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Blackpill There's no true love even for chads.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1269
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Deleted member 1269

Deleted member 1269

Nov 9, 2017
If that 8/10 slayer whom women would die for his dick and hail him as a god got into an accident and became deformed he would be nothing but a disgusting sewers rat to women because women are nothing but filthy traders, they trade their "love" and sex for men's looks or status or money so the women aren't in love with the chad, they're in love with his looks and genetics that's why it's pointless to be in a relationship with women nowdays because women are actually dating men's faces, height, status, money, etc, but men themselves mean nothing to women. That's why your personality and attitude don't matter to women because your personality is you as a person and women don't give a fuck about us men. If a good looking literal demon or a robot approached a woman she would agree to fuck it because it doesn't matter as long as she's dating the face. Women are unable of forming genuine human's connection and they couldn't care less about men themselves. Women have no emotions at all and don't understand what it mean being a human because they're not humans themselves, they're traders.
True love is your first lover/relationship
That's why i don't really understand those guys who want marriage and relationships. I understand that feeling (have someone who's waiting for you, when parents will die), but why do they want it, if there are no women for making family?

But who cares? It's obvious. As long as you have looks (genetics or some surgerymagic) - you're chad.
True love is your first lover/relationship
But even first "love" never lasts forever because better options are always there for women. There's always another man with higher SMV that women could trade themselves for.
I'm curious is there any absolute dominator male, who mogs EVERYONE?
I'm curious is there any absolute dominator male, who mogs EVERYONE?
There's never another male who mogs everyone, not even the ultimate-giga-chad. There will always be another male who mogs him status or money wise.
That's why i don't really understand those guys who want marriage and relationships. I understand that feeling (have someone who's waiting for you, when parents will die), but why do they want it, if there are no women for making family?

But who cares? It's obvious. As long as you have looks (genetics or some surgerymagic) - you're chad.
I only want marriage for religious reasons but i know it's a waste of time and money nowadays.
This is the reason I don't want plastic surgery just for female attention.
This is the reason I don't want plastic surgery just for female attention.
Yes, females will never love you as a person because if they did, they would date you without the surgeries. They'd only love your face after thr surgeries.
There's never another male who mogs everyone, not even the ultimate-giga-chad. There will always be another male who mogs him status or money wise.
But if we only take looks?
I only want marriage for religious reasons but i know it's a waste of time and money nowadays.
I don't want to argue on religious theme, but man, you should avoid coping and think at some evening: do you really believe that this man made hell can be ruled by some magical creatures? I don't believe in God anymore. Eastern religions can give you some interesting knowledges, but main bullshit about them is that god exists. Anyway, it's your mind, choice and opinion, and i didn't want to offend you in any ways.
I don't want to argue on religious theme, but man, you should avoid coping and think at some evening: do you really believe that this man made hell can be ruled by some magical creatures? I don't believe in God anymore. Eastern religions can give you some interesting knowledges, but main bullshit about them is that god exists. Anyway, it's your mind, choice and opinion, and i didn't want to offend you in any ways.
It's better than believing that we came out of nowhere "coincidentally" and evolved from some weird cell which no one knows how the fuck it came into existence. And that "nature" thing makes no sense because there's nothing called "nature" with awareness or consciousness to magically "wire" all of us into surviving for no reason at all. At least the god argument makes more sense and don't tell me how god makes all this stuff blah blah blah because you can't apply our laws and logic on a god that created them in the first place. Just because we can't prove god's existence with our human's physical laws which we haven't even understood it very well yet or knew everything about, does it mean that god doesn't exist. We're nothing but puny, stupid, egotistical humans who can't know most things because our brains and knowledge are very limited.
It's better than believing that we came out of nowhere "coincidentally" and evolved from some weird cell which no one knows how the fuck it came into existence. And that "nature" thing makes no sense because there's nothing called "nature" with awareness or consciousness to magically "wire" all of us into surviving for no reason at all. At least the god argument makes more sense and don't tell me how god makes all this stuff blah blah blah because you can't apply our laws and logic on a god that created them in the first place. Just because we can't prove god's existence with our human's physical laws which we haven't even understood it very well yet or knew everything about, does it mean that god doesn't exist. We're nothing but puny, stupid, egotistical humans who can't know most things because our brains and knowledge are very limited.
What is point for god's existence if shit like this happens? That's why i don't believe in him. If it's god there, it's just some insane Matrix-programmer.
What is point for god's existence if shit like this happens? That's why i don't believe in him. If it's god there, it's just some insane Matrix-programmer.
All today's problems are a result of humans evilness and corruption. Yeah some people are born with problems but they're considered problems because we're cruel pieces of shit who hate anyone weaker than us. We are the ones destroying ourselves that's why there's hell after death.
All today's problems are a result of humans evilness and corruption. Yeah some people are born with problems but they're considered problems because we're cruel pieces of shit who hate anyone weaker than us. We are the ones destroying ourselves that's why there's hell after death.
Why would he made us like that? I actually believe in what Macheavelli said (not user at incels.is, but the historical person) about our true nature. I accept that there are people who were born more "good", and some who is more "bad", but in general we are animals, socialised higher cognitive functions animals. Animals dont give a fuck about good and bad - they just survive.
Foids actually fall in love, just like men, but the rush of riding the dick carousel and recieving gifts from cucks is way stronger and most foids are tainted because at some point they got a taste of it, either through friends or low key adventures.
Why would he made us like that? I actually believe in what Macheavelli said (not user at incels.is, but the historical person) about our true nature. I accept that there are people who were born more "good", and some who is more "bad", but in general we are animals, socialised higher cognitive functions animals. Animals dont give a fuck about good and bad - they just survive.
You're only an animal if you believe you're. I'm not an animal, tho i love animals and love their company. And at the end everything will be revealed and most humans will regret thinking like that. Eternal hell is no joke i can't risk taking this shit because "life isn't fair" and "god doesn't make sense with humans standards and laws".
Foids actually fall in love, just like men, but the rush of riding the dick carousel and recieving gifts from cucks is way stronger and most foids are tainted because at some point they got a taste of it, either through friends or low key adventures.
Foids only fall in love with themselves because they're extremely delusional and narcissistic.
You're only an animal if you believe you're. I'm not an animal, tho i love animals and love their company. And at the end everything will be revealed and most humans will regret thinking like that. Eternal hell is no joke i can't risk taking this shit because "life isn't fair" and "god doesn't make sense with humans standards and laws".
Your mind and hormonal status beats someone who you really are. Read some info about primativeness (low and high). I wanted it to not be like that, but it's the truth. Anyway, we can end with my suggestion for you to read something about primativeness.
I like you as a poster but this one is a cope of the "chad has it bad too" type.

Women have an actual loving, genuinely caring and warm side, but only for Chad.

In the case of his smv getting worse he would no longer be Chad but as long as hes chad, they will be genuinely loving.
Women are incapable of real love.
They "love" men as much as they would "love" a piece of furniture.
Your mind and hormonal status beats someone who you really are. Read some info about primativeness (low and high). I wanted it to not be like that, but it's the truth. Anyway, we can end with my suggestion for you to read something about primativeness.
Humans share some traits with animals but that doesn't mean we're animals. We eat, drink, shit, sleep, fuck, breath, etc, but that's because we're all living beings. According to religion both humans and animals have souls and emotions, but what's separate them is the ability to think and our incredible brians that can never be evolved from nothing or a cell. At least according to relgion we survive because we have a purpose in life that we live for, but according to nature we survive for absolutely no reason at all, which is pointless and makes no sense. And a human who is born in the jungles will be more "primitive" than a human born in a functional society because we born with nothing in our heads and our actions are a reflection of the surrounding environment.
I like you as a poster but this one is a cope of the "chad has it bad too" type.

Women have an actual loving, genuinely caring and warm side, but only for Chad.

In the case of his smv getting worse he would no longer be Chad but as long as hes chad, they will be genuinely loving.
Chad has it the best, but he's still isn't loved as a human being for who he is, only loved for his looks. Of course chad isn't aware of that shit and thinks women are genuinely interested in his personality and him as a person. But anyways it's still 1000000x better to be loved for your face than to be not loved at all.
Humans share some traits with animals but that doesn't mean we're animals. We eat, drink, shit, sleep, fuck, breath, etc, but that's because we're all living beings. According to religion both humans and animals have souls and emotions, but what's separate them is the ability to think and our incredible brians that can never be evolved from nothing or a cell. At least according to relgion we survive because we have a purpose in life that we live for, but according to nature we survive for absolutely no reason at all, which is pointless and makes no sense. And a human who is born in the jungles will be more "primitive" than a human born in a functional society because we born with nothing in our heads and our actions are a reflection of the surrounding environment.
Let it be, everyone reaches his own truth and live with it
Women are incapable of real love.
They "love" men as much as they would "love" a piece of furniture.
Yeah men mean nothing to women, only what they can offer. That's the most brutal blackpill.
Chad has it the best, but he's still isn't loved as a human being for who he is, only loved for his looks. Of course chad isn't aware of that shit and thinks women are genuinely interested in his personality and him as a person. But anyways it's still 1000000x better to be loved for your face than to be not loved at all.
Why do you want to be loved (by woman) for your personality if it's impossible?
Let it be, everyone reaches his own truth and live with it
Yeah to each their own and anyone can believe whatever the fuck they want it doesn't mean the person is bad or good.
It's very strong cope to start denying the value of a female's affections by questioning how genuine they are.
Why do you want to be loved (by woman) for your personality if it's impossible?
Because that's the most genuine form of love. And i know it's impossible.
Yeah to each their own and anyone can believe whatever the fuck they want it doesn't mean the person is bad or good.
I never think with these categories. Im just the person whos biggest obsession is to always know the truth and give it to people. But my real life experience says that it's impossible for someone to believe that my truth is real truth, until they reach this by themselves.
No. We are animals can't you see? Open your eyes. There's so many people who can't even control their actions. Women discriminately judge men based on simple looks like a female peacock judging another. Men instead of doing a logical thing and simply using their physical force they actually adhere to these ridiculous standards. If that's not animalistic then tell me what it is.
50 years ago or something that shit didn't happen, it's a today phenomenon. And i'm attracted to personality as long as the female is at least my looksmatch, i don't always think about boobs and vagina, i want a decent human being to share my life with and whom i could entrust my kids and family.
Because that's the most genuine form of love. And i know it's impossible.
I saw somewhere, maybe it were ancient Greeks who said this, that only man can love man. It's not gayish, but only man can love personality of another one, not woman.
I never think with these categories. Im just the person whos biggest obsession is to always know the truth and give it to people. But my real life experience says that it's impossible for someone to believe that my truth is real truth, until they reach this by themselves.
I'm similar to you, i always debate with people and try convincing them of my truth, but if i sense that the discussion is pointless and leads nowhere, i give up.
I saw somewhere, maybe it were ancient Greeks who said this, that only man can love man. It's not gayish, but only man can love personality of another one, not woman.
That's true. I'm attracted to some personalities.
Yeah men mean nothing to women, only what they can offer. That's the most brutal blackpill.
Exactly, why do you think that dating for men is like one big checklist?
"Is he attractive? Is he rich? Does he have a car?"
It's all about how useful he is to them.
Maybe. And ill let you in on a secret...I want the same things you want. But very very few men share our mindset. We are still animals. Guess you'd just call guys like us domesticated.
I think every man, even cucks, dislike whores and sluts to some extent, but some men ignore those feelings in order to get laid and have women.
Exactly, why do you think that dating for men is like one big checklist?
"Is he attractive? Is he rich? Does he have a car?"
It's all about how useful he is to them.
Yeah that's very upsetting and bitter truth. The problem is that i'm really attracted to personalities and can overlook flaws if the girl is really interesting and fun and loyal, etc, because i can truly love a woman, but they will never love me unless i magically turn into a millionaire giga chad. Women are incapable of true love.
If that 8/10 slayer whom women would die for his dick and hail him as a god got into an accident and became deformed he would be nothing but a disgusting sewers rat to women because women are nothing but filthy traders, they trade their "love" and sex for men's looks or status or money so the women aren't in love with the chad, they're in love with his looks and genetics that's why it's pointless to be in a relationship with women nowdays because women are actually dating men's faces, height, status, money, etc, but men themselves mean nothing to women. That's why your personality and attitude don't matter to women because your personality is you as a person and women don't give a fuck about us men. If a good looking literal demon or a robot approached a woman she would agree to fuck it because it doesn't matter as long as she's dating the face. Women are unable of forming genuine human's connection and they couldn't care less about men themselves. Women have no emotions at all and don't understand what it mean being a human because they're not humans themselves, they're traders.
I think your post is slightly skewed. Woman are more socially focussed and they often choose their partner on their ability to angage socially across the board. Love is somthing that grows from that. As such, by being incel many men are extracting themselves from that group. For example, a woman might date a guy that can demonstrate success in group dynamics and that success is a sum total of their looks height etc, not the reason they choose that person.

However, many other women make other choices. For example, a stable job and a good income, or the ability to fit in with their own lifestyle, such as participation in sports.

Many idiots like us dont get that and would rather stay at home not liking stupid sports and noisey parties.

However, there are many women/girls that might choose you amonst a group for their own tastes except they dont meet you as the system is rigged. They meet a person in work or through a personal social circle.

Thats were it gets wrong as the gatekeepers to work, internet and social circles make choices to exclude people on grounds sauch as ethnicity and beliefs.

Further, the fact that some incels are introverted and unsociable is BECAUSE they dont have a girlfriend and if they had one they might actually be pretty good at the socialising game because they area team, but you never get that chance because you are single and suck. And you dont get wotk because you are single and suck and might start looking at the pants of girls at work etc etc.

As such, its a bit unfair to say girls dont form genuine human connections or dont give a feck.
I think your post is slightly skewed. Woman are more socially focussed and they often choose their partner on their ability to angage socially across the board. Love is somthing that grows from that. As such, by being incel many men are extracting themselves from that group. For example, a woman might date a guy that can demonstrate success in group dynamics and that success is a sum total of their looks height etc, not the reason they choose that person.

However, many other women make other choices. For example, a stable job and a good income, or the ability to fit in with their own lifestyle, such as participation in sports.

Many idiots like us dont get that and would rather stay at home not liking stupid sports and noisey parties.

However, there are many women/girls that might choose you amonst a group for their own tastes except they dont meet you as the system is rigged. They meet a person in work or through a personal social circle.

Thats were it gets wrong as the gatekeepers to work, internet and social circles make choices to exclude people on grounds sauch as ethnicity and beliefs.

Further, the fact that some incels are introverted and unsociable is BECAUSE they dont have a girlfriend and if they had one they might actually be pretty good at the socialising game because they area team, but you never get that chance because you are single and suck. And you dont get wotk because you are single and suck and might start looking at the pants of girls at work etc etc.

As such, its a bit unfair to say girls dont form genuine human connections or dont give a feck.
Those people act naturally when they socialise. I don't really want naturally. And why doing this when there are a lot of examples being chosen for some value and being cucked
But even first "love" never lasts forever because better options are always there for women. There's always another man with higher SMV that women could trade themselves for.

It's fucking over man life is a total scam.
I think your post is slightly skewed. Woman are more socially focussed and they often choose their partner on their ability to angage socially across the board. Love is somthing that grows from that. As such, by being incel many men are extracting themselves from that group. For example, a woman might date a guy that can demonstrate success in group dynamics and that success is a sum total of their looks height etc, not the reason they choose that person.

However, many other women make other choices. For example, a stable job and a good income, or the ability to fit in with their own lifestyle, such as participation in sports.

Many idiots like us dont get that and would rather stay at home not liking stupid sports and noisey parties.

However, there are many women/girls that might choose you amonst a group for their own tastes except they dont meet you as the system is rigged. They meet a person in work or through a personal social circle.

Thats were it gets wrong as the gatekeepers to work, internet and social circles make choices to exclude people on grounds sauch as ethnicity and beliefs.

Further, the fact that some incels are introverted and unsociable is BECAUSE they dont have a girlfriend and if they had one they might actually be pretty good at the socialising game because they area team, but you never get that chance because you are single and suck. And you dont get wotk because you are single and suck and might start looking at the pants of girls at work etc etc.

As such, its a bit unfair to say girls dont form genuine human connections or dont give a feck.
You didn't get my point. I simply meant that women only see what you can offer them, but you as a person don't matter to them. If a guy is average looking with same interests and qualities as a woman and a literal serial killer, psychopath chad or giga chad competed for the same woman, the woman would still choose the chad. Of course the woman wouldn't like the serial killer psychopath chad himself, only his looks and genetics, so she's theoretically dating his face and genetics, not him.
It's fucking over man life is a total scam.
Yeah true love is a fairytale bullshit to bluepill men. I still strongly believe that men are capable of true love because they're much more better humans than women are.
Yeah true love is a fairytale bullshit to bluepill men. I still strongly believe that men are capable of true love because they're much more better humans than women are.

Men definitely are. We literally have terms like oneitis and stuff like that. What do women have? Crushes. Stupid bullshit like that. Women are children.
Wish you guys weren't incels, quite good and educated people. But that's how it is: why being smart if you're already Chad?
Men definitely are. We literally have terms like oneitis and stuff like that. What do women have? Crushes. Stupid bullshit like that. Women are children.
Every woman need to marry a dominant man from the moment she hits puberty to educate her and raise her with his values and morals. Do this for 20 years and watch a completely different, 1000x better society.
Wish you guys weren't incels, quite good and educated people. But that's how it is: why being smart if you're already Chad?
I would be the best father ever if i had the chance to be one. I'd make my kids very happy and enlightened.
But even first "love" never lasts forever because better options are always there for women. There's always another man with higher SMV that women could trade themselves for.
exactly, somebody needs to smack some sense into these 'muh pure love' copers
exactly, somebody needs to smack some sense into these 'muh pure love' copers
Yeah and women are too much "empowered" nowadays and you can't control them anymore. They can cuck you and shit on you while you do nothing because if you did you would get raped by tyrone for the rest of your life.
You didn't get my point. I simply meant that women only see what you can offer them, but you as a person don't matter to them. If a guy is average looking with same interests and qualities as a woman and a literal serial killer, psychopath chad or giga chad competed for the same woman, the woman would still choose the chad. Of course the woman wouldn't like the serial killer psychopath chad himself, only his looks and genetics, so she's theoretically dating his face and genetics, not him.

I dont agree, but I dont thik your nessessarily wrong. Peoples looks and genetics are everyinthg. I guess you might say beuaty is only skin deep? Everyone inside is nice. Everyone wants to be nice. People make educated choices, women included. My first requireemnt is a perfect outside shell followed by high intelligence. I dont care what they are like as that will grow over time. I dont see whats different about that from what you are saying.

For me its irrelevent as I will be single for life.

Personaly I dont think all women are that stupid but they are mostly socially controlled and engineered. The Chad as you describe him is only a Chad because sociaety has allowed him to be. If the system went against him he would have as much trouble as me.

Dante said 'The Hottest Places in Hell Are Reserved for Those Who in a Period of Moral Crisis Maintain Their Neutrality' and most women are guilty of that. They date loads of guys in the knowledge that many men have nothing. We cant expect them to be charities, but they might behave differently.

The biggest offenders are pornstars that continue to sex without you and then expect you to masterbate to it. Hence I never look at what I call elderly porn, ie over 25.
Who fucking cares Chad gets to drown in Oxytocin everyday, Cope more.

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