weebs and their body pillows, vtubers etc. The urge is already there.
This is why banning tranime and femoid avi is a must
Lukewarm type of blackpill forum needs to go
What we need as a blackpiller is a forum designed and dedicated to radicalzed version of blackpill

It's about blackpiller control the world or blackpiller got genocided through gynocentric wave of degeneracy
Imagine if every single male engineer realized this and stopped working

The urban area will collapse overnight jfl
You mean, the maintenance workers for sewers and buildings. The engineers just design it.
This post is great, but it doesn't go far enough. The blackpill also leads to questions. Questions like "why should I continue to pay taxes to people who hate me" or "why should I care about school funding if I will never have kids". This is where the blackpill becomes a political force. A blackpilled single man (who is not a NEET) understands that he gains fundamentally nothing from his taxes, nothing from decent social services and quite a bit from simply stealing what he can and running for the exits. A blackpiller with no family is far more likely to take out a $500k loan, take the money, and run to another nation as an example. He is far more likely to vote for those parties that tax him the least. A citizenship is only good if it allows you to make money. No real allegiance to any nation. War is just another opportunity to make money. You can justify all kinds of criminality this way.

It also leads to a much bigger and broader question. "If I will never benefit from women in society, why should I continue to live among them?" Every interaction with a female becomes a business arrangement. You know the love is fake, and AI chat bots do it better anyways. So you are there for the sex and the ability to have kids. The goal is then to get those things for as cheap as possible. This means, broadly speaking, no simping, since simping will never allow you to achieve those things cost effectively.
Mega Society IQ post.

This is the fundamental reason why the black pill is dangerous. It can lead to societal destabilization. Imagine if every soldier, cop, and spy suddenly became black pilled. The state's force apparatus would eventually crumble and fold on itself. The commercial implications have been already mentioned. Men will no longer buy useless shit in the hopes of attracting women and many businesses will lose a lot of money. They will also not be corporate slaves with a need to fund their wives' expenditures (of which is >90% in the marriage anyway).

We've talked about these things years before here, but I'm happy to see that this topic has had a resurgence.
> the social contract has been broken
Oh yeah, it was broken ages ago and women are incredibly entitled in how they act and what they believe now. They really think men should just let them have their way and give them everything they want for nothing and whole giving men nothing in return. They really believe this.
Foid logic. :feelsclown:
once all the boomers die off it will start to become more clear.
good quality thread, it's insane once you realize the amount of brainwashing done to keep the average man bluepilled

without bluepilled men, the economy would be absolutely stagnant. i knew a normie who took his girlfriend out for dinner every other night to compensate for him being 5ft4. she ended up breaking up with him (shocking). imagine if he wasn't a bluepilled NPC and just stopped wasting money on foids for no reason.
  • cope​
  • nothing will happen​
  • only sub5 suffer the effects of the blackpill​
Cope. Men need to be taught to treat foids worse than slaves for the blackpill to become remotely dangerous for foids and chads.
"The most dangerous person in the world is a lonely, broke, and alone man."
Blackpill spreading doesn't affect most women or chad. So what if subhumans kill themselves? Chad will still fuck women. Women will still fuck chad. And don't hit me with the "devalued looks", it doesn't matter if stacy goes from 10 to 5. There will still be boats load of men wanting her. I mean, sure, she'll lose the subhumans that compliment her, but she thinks they're creepy rapists anyway. Women only enjoy/want compliments from 5< men. And you said chad will get less pussy but no. Only chadlites can become chads via looksmaxx so it won't devalue them all that much. It will just mean that more women have access to chad.

Now you forgot the big but true part. It will affect the SLUT women, hence why I used the word "most" above. With the blackpill spreading, they can't become millionaires overnight, as the subhumans all roped! Only fans etc. will become worthless. And that, for me, is the best part of blackpill spreading.

And finally, you are right about the government and corporations part. I applaud you on that, not many people discuss the economic implications of the blackpill on here.
you overestimate the intelligence of the average -cel.The average -cel will always be a bluepilled women worshipping simp soy guzzler
Redpill is already entering mainstream within the male demographic, its only natural that soon after they will discover the Blackpill
Also, I think a nice addition to this thread will be religion. Most abrahamic religions reel in subhuman men by giving them hopes of pussy and/or suppressing women from fucking chads. Islam promises their jihadis 72 virgins in heaven, Christianity attempting to enforce monogamy etc.

As more and more worthless men wake up, religion will die off. Only old people and coping subhumans believe in religions now anyway.
Religion will be replaced by enforced monogamy through Marxism Rodgerism

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