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Venting they don't care how morally correct you are by their standards

  • Thread starter taboritskypilled
  • Start date


Dec 14, 2024
i was reminiscing on this a bit because i was malding hard about it in the past, but it showed up again.

had this chad in one of my classes during high school. me and him got paired up for some lab or whatever along with some other people. we had a new girl in our class who i didn't really notice, but this guy took notice of her and was -- out loud -- talking about how fat her ass is. i don't know why i did this, but i think it was because the guy was just an annoying retard who made me jealous because he had so many foid orbiters, but i told him he was being a disgusting fuck.

what ended up happening was that everyone in our group, the foids included, looked at ME like i was the one talking about fucking a random girl, lmao. i think from then on i realized that foids don't give a shit about how "morally right" you act, they only care if you're hot. this guy was the stereotypical chad who fucked multiple girls every week and could boast about cheating without his retarded foid friends thinking down on him

why the fuck did i spend my life up till now trying so hard to be "good" by this retarded society's standards when i never got anything out of it? i'm not even angry, i'm waiting for it to all fall apart soon. that is all i want.
He has a bettER pERsonality than you inkwell. Have you tried showERing more?
He has a bettER pERsonality than you inkwell
guy was 17 with a 12 year old girlfriend at the time too, that's the funniest part to me lmao. nobody saw anything wrong with it.
guy was 17 with a 12 year old girlfriend
I wish I can still do that ngl. But too old and ugly. That's the only way we can still get fresh untouched cunny
I wish I can still do that ngl. But too old and ugly. That's the only way we can still get fresh untouched cunny
Can't wait for this to be seen on r/IT tomorrow jfl
Can't wait for this to be seen on r/IT tomorrow jfl
they better include this entire post so they realize that they're the ones who created incels lmao. them and their retarded hatred of ugly men
what ended up happening was that everyone in our group, the foids included, looked at ME like i was the one talking about fucking a random girl, lmao
this happens to every subfive I'm pretty sure. you don't even have to do anything bad. they look at you funny for no* reason as if you're violating a norm for saying or doing normal shit
this happens to every subfive I'm pretty sure. you don't even have to do anything bad. they look at you funny for no* reason as if you're violating a norm for saying normal shit
yeah, that's true. i work part time currently and the foids there look at me like i'm going to rape them, meanwhile i'm just thinking about getting my paycheck and going home. what the fuck did i do? lmao
yeah, that's true. i work part time currently and the foids there look at me like i'm going to rape them, meanwhile i'm just thinking about getting my paycheck and going home. what the fuck did i do? lmao
they're looking at you because they're interested in you brooo :soy::soy:

i remember getting a death stare for saying the equivalent of excuse me when i was a bit younger in high school
they're looking at you because they're interested in you brooo :soy::soy:

i remember getting a death stare for saying the equivalent of excuse me when i was a bit younger in high school
that's what my coworkers do to me lmao, it sucks. i'll literally be walking by and i get the most piercing stare like i'm going to approach her, so i literally just take the most roundabout paths across my workplace to avoid foids. shit is evil :incel::incel::incel:
that's what my coworkers do to me lmao, it sucks. i'll literally be walking by and i get the most piercing stare like i'm going to approach her, so i literally just take the most roundabout paths across my workplace to avoid foids. shit is evil :incel::incel::incel:
I think worse than the death stare is how small talk becomes hostage footage
you know like when you just talk to them (like acquaintances are supposed to do) and they look and speak as if they're being held hostage by ISIS. I'm not scary looking at all so this doesn't happen a lot but when it does i just cant help but roll my eyes after the conversation.

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