No. Being bombed makes you scared and your body is filled with adrenaline. Nothing crazy. Then you might have to rebuild your house, bury some of your loved ones and say goodbye to some of your possessions. Of course it sucks, but you will recover.
Having nothing to eat makes your mind obsessed over food, like my mind is obsessed over foids. But it is more of a one dimensional feeling, it is very instinctive. Nobody has ever written poetry or made songs about the suffering of hunger. Idk people have but probably not that much as they wrote about foids. There is just not that much to it. The brainfog is worse and the health problems that will arise from it are too. But if your starving for a shorter period of time it's really not such a big deal. Long term you will change your life such that you have constant access to food. If you can't even do that, then you die and won't worry about that anymore. It is simple.
Now there are worse things I agree with you there. Like a truecel that grew up with a mother who hated him, every person he ever met mocked or hated him. Some people showed pity. At age 20 he was wrongfully convicted with a sentence for life. In prison he is getting gang raped every day while having deep psychosis that renders him unable to defend himself. Constantly hallucinating and fighting demons, having insomnia and no way out except death. But he isn't allowed to kill himself either. Just imagine that shit