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This board fails to mention how bad life post age 30 is

It's not just kind of bad, it's exponentially worse than being in your early 20s.

How many non-balding men over 30 do you know?

How many happy men over 30 do you know?

How many men over 30 do you know who have women physically attracted to them?

The only plan you need for life post 30 is a good, painless way to kill yourself.

I can attest to this. Things have been very shitty since i turned 30.
if you haven't had a lot of sex or a couple gf's in your 20's, then it's undeniably over after 30. you will die alone 100%
I consider it if you are virgin by 21-23 you suffer permanent psychological damage from missing out on teen love and failing in early 20's.
It can only go downhill from there.
Non-balding 30 year olds are majority in here but ıdk about the rest.
I know. My teachers in high school would joke and say "it only gets worse". I knew they were telling the truth even then.
Most of the board can't conceive how bad it is yet. The teens and twenties are worse though in a lot of ways, seeing your youth fly by with zilch to show for it!
Man, I enjoyed my 30s. I was NEETmaxxing.

It was definitely better than in my 20s when I was trying hard to be a normie.
Most people here aren't even over 20 yet or something
I'm 40 now and feel definitely better than in my 20s. Back then there was still a sliver of hope that women would notice me by jestermaxxing, gymcelling and personalitymaxxing, and would always feel super depressed when nothing worked out.

Now I'm vantablackpilled and have zero expectations concerning women. Sure I'm ugly and bald but feeling healthy and physically fit, and I've got my copes and enough money to afford them. And now with Covid-19 things have never been better.
It's not just kind of bad, it's exponentially worse than being in your early 20s.

How many non-balding men over 30 do you know?

How many happy men over 30 do you know?

How many men over 30 do you know who have women physically attracted to them?

The only plan you need for life post 30 is a good, painless way to kill yourself.
Dont know why you're surprised.

The forum is infested with sub22 yr old fucktards who dont belong here
Most people here will probably rope or go ER before 30, I wouldn't really expect too many oldcels on here.
why spoiling the surprise for our fellow teencels?
Killing myself way before then tbh,

Even if you surgerymaxx, there will never be prime foids available when you're past 30 unless you're a tall chad.
Tbh it can be liberating to be in your 30's. You have more of an open mind about life and you give less shits.

Also the shit that youngcels get hangups on that IT used to love to make fun of, doesn't bother you. I hope to ascend before 40, but if not I'll look to escortcel.
No friends, no dating, no Future, no Hope.

Only work, porn and .co
How many non-balding men over 30 do you know?

This is the only good thing I think in the men in my family. I have granduncles, cousins, uncles, where the majority of them in their 50s 60s 70s and even 80s have most of their hair.
Strangely enough the 2 I know that are bald or balding were the chads who fucked someone every other night in the week.
Not lifefuel because they still got someone they're fucking. One even married with a child, and yes it's his.
It's not just kind of bad, it's exponentially worse than being in your early 20s.

How many non-balding men over 30 do you know?

How many happy men over 30 do you know?

How many men over 30 do you know who have women physically attracted to them?

The only plan you need for life post 30 is a good, painless way to kill yourself.

you can easen the pain by walehtmaxxing and coping with escorts and drugs.

Being 30 and broke, now that is ROPEFUEL
It’s shit, but tbh in many ways it’s better than it was when I was younger. Between careermaxxing and wealthmaxxing, gymmaxxing, reading and constantly learning, I get by alright. When I completely gave up any hope of finding female validation I felt quite liberated. I just wish I knew some incel friends IRL to hang with.

Damn, so you really lived your whole life with a gf or a partner...Seems fking surreal to me..
Most people here will probably rope or go ER before 30, I wouldn't really expect too many oldcels on here.
retard post. only 1/10 of those who claim to rope likey rope and maybe 1/100 to 1/1000 who say they will go ER wjll do so
Can confirm. Being old and incel is a curse i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Life doesn't get any better, you just become more apathetic as each year passes.
Man, I enjoyed my 30s. I was NEETmaxxing.

It was definitely better than in my 20s when I was trying hard to be a normie.

Same here, NEET from 30 until 43 despite trying to get work. Only getting £144 unemployment every 2 weeks wasn't fun though. I ended up taking an overdose, but I survived obviously...
retard post. only 1/10 of those who claim to rope likey rope and maybe 1/100 to 1/1000 who say they will go ER wjll do so
Less than that are actually 30 though. Most people stop posting or get banned before that point.
Im 29 and i can tell you that strong emotions just disappear, you become like a robot without feelings and everything becomes boring. Suicidal ideation becomes usual and intimate, a solid part of your personality. Im also almost asexual by this point, i hate most of the porn i loved since i was 14, and and anything related to human sex sickens me instantly
Watching myself slowly wither despite all my efforts made me lose any hope little by little. My 20´s are almost gone and all ive done was worthless... I guess its over now. I gave up 3 years ago and, since then, not a single chance presented by itself. I should abandon all hope and stop thinking about something i will never get.
I crave for the absolute hoplelessness as many oldels here claim to have attained.
I hope I don’t make it
I hope I don’t make it
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its over you know when your breeders die you are homeless or worse

only cope day to day loneliness is non existing you start to talk to yourself and have grandeour delusions

and you like to sleep

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