Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Hypocrisy This forum goes full retard from time to time.

Yeah, there's a bunch of agecucks here.
mentally crippled by lonely teen years
Its simple. Some users are attracted to teen girls and some aren't. How hard is it to get?
Do you seriously think that everyone here has the same preferences. JFL.
@Total Imbecile , @Iamnothere000

Explain this shit.
Incels.co: Waaaah I can't cuddle with a 14 - 16 year old.

Also Incels: Pedophillia getting nromalized

incels aren't all the same, we are all individuals with different world views.
The only thing we all share is we can't get laid or get love.
Even all incels aren't blackpilled.
cope it makes you healthy human being
I would have said 16 maybe, but the stats @Edmund_Kemper posts destroyed me
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I have no idea why some users are obsessed with the idea of cuddling 14-year-old foids. It sounds pretty fucking weird to me.
Its simple. Some users are attracted to teen girls and some aren't. How hard is it to get?
Do you seriously think that everyone here has the same preferences. JFL.
Wow people have different opinions on here, never would have guessed.

Fuck moralfags though tbh
That's right goyim, a 16 y/o whore who has taken 1400 dicks is an innocent child.
This forum discusses age of consent with the kind of energy as if we are sex havers or something.
14-16 isn’t pedophilia, it is the age of consent in most of Europe and many other places as well. Very dishonest post considering the girls in the netflix show 11 years old I believe. Although I ageee with the title, I do not think the post itself is intellectually honest.
This forum discusses age of consent with the kind of energy as if we are sex havers or something.
I will never be sexually intimate with a woman at any age so it doesn't matter.
So should the forum be one minded? how would that make it any different from Reddit?

It's very simple, as others in this thread have already stated people have different opinion with different things. though the obsession some guys have with little girls here does get old from time to time, never really thought so many Pedophiles would be on Incles.co of all places.
A lot of people here are underage and it shows.
Simple. Pedophilia is here is defined to be attraction to prepubescent foids.
Incels.co: Waaaah I can't cuddle with a 14 - 16 year old.

Also Incels: Pedophillia getting nromalized

This forum discusses age of consent with the kind of energy as if we are sex havers or something.

It's goes back to what @BlkPillPres has said in the past. Many people here still fall into culture wars battles and ideas of what is good or not for a society that has already outcast them and which they have pretty much no say in.
I was surprised to see those threads with outrage about children's shows. Such talk really doesn't have anything to do with inceldom or even concern single men with no children as a whole and gives an opening for tradcucks to infiltrate and water down the topics discussed here to culture wars and saving society BS like they did in previous manosphere groups.
Incels.co: Waaaah I can't cuddle with a 14 - 16 year old.

Also Incels: Pedophillia getting nromalized


Its because the forum doesn't have an anti moralfag rule, and if I create a forum that will be like rule #1 JFL

No moralfaggotry should be allowed, I don't care about morals, its the same morals of society that decided that we should all just accept our fate as incels and live sex starved depressing lives

This should be recommended reading for all moralfags on this forum:


Simple. Pedophilia is here is defined to be attraction to prepubescent foids.

This is what it should mean on a fundamental level, but moralfags keep moving the goalposts to 16, 18, 21, etc. etc.
@Total Imbecile , @Iamnothere000

Explain this shit.

I didnt say I wanna fuck a 14 year old, I said I wanna cuddle with her, they are cute and soft and that just makes you want to cuddle with them


But even if I did say that I want to fuck a 14 year old so what? Most girls lose their virginity by that age, LOL if you think most 14 year olds are not having sex
I didnt say I wanna fuck a 14 year old, I said I wanna cuddle with her, they are cute and soft and that just makes you want to cuddle with them


But even if I did say that I want to fuck a 14 year old so what? Most girls lose their virginity by that age, LOL if you think most 14 year olds are not having sex
I would go lower than 14 mmmmmmm coooooooooooom. But idk why you would talk about that here anyway, not like your preferences really matter
Different people have different opinions
Too many pedos in this forum. Boohoo you can't fuck a 13 year old girl. FUCKING FREAKS
I have no idea why some users are obsessed with the idea of cuddling 14-year-old foids. It sounds pretty fucking weird to me.

Because I wanat that sweet innocent teen love where you just like each other for who you are and not for whether you have a job and pay rent
I would go lower than 14 mmmmmmm coooooooooooom. But idk why you would talk about that here anyway, not like your preferences really matter

No sexual dimorphism under 14

Might as well be fucking a boy at that point you wouldnt really be able to tell
It's just opions.
Too many pedos in this forum. Boohoo you can't fuck a 13 year old girl. FUCKING FREAKS
Why are you white kinghting bro. Calm down and have some soy almond milk.
It's good for your E levels
dunno why people worship 14-16 year olds. Not like any of us have a chance anyway, unless they are fakecel. Yeah they are having sex at that age but thats only with 16-20 year old chads
A lot of people here are underage and it shows.
Its simple. Some users are attracted to teen girls and some aren't. How hard is it to get?
Do you seriously think that everyone here has the same preferences. JFL.

OP is a fucking dumbass
Because I wanat that sweet innocent teen love where you just like each other for who you are and not for whether you have a job and pay rent

Teenagers are not sweet nor innocent.

They are cruel.
Wanting a 14-16 year old isn't pedophilia. They aren't prepubescent.
man you cant expect a diverse group of people with varying opinions and personal biases to come together and "agree" on something that is morally controversial.
I didnt say I wanna fuck a 14 year old, I said I wanna cuddle with her, they are cute and soft and that just makes you want to cuddle with them
This is what inceldom does to your brain.
This forum discusses age of consent with the kind of energy as if we are sex havers or something.

Can't speak for others, but I'm calling out the bullshit and fighting against the pedo psyop propaganda that creeps its way into the forum and attaches itself onto the incel label and subculture. It happens on occasion with politics too where someone will be propagandizing some country's national issue in the main sub, but it's few and far between compared to the pedo posting.

There was a legit thread on ********* (JFL, this is censored) before the shut down where one pedo with the Cho avi was asking advice on how to "convert incels" and the guy with the Fritzl avi was giving him detailed, step by step instructions and psychological ploys on how to trick incels into accepting their "true inner selves." Those sick fucks believe that pedophilia is the natural state and society has conditioned us otherwise. It's a similar kind of shit that the trannies have done in the past. We have members here that were active there, which tells you that they were actively doing this, but nobody blinks twice. The pedos label you as a moralfag and everybody else just turns off their brain when they see that.
Those sick fucks believe that pedophilia is the natural state and society has conditioned us otherwise.
Lol. This is what they unironically believe. They actually know they are wrong and their pathology is their own. That's why the expend so much energy trying to prove that its natural for healthy adult men.

In my 2 months here I noticed their tactics as well.

First they will say, aoc at 18 is bs and teens are having sex anyway.

Then they will say 14 is a nice age and its AoC in most of the West.

Then they will say puberty going girls from the age of 11 start developing secondary sexual features so they should be fair game as well and that its natural(when infact many such girls, in this range, especially the younger ones have no such features at all)

Then they will come up with misappropriated studies to prove above point.

Then they will say some girls start going through puberty at 9. To bring the age down even further. Notice that at this point an average 9 yo has developed no sexual features and is little different from kids younger than her. This is to normalize attraction to kids.

And down the pedo slippery slope we go.

Let me tell you in advance their next argument. Next they will say that youngest pregnancy happened at 5. So 5 year olds should also be sexualized.
The pedos label you as a moralfag and everybody else just turns off their brain when they see that.
I stopped caring about being called "moralfag" or "agecuck" long ago. These words mean nothing to me. If they have a label for me, I have a better one for them. And I must say, they have learned to use these words without tagging my name. Cuz that was way too costly a mistake:feelshaha:

But I must say pedo psy op or not the amount of energy spent on this forum lamenting on the aoc at 18 is weird. Teens rejected you back in school, why would they date you now?
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