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[Whitepill] There's one thing i absolutely despise about this community

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soul contre tous

soul contre tous

Cannibalistic Humanoid Untermensch Destroyer
Mar 22, 2023
First off i gotta say that i wholeheartedly believe in the core components of the blackpill:
1) genetic determinism/bioessentialism
2) philosophical materialism
3) the importance of looks in all aspects of life
4) the opportunistic and selfish nature of human beings
5) sexual economics theory/Bateman's principle/Briffault's law/ hypergamy

6) the belief in the unrestricted utility of honesty and truth
7) the belief in the ubiquity of suffering in this world

However, there is one core aspect of the blackpill "community" that i don't agree with; pessimism and defeatism.

I don't think defeatism and is neccessarily wrong per se, i even think it is a perfectly normal, natural, and evolutionary advantageous reaction to encountering an insurmountable obstacle.
Giving up is a perfectly reasonable response if the odds are stacked against you.
It prevents you from taking unneccessary risks or expending unneccessary resources for sub-par results.

But here's the issue i see with defeatism: learned helplessness.
Learned helplessness in my opinion is way more harmful to men than to foids.
Foids fundamentally are passive creatures that are more concerned about feeling good than they are about being in control of their life.
Metaphorically speaking females don't care if they sit in the driver's seat as long as the seat heating works.

A man however actually wants to feel in control of his own destiny much more than he wants to be loved and coddled.
(That's also one of the reasons why thERapy doesn't work for men btw.)
If you, as a man develop a mindset of victimhood and learned helplessness, you are on a dangerous path that could possibly end with a noose around your neck.

There's another aspect to this:
It leads to escapism and addiction.
Too many rotters in here participate in harmful copes like smoking weed, watching jewish smut, being unemployed rotcels, writing threads on obscure incel forums...
...and i am guilty of it too.
We all participate in some vices, i get that.
But believing you have no control over your life drastically exasterbates those harmful behaviours.
I'm not saying you should assume responsibility for things you have no control over, that would be inhumane, but you absolutely should strive to not do yourself a disservice by giving up on things you can influence.

What might also interest you is that defeatism among incels is inherently gynocentric.
If you are a male the inferior sex deems as subhuman because of some facial disproportions, foids want you to rot in isolation.
They strive to exclude you from every social gathering, and ultimately make you rope.
That may not be overt about it, but make no mistake: if you're ugly toilets want you to rot in silence.
If you decide to rot you perfectly play into their hands.

After hearing all this you might ask "What you said is all fine and dandy, but what's the alternative?"
The alternative to defeatism is hate and angER.
Anger is a masculine and life-affirming response to percieved injustice against yourself or people in a similar position to you.
And there is no shortage of sanctioned injustice directed at ugly men.
So why not rebel against the injustice you face?

I don't propose going on killing sprees, not because it's wrong, but because it's ineffective.
You can't select your victims properly, you end up either dead or in jail, and innocent truecels get blamed for your actions.

But you can still stand up against injustice in another way:
Become strong and resiliant enough to stand up against the injustice that you face.
Free yourself from the mental slavery imposed on you.
Help those brocels that are too weak to protect themselves instead of throwing them under the bus like everybody else.
Do what you are not "supposed" to do.
Always remember, the rebellion against modernity begins with you!

Redditors are all edgy nihilists lol. They would oppose the guy who made this thread.
I strongly disagree with you, but I respect your arguments
First off i gotta say that i wholeheartedly believe in the core components of the blackpill:
1) genetic determinism/bioessentialism
2) philosophical materialism
3) the importance of looks in all aspects of life
4) the opportunistic and selfish nature of human beings
5) sexual economics theory/Bateman's principle/Briffault's law/ hypergamy

6) the belief in the unrestricted utility of honesty and truth
7) the belief in the ubiquity of suffering in this world

However, there is one core aspect of the blackpill "community" that i don't agree with; pessimism and defeatism.

I don't think defeatism and is neccessarily wrong per se, i even think it is a perfectly normal, natural, and evolutionary advantageous reaction to encountering an insurmountable obstacle.
Giving up is a perfectly reasonable response if the odds are stacked against you.
It prevents you from taking unneccessary risks or expending unneccessary resources for sub-par results.

But here's the issue i see with defeatism: learned helplessness.
Learned helplessness in my opinion is way more harmful to men than to foids.
Foids fundamentally are passive creatures that are more concerned about feeling good than they are about being in control of their life.
Metaphorically speaking females don't care if they sit in the driver's seat as long as the seat heating works.

A man however actually wants to feel in control of his own destiny much more than he wants to be loved and coddled.
(That's also one of the reasons why thERapy doesn't work for men btw.)
If you, as a man develop a mindset of victimhood and learned helplessness, you are on a dangerous path that could possibly end with a noose around your neck.

There's another aspect to this:
It leads to escapism and addiction.
Too many rotters in here participate in harmful copes like smoking weed, watching jewish smut, being unemployed rotcels, writing threads on obscure incel forums...
...and i am guilty of it too.
We all participate in some vices, i get that.
But believing you have no control over your life drastically exasterbates those harmful behaviours.
I'm not saying you should assume responsibility for things you have no control over, that would be inhumane, but you absolutely should strive to not do yourself a disservice by giving up on things you can influence.

What might also interest you is that defeatism among incels is inherently gynocentric.
If you are a male the inferior sex deems as subhuman because of some facial disproportions, foids want you to rot in isolation.
They strive to exclude you from every social gathering, and ultimately make you rope.
That may not be overt about it, but make no mistake: if you're ugly toilets want you to rot in silence.
If you decide to rot you perfectly play into their hands.

After hearing all this you might ask "What you said is all fine and dandy, but what's the alternative?"
The alternative to defeatism is hate and angER.
Anger is a masculine and life-affirming response to percieved injustice against yourself or people in a similar position to you.
And there is no shortage of sanctioned injustice directed at ugly men.
So why not rebel against the injustice you face?

I don't propose going on killing sprees, not because it's wrong, but because it's ineffective.
You can't select your victims properly, you end up either dead or in jail, and innocent truecels get blamed for your actions.

But you can still stand up against injustice in another way:
Become strong and resiliant enough to stand up against the injustice that you face.
Free yourself from the mental slavery imposed on you.
Help those brocels that are too weak to protect themselves instead of throwing them under the bus like everybody else.
Do what you are not "supposed" to do.
Always remember, the rebellion against modernity begins with you!

I was hoping it would be me.
incels should work to revolt against the modern world. the best advice is for incels to develop themselves in any way you can, in spite of the degeneracy around us. this society is entangled by contradictions which are bound to result in making itself collapse sooner or later.
revolt against the modern world
The problem is that no one wants to be the first ones because the first ones lose everything and gain nothing.
I agree with your core beliefs, as they align with the main tenets of the blackpill philosophy. However, the pessimism and defeatism you mention are not necessarily inherent to the blackpill community, but rather a response to the harsh realities that the philosophy uncovers.

I also agree with your critique of learned helplessness and the dangers it poses, particularly for men. I see the idea of taking control over the aspects of life that one can influence, rather than succumbing to a victim mentality, as a positive and proactive approach.

Your suggestion to replace defeatism with anger and resilience can lead to further frustration and dissatisfaction if the desired outcomes are not achieved.

Although I don’t agree with all of your points, I find your perspective refreshing and thought-provoking. Well done.
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If you, as a man develop a mindset of victimhood and learned helplessness

You don't develop the mindset, is the "reward" for being humiliated and outcasted
It's just a natural response to trauma

Winners and Losers, Chads and Incels, Dominant and Subordinate

It's just a normal reaction of the losing side, at this point it is our behavior and habits to be pessimistic.
Go back to soydit mister sunshine.
All day 'till I die. Also wageslaving because I'm too much of a coward to kill myself. But that's about it tbh
That type of life is worse than death.
You are doing yourself a disservice by existing in this state of absolute misery.
That type of life is worse than death.
You are doing yourself a disservice by existing in this state of absolute misery.
Don't pretend your life is somehow better.
Comrade, I firmly believe that providing an outlet for individuals to express their anguish and desolation is an undeniably positive aspect of our community. Unfortunately, in many corners of society, people are led astray by unfounded optimism, which is mercilessly exploited by so-called gurus and self-proclaimed life coaches. These charlatans often prey upon solitary males first and foremost. It is therefore imperative that we offer a safe space wherein individuals can freely vent their emotions without being manipulated or led astray, so that they may express their genuine despair and sense - be it justified or not - of utter worthlessness.

This is not a shortcoming of our community; rather, it is merely a reflection of the predominant makeup of our membership, comprised of individuals who have suffered from loneliness and deprivation. Perhaps you may find solace in other forums, such as MGTOW or redpill communities. However, it would be grossly unjust to criticize or belittle members of our community for harboring pessimistic, defeated, and hopeless feelings, as they have endured persecution, bullying, and belittlement for far too long.
Looks like I've got socially defeated by lonely teenage years.
strongly agree brocel. Im tired of all the threads encouraging us to give up hope and commit rope
Massive cope, for many of us it was over before we developed philosophical views
Yep. The majority of this forum are simply weak-minded, weak-willed, high estrogen soys who will never mentally standup. They are doomed to a life of misery and rotting, and it is their own hand that got them there. They will never understand this, because their mentality of weakness has enveloped them. They are a slave to their downing, controlling, limiting thoughts.

And all it would take for them the rise up is a simple shift in their mindset. Something that can be done internally with no help from another. but will they do it? of course not.
This is why I catfish. It's a way of fighting back. I also salute people who do more.
Agree. Defeatism is cucked. Okay, even if you lose, lose with HONOR, like a true warrior/samurai.
First off i gotta say that i wholeheartedly believe in the core components of the blackpill:
1) genetic determinism/bioessentialism
2) philosophical materialism
3) the importance of looks in all aspects of life
4) the opportunistic and selfish nature of human beings
5) sexual economics theory/Bateman's principle/Briffault's law/ hypergamy

6) the belief in the unrestricted utility of honesty and truth
7) the belief in the ubiquity of suffering in this world
1 is indeed a core component, but 2 is a separate and independent philosophy. The black pill is a worldview that has loosely developed into a philosophy of sorts.

3, 4 & 5 are black pills in and of themselves, separate and independent.

6 & 7 are personal beliefs that have little to do with the black pill. You can, however, have black pills about the utility of truth and honesty, as well as the ubiquity of suffering in the world (this latter point could be considered a black pill itself).

However, there is one core aspect of the blackpill "community" that i don't agree with; pessimism and defeatism.
Pessimism (realism tbh) is a natural, expected consequence of being brutally black pilled, but it is not a core component.

Defeatism has nothing to do with the black pill. That's just people losing hope when they can't cope with the reality that they're exposed to.
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First off i gotta say that i wholeheartedly believe in the core components of the blackpill:
1) genetic determinism/bioessentialism
2) philosophical materialism
3) the importance of looks in all aspects of life
4) the opportunistic and selfish nature of human beings
5) sexual economics theory/Bateman's principle/Briffault's law/ hypergamy

6) the belief in the unrestricted utility of honesty and truth
7) the belief in the ubiquity of suffering in this world

However, there is one core aspect of the blackpill "community" that i don't agree with; pessimism and defeatism.

I don't think defeatism and is neccessarily wrong per se, i even think it is a perfectly normal, natural, and evolutionary advantageous reaction to encountering an insurmountable obstacle.
Giving up is a perfectly reasonable response if the odds are stacked against you.
It prevents you from taking unneccessary risks or expending unneccessary resources for sub-par results.

But here's the issue i see with defeatism: learned helplessness.
Learned helplessness in my opinion is way more harmful to men than to foids.
Foids fundamentally are passive creatures that are more concerned about feeling good than they are about being in control of their life.
Metaphorically speaking females don't care if they sit in the driver's seat as long as the seat heating works.

A man however actually wants to feel in control of his own destiny much more than he wants to be loved and coddled.
(That's also one of the reasons why thERapy doesn't work for men btw.)
If you, as a man develop a mindset of victimhood and learned helplessness, you are on a dangerous path that could possibly end with a noose around your neck.

There's another aspect to this:
It leads to escapism and addiction.
Too many rotters in here participate in harmful copes like smoking weed, watching jewish smut, being unemployed rotcels, writing threads on obscure incel forums...
...and i am guilty of it too.
We all participate in some vices, i get that.
But believing you have no control over your life drastically exasterbates those harmful behaviours.
I'm not saying you should assume responsibility for things you have no control over, that would be inhumane, but you absolutely should strive to not do yourself a disservice by giving up on things you can influence.

What might also interest you is that defeatism among incels is inherently gynocentric.
If you are a male the inferior sex deems as subhuman because of some facial disproportions, foids want you to rot in isolation.
They strive to exclude you from every social gathering, and ultimately make you rope.
That may not be overt about it, but make no mistake: if you're ugly toilets want you to rot in silence.
If you decide to rot you perfectly play into their hands.

After hearing all this you might ask "What you said is all fine and dandy, but what's the alternative?"
The alternative to defeatism is hate and angER.
Anger is a masculine and life-affirming response to percieved injustice against yourself or people in a similar position to you.
And there is no shortage of sanctioned injustice directed at ugly men.
So why not rebel against the injustice you face?

I don't propose going on killing sprees, not because it's wrong, but because it's ineffective.
You can't select your victims properly, you end up either dead or in jail, and innocent truecels get blamed for your actions.

But you can still stand up against injustice in another way:
Become strong and resiliant enough to stand up against the injustice that you face.
Free yourself from the mental slavery imposed on you.
Help those brocels that are too weak to protect themselves instead of throwing them under the bus like everybody else.
Do what you are not "supposed" to do.
Always remember, the rebellion against modernity begins with you!

Materialism is wrong and faggot
incels should work to revolt against the modern world. the best advice is for incels to develop themselves in any way you can, in spite of the degeneracy around us. this society is entangled by contradictions which are bound to result in making itself collapse sooner or later.
ideally there'd be solidarity among men, but good luck with that considering how quickly most guys would backstab each other for a smidgen of used-up pussy
Yep. The majority of this forum are simply weak-minded, weak-willed, high estrogen soys who will never mentally standup. They are doomed to a life of misery and rotting, and it is their own hand that got them there. They will never understand this, because their mentality of weakness has enveloped them. They are a slave to their downing, controlling, limiting thoughts.

And all it would take for them the rise up is a simple shift in their mindset. Something that can be done internally with no help from another. but will they do it? of course not.
Porn and vidya keeps men sedated
Yeah what
What might also interest you is that defeatism among incels is inherently gynocentric.
Yup, but really these be gynocentric times, paying taxes, wageslaving, simply existing and being governed is gynocentric since the entire apparatus services women, there is no action incels can take that isn't gynocentric. ERing is gynocentric since it feeds into the narrative the foids want.
If you are a male the inferior sex deems as subhuman because of some facial disproportions, foids want you to rot in isolation.
They strive to exclude you from every social gathering, and ultimately make you rope.
That may not be overt about it, but make no mistake: if you're ugly toilets want you to rot in silence.
If you decide to rot you perfectly play into their hands.
Yeah but like I said taking other actions can also be considered gynocentric, foids also love torturing subhumans or sacking their chads on incels after falsely accusing them, you can't win again where they control every piece
After hearing all this you might ask "What you said is all fine and dandy, but what's the alternative?"
The alternative to defeatism is hate and angER.
Anger is a masculine and life-affirming response to percieved injustice against yourself or people in a similar position to you.
And there is no shortage of sanctioned injustice directed at ugly men.
So why not rebel against the injustice you face?
Anger is a propaganda tool as well, are you going to pretend that the media isn't chomping at the bits to use angry incels as a cope to blame societal issues on. Also anger is life affirming or even sustainable, its fucking exhausting and miserable and it will probably kill you quikcer than anything else will.
I don't propose going on killing sprees, not because it's wrong, but because it's ineffective.
You can't select your victims properly, you end up either dead or in jail, and innocent truecels get blamed for your actions.
Based take unironically
But you can still stand up against injustice in another way:
Become strong and resiliant enough to stand up against the injustice that you face.
This where I disagree with you, foids are parasitic entities the feed of the energies of men. Becoming strong and resilient so you can do what, wageslave harder in the face of oppression. Because we already ruled out stochastic violence, what lead an actual rebellion. What advantages does making yourself stronger for a parasite actually work out.
Free yourself from the mental slavery imposed on you.
Help those brocels that are too weak to protect themselves instead of throwing them under the bus like everybody else.
Fuck that shit, no1 half ot these faggots are fakecels, no2 there is no discernable way for subhumans to organize so get that idea out of your skull. Faggots on here that are mods are literally simping for whores on discord for nudes, imagine what would happen IRL if CIAgirls gave incels even a whiff of pussy it would be just like jan 6
Do what you are not "supposed" to do.
Always remember, the rebellion against modernity begins with you!
This where I am going to comment back on my solution and the reason why rotmaxxing/doing the bare minimum to survive is based. Like I said foids, chad and richfags are inherently parasitic, meaning they derive the value and the comfort by not just controlling the system but enforcing/coercing participation, whether violence, hatred, anger, sadness or hope. Any investment in the system is a win in their book, so like the adage goes, the only winning move is not to play. Men checking out has done the most for the incel cause, more so than ERing or raging against the machine, simply making the bear minimum, paying the bare minimum, leaves less for parasites to leech of and also acts as an accelerant to collapsing the economy. Which is the true method of control beyond vidya and porn.
Golden words. Absolutely agee.
Foids don't want you to rot, the want to entice you with the carrot so you will run on the hamster wheel and generate the dollar moment to keep the memeconomy floating
Don't pretend your life is somehow better.
Agree, jfl at this retarded ass OP :lul:
We all live pointless shit lives one way or another. All of us in this forum.
And there is nothing we can do about it.

OP just wants to believe he has control aka 'delusional' and the rest of us who know we have no control and just ldar and do minimum effort
Foids don't want you to rot, the want to entice you with the carrot so you will run on the hamster wheel and generate the dollar moment to keep the memeconomy floating

You get into the system. You work. You make money. And then you spend the money or save it for later.

If you're not self sufficient enough to grow your own food and live off-grid, holding a day job is the only available option to earn your living. If you know an alternate method, let me know.

Also, foids as a group aren't enticing anyone to work. Where are you even getting that from?
You get into the system. You work. You make money. And then you spend the money or save it for later.
Yeah but how much you work, how efficient you work, how much you make and the kind of work has effects doesn't it. If a man works just to provide
  1. the bear minimum for himself
  2. doesn't pay taxes due to wage bracket
  3. doesn't spend additional money on retarded consumerists crap
  4. does the bare minimum at work
has several small but negative effects on society. If its just a couple of guys it means, nothing but if it scales or grows to much it will have an adverse impact, if everyman checked out and became a bear minimum worker and a conservative consumer, then the memeconomy that relies of hyper consumerism would struggle
Also, foids as a group aren't enticing anyone to work. Where are you even getting that from?
Have you never been to a college, the entire place is filled with normies/incels moneymaxxing in order to secure hot foids, so many guys go above and beyond in terms of trying to earn money specifically for a status and that is to attract foids. Its an implicit part of society
toilets are chad cock only
>Dude, just.... Uhhhhh... Rebel against modernity or something.
"JUST THINK POSITIVE, BRO! :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:"
lmao fuck off with this bluepill bullshit
What might also interest you is that defeatism among incels is inherently gynocentric.
If you are a male the inferior sex deems as subhuman because of some facial disproportions, foids want you to rot in isolation.
They strive to exclude you from every social gathering, and ultimately make you rope.
High IQ. If you are subhuman then all females want you dead. I never wanted to believe this when I was blue pilled. It had to take my own mother explicitly saying she wished I was dead for this to finally sink in for me.
If everyman checked out and became a bear minimum worker and a conservative consumer, then the memeconomy that relies of hyper consumerism would struggle

Being a 'bare minimum worker' isn't an option for people who are qualified to earn more.

Why exactly should an incel who's a highly experienced professional choose to become a 'bare minimum worker'? He'd just drastically lower the quality of his own life without putting as much as a scratch on the economy or whatever evil system you're thinking of.

Like I said earlier, if you're not self sufficient enough to grow your own food and live off-grid, holding a day job is the only available option to earn your living.

Have you never been to a college, the entire place is filled with normies/incels moneymaxxing in order to secure hot foids, so many guys go above and beyond in terms of trying to earn money specifically for a status and that is to attract foids. Its an implicit part of society

Most people in college intend on getting a degree to secure a good job and live a good life. They secure foids along the way doing normal every day stuff or joining groups or attending events. It's easy for them because they don't have incel problems.

Yes, there are those who try to increase their status in the hopes of attracting women and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Even if they fail to attract a woman they'd have secured a comfy life
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After hearing all this you might ask "What you said is all fine and dandy, but what's the alternative?"
The alternative to defeatism is hate and angER.
Anger is a masculine and life-affirming response to percieved injustice against yourself or people in a similar position to you.

This whole post is really interesting. I don't disagree with you on this exactly but anger is really an emotion that masks some more vulnerable feeling. It's powerful, but it's not the core feeling. We usually get angry because we feel sad or defeated or hopeless, but feeling angry feels better. Some incels may be giving up out of laziness and anger could help them. But I think a truecel may be past the masking feeling of anger and has accepted those less-powerful feeling emotions and the reality that there is not much to fix them. That is really being blackpilled.
How about luck

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