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Blackpill Thinking of Quitting the Movement?



Neo Luddite • Unknown
Oct 25, 2023
Many people leave the Blackpill Movement because of endemic drama, including mostly online bullying by obnoxious people. I favor an easy entry, easy exit policy. But you should have good reasons for leaving. Here are some reasons not to go.

Everyone in this movement inevitably finds himself wondering, “If the cause of The Blackpill is so good, why are the Incels so bad?” But we have to remind ourselves: “Despite the fact that the people are so bad, the Blackpill cause still remains good.” The point is to see that, ultimately, the core of the movement is an idea, not a set of people. The people are there just to serve the idea, and that includes us.

Whenever your enthusiasm for the cause wavers, remind yourself that you are doing this because, first and foremost, you think this is right. The Blackpill is about putting the common good of our people over individual interests whenever they conflict. That includes our own interests. A true idealist also acts out of duty rather than personal pleasure, whenever the two conflict. Yes, this cause is often joyful, and a successful movement has to offer personal rewards and pleasure. But in the last instance, we do what we do because it is right, not because it is fun. Which is how we stick to it when it isn’t fun.

None of us may live to see free Loving Homelands. So our activism is, at its core, sacrificing ourselves for the common good, for the future of our people. There’s a saying that a society becomes great when people plant trees so their descendants can enjoy shade. The Blackpill is about creating a world in which our brothers have a future, even if we do not share in that future.

But we can share its greatness today. And that greatness shines most brightly when we endure the hard times, sustained by idealism alone. Of course the movement has to offer more than idealism and sacrifice. But they are the bedrock upon which it is built, and it will fail without them. Our goal dies a little every time we choose self-indulgence over duty, the present over the future, private interests over the common good.

No, the idea cannot triumph without attracting good people. And every bad person who clings to this cause repulses a hundred better ones. So we have to understand why there are so many bad people and figure out ways of attracting better ones. But the Blackpill idea is absolute. The people are fungible, and if good people are quitting while stupid, crazy, and evil ones are running amok, the movement is going to fail. When decent people listen to their feelings of disgust and start thinking of quitting, they are letting the bastards win.

You can’t do that. You’ve got to listen to your idealism instead, and you also need to turn up your disgust a notch. If someone is behaving in a manner so disgusting that you are thinking of abandoning all that is good and holy, perhaps you should feel a bit disgusted with yourself as well.

Beyond that, if someone is disgusting enough to drive you from the battle, aren’t they also disgusting enough for you to want to crush them? Because that’s the spirit we need.

Of course, once you go beyond the beatific vision of crushing your enemies and ask yourself exactly how it can be accomplished, it dawns on you that we can’t really get rid of these people. We can’t kill them. We can’t throw them in prison. We can’t get them off the Internet. We can’t track down every donor and supporter. We can’t shame and silence every shill. We can’t revoke some sort of membership in the movement. We can’t “purge” them.

But they can’t do that to us, either.

The Blackpill is a decentralized, pluralistic, largely virtual movement. There are plenty of cliques and groupuscules and scenes. But there is no absolute inside and outside. There is no king, pope, or dictator. No arbiter of who is in and who is out. We can’t even rid this movement of doxers, embezzlers, con artists, miscegenators, drunkards, druggies, chronic failures, and controlled opposition. But somehow, some of us have made a science of driving away decent people. That has to stop. The closest thing we can do to purging all the bad elements is simply to leave them alone. Let them have their little cliques and cults. Let them serve as an abscess into which all the poisons drain.

Recognize that all the power is in your hands.

Nobody can make you leave this movement movement. Only you can do that. So don't .

If only you can make you leave the movement, your enemies depend entirely upon you to hand them a victory. Which makes bullying extremely stupid. Nobody can remain a leader for long if he fails repeatedly. That goes for online lynch mobs as well as political movements. The best way to avoid failure is to choose goals that you can actually accomplish. The more the outcome depends on your actions and the less it can be controlled by your opponents, the greater the chance of success.

In the case of bullying, however, success depends entirely on the victims. If the targets of bullying just hold firm, they win, and their enemies look incredibly weak and foolish. This sort of strategic stupidity is why the movement keeps lurching from one self-induced defeat to another.

Manage your expectations.

There will never be a movement without destructive infighting, and it is unreasonable to expect otherwise. Even if we could convert or drive out the worst elements in the movement, the establishment that opposes us would simply create replacements. In short, these people — whether they know it or not, whether they intend to or not — are doing the enemy’s work. Their goal is to create a smaller, weaker, poorer, more marginal, but “purer” movement — a movement with a madhouse atmosphere that repulses the normal and the superior — a movement that has zero chance of resonating with the masses, changing the course of history, and saving our life from extinction.

Well, that is the goal of our enemies as well. So if the troublemakers did not exist, the enemy would find it necessary to create them. Note that I am not accusing anyone of being an enemy agent. I am actually accusing them of being something far more contemptible: people who do the enemy’s work for them, for free. Their motives ultimately don’t matter. Controlled opposition or not, the results are exactly the same.

But if these people will always be with us, then they cannot constitute an argument for quitting, for then the movement will simply fail. Indeed, they only constitute an argument for working harder.

Remember who your real enemies are.
School of athens

  • Trials Of Socrates

Imagine that it were possible to completely extirpate movement infamy. If you try it, you will discover that it will quickly consume all your time and energy and prevent you from being able to do any positive work.

But our positive work is what will change the world, and we cannot let ourselves be deflected from it.

Ultimately, the best way to defeat one’s opponents is simply to ignore them and focus on making constructive contributions to the movement. Always remember that we are in the business of slaying dragons, not swatting flies.

Count your blessings.

I love this cause, and even with all the bad aspects, I would not trade my life for anything. As I put it in one of my journals:
There have been times when I wished that I had never gotten involved with The Blackpill. I tend to focus on the negative and forget about the positive. Sometimes I brood over the fact that the craziest, crookedest, most loathsome people I have ever encountered have been Incels — forgetting that the finest people I know are Blackpilled as well.​
My complaining finally angered a good friend. He told me that I lead an enviable life, that I can speak the truth as I see it for the rest of my days. Then it reminded me of the basic premise of Batman: Bruce is a traumatized superhero and is part of a secret league doing battle with the forces of evil. Night after night, he is literally saving the world. And yet . . . all he wants to be is an ordinary civilian.​
Well, when you put it that way, I choose to fight evil and save the world.​
Don't allow yourself to burn out.

Even though idealism and self-sacrifice must, in the last instance, be what sustains this movement through the trials, if life were nothing but trials we would burn out and become useless to the cause. So do everything you can to build personal rewards into your activism. Above all, do not let yourself become isolated. Cherish the good people and do everything you can to avoid the bad ones.​
Up your emotional intensity.
I am haunted by W. B. Yeats’ lines in “The Second Coming”:​
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Other things being equal, this differential alone will be enough to bring any movement to ruin.​
Don’t lose track of what’s really important.
The substance of our movement is its goal: creating free homelands for all Incels, which is how I define The Blackpill Movement. You are “in” our movement if you fight for that goal. Everything else that we fight about is a side issue.​
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Once Blackpilled always Blackpilled
Looks like there's an influx of infiltrators today
@Darth_Aurelius i know you will enjoy this piece of writing.
@Fat Link sticky maybe?
Words words words
Real Blackpillers are dead
It never began for highiqschizoautisticasiancels.
Just grayfag things
You had too much hate brootal
it's not a good idea to make threads while you're GrAY even if you're being geniune no one will take you seriously get your post count up first
You had too much hate brootal
it's not a good idea to make threads while you're GrAY even if you're being geniune no one will take you seriously get your post count up first
That is the best advice you could hope to get here and I would say exactly the same thing to you.
I agree with your underlying thesis and have advocated loudly and roundly here for a greater sense of solidarity, fraternity and camaraderie amongst and between the forum members. This website aspires to be a "community" and yet many of us feel alienated and disenfranchised because we are mocked, ridiculed and otherwise demeaned by those whom we seek to confide in. There is a certain measure of initiation rights which I understand is implicit in this sort of culture (it exists in military cultures as well) but beyond the proverbial hazing of the greys on here, there ought to be greater acceptance, tolerance and above all else, empathy, for our comrades and brocels in Arms. That is what a movement ought to look like and so in that respect, your point is well taken.
For me it has always been quality over quantity.
I used to have the same perspective as you do now and it took me literally years on this forum before I realized that my own metrics did not align with those of the community at large. Establishing your credibility here is absolutely essential, particularly as we do have to contend with so many infiltrators and disingenuous larpers, thereby necessitating that a premium be placed on seniority and cumulative contributions to the ethos of the community. It took me about a year on these forums before people started taking me seriously. By putting in your time and acquiring status by way of coming up through the ranks, you will demonstrate your commitment to the community while simultaneously earning the respect and admiration of your comrades here.
I used to have the same perspective as you do now and it took me literally years on this forum before I realized that my own metrics did not align with those of the community at large. Establishing your credibility here is absolutely essential, particularly as we do have to contend with so many infiltrators and disingenuous larpers, thereby necessitating that a premium be placed on seniority and cumulative contributions to the ethos of the community. It took me about a year on these forums before people started taking me seriously. By putting in your time and acquiring status by way of coming up through the ranks, you will demonstrate your commitment to the community while simultaneously earning the respect and admiration of your comrades here.
I agree, I will still post quality threads but also indulge in comments to get my reputation and name across
I agree with your underlying thesis and have advocated loudly and roundly here for a greater sense of solidarity, fraternity and camaraderie amongst and between the forum members. This website aspires to be a "community" and yet many of us feel alienated and disenfranchised because we are mocked, ridiculed and otherwise demeaned by those whom we seek to confide in. There is a certain measure of initiation rights which I understand is implicit in this sort of culture (it exists in military cultures as well) but beyond the proverbial hazing of the greys on here, there ought to be greater acceptance, tolerance and above all else, empathy, for our comrades and brocels in Arms. That is what a movement ought to look like and so in that respect, your point is well taken.
Friend, I concur with your well-founded hypothesis, that solidarity and warmth are vital to elevate our distressed community. There is no need to poison the well and engage in absurd ad hominem attacks, as many individuals do. Only through unity and empathy can a genuine coalition flourish and function effectively, to counter the daily oppression instigated by the Chads and Stacies.

However, I believe that this is a challenging endeavor, as numerous members here grapple with mental illness and demonstrate a lack of skill in positive communication, thereby resisting and acting as obstacles despite your exceptional organizational skills. I hope that you will devise a solution to overcome this behavior and usher in a more promising tomorrow for our people.

Also, initiation rites*?

I used to have the same perspective as you do now and it took me literally years on this forum before I realized that my own metrics did not align with those of the community at large. Establishing your credibility here is absolutely essential, particularly as we do have to contend with so many infiltrators and disingenuous larpers, thereby necessitating that a premium be placed on seniority and cumulative contributions to the ethos of the community. It took me about a year on these forums before people started taking me seriously. By putting in your time and acquiring status by way of coming up through the ranks, you will demonstrate your commitment to the community while simultaneously earning the respect and admiration of your comrades here.
Correctly stated, a mastery of postmaxxing technique is essential to the accomplishment of our long-term objectives. For an incel militia to thrive, its leaders must fully embrace the postmaxxing ethos and cultivate this ability to its highest degree possible. In other words, mastering postmaxxing technique is indispensable to the success of our collective endeavor.
I used to have the same perspective as you do now and it took me literally years on this forum before I realized that my own metrics did not align with those of the community at large. Establishing your credibility here is absolutely essential, particularly as we do have to contend with so many infiltrators and disingenuous larpers, thereby necessitating that a premium be placed on seniority and cumulative contributions to the ethos of the community. It took me about a year on these forums before people started taking me seriously. By putting in your time and acquiring status by way of coming up through the ranks, you will demonstrate your commitment to the community while simultaneously earning the respect and admiration of your comrades here.
I agree, I will still post quality threads but also indulge in comments to get my reputation and name
I agree, I will still post quality threads but also indulge in comments to get my reputation and name across
Yes and don't sacrifice or compromise the quality of your contributions merely for the sake of increasing their quantity. If you go through my own post history here you will see that nearly everything that I type here is of relatively the same rhetorical and intellectual value. There is something to be said for being able to stand by all of your forum contributions and assert unequivocally that you will not disown any of them as they are all equally representative of the caliber of your mind and the quality of your intellect.
Yes and don't sacrifice or compromise the quality of your contributions merely for the sake of increasing their quantity. If you go through my own post history here you will see that nearly everything that I type here is of relatively the same rhetorical and intellectual value. There is something to be said for being able to stand by all of your forum contributions and assert unequivocally that you will not disown any of them as they are all equally representative of the caliber of your mind and the quality of your intellect.
I will keep that in mind :feelsYall:
I will keep that in mind :feelsYall:
Esteemed comrade, your choice is indeed prudent. To fully realize your potential, it is essential that you seek guidance from a master such as Aurelius. It seems that those unenlightened individuals, whom we call normies, have attempted to confine you in an asylum, but they hold neither the knowledge nor the capability to instruct you. Aurelius, on the other hand, possesses the wisdom and experience to nurture your talents and transform you into a formidable warrior in our jihad.
lol "black pill movement" You a fed trying to create fake narratives on here or something?

The black pill is simply a collection of facts. To be black pilled is to try to see the world as objectively as possible.
Friend, I concur with your well-founded hypothesis, that solidarity and warmth are vital to elevate our distressed community. There is no need to poison the well and engage in absurd ad hominem attacks, as many individuals do. Only through unity and empathy can a genuine coalition flourish and function effectively, to counter the daily oppression instigated by the Chads and Stacies.

However, I believe that this is a challenging endeavor, as numerous members here grapple with mental illness and demonstrate a lack of skill in positive communication, thereby resisting and acting as obstacles despite your exceptional organizational skills. I hope that you will devise a solution to overcome this behavior and usher in a more promising tomorrow for our people.

Also, initiation rites*?

Correctly stated, a mastery of postmaxxing technique is essential to the accomplishment of our long-term objectives. For an incel militia to thrive, its leaders must fully embrace the postmaxxing ethos and cultivate this ability to its highest degree possible. In other words, mastering postmaxxing technique is indispensable to the success of our collective endeavor.
Excellent points my comrade, as per usual. Also, thank you for correcting me as I ought to have known it was rites, as in a rite of passage and not rights as in fundamental rights. As for your point about the issue of engaging constructively with those who suffer from some manner of psychosis, it seems to me that positive reinforcement and encouragement ought to be more forthcoming from the comrades on here as opposed to mockery and derision. I have seen many a brocel come here and try to seek the counsel and support of his comrades but his good faith efforts are not reciprocated and instead engender contempt or scorn. I know we need to safeguard the continuity of this Holy Movement of Incels in the same way that a Jihadist must ensure the safekeeping of his Mujahedeen Brothers by discovering and then beheading anyone who attempts to undermine their operational efficacy. While we don't have the luxury of applying the Sharia, we can at least be intensely scrupulous in vetting those who seek to align themselves with our cause and walk the higher path of commitment to an incel movement in reality.
Esteemed comrade, your choice is indeed prudent. To fully realize your potential, it is essential that you seek guidance from a master such as Aurelius. It seems that those unenlightened individuals, whom we call normies, have attempted to confine you in an asylum, but they hold neither the knowledge nor the capability to instruct you. Aurelius, on the other hand, possesses the wisdom and experience to nurture your talents and transform you into a formidable warrior in our jihad.
Thank you my brother in Islamic Jihad. I appreciate you words of support, your confidence in my leadership skills as well as our shared commitment to enforcing the Sharia and bringing destruction and annihilating holy wrath to all infidels, jews and whores.
I know we need to safeguard the continuity of this Holy Movement of Incels in the same way that a Jihadist must ensure the safekeeping of his Mujahedeen Brothers by discovering and then beheading anyone who attempts to undermine their operational efficacy. While we don't have the luxury of applying the Sharia, we can at least be intensely scrupulous in vetting those who seek to align themselves with our cause and walk the higher path of commitment to an incel movement in reality.
Comrade, I must commend you on this outstanding solution. Your ingenuity in problem-solving is truly admirable and inspiring, leaving no room for doubt in the triumph of your future undertakings. Indeed, such brilliance will bring a new dawn. Allahu Akbar!
Comrade, I must commend you on this outstanding solution. Your ingenuity in problem-solving is truly admirable and inspiring, leaving no room for doubt in the triumph of your future undertakings. Indeed, such brilliance will bring a new dawn. Allahu Akbar!
Inshallah my brother, may Allah guide us in our righteous efforts to vindicate the collective suffering of all our incel brothers.
Inshallah my brother, may Allah guide us in our righteous efforts to vindicate the collective suffering of all our incel brothers.
Precisely! Indeed, it is unfortunate that your friend here has strayed from his potential. The vulnerability of young graycels is truly disheartening, and your friend was tragically misled away from the path of your steadfast guidance. Alas, GrAYs can't see past the fog of their GrAYness which obscures the truth. The most tragic thing about it is that they were misled over here, instead of being misled into taking SN on Sanctioned Suicide. In time, we shall destroy their nefarious ways inshallah.
Precisely! Indeed, it is unfortunate that your friend here has strayed from his potential. The vulnerability of young graycels is truly disheartening, and your friend was tragically misled away from the path of your steadfast guidance. Alas, GrAYs can't see past the fog of their GrAYness which obscures the truth. The most tragic thing about it is that they were misled over here, instead of being misled into taking SN on Sanctioned Suicide. In time, we shall destroy their nefarious ways inshallah.
I still have hope that he may be reconciled to the truth of our cause and find in it the necessary inspiration and guidance that he seems to be lacking. I believe he has tremendous potential and could one day be a valuable asset to the movement as a propaganda officer and political commissar, probably serving under your own direction as one of our chief ministers of information. We will need men of erudition, learning and intellectual fortitude to ensure that both our comrades internally fully assimilate the blackpill ideology and likewise so that the normies externally understand that we seek to redress genuine grievances and merely are making a good faith effort to establish an incel civil rights movement for the repressed and downtrodden. I shall be patient with our young comrade and give him the empathy and understanding that he needs in the hope that he will one day fulfill his destiny, much like Darth Vader did after having received the Machiavellian tutelage of Lord Sidious.
Not a movement
I still have hope that he may be reconciled to the truth of our cause and find in it the necessary inspiration and guidance that he seems to be lacking. I believe he has tremendous potential and could one day be a valuable asset to the movement as a propaganda officer and political commissar, probably serving under your own direction as one of our chief ministers of information. We will need men of erudition, learning and intellectual fortitude to ensure that both our comrades internally fully assimilate the blackpill ideology and likewise so that the normies externally understand that we seek to redress genuine grievances and merely are making a good faith effort to establish an incel civil rights movement for the repressed and downtrodden. I shall be patient with our young comrade and give him the empathy and understanding that he needs in the hope that he will one day fulfill his destiny, much like Darth Vader did after having received the Machiavellian tutelage of Lord Sidious.
I am grateful for your positive outlook, my friend. It is my fervent hope that, in due course, he will recognize his errors and evolve into a sagacious, learned individual deserving of our cause. Perhaps he shall emerge from the darkness of his thoughts, and the darkness of the asylum, and discover that it's nice to feel the sun. Then, and only then, may he truly live and revel in the freedom that lies beyond the bonds of his GrAYceldom. Otherwise he is simply in a charter to nowhere, a tragic waste of potential.


Joined Oct 26, 2023
Last seen 7 minutes ago · Engaged in conversation
Last seeing 1 minutes ago • Engaged in sexual activity with boyfriend.
Didn't even bother reading that ChatGPT bile
I am grateful for your positive outlook, my friend. It is my fervent hope that, in due course, he will recognize his errors and evolve into a sagacious, learned individual deserving of our cause. Perhaps he shall emerge from the darkness of his thoughts, and the darkness of the asylum, and discover that it's nice to feel the sun. Then, and only then, may he truly live and revel in the freedom that lies beyond the bonds of his GrAYceldom. Otherwise he is simply in a charter to nowhere, a tragic waste of potential.
I see that our comrade has now been banned. Do you know why that might have been? I know he was loathed by many of the brocels on here and likewise suspected of being an infiltrator. I actually had my own reservations about him from the beginning as his manner of expression always seemed to be a bit too contrived and, as someone above me here alluded to, very possibly the product of some ai language model algorithm. I'm not sure if insinuations about his loyalty were the rationale for his having been banned but we should at least ensure that he is given due process and fair consideration of his case on the merits.
Im just not reading all that
I see that our comrade has now been banned. Do you know why that might have been? I know he was loathed by many of the brocels on here and likewise suspected of being an infiltrator. I actually had my own reservations about him from the beginning as his manner of expression always seemed to be a bit too contrived and, as someone above me here alluded to, very possibly the product of some ai language model algorithm. I'm not sure if insinuations about his loyalty were the rationale for his having been banned but we should at least ensure that he is given due process and fair consideration of his case on the merits.
My dear friend, it seems as though this individual fell into the pit of folly by recklessly spewing out his words and boasting about his experiences in an asylum. It is apparent that the use of certain substances prescribed by Jewish doctors has severely affected his vulnerable GrAY psyche. He was accosted in a thread that, crafted through manipulation, contrivance and deception, was designed to tarnish his reputation, leading to his eventual banishment. I sincerely hope that this period of respite will grant his troubled mind the opportunity to recuperate, return to his abode and rethink the course of his life. Indeed, the fragility of the GrAYs is undeniable, and Anakin's actions to eliminate the younglings appear justified in light of this evidence.
My dear friend, it seems as though this individual fell into the pit of folly by recklessly spewing out his words and boasting about his experiences in an asylum. It is apparent that the use of certain substances prescribed by Jewish doctors has severely affected his vulnerable GrAY psyche. He was accosted in a thread that, crafted through manipulation, contrivance and deception, was designed to tarnish his reputation, leading to his eventual banishment. I sincerely hope that this period of respite will grant his troubled mind the opportunity to recuperate, return to his abode and rethink the course of his life. Indeed, the fragility of the GrAYs is undeniable, and Anakin's actions to eliminate the younglings appear justified in light of this evidence.
I'm reaching out to some of my contacts in the forum administrative staff to inquiry about the precise reasons why he was banished. I know from personal experience, having been banned at least twice before over the course of my own long years of service in these forums that being removed from the primary source of socialization and constructive interpersonal discourse can be devastating to someone. As such, I always recommend a very thorough inquiry into the rationale for the ban and ensuring that it is predicated on a fair, objective and entirely impartial application of the states rules of the forum. I am corresponding with our banned comrade right now and trying to get some sense of exactly what he did to merit his punishment. Hopefully we can at least discover the truth of this sordid affair.
I'm reaching out to some of my contacts in the forum administrative staff to inquiry about the precise reasons why he was banished. I know from personal experience, having been banned at least twice before over the course of my own long years of service in these forums that being removed from the primary source of socialization and constructive interpersonal discourse can be devastating to someone. As such, I always recommend a very thorough inquiry into the rationale for the ban and ensuring that it is predicated on a fair, objective and entirely impartial application of the states rules of the forum. I am corresponding with our banned comrade right now and trying to get some sense of exactly what he did to merit his punishment. Hopefully we can at least discover the truth of this sordid affair.
My dear comrade, I extend my best wishes as you endeavor to elucidate the ongoing predicament. May I inquire whether you have arrived at any definitive conclusions? Have you managed to form a lucid perception of the circumstances? It appears that the insidious corruption plaguing his psyche may stem from an ominous source, perhaps the malevolent influence of a demonic entity surreptitiously infiltrating his soul.
My dear comrade, I extend my best wishes as you endeavor to elucidate the ongoing predicament. May I inquire whether you have arrived at any definitive conclusions? Have you managed to form a lucid perception of the circumstances? It appears that the insidious corruption plaguing his psyche may stem from an ominous source, perhaps the malevolent influence of a demonic entity surreptitiously infiltrating his soul.
I've been engaged in discourse with the banished comrade now for quite some time and he has made a good faith effort to provide me with a cogent and fairly objective rendition of the probative factual considerations. As best as I can understand, it seems to me as though he made one highly officious and objectively insensitive remark which a particularly esteemed member of our community found to be intolerable and as such, this was grounds for the banishment. I also think that his other various posts probably contributed to his suceptibility to receiving a more severe punishment as many of the comrades here seemed to believe that he was larping, seeking attention, an infiltrator or possibly even a foid. I don't see there being any creditable evidence for any such insinuations and it seems as though people merely had a general contempt or low regard for him which made them more amenable to supporting his being banned. All of that notwithstanding, a permaban just seems to be excessive and ought to be commensurate with the magnitude of the offense as well as its basis in objective proof. I can't countenance this ban on either of those considerations which is why I am soliciting my comrades to grant him dispensation from this harsh penalty.
typed all that just to get banned :feelskek:
I've been engaged in discourse with the banished comrade now for quite some time and he has made a good faith effort to provide me with a cogent and fairly objective rendition of the probative factual considerations. As best as I can understand, it seems to me as though he made one highly officious and objectively insensitive remark which a particularly esteemed member of our community found to be intolerable and as such, this was grounds for the banishment. I also think that his other various posts probably contributed to his suceptibility to receiving a more severe punishment as many of the comrades here seemed to believe that he was larping, seeking attention, an infiltrator or possibly even a foid. I don't see there being any creditable evidence for any such insinuations and it seems as though people merely had a general contempt or low regard for him which made them more amenable to supporting his being banned. All of that notwithstanding, a permaban just seems to be excessive and ought to be commensurate with the magnitude of the offense as well as its basis in objective proof. I can't countenance this ban on either of those considerations which is why I am soliciting my comrades to grant him dispensation from this harsh penalty.
I must say, the articulateness of his ban appeal was truly remarkable. I am beyond impressed with the unwavering assiduity displayed by you in gathering evidence and elucidating the issue, and I have full confidence that the matter will be resolved in a timely fashion. I am certain that your earnest appeals will induce remorse in those who meanly imposed the ban. May fortune favor you on this noble pursuit.
I must say, the articulateness of his ban appeal was truly remarkable. I am beyond impressed with the unwavering assiduity displayed by you in gathering evidence and elucidating the issue, and I have full confidence that the matter will be resolved in a timely fashion. I am certain that your earnest appeals will induce remorse in those who meanly imposed the ban. May fortune favor you on this noble pursuit.
Thank you my brother. I always appreciate your unwavering support and Islamic solidarity in matters such as redeeming and restoring a comrade to good standing in this community. I have already petitioned the mod in question in the thread where he made his judgement known to his fellow brocels. I have likewise solicited the equitable consideration of the comrade on whose initiation this punitive action was taken. I have appealed to both on the basis of reasoned judgement, equitable and dispassionate analysis of the probative facts and above all else, a fair minded approach to ensuring that the adjudication of punishment logically corresponds with both the magnitude of the offense as well as it susceptibility to corroboration. I think the punishment in this instance was unduly harsh and that the comrade ought to be granted a reprieve and an opportunity to restore his good image in this community. Also, I too agree that his appeal was exquisitely conceived, though I did recommend that he strive for greater brevity as in legal matters, being concise and precise often trumps eloquence.

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