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RageFuel This forum is a failure

Throwing around theories like "Women secretly enjoy rape" and you're talking about society taking inceldom seriously? They look for exactly those kinds of cherries to discredit us.
Even if Society get us.seriously , he will.never do anything about it . You want be able to get vergin foids shipped at your doorstep . So let everyone.post whatever the fuck he wants .
It was already over , now let every one of use find a meaning for his life and stick to it and may be one day he will ascend .
That's not just a theory. Majority of women admit to fantasizing about being raped. (By Chads of course).
I fantasize about raping women and having a Hareem of them .
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Sarge literally said in the PM that it was deleted for "trolling" and that the title was obviously a troll title (got a 20% warning for trolling while many users post literal spam and troll posts and nothing happens)

I asked him these questions:
1. How could that thread have been titled to where you wouldn't call it a troll thread? (you know so I know better next time)

2. If the text within the thread remained the same but the title was changed would it still be a troll thread?

If yes then aren't you just moving the goal posts?

If no are you seriously saying you deleted an entire thread because of a title alone, when you likely could have edited the title?

Not expecting an answer JFL

Mods just make up excuses to censor content they think is "extremist", its a balancing act, they want to censor us, but at the same time they don't want to come off as censoring so that they can retain the "non-normie" appeal of the forum, because if they went full normie they'd lose all of their users
Sarge is a schemer
society taking inceldom seriously?
Never gonna happen no matter what boyo. Illegal shit, yeah, it must be deleted or else we get problems with the servers, the law and whatnot. But just theories? Let anyone makes the theories that they want tbh.
You have bettER ideas?
From failures for failures
just ldar in horror buddy boyo

Nah, rather go ER than LDAR

LDAR is just a cowards suicide, killing yourself as a person but still being able to breathe, its a half measure, its the closest state to non-existence that a living person can experience

Why waste time, just kill yourself and be done with it
So mods basically allow autistic retards to shitpost and pollute this forum with turbo autism everywhere but the moment @BlkPillPres posts a high IQ thread, it gets deleted? This forum is a joke, don't expect society to take inceldom seriously when all they see on this forum are retarded fuckers turning everything into a meme.
I was gonna shit on you but then i realise we have the same join date so now i like you.
Sarge literally said in the PM that it was deleted for "trolling" and that the title was obviously a troll title (got a 20% warning for trolling while many users post literal spam and troll posts and nothing happens)

I asked him these questions:
1. How could that thread have been titled to where you wouldn't call it a troll thread? (you know so I know better next time)

2. If the text within the thread remained the same but the title was changed would it still be a troll thread?

If yes then aren't you just moving the goal posts?

If no are you seriously saying you deleted an entire thread because of a title alone, when you likely could have edited the title?

Not expecting an answer JFL

Mods just make up excuses to censor content they think is "extremist", its a balancing act, they want to censor us, but at the same time they don't want to come off as censoring so that they can retain the "non-normie" appeal of the forum, because if they went full normie they'd lose all of their users
He should at least have been honest and said that it's because it sounds too politically incorrect and risks having the site taken down or that he disagrees with it.
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He should at least have been honest and said that it's because it sounds too politically incorrect and risks having the site taken down or that he disagrees with it.

That's also what I told him too, but he just continued to lie JFL

You and everyone else knows exactly why he can't admit to that, because it kills the "street cred" of the site as a "true incel forum" where incels can speak their mind, and if he admits to the censorship, he admits its no different than reddit but with a slightly longer leach
You and everyone else knows exactly why he can't admit to that, because it kills the "street cred" of the site as a "true incel forum" where incels can speak their mind, and if he admits to the censorship, he admits its no different than reddit but with a slightly longer leach
Mods just make up excuses to censor content they think is "extremist", its a balancing act, they want to censor us, but at the same time they don't want to come off as censoring so that they can retain the "non-normie" appeal of the forum, because if they went full normie they'd lose all of their users
I made a post about it and the mods deleted it because I was “whining”
did you know there's a rule saying you can't comment on old threads?
Yeah and I'm an autistic fuck who always forgets to check the post date before commenting. I've necro-ed twice on accident, gotten two warnings. It's made me paranoid as fuck now.
Why dont mods just make the forum private already... So that we can just post whatever we want without having to worry about the media
Mods have done some questionable shit ngl, they take out their anger on their fellow incels to feel like Chad, should have more discipline
But they do a good job of stopping bragging, this site would be destroyed if people were braggig/larping
Why dont mods just make the forum private already... So that we can just post whatever we want without having to worry about the media
Because there are still inceltears infiltrators here. Making the forum private won't solve anything.
Mods have done some questionable shit ngl, they take out their anger on their fellow incels to feel like Chad
Throwing around theories like "Women secretly enjoy rape" and you're talking about society taking inceldom seriously? They look for exactly those kinds of cherries to discredit us.
Highest IQ post I've seen all week.

People will always judge a community based on the negative things, since the negative will always stick out more than the positive.
Highest IQ post I've seen all week.

People will always judge a community based on the negative things, since the negative will always stick out more than the positive.

Low IQ and coping, incels are already associated with mass murder and being ugly, they don't need more reasons to hate and vilify us, no matter what we do we'll be the bad guys, its coping to think that "were helping their narrative", many inceltears users have come to the site, posted, and then went back to speak ill of the post they made, were dealing with people who hate us so much they will create false "evidence", if we stopped posting fucked up shit guess what, they'd just come here and post it for us or make shit up, it doesn't matter
Never gonna happen no matter what boyo. Illegal shit, yeah, it must be deleted or else we get problems with the servers, the law and whatnot. But just theories? Let anyone makes the theories that they want tbh.

But if @IncelKing wants us taken seriously, we need to have theories that don't make us a laughingstock.
Yeah and I'm an autistic fuck who always forgets to check the post date before commenting. I've necro-ed twice on accident, gotten two warnings. It's made me paranoid as fuck now.
its a dumb ass rule that shouldn't count.

if its really that serious they should just delete every fucking thread after week
But if @IncelKing wants us taken seriously, we need to have theories that don't make us a laughingstock.

No, no matter what we say in the realm of intelligence it will not be acknowledged, that's what you guys don't get, there is no nice way to say a harsh truth if the person just doesn't want to hear it, you can shout it at them or whisper it to them calmly, they'll respond the same, because its not how the message is conveyed that they hate, its the message itself

They'll just endlessly move goal posts until were left being completely silenced unable to say anything because its "offensive"
its a dumb ass rule that shouldn't count.

if its really that serious they should just delete every fucking thread after week
Agreed. That, or lock the thread after a week.
Low IQ and coping, incels are already associated with mass murder and being ugly, they don't need more reasons to hate and vilify us, no matter what we do we'll be the bad guys, its coping to think that "were helping their narrative", many inceltears users have come to the site, posted, and then went back to speak ill of the post they made, were dealing with people who hate us so much they will create false "evidence", if we stopped posting fucked up shit guess what, they'd just come here and post it for us or make shit up, it doesn't matter
Agree tbh
But if @IncelKing wants us taken seriously, we need to have theories that don't make us a laughingstock.

Dude, that thread was based, high IQ and blackpilled. @BlkPillPres basically spouted facts and preached truth. Some truths are just hard to swallow, that is literally the point of the blackpill, no one said accepting reality would be easy, its just that accepting reality helps you become more enlightened and self-aware about human psychology. Just because the truth was hard for you to swallow, doesnt mean its not the truth. Its typical of bluepillers to be in denial of the harsh truth, and more and more you are sounding like one of them.
They do though, when women are raped by attractive men women enjoy the raping. You'll often see comments of women where they say that they would not mind being raped by a certain individual. There is also a sub called rapekink where women admit their rape fantasies.

Also. OP made a high IQ thread.

I'm sure many women have rape fetishes and would let Jeremy Meeks pee in their mouths. But we're talking about women who specifically say "I don't want to be raped."
The moment Chad rapes them, the women will be fine with it. You honestly believe women can deny Chad's thundercock?

If that's how they feel, they'd specify that. "Jeremy Meeks has consent to take me by force."
I'm sure many women have rape fetishes and would let Jeremy Meeks pee in their mouths. But we're talking about women who specifically say "I don't want to be raped."

There's a difference between what you (your conscious self - mind) wants and what you (your subconscious self - body) wants

In fact they are seldom always in conflict with eachother

There are a lot of men who find the act of rape "disgusting" and will say - "I would never rape"

Yet place them under certain circumstances and the thought arises in their head to do it, and some actually do, and they'll say - "I don't know what came over me" or "I don't know why I even thought about doing it"

Absolute fucking lies, they always knew they were capable of it and wanted it, humans are in denial of their true nature which is why they are all so shocked when they do something "out of character", and that's because its not out of character, they just like to think of themselves as this "higher being" with "higher standards" (people like yourself)

But when it comes down to it, especially in a life and death scenario, you'll "surprise yourself" with the things you are willing to do, when it should be obvious to you already
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I'm sure many women have rape fetishes and would let Jeremy Meeks pee in their mouths. But we're talking about women who specifically say "I don't want to be raped."

blkpillpres never said that "its ok to rape" or that "we should rape women", he simply highlighted the fact that its illogical for women to inflict heavy physical abuse upon themselves via degrading sex acts (threesomes and gangbangs, penetrated in all holes by men with large cocks) and then claim to be traumatized when they get raped by a guy with an average/below average penis size and who only sticks to forced vaginal penetration (especially when an orgasm is induced.)
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blkpillpres never said that "its ok to rape" or that "we should rape women", he simply highlighted the fact that its illogical for women to inflict heavy physical abuse upon themselves via degrading sex acts (threesomes and gangbangs, penetrated in all holes by men with large cocks) and then claim to be traumatized when they get raped by a guy with an average/below average penis size and who only sticks to forced vaginal penetration (even when an orgasm is induced.)

I'm not saying he did, I'm saying he said women who say they don't like rape secretly do like rape.
You didn't read the thread (or for some reason you just can't understand what I kept saying over and over), all you did was make assertions, the point of the thread is that you can't "mutilate" yourself and its fine, but if someone mutilates you the same way by force (to a lesser extent) its now this traumatic event you can't get over

If a woman can get gangbanged for an hour in all holes by 10 guys with 10 inches, its ridiculous for her to claim to be mentally and physically traumatized by a single 5 incher forcing himself on her vaginally for like 15 mins

That's my point, women can't claim that the act of rape is more traumatic than a lot of the stuff they put themselves through, and magically because they consented those things weren't as bad, that makes no logical sense

If you eat shit by choice, and then someone comes across and shoves shit down your throat, you can't act as if that shit is not disgusting because it was forced, the act was disgusting to begin with

Are you getting the point yet?


Someone consenting to something, doesn't magically change whether its an extreme/degrading thing or not, you sound like a woman, a gangbang doesn't becoming "empowering" just because a woman consented, its still a violent and degrading thing regardless of consent

I don't know how many ways I can explain something this simple
giga high IQ. it's only rape if ur ugly.
I think the big joke here is you OP. I never fucking understand why that an incel hates other incel for something that's beyond their control.
There's a difference between what you (your conscious self - mind) wants and what you (your subconscious self - body) wants

In fact they are seldom always in conflict with eachother

There are a lot of men who find the act of rape "disgusting" and will say - "I would never rape"

Yet place them under certain circumstances and the thought arises in their head to do it, and some actually do, and they'll say - "I don't know what came over me" or "I don't know why I even thought about doing it"

Absolute fucking lies, they always knew they were capable of it and wanted it, humans are in denial of their true nature which is why they are all so shocked when they do something "out of character", and that's because its not out of character, they just like to think of themselves as this "higher being" with "higher standards" (people like yourself)

But when it comes down to it, especially in a life and death scenario, you'll "surprise yourself" with the things you are willing to do, when it should be obvious to you already

Yeah i think cognitive dissonance arises when your subconsciousness and consciousness are in conflict. Thats why lot of women who orgasmed during rape are left feeling confused regarding their true feelings about the rape. On a conscious (psychological) level she felt disgusted, humiliated and degraded, but on a subconscious (physical) level she enjoyed it. That cognitive dissonance is why it takes the rape victim quite some time (few weeks to few months) to register what really happened and then when they actually report it to the authorities, they feel guilty about doing so, because in her subconsciousness AT THE CORE she knows she enjoyed it no matter the revulsion she felt in her consciousness ON THE SURFACE.
Yeah i think cognitive dissonance arises when your subconsciousness and consciousness are in conflict. Thats why lot of women who orgasmed during rape are left feeling confused regarding their true feelings about the rape. On a conscious (psychological) level she felt disgusted, humiliated and degraded, but on a subconscious (physical) level she enjoyed it. That cognitive dissonance is why it takes the rape victim quite some time (few weeks to few months) to register what really happened and then when they actually report it to the authorities, they feel guilty about doing so, because in her subconsciousness AT THE CORE she knows she enjoyed it no matter the revulsion she felt in her consciousness ON THE SURFACE.
you forgot some color
Yeah i think cognitive dissonance arises when your subconsciousness and consciousness are in conflict. Thats why lot of women who orgasmed during rape are left feeling confused regarding their true feelings about the rape. On a conscious (psychological) level she felt disgusted, humiliated and degraded, but on a subconscious (physical) level she enjoyed it. That cognitive dissonance is why it takes the rape victim quite some time (few weeks to few months) to register what really happened and then when they actually report it to the authorities, they feel guilty about doing so, because in her subconsciousness AT THE CORE she knows she enjoyed it no matter the revulsion she felt in her consciousness ON THE SURFACE.
Voltaire IQ
Is it though? I don't know if I'd waste my time arguing with people who think "the solution to inceldom is beating the women I keep in my basement" is an example of a high IQ thread, and who worship the guy who makes them.

I long ago gave blkpllpres the honor of being the first to go on my ignore list, his threads were literally causing me to lose IQ points.

I don't agree with shooting even the biggest asshole, but I would've wanted to listen to Cho. I would've wanted to help him. And back in 2007 that was the way you were supposed to feel about the angry and heartbroken. I wanna bring that back. The compassion.
you forgot some color

Its not necessary :feelsokman:
Yeah i think cognitive dissonance arises when your subconsciousness and consciousness are in conflict. Thats why lot of women who orgasmed during rape are left feeling confused regarding their true feelings about the rape. On a conscious (psychological) level she felt disgusted, humiliated and degraded, but on a subconscious (physical) level she enjoyed it. That cognitive dissonance is why it takes the rape victim quite some time (few weeks to few months) to register what really happened and then when they actually report it to the authorities, they feel guilty about doing so, because in her subconsciousness AT THE CORE she knows she enjoyed it no matter the revulsion she felt in her consciousness ON THE SURFACE.

Exactly, and that's where the "guilt" from rape women are always talking about comes from, them denying that deep down they enjoyed it on some level
I think the big joke here is you OP. I never fucking understand why that an incel hates other incel for something that's beyond their control.

Whats beyond your control?

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