Ugh nevermind, he's subhuman af but he's blue pilled af too.
"How can you benefit society?" Fuck society, why would I want to help society to cope when they hate me? When I think of regular, normal people I want them hurt, I don't wanna help them, fuck them. When I think of the lives affected by ER or AM I don't feel bad, at best I feel indifference but usually I feel some happiness that normies feel even just a little bit of our pain.
When your solution and advice to us is to get over it and help the people who make us suffer we're not gonna be reciprocal to the idea. I'm not gonna shoot up a place or anything like that, but i'm not gonna help the very same people who only attack us and try and make us hurt. Your advice is shit and won't change a damn thing for a subhuman man. The world deserves to burn down.
I don't care if they're ugly or not, we need to get a legitimate blackpiller to do an interview. Obviously don't sperg out, but don't shy away from the truth like Jack.